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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. 3 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

    So we have @Mark Ulrik doing what should have been done ages ago, and now he is being accused of alterations?!? Nuts...

    Thank you Mark for your time and effort, I´d say you have done a really good job, for the benefit of all!

    Amen. Thie logic employed by some people on this forum is absolutely bananas, in my opinion.

  2. 5 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

    I can tell you I was not happy seeing Groden introducing a fake without referring to it as such.

    The fact that people have let Groden off the hook for this is pretty telling about the evidentiary standards of many so-called JFK assassination research.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

    They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?

    Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ?

    Hardly surprised to see more disgusting, anti-trans BS here from Gil Jesus, who previously lectured this forum that "only God" can decide a person's gender. Moderators: I beg of you to remove this content.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    1. Photo densitometery has proven that the back part of Kennedy's head at 313 and several frames afterward are artificially too dark to be natural.
    2. A massive blowout wound occurs during these same frames, centered on Kennedy's right temple. Yet the autopsy photos show his right temple to be intact, as does the autopsy report.
    3. Not a single witness saw the massive right-temple wound.

    Every single one of those statements is false.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I have a great deal more respect for a person who has studied a seemingly irreconcilably contradictory situation-- like 911 or Harvey & Lee -- and formulated a theory explaining it, than for a person who disparages such a theory out of ignorance and offers no alternative explanation.

    You're joking, right? Alternative explanations for EVERY major "Harvey & Lee" talking point have been provided here and numerous other places.

  6. 5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

            James DiEugenio and Denny Zartman commented, accurately, on the Fred Litwin podcast thread that it is a shame to see this kind of propaganda on the Education Forum.       

    But yet it's OK for people to run amok on this forum with absolute and utter nonsense like the "Harvey and Lee" theory? What's the difference? Who is the arbiter of what's "disinformation" and what's not?

  7. On 7/25/2024 at 12:36 AM, Kevin Balch said:

    If Brugioni saw a camera original or a first generation copy on Saturday night, why didn’t he see the (supposed) limo stop?

    If Zapruder filmed all or parts of the motorcade at 48 frames per second, why wasn’t this noted when the film was projected in Dallas or at NPIC on Saturday night?

    If the film was altered, what is the explanation of the (supposed) correlation of the timing of the four shots from the acoustics evidence with the Zapruder film?

    All great questions, Kevin. They reveal the massive alteration theory to be a house of cards.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

    The Secret Service's stripping of JFK's protection in Dallas followed by their Bethesda casket conjuring tricks alone would incite any reasonable person to question the validity of other aspects of the case.

    Nobody said you can't "question the validity of other aspects of the case." The problem is that when you actually look at the EVIDENCE, the notion of massive alteration of the assassination film and photo record is shown to be absolute nonsense.

  9. 57 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Though I'm surprised you found a flaw in it, given that nobody else has been able to. What exactly is the flaw?

    Or are you just making stuff up again?

    The flaw is the entire premise! As Pat very capably explained to you, "there is no scientific or historical basis for selecting statements and then claiming these statements 'prove' what you claim to be true. A scientist or an historian might take from this that these statements suggest a certain scenario, but there is no such thing as 'proof.'"

  10. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    So yes, the only “evidence” the Z-film was ever in Rochester at all is sole-source second-hand 34 year-old hearsay from a witness with major credibility problems. 

    Lastly, the CIA HRG did NOT confirm the Z-film was in Rochester. All they did was tell the ARRB that the name “Hawkeye works” was still classified TS/SCI, and that the McMahon interview must be marked and stored accordingly. That’s it. They did not comment at all on the substance of McMahon’s claims. 

    Thank you, Tom. Once again, Sandy Larsen is completely wrong with his "statistical proofs" above.

  11. 5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Roughly 40 of the 45 gaping head wound witnesses said early on that the wound was located on the back of the head and not at the top. It is statistically impossible for that many witnesses to all get the location wrong.

    So Jeremy is wrong in this instance.

    This is proof that the Z film has been altered. As has the back-of-head autopsy photo.

    Sandy Larsen has proved absolutely nothing with his "statistics," and his insistence on repeating this from thread to thread hardly makes his argument more convincing.

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