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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Was Morales fluent in Spanish?  I know he was at least part Native American, but was his father of Mexican heritage?  Did Morales grow up speaking Spanish?  The reason I ask is because when one reads the various books on the CIA one finds that fluency in foreign languages is one of the top skills that could put a candidate on the fast track. Vernon Walters' career and Robert Maheu's career were both accelerated due to their language skills. (It seems this may have been a factor in Oswald's career as well.)  Hunt and Phillips, I believe, were fluent in Spanish long before their stints on the Guatemalan and Cuban operations.  On the other hand, it was noted in Lyman Kirkpatrick's IG Report on the Bay of Pigs disaster that Gerry Droller's lack of Spanish skills hurt that operation.

    I'm mentioning this as a possible reason for Morales' rapid advancement.  After WWII, the U.S. was absolutely terrified of Russian movement into Latin America, and yet we had very few Spanish-speaking and Latin-appearing agents who were American citizens, and whose loyalty was beyond question. 

    If Morales spoke a Native American language, of course, it could also have been a factor in his recruitment.  As publicized by a recent movie, members of the Navaho tribe were recruited during WWII to form a special unit of "code-talkers," under the belief that the Japanese would not be able to grasp the intricacies of the Navaho language before the end of the war.  History shows they were right.  If you've ever met a "code-talker," you know that, despite the sins of the white man against their people,  their patriotism is not to be questioned.  These men bled red, white, and blue.  I wonder if Morales' recruitment was along these lines.

    Hi Pat.

    Morales was of Mexican heritage and fluent in Spanish. As a young child, his parents separated where he lived with his mother for a time but she could not afford him. He then moved in with the Carbajal family and they raised him. Morales became close with brothers Ruben and Paul Carbajal. He was also part of this tight Mexican clique through high school.

    There was supposedly some Native American blood in his family but that has not been confirmed.


  2. James, re Felipe de Diego, fascinasting info indeed.

    Do you have access to the de Diego interview with Mark C. Frazier?

    Query whether any Forum member knows a pharmacist or physician who can comment on the toxicology of thyonphosphase.

    Hi Tim,

    I'm not sure where this interview has been published other than a mid 1970's copy of Australian Post magazine. There is however reference made to it in Nodule 0 on A. J. Weberman's site.

    I have Googled the mentioned drug and didn't find much at all.

    Felipe De Diego had a brother, Carlos De Diego who was also tied up with the Agency's dirty tricks department.


  3. I can't recall where I've seen them, probably an old Guns n Ammo....but isn't there some kind of "brass catcher"(?) available? (Tom Kutzer)


    I may be wrong here but I think those things showed up in the 1980's and didn't work all that well.


  4. Thanks, Ryan. As always very informative.

    I asked because according to Rappleye and Becker in 'All American Mafioso - The Johnny Rosselli Story", William Harvey secured a bunch of FAL's which was part of his Executive Action blueprint where weapons could not be traced back to American agents. The FAL of course being the weapon used by the Cuban army.

    I also hark back to the varied reports of other weapons being discovered after the assassination. According to a Dallas television station, a rifle was found in the fifth floor stairwell.

    I'm wondering if indeed such a weapon existed, could it have been an FAL obviously planted to enhance the Castro did it story line. Pure speculation of course.

    Thanks again, Ryan.

    BTW, I guess that song, "It Never Rains In Southern California" is a cleverly crafted piece of disinformation? :ice

    Get well soon.


  5. well you hit the intelligence nail on the head.  Indy but not really.

    So Morales had a big heart.  I guess these are the people needed in other aspects of military service. 

    Seriously tho' it is interesting how this acceptance rejection thing goes.  How these fellows try and finally make the cut.  Is it a test, like "show us what you can do first?"  Some pre-enlist, some enter via ops and are made officers at sight. Some, perhaps Morales are too good to waste on a battlefield.  The MO of this sorting is very interesting. Thanks.


