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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. 10 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    What rubbish.

    This forum has commentaries by such luminaries as James DiEugenio and Larry Hancock.

    Quality before quantity.

    W, the point is that all of the ridiculous conspiracy theories outlined in my original post, plus the wall-to-wall spamming by Linda O'Hara about a datebook of dubious authenticity, frequently overshadow the excellent research presented on this forum by Larry, Joe Backes, Jeremy B., and others.

  2. 13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Some of the posts here are embarrassing, in particular regarding provenance of evidence.

    The JFKA community could easily become a laughing stock. 

    This forum already borders, if not crosses well into, laughing stock territory due to its embrace of preposterous nonsense such as Lee Oswald doppelgangers, the Three Tramps being different people than their arrest records confirm they are, every film and photo taken in Dealey Plaza having been altered, and so on. It's really a shame.

  3. 8 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Vince Salandria was rarely mistaken, but when he said, they'll wear you down,  he hadn't met Albarelli or those of us who recognized his revelations would shift the cold case murder investigation 180 degrees.

    Uh-huh. That must be why hardly any serious student of the Kennedy assassination believes your conclusions.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Paul Cummings said:

    I agree with Larry Hancock and the interview with Hargraves in the back of his book. Tangodown63 is a great resource besides Larry. It's comical a guy would bring an umbrella to the hearing and claimed he still has it from 15 years ago. 

    It's also comical you believe the three Tramps aren't actually the men their arrest records say they are.


    15 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Gen. Walker, identified as a significant force within the John Birch Society, was in direct communication with OAS officials in early 1963 — post Algerian Independence.

    So what? Walker communicated with many people who shared his beliefs during this time.


    15 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Jean Rene Souetre is identified along with Walker in an April 30 entry of the datebook maintained by Jean Pierre Lafitte.  

    Utterly meaningless until authenticated by proper authorities.

  6. 3 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Thank you for that trajectory.  The popular meme is that "Hosty tore up his notes because he was ordered to."  This sets the record straight, presumably.  As a matter of interest distinct from PM, did Hosty keep notes from his visit at the Paine's house in early November? I'll search, but if you know off the top of your head . . . 

    I believe you’re confusing what Hosty did with his interrogation notes with what he did to the note Oswald left at the FBI office, in which he asked Hosty to stop interviewing Marina when he wasn’t home. Hosty’s boss Gordon Shanklin ordered him to destroy the latter, which Hosty then did.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Holding names close that were given you in confidence is admirable; in a murder investigation is that sufficient justification for protecting the identify of suspects? 

    This is a truly unbelievable rhetorical question by you in light of your numerous "justifications" for who is or is not allowed to study the alleged datebook for themselves...

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