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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. At this point in time I'm putting forth the premise that Victor Hernandez may well have been the common source for all this gossip. (Larry Hancock)

    I have to agree with you, Larry.

    Add that Hernandez was training at Belle Chase, his possible connection to Operation 40 and his participation within an assassination team which successfully targeted leaders of Batista's regime, and this character was right amongst the action.

    There are connections to Rich Lauchli and Chicago based sources for weaponry which places him to hear the threats made by Homer Eschevarria.

    If we are looking for a candidate who was 'Angel', one of the men who visited Sylvia Odio, this is the guy.

    IMO of course.


  2. A few years later a Dominican dissident named Galindez was kidnapped right off the streets of New York and murdered, and Maheu (a CIA cut-out) was tied to the plane used to fly him to Florida, and was seen in the company of Dominican intelligence officer Espailat. (Pat Speer)

    Going on memory here, Tony Ulasewicz investigated the Galindez kidnapping for the NYPD. He claimed that the CIA were not involved but conceded that a rogue Intelligence operation may have been behind it.

    Ulasewicz was later mixed up in Watergate. You sure have to watch out for these rogue operations. :ph34r:

    Tony Ulasewicz below.


  3. Re the Trujillo assassination, I don't have the book with me but I will cite it later, in which a Trujillo military aide states that Rosselli and E. Howard Hunt were in the Dominican Republic (I think in April of 1961) and encouraging the assassination of Trujillo. (Tim Gratz)


    The information came from L. Gonzalez-Mata who was supposedly Trujillo's Chief of Security for a brief time during 1960. He claimed Hunt and Roselli were in the Dominican Republic in March of 1961.

    If I remember correctly, during an interview years later, didn't Frank Sturgis also claim he was there at the time?


  4. This is probably a whole bunch of nothing but if we go back to 1958, Trujillo recruited Herminio Diaz Garcia into an assassination plot to whack Costa Rica's President Jose Figueres. It all went wrong and Diaz Garcia and his cronies were chased out through Mexico City.

    The Agency would have been well aware of Diaz Garcia's Latin American exploits, and given his connections to Trafficante and hence Roselli, he would have been the right man to turn around for the Trujillo hit.

    I have a single source that says Diaz Garcia was a part of an off the books Agency sponsored assassination squad called 'Los Comandos Mambises'. In mid 1963, Tony Cuesta supposedly joined their ranks. Has anyone ever come across any references to this particular group?

    Any information would be appreciated. The image below shows Trujillo's car after he was whacked. BTW, this images gives us a good look at bullet holes through a windshield.


  5. James, are there any more details of the accident, e.g. witnesses, that might prove it was actually an accident (as opposed to his being forced off the road)?

    How about any further information of the house explosion in which Abbess Garcia died in 1967?  That certainly seems suspicious although houses do sometimes explode because of gas leaks, etc.


    The issue of the potential involvement in the Kennedy assassination of people upset over the Trujillo assassination seems a plausible theory at least worthy of additional research.  GPH mentioned that there was a book by an author named, as I recall, Diederich, that discussed this.  Anyone have a reference to this book by chance?


    The book is called 'Trujillo: The Death Of The Dictator' by Bernard Diederich.

    I am unaware of any witnesses to the Rubirosa accident.

    The explosion that killed Abbes happened after he went to Haiti and to work for Papa Doc. Abbes and his whole family were killed and the general consensus is that Joaquin Balaguer was behind it. There was nothing suspicious about the explosion at all, it was a deliberate and successful assassination.


  6. Richard Ober below (maybe even James Richards has not got a picture of Deep Throat): (John Simkin)


    I am still in the process of getting my scanner and computer in sync and when I do, I will send you another shot of Ober.

    In the Davis book, is there any mention made of HYDRA?


  7. Another component here that may be of interest is an individual named Porfirio Rubirosa. Rubirosa was a playboy who had at one time been married to Tujillo's daughter and had shared several women with JFK including Zsa Zsa Gabor.

    Rubirosa and Ramfis were very close after Trujillo's assassination. Both men hunted down and executed those who they believed responsible.

    When it was revealed that the White House was aiding the government of the Dominican Republic with quite some considerable funds; and the chinless wonder Ramfis was jet setting around the world spending up big, some serious questions were being asked by Congress.

    A secret meeting supposedly took place between JFK and Rubirosa on a boat. What the outcome was, is up for historical debate.

    There is no doubt that Rubirosa had an in with the Kennedys. Researching Rubirosa's background is a worthwhile exercise as it relates to the death of Galindez. I urge those interested to Google this aspect as I believe it to be significant.

    The image below shows Rubirosa's wife Odile Rodin, Perfirio Rubirosa, Patricia Kennedy and Peter Lawford.

    BTW, Rubirosa died in a car accident in Paris in 1965.



  8. For our newspaper story re the above, James supplied us of a great photo of Ramfis Trujillo with Kim Novak, vintage 1958.  I am requesting James help to pust under this topic that photo; a photo of Alexander Rorke; ana a photo of the notorious Gen. Trujillo. 

    Thanks (as always, but this time in advance), James!

    Here are the photos as requested.