    I don't think there was anything wrong with Morales' heart at all. That reason for rejection only surfaced after his death and was offered by his brother who wasn't privvy to what David was doing at the time.

    I think Morales being rejected was a cover story and that he was installed into a new training program during 1944. He was then placed back into society where he attended Arizona State and a college in Los Angeles. Here he was taught the ways of government and the like. One of his school friends went with Morales to join the military in 1944 and he was under the impression that Morales was accepted but next thing he knew, David is studying at Arizona State. Morales never did explain to him what happened.

    In 1946, Morales' cover was acceptance into the army however he was being fast tracked through this Intelligence training where he was one of the first CIA operatives in the new Covert division which was formed in 1948.

    Given that officially his military service began in 1946, and only eight years later he is prominent in a coup in Guatemala, suggests he was good at what he did.


  6. I understand a Cuban had a hotel room near where the break-in occured but he was never arrested.  Is anyone familiar with this story?


    That does ring a faint bell.

    As a sidebar; Felipe De Diego was one of the burglars at Daniel Ellsberg's office. He was interviewed by Mark C. Frazier and said in the winter of 1972 that Hoover's house was twice broken into - the first time to retrieve documents to be used for blackmail purposes against the White House. During the second break-in, a poison (thyonphosphase genre) was placed amongst Hoover's toiletries. Hoover died shortly after this. The drug in question induces heart seisures and can not be detected without a detailed autopsy. Remembering that there was no autopsy performed on Hoover.

    Could this kind of murder been employed for others like David Morales who died of heart related problems?

    Some food for thought.


  7. James I'm reminded of an article I read on web few years ago about the restaurant where Morales hung out.  It was an Arizona? article more about the restaurant and his relationship with the family but hinted at his background.  Perhaps it was his obit. Maybe you have this.

    Anyway I'm interested in his rejection in '44, what were the grounds for this, any details?



    Morales spent some time at 'Rockys' in Arizona. I think his friend Ruben Carbajal had something to do with it; maybe part owner or something.

    The reason they gave for military rejection was an enlarged heart. I only have theories at the moment but needless to say it appears that Morales' phsyc profile was ideal for a new type of training/operative that spanned the end of the OSS and into the new CIA.

    The other aspect of this is that it appeared he answered to no one. Sure he had superiors but he was autonomous, a force and power base all to itself.



  8. James,

    I definitely agree. Weren't some of David Morales' friends and relatives from Arizona? I will be anxious to find out what your interviews come up with when you get ready to post them.

    By the way, you have an excellent photographic collection that you have shared here. (Greg Kooyman)


    Thank you for the nice words. Arizona may play an important role in all of this. Morales was connected to Carl Hayden's brother and some shonky business deals may have been the result. Morales was also supposedly close with Barry Goldwater which is an area I am currently looking into.

    Let's not forget that Morales' close associate during the covert years was Arizona resident Tom Clines. William Seymour was born in Montana but spent a lot of time in Arizona where he currently resides. That's another story for another thread but it plugs back into Morales and his influence over local politics.



  9. Just to throw some other names into the mix. Droller's connection to two other exiles who were not arrested in the Watergate affair is an interesting aspect which may link back to events of 1963.

    Felipe De Diego and Reinaldo Pico Ramon. It seems a small collection of exiles were banded together and trained for special operations (Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez being a part of this). Hunt may have been behind this and his clash with Droller could have been over the use of these guys in rogue operations.

    IMO of course.


  10. After reading several topics about David Sanchez Morales, I am wondering if any of the JFK researchers on this forum have tried finding any of Morales' surviving family or close friends to see if David Morales did any more talking about the Kennedy Assassination.

    I think I read from an earlier posting here of an article that was written about Morales in which he was extremely proud of his service to his country both military and in intelligence.  It seems to me that someone close to Morales may know more about his possible role in Kennedy's assassination.

    Has anyone tried looking into to Morales' background for family and friends to interview?


    Over the last few weeks, I have been speaking with several people who were close to Morales during his high school years. I have also spoken at great length with a gentleman who remained friends with him until his death.

