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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. 38 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    Ok, then let's explore the usage of that term. "Anti-Subversive" is pretty specific. If Marguerite did not fabricate that term, do you concede that the term may have been sourced from Lee, even if he himself was not an agent of some kind, and what he conveyed to his mother was fantasy?

    Yes, that is certainly within the realm of possibility. But there is ample evidence to suggest that even during the limited period Lee was around Marguerite post-Russia, he rarely if ever spoke with her in detail about his own life and what he was doing at any given time.

  2. 13 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    Marguerite still visited Lee at Mercedes, which encompassed the time frame of the 2 hour FBI interview in the car outside. So it's not a given that Marguerite fabricated the term "anti subversive". It could have come from Lee.

    Mr. RANKIN. Did your mother-in-law come to see you at Mercedes Street?
    Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.

    Tony, once again, I never said she fabricated that SPECIFIC usage. I am trying to make the point that she was known to do so before and after the assassination, and that all three of her sons did not like spending time with her because of it, among many other reasons.

  3. 5 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    I think I understand you now. Marguerite in 1962 used the word "subversive" in relation to Oswald, but that was an embellishment.

    Moving to post assassination, Patterson used the word "subversive" in relation to Oswald, and a reporter used the word "subversive" when asking Curry about Oswald's background.

    Even though Marguerite used the same word, that was used a year later, that was purely coincidental. 

    Yes. Its usage in all of those scenarios was coincidental.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tony Krome said:

    Meaning who labelled Marguerite as a person, that was known to "li* and embellish", that knew her?

    I'm referring to a statement she made in 1962. You are implying that what she said at that time was fabricated. So I'm interested in anything that indicates that she was of the type you described before the assassination.

    I'm not implying that. The point I am trying to make is that BEFORE and AFTER the assassination, she was known to embellish things and/or lie, particularly when they involved Lee (ie., her numerous misconceptions about Oswald's time in Russia being connected to some government spy work).

  5. 37 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    That is something I'm not aware of. Which people came forward, prior to the assassination, exposed Marguerite as a person that you've described above?

    What do you mean, prior to the assassination? In what capacity could that have possibly happened? A co-worker proactively going to the authorities to do ... what, exactly? I was referring to her numerous embellishments and outright lies in the 15-plus years that she lived following the murder.

  6. 10 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    What's your take on the people, that Marguerite Oswald worked for in September 1962, divulging to a reporter, that Marguerite told them, at the time, that Lee was involved in "anti-subversive" activities?

    So this statement by Marguerite to her employers was over a year before the assassination.

    September 1962 would be one month after the FBI sat with Lee in their car for 2 hours outside Mercedes.

    My take is that Marguerite was a known li*r and embellisher, and as such anything she may have said to other people has to be taken with an enormous grain of salt. Have ANY of her tall tales ever proven to be true?

  7. 23 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

    Hilarious - there seem to be some who would say that this bill is not torn:

    Actually, nobody is saying that. What we're saying is that "torn" can clearly have more than one meaning. And in the absence of clarification, no one can definitively say whether the bill was torn in two or just simply torn but intact.

  8. 1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    There were four CIA assets telling these stories.  But they were all lies. Just like Oswald meeting with KGB assassinations chief Valeriy Kostikov was a lie. In that case to implicate the Russians.

    Everything's a lie, everything's fake. Pretty convenient to just trot that out as an excuse every time someone challenges you on your claims.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

    LOL -- I've shown the common usage of the word torn wrt dollar bills.

    I believe it's what the posters of the images labels them as.  

    Since you didn't actually answer my question, I can then only conclude that you do not see any distinction between an intact dollar bill with a tear in it and a dollar bill that is torn completely into two or more pieces.

  10. Just now, Bill Fite said:

    You're question is irrelevant to the discussion.

    Are those images from DuckDuckGo labeled torn or not?

    Are you serious? Who cares what a search engine labels them as. Are you actually trying to claim that there's no distinction between a dollar bill with a tear in it and a dollar bill that is torn completely into two or more pieces?

  11. 12 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:

    Friday, September 20, 1963, was also the day that Ruth Paine arrived at 4905 (or 4907) Magazine after corresponding with Marina about having her come live with Ruth and children until and through the birth of their next child in mid-October. The dates work perfectly; Ruth arrives just in time to remove Marina and June from Oswald's care and sight. Ruth and children stay the weekend and corroborate the fact that Marina's "husband" was there all weekend. Finally, on Sept 22nd, Oswald helps load Ruth's car and on the morning of Sept 23 says goodbye to Marina and June.

    As with nearly every aspect of this case, there are perfectly plausible and reasonable alternative explanations for this sequence of events which do not require Ruth Paine to be a convenient CIA spy.

    12 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:

    September 20th is a most interesting day … on September 20, Richard Nagell sent a registered letter from El Paso, Texas to Hoover  and informed him that President Kennedy would be assassinated  in a conspiracy that involved Lee Harvey Oswald. After mailing the letter, which included Oswald's description, aliases, and current address, Nagell walked into the State National Bank and fired two shots into the ceiling.

    You just can't make this stuff up ... 

    Nagell made up plenty of stuff. I'm surprised any researcher considers him credible at this point.

  12. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I cannot allow misinformation to flourish.

    One of the most unintentionally hilarious statements ever made on this forum, especially since it comes from someone who believes in evidence fakery to a preposterous level as the ludicrous "Harvey and Lee" doppelganger theory. You're the one pushing long-debunked misinformation.

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