    Abbes was a very interesting character indeed. He died in 1967. Ramfis Trujillo was involved in a car crash in France in 1967 where his female companion was killed. There was a suggestion that this was an assassination attempt.

    In mid December of 1969, Ramfis was involved in another car crash this time in Spain. He survived but died of Pneumonia only a few weeks later on the 28th of December.



  9. In addition to the names mentioned by me in my earlier posts, the only other assistant attorney general, under RFK, I could find was Burke Marshall, b. 1922. (Antti Hynonen)


    If I remember correctly, Marshall was AAG for the Civil Rights aspect of the Attorney General's office. He also had something to do with the restricting of the autopsy photos.

    Maybe another forum member might have some more on this.

    Burke Marshall below.


  10. Here's another shot of Seymour: less stubble, neater hair. Not out of the question that he could impersonate Oswald. Was he or was he not also the "Leon" of the Odio incident? (Roger Fong)


    In my opinion, Seymour was not the man who visited Sylvia Odio. I believe that was Oswald himself.

    Seymour is a very interesting character and it's curious why his HSCA testimony has not been released.


  11. James,

    Funny you mention Seymour, I was thinking the same thing. Russo's description of Oswald does not sound like the Oswald we have seen..Whiskers with messy hair etc...Its been said that Seymour was a close look alike to Oswald, and some believe he went around posing as Oswald, well when you look at Seymour and Russo's description of Oswald, it sounds more like it was Seymour he was seeing...

    Oswald always looked as though he was well groomed, except in one photo....

    Hmmmmm :ph34r:


    Seymour wasn't a great facial match for Oswald but his physical appearance looked right on. Seymour was also a good operator and could have handled the impersonation duties.

    I don't believe Seymour was the only one that impersonated LHO, but I do believe Seymour was the one in Dealey Plaza. With the same clothes and hair style, Seymour would have matched the general description given out.

    Seymour below.


  12. In the book "Sons and Brothers" Mahoney states that while Rosselli was working at Point Mary in Key Largo his commanding officer was a tall Cuban named Julio.

    Does anyone know who this was?


    Is this the expert marksman that Brad Ayers was talking about?

    Julio is a pretty common name but there was a guy present at Point Mary named Julio Garcia. He was an expert marksman and participated on several raids into Cuba.

    In 1967, he was part of the CIA contingent in Bolivia hunting Che Guevara. His cover was as an Urban Police Advisor. Garcia was not tall but a man of average height and build. This is him below.

    This one is a real lucky dip.


  13. Thanks, Stephen. Very interesting.

    I guess a connection was also made in most people's minds when both Ferrie and del Valle died within similar time frames and at the beginning of Garrison's probe.

    I appreciate the information you have offered on Ferrie. Most enlightening.


  14. The man in the hard hat looking up at the building is Howard Brennan. The "detectives" with him are some of the lookalikes and Denim Man from Main and Houston.


    Hi Ron,

    I remember that we discussed Denim Man on Lancer some time back. Since then, I have worked with a source (ex Alpha 66) that suggested Denim Man was a member of Tony Cuesta's Commandos L. I don't have a name for him yet but I put together this comparison below.

    In the photo on the top right, that is Bernardo De Torres with his hands on his hips and Cuesta handling the ropes.

    I can tell you definitely that the man on the boat and the man posing with Andrew St. George is one in the same. Whether or not it is the same guy in Dealey Plaza, that I can't be sure of.


  15. Former Warren Commission member Gerald Ford's first pick as the new CIA Director after firing Colby for talking too much--a position eventually handed over to George HW Bush--Edward Bennett Williams.

    Jimmy Hoffa's, Richard Helms', and John Connally's attorney??? (All possibly connected to the JFK assassination) Edward Bennett Williams. (Pat Speer)

    To Edward B. Williams' client list, we can add the one and only, Bobby Baker.

    Baker on the left, Williams on the right.


  16. I believe you need professional help. How could Mr. Perdomo force Mark Chapman to plead guilty and to say on Larry King Live 15 years later that he acted alone ? How could Mr. Perdomo force Chapman's wife Gloria to hold a press conference in Hawaii -- 4,000 miles away -- during which she said her husband was obsessed with John Lennon and he battered her ?

    Why did Chapman tell Barbara Walters on television that moments after the shooting Mr. Perdomo screamed at him in horror, "Do you see what you've done ? Get out of here !" Chapman told Ms. Walters he replied, "But where would I go ?" Is Barbara Walters part of the conspiracy ?

    People who doubt every television newscast are people with problems. You might as well say that Winston Churchill didn't attend Queen Elizabeth's coronation. It was really Charles Laughton impersonating Churchill. Try to disprove that one. (Jonathan Wendland)

    My wife agrees with you and thinks I should have received professional help years ago. <_<

    If you had carefully read what I posted, you would have realized that I didn't claim Perdomo was involved at all. I said that given his history, one could be suspicious.

    If you want some advice, just settle down a little bit, take a deep breath and relax. To quote John Lennon,

    "I'm sick and tired of hearing things

    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

    All I want is the truth

    Just gimme some truth"

    Appropriate indeed.


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