    Some interesting things about Morales have emerged like his early military service; supposedly rejected in 1944 at a time of war and accepted in 1946 during a time of peace. There is obviously more to that than meets the eye.

    As to his possible role in the assassination of JFK, I have discussed this with his close friend as well as other aspects of his career. Morales did open up a little more towards the end of his life.

    I have more work to do on this and have scheduled some other people to speak with. I want to eventually present all of this information so people can make up their own minds.

    Needless to say, if one is looking to figure out the conspiracy which murdered JFK, then one must begin with David Morales. In my opinion of course.


  11. In weberman's web-site, he states some people were concerned that Artime was a double agent. That possibility of course opens up myriad questions (Tim Gratz)

    I remember reading some obscure reference to Artime being a double agent some time back. I find it difficult to believe given what he went through at the Bay Of Pigs and his close relationship to E. Howard Hunt.

    Drugs are a different matter though. Artime was connected to pilot Hector Varone who was suspected of running drugs up from South America. Of course that would never convict him in a court of law but curious to say the least.

    For some reason, I am not able to attach a photograph of Artime and Varone.


  12. Esterline certainly didn't pull any punches. He called Varona an imbecile which I thought was amusing.

    Tommy Corcoran is an interesting character indeed. The following is from the Brown Alumni Magazine.

    Even in 1960 Corcoran was still making connections. According to Mutual Contempt, a book about Lyndon Johnson and Bobby Kennedy by Clinton speechwriter Jeff Shesol ’91, Corcoran caught John Kennedy alone in an elevator during the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles that year and, with the door slamming repeatedly on his foot, asked Kennedy for permission to sound out Johnson, who was then Senate majority leader, for the vice presidency. Kennedy gave him permission to approach Johnson. “Tommy,” he said, “you have peculiar abilities.”


  13. Shanet,

    Just to add to the mix. Ray was seen by some U.S. interests as being the one to take over when Castro was ousted (don't hold your breath). Others like David Morales saw Ray as being too far to the left.

    Ray ended up treading political waters when the attempts to dispose Castro failed.

    The image below shows from left to right, Tony Varona, Jose Miro Cardona and Manuel Ray. Ray ended up falling out with Varona as well.


  14. Re familar faces in Dealey Plaza, it seems to me anyone smart enough to plan the assassination would be smart enough to be thousands of miles away from Dallas with a good alibi. (Tim Gratz)

    Something to ponder here, several of our suspects were not exactly known to the public. I seriously doubt that people like Morales, Robertson, Conein, Hemming would have even raised an eyebrow (if they were there of course).

    Mob guys being a bit different obviously. Roselli was reasonable well known as he was a man about town and his marriage to June Lang was all over the print media at the time. I can't see him being there but the others would not have cared one bit. IMO of course.


  15. This next one is facinating to me as well:

    Following the assassination, Detectives Richard M. Sims and Elmer L. Boyd of the Homicide and Robbery Bureau filed a joint after-action report with Police Chief Jesse Curry. They were on the sixth floor when the rifle was found. As part of their report, they wrote, “Detective Studebaker and Lieutenant Day took pictures of the rifle. Mr. Pinkston of the F.B.I. and a Secret Service Agent were there at the time the pictures were being made. We don’t know the Secret Service agent’s name. " (Steve Thomas)


    Talk about a thunderbolt. Secret Service agent being present? Studebaker and Day taking pictures. WOW!

    Do you know if this FBI guy Pinkston was ever questioned or confirmed what happened?


  16. I think Howard's decription fits Angelo somewhat? (Tim Gratz)

    Hi Tim,

    Richard Case Nagell and Colonel Bishop both described Angel as being 5' 10", 160-165 pounds with a swarthy complexion. I know some won't agree, but I think some serious looking at Victor Espinosa Hernandez as Angel might bear some fruit.

    That aside, the Margeson information is fascinating indeed. Makes one kind of curious about 'Slim' and 'Tex'.


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