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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Who referred to the Turner image as PROOF? You have no idea of what you are talking about, I am interested in the photo because it shows Jack and Larry on the bumper of a car standing behing the fence This is important to me because of what Skinny Holland saw (Puff of smoke, mud on the bumper, footprints) and I have never seen a picture with anyone standing on the bumper behind the fence I know that the Turner picture is not a re-creation as Jack has told you over and over yet you keep thinking we have to compare the Turner image to the Moorman image to see if the sizes fit, I could care lees about your GIF, it is useless! The Turner picture is not accurate! Why dont you go to Dallas with 3 friends and do an accurate re-creation yourself? You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself I dont need that for me to back the Badgeman theory as I have for 20+ years “You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself” It HAS been done. http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/badgeman.htm …specifically at… http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/badgeman_3.htm Todd I cant save those pictures Can you Email them to me? I think I gave you my Email addy before but I will PM it to you just in case Thanks Todd I don't have the pictures Dean. Ok Its hard to compare without using my editing software, and if I dont have the pictures saved to my computer I cant do that Thats why I asked Dean
  2. Who referred to the Turner image as PROOF? You have no idea of what you are talking about, I am interested in the photo because it shows Jack and Larry on the bumper of a car standing behing the fence This is important to me because of what Skinny Holland saw (Puff of smoke, mud on the bumper, footprints) and I have never seen a picture with anyone standing on the bumper behind the fence I know that the Turner picture is not a re-creation as Jack has told you over and over yet you keep thinking we have to compare the Turner image to the Moorman image to see if the sizes fit, I could care lees about your GIF, it is useless! The Turner picture is not accurate! Why dont you go to Dallas with 3 friends and do an accurate re-creation yourself? You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself I dont need that for me to back the Badgeman theory as I have for 20+ years “You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself” It HAS been done. http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/badgeman.htm …specifically at… http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/badgeman_3.htm Todd I cant save those pictures Can you Email them to me? I think I gave you my Email addy before but I will PM it to you just in case Thanks Todd
  3. So now you have homeless bums backing Judyth up? LMFAO Why in the world would anybody think sleeping on the streets of London is something to brag about? Jim I cant believe you are using homeless people to back Judyth up Do you really expect anybody to care about what two bums think about Judyth or the assassination? I cant believe it, I am so disappointed How do you know how long I could last on the streets of London? Do you have any idea of what type of man I am? From the looks of it I could bench press your homeless friend 100 times without breaking a sweat The answer is you dont have a clue, so dont ever say that I cant last on the streets of London like your worthless homeless bum friends You couldnt stay away from this thread if you tried Jim Go ahead and post a reply that your broke bum friends who love Judyth could beat me up because I know nothing about hard times and couldnt last a day on the streets of London I know what type of "man" you are. Out of the tens of thousands of posts on this entire forum these last two of yours are, on one level the most disgusting I have ever read, and on another level the most pathetic I have ever read. I hope everyone on here sees the type of "man" you are from these comments you have made. Your simplistic child-like mind reduces all homeless people to something that you believe is beneath you. What you are actually suggesting is that the 107,000 homeless veterans that are currently living on the streets in your own country are "wortheless...bums." You obviously wouldn't give the time of day to these "worthless" people who fought and served for their country. Your simpleton child-like mind reduces all human-beings to the most childish of labels. It avoids the fundamental questions as to why so many people end up on the streets each year. You label homelessness with the same child-like labels you attach to your "mediocre" self. You equate "worth" with "materialism." A homeless person is "worth" very little in materialistic terms so you then equate this to mean that the person is "worthless." They are "worthless" because external circumstances have changed their social and economic status, and that, in the Hagerman worldview is about all there is to sum up the true character of a person. Here's a label for you Dean. You are a MORON. How about going and benchpressing that? I have spent many hundreds of hours in the company of people who have found themselves homeless. And your comments disgust me. You wouldn't last a week on the streets of London or any other major world city before you were balling your eyes out and crying for your mother. Benchpressing does not make you fire-proof. Benchpressing does not make you stab-proof. Benchpressing does not make you weather proof. And benchpressing does not make you a "man." For many of the people whose circumstances forced them onto the streets, this limitation, loss, and failure has turned into their greatest teacher. It taught them to let go of false self-images, and superficial goals. It gave them depth, humility and compassion. It made them true human-beings. I wish I could show more compassion for your stupidity... ...but I can't. If ever you'd like to spend a week on the streets of London, up against the 1100 ex-British Service Personnel who are also there, let me know and I'll make arrangements for a "real bench-pressing, wwe watching, homophobic, beer drinking, meat eating, thick-as-two-short-planks, moron of a man" to join them. I'll also let them all know that you think they're "worthless" before you arrive with your cardboard box. You once accused me, in another act of gross stupidity, of not caring about the JFK assassination. One can't help but wonder why you care who killed him. His politics are quite obviously contrary to your own. You seem devoid of any sort of social conscience or any basic understanding of social issues. Please save this to your computer. Cry me a river All you had to do was ask me why I have an opinion of homeless people My wife and I were buisness owners in the Capital Hill district of Seattle for 3 years 90% of the homeless people lived in that area I had to deal with them every day, at first I wanted to help them, they would ask me for food, I would tell them to clean my parking lot spotless and I would give them a meal Guess what they said Lee? "No way thats to much work!" Every time! Not just one bum Lee, every single bum! They would stand outside begging my customers for money, no matter how many times I told them not too They would come in so piss drunk that one of them urinated on a table in front of my dining customers One of them called my wife a whore because she would not give him free food I could go on for hours Lee They dont want to work They want money to drink and hope they get free food after they are drunk You have no clue Lee, I spent 3 years dealing with Bums every day EVERY DAY I have the right to have an opinion on them Lee, you are the one that has no clue about the lifestyle of a Bum, I have seen it in action I know how they think, I know what they want, I know the scams they pull. You see Lee you have no idea who I am or what I have done, you just guess, how stupid do you feel now?
  4. How is that? Maybe they have 260 IQs? Im smart enough to have never been a homeless bum for 2 1/2 years I told you its impossible for you to stay away from this thread Keep insulting me, it makes you look far less intelligent, far less educated and far less interesting then you really are
  5. Greg you know im trying to protect Jack! Shhhhhhhh dont tell David Josephs he might complain about the fact that nobody has done a Moorman re-creation to see if Jacks height matches Badgeman in the last 40 years
  6. Who referred to the Turner image as PROOF? Maybe if you read the original post instead of jumping all up and down like a little kid you'd see that Jack did: "This photo proved to Nigel that the people sizes and approximate locations matched Moorman." Another way of saying this is that the photo was PROOF to Nigel that Moorman's people were correctly sized You have no idea of what you are talking about, I am interested in the photo because it shows Jack and Larry on the bumper of a car standing behing the fence This is important to me because of what Skinny Holland saw (Puff of smoke, mud on the bumper, footprints) and I have never seen a picture with anyone standing on the bumper behind the fence Once again it is you who does not know what he is talking about. The footprints on the bumper were not related to badgeman at all but to the image of the person in my post... farther west and along a different portion of the fence. Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool.... I know that the Turner picture is not a re-creation as Jack has told you over and over yet you keep thinking we have to compare the Turner image to the Moorman image to see if the sizes fit, I could care lees about your GIF, it is useless! The Turner picture is not accurate! Why dont you go to Dallas with 3 friends and do an accurate re-creation yourself? You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself so you've seen no