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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Thanks for that, Gerry. I'll make the corrections and replace the images in the collage.

    A couple of things, do you know if Remigio Arce and Danny Arce (TSBD worker) were related? I know the name Arce is reasonably common but I have to ask.

    Interesting regarding Duran. He was mixed up with De Torres, Collins, Seymour and Harber in that propaganda broadcast thing mid '63 I believe.

    Re the three photos below, is the guy with the machine gun Anselmito Alliegro? The guy with Sturgis would then be Remigio Arce and the other character would be Jerry Buchanan? Do you put any credibility in the story that Buchanan was involved in a fist fight with Oswald in Miami late in 1962?

    Thanks again.


  2. I named my son after Felipe, and had warned him to refuse Bishop's demands that he travel to Dallas with Roy Hargraves. (Gerry Hemming)

    Hi Gerry,

    To your knowledge, were Vidal and Hargraves present in Dealey Plaza during the assassination?


  3. I played "the big guy" in Bannister's office -- Joe Pesci almost got "M-1 Thumb" [fingers caught in Garand rifle change as the bolt slams home]and that gave the whole crew a hoot. I am the guy with the group entering the 6th floor, and later on the radio [large camera crane needed to get to the 7th floor for my outside shot] directing the automous shooter teams using US Navy/USMC vocabulary on the Motorola radios, so that if NSA/NORAD's "Looking Glass" orbiting Dallas that day intercepted same, they would beleive that it was normal air traffic control chatter [the kind that LHO learned at Biloxi Air Force Base [Leesler AFB] while undergoing GCI Operator course of instruction.

    Even today, NSA refuses to release the "Looking Glass" [11/22/63] tapes that recored these latered proven to be false broadcasts. "Looking Glass" also recorded that the beeper signal from the nuke code football had been disrupted just before Dealey Plaza, and notified NORAD of same. (Gerry Hemming)

    Thanks, Gerry. Fascinating indeed.

    Interesting info regarding the disrupted beeper signal from the nuke code football. That certainly sends a shiver down one's spine.



  4. James,

    It is certainly easy to get carried away with photos. I'm not impressed by many of the Dealey Plaza lookalikes seen in photos. McCord, for example, and I don't buy the Estes lookalike for a second. But Robertson and Conein are dead on, and both are in the same photo, showing a limited number of people. Yes, it could conceivably be chance, but the odds of that must be astronomical.



    Personally, I do believe Rip Robertson watched the assassination from the corner of Main and Houston. Conein I have at 95%.

    Ironically, the odds of both these men being just look-a-like spectators is greater than them actually being Robertson and Conein given that the assassination happened in that particular location. That important variable should not be discounted lightly. Different odds if the assassination happened at say Love Field and these guys were located at Main and Houston.

    As far as Tim's point about the accuracy of the person giving the verbal statement, in this case we are talking people. Several men who say the same thing.


  5. Arguing photographic evidence can be a frustrating exercise and ultimately it ends up going nowhere.

    If one really wants to get into whether or not Robertson was in Dealey Plaza, one needs to track down the mercenaries who served under Mike Hoare in the Congo in 1965. Many of them are still alive.

    One can then ask what Robertson told them when he and his Cubans joined their efforts. The photographic evidence can then be used to support that information.



  6. As for using the Hunt comment as the new slogan, I like it! Perhaps they could put it into Latin, with Veritas this and that. It would sound impressive and no one would no what it meant anyway. :) (Greg Wagner)


    I've always liked 'In Vino Veritas' - In wine is truth. A concept by the way I have put to the test on many occasions. :D


  7. Thanks, Gerry.

    That certainly fills in some blanks regarding Ron Von Klassen.

    BTW, I take it the Stanley White you mention is the same guy as the one who popped up in the film 'JFK' - the big guy who is seen in Banister's office and on the 6th floor during the shooting?



  8. You can find all the information I have on Arthur Bremer here:


    It seems to me that the removal of George Wallace from the 1972 presidential campaign was far more important than bugging Larry O’Brien’s phone. At the time Wallace was polling 21% of the vote.

    I have long suspected that the Watergate break-in was not real reason why Nixon was being blackmailed. Was this just Hunt’s way of applying pressure on both Nixon and the CIA? It was only when they murdered his wife did he realize that this time he had taken on more than he could cope with.

    Here's an image of Bremer being led from court.


  9. Has anyone in their research ever come across the name Ronald Von Klaasen?

    On the 'JFK' director's cut DVD, Oliver Stone in his commentary mentions that the guy who plays Oswald's boss at the photo mapping place was Ronald Von Klaasen who he describes as 'the real deal' and someone who was around at the time.

    This photo below shows Howard K. Davis on the left and Ronald Von Klaasen on the right (circa 1963). I have Googled the name and several possible spelling variations but have come up with nothing.

    Interestingly enough, in the film 'JFK', there is an actor named Ronald Von Klaussen who is credited as playing the First Hobo. The same actor was also in the Stone film 'Nixon' and played James McCord.

    Anyway, I was hoping someone was familiar was the name Ronald Von Klaasen who was mixed up in the anti-Castro cause.

    BTW, the original identification came from Howard K. Davis himself.


  10. That gentlemen, no matter what name he gave the Dallas Police, was Ted Shackley. (Shanet Clark)

    I agree completely that Larry Florer is suspicious indeed. I don't believe it was Shackley though as he was 36 at the time of the assassination and in my opinion, Florer seems to be mid twenties at the most.

    What do you think of the possibility that Florer was in fact Ed Kolby (see below). I have no doubts that a Larry Florer does exist but could his identity have been hijacked for the asassination? I would love to see a photo of Florer circa 1963 but not any of those from Dealey Plaza.

    I did have a brief email exchange with Ed Kolby who said that he could not remember anything about those days in the early 1960's. I sent him the shot of the man in Dealey Plaza (allegedly Larry Florer) and asked if he knew who it was. I have never heard back from him.

    BTW, in the interview with Roy Hargraves printed in Larry Hancock's wonderful book, when Hargraves is questioned about some of his information, he makes numerous references to Ed Kolby as support. IMO, Kolby is one of those still alive who knows about what happened in Dallas.



  11. When compiling images for the archives, I try to present a cross section of photographs. Sometimes it is difficult deciding which ones to leave out. I wish I could post them all but one must try to be sensible (a task I often fail).

    I know there are some members interested in Harrelson so here are 2 more below.


  12. I haven't seen the top right hand corner photo of Harrelson, do you know where its from? I have a few high school photos of Harrelson that I posted previously if you want for your vast collection. (John Geraghty)

    Hi John,

    The photo of Harrelson you cited came from a collection of prison images taken during some publicity Harrelson received when his son Woody was trying to get him a new trial.

    I did save those school images of Harrelson you posted but if you have any more, I would certainly love to see them. Nice work on securing those by the way.

    These photos of Braden don't appear to me to be the same man. Anyone else think the same? (Stan Wilbourne)

    Hi Stan,

    The mug shots of Braden came from the 1940's so there would be many years difference to the common one second from the left. FWIW.


  13. Seeing things are a little quiet on the forum at the moment, I thought I would post the following for those who collect photographs.

    This image was snapped in 1944 during a high school basketball game. The number 13 in the middle is future Agency ghoul David Morales.


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