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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. 4 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    I suspect that "Bill Kelly" is in fact a CIA-generated impostor and Jack White's doppelgänger. Has anyone checked to see whether "Bill Kelly" was given a top-secret mastoidectomy operation at the age of six at a hospital that hadn't been built yet? Or that the unrelated mothers of "Bill" and "Jack" looked identical apart from their eyebrows?

    As always, thanks for the laugh, Jeremy. I met Jack in person on a couple of occasions, and he was a lovely guy. Unfortunately, his loony ravings are still taken seriously by people in 2024.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    The only reason we are having this debate is because a single prominent forum member -- Pat Speer -- has an irrational, preconceived, notion that photographic evidence could not have been altered as part of the coverup.

    Pat should be denounced for his ongoing massive use of cherry picking and misrepresentation in arguing his easily-demonstrable, wrong conclusion regarding the blowout wound. Not only because what he's doing is wrong, but because it confuses newbies. And newbies are the future of our cause.

    A laughable post in multiple ways, not least of which is the absurd attempt to paint Pat as the only researcher who rejects the massive and completely unproven photo fakery you allege. Of all the forum members who should be denounced, you are far and away at the top of the list.

  3. 2 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

    I don't know if Jack White posted here or not.  But in 1998, he and I exchanged posts on alt.conspiracy.jfk re witnesses who were reluctant to come forward for fear of their lives.  (Shades of Howard Brennan.)  One witness, whom he called Beta, "was ordered by the Secret Service to destroy and fabricate evidence", and he stipulated that tapes of his confession not be made public until he died.  25 years on... does anyone here know of any follow-up to Mr. White's post?

    Jack White did post here, but sadly it was almost 100% nonsense fueled by his terrible photo analysis and belief in every possible conspiratorial angle in this case. It seems pretty convenient to claim you have knowledge of a witness being made to destroy evidence but couch it in "well, I can't say anything else until 25 years after the witness dies" ...

  4. 4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Despite pushback from WC fans, this forum's Sandy Larsen some years ago proved that Postal Money Orders were required to have bank endorsements according to 1963 Postal regulations.  But, of course, none were present on the apparently undeposited, uncashed money order.

    Not only has he proved absolutely nothing of the kind, his work has been taken apart once again right here on this forum within the past several weeks.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Miles Massicotte said:

    I therefore resign this forum in protest. I do not wish for my account to be deleted so that what few posts I have made will be left up for posterity. I'll see some of you over at Jacks (and thanks Greg for the defense above, much appreciated). 

    Miles, I wish you wouldn't leave, but I don't blame you one bit. Serious question: is there a means by which a moderator can be replaced?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    - Oswald didn't own a rifle. The Carcano was part of the cover up.

    - Oswald was never in Mexico City. The CIA plotters used that to place the blame of the assassination on the Cubans and Russians. The so-called Oswald who visited the Cuban Consulate was a CIA-employed impersonator. You should read the Lopez Report and Peter Dale Scott's Phase 1 / Phase 2 analysis to understand the Mexico City incident.

    - How do you know the package didn't contain curtain rods? I just assumed it did... no reason to think otherwise.

    -Those aren't photos of Oswald with the rifle, pistol, and newspapers. Obvious fakes.

    - I don't know if he lied about Neely Street. Why would he lie about living somewhere? Maybe it was a safe house. If so, then yeah, I could see him lying about that.

    You are truly hopeless.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    What lying are you talking about? I don't recall seeing any Oswald lies when I read the interrogation reports.

    Well, let's see. For starters, he lied about:

    - owning a rifle

    - being in Mexico City

    - telling Wesley Frazier that his package contained curtain rods

    - the backyard photographs taken at Neely Street

    - living at Neely Street

  8. 1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    You're saying that with a straight face on a thread dedicated to a book that alleges Jerrie Cobb The Pilot, dressed as "Babushka Lady" shot President Kennedy with a pistol hidden inside a camera; and that said Jerrie ALSO piloted Life reporters to, or was it from, Dallas? Or did she fly Oswald out of RedBird?  

    Huh? My previous comment to you was about the alleged datebook which forms the basis for "Coup in Dallas." It had absolutely nothing to do with Haverstick's book or thesis.

  9. 1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    What do you not understand about the legal term, "private property"? Are you familiar with the phrase "terms and conditions apply"? Are you aware that journalists have a right to protect their sources and relevant material? 

    I suspect you would not attempt this charade were Albarelli here. 

    I'm not "attempting" any kind of "charade." Just merely pointing out, for the umpteenth time, that there is no means by which researchers can examine the "physical document." Thus, your claims about it are completely unverified and are rightfully treated as such.

  10. On 1/1/2024 at 9:47 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

    I've never understand Greg Doudna. He has a following, and I've never understood that.

    Almost everything Greg believes is the polar opposite of what I believe. Given that, and the fact that his posts tend to be soooooooooo long, I rarely read what he has to say.

    Anyway, I wouldn't worry about him. He's one of those researchers who is wrong about so many things that he'll never figure the assassination out. IMO.

    Uh-huh... so, because Greg doesn't believe in nonsense such as "Harvey and Lee" and massive fakery of the assassination photo record, and because he writes long posts, you have simply thrown up your hands and declared "that he'll never figure the assassination out" ? Gee, what a thoughtful, logical and reasoned response...

  11. 17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    I cannot understand your reliance on Occam's Razor, because to proclaim  that you have to array all the facts in evidence.

    1. The DPD spent the better part of two days rummaging through the Paine home, which was rather small. But they missed this note allegedly inside a book. And the note was in Russian?

    2. Why was it so necessary for Ruth to convey the book, which was called Book of Helpful Instructions.  She said it was because Marina used it each day. Oh really, while she was in detention and under 24 hour watch by the FBI and Secret Service?

    3. The note was not dated and did not have Oswald's latent fingerprints on it.  Even though it took up almost one side of the paper. In fact, seven prints were on it, but none matched Lee or Marina.

    4. The Secret Service returned the note to Ruth because they thought she wrote it. (Destiny Betrayed, second edition, pp. 200-03)

    None of these points require conspiratorial intent on Ruth's part or mean that she engaged in any such behavior.

  12. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    In retrospect, it was an enormous mistake for the British to mandate a Jewish state in a largely Muslim territory without the blessings of the Palestinian people.

    This is one of the most preposterous statements I've ever read on this forum. Where would you have liked the British to plop Israel down instead? The middle of the ocean?

  13. 21 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    LOL, double-downing on your pettifoggery. Good job!

    And you, double-downing on your fancy new, meaningless term. There are perfectly logical and acceptable explanations for this particular piece of evidence. You just refuse to accept them because you conveniently wave off and dismiss any innocent rationale for Ruth Paine's behavior.

  14. 2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    The Palestinians would have never become refugees in such mass numbers if their leaders had not treacherously rejected the UN partition plan and invited Arab armies to attack the Jews. 

    I don't agree with Michael Griffith on much of anything other than his critiques of Fletcher Prouty, but the above is a hugely important point rarely mentioned in current discourse on this subject.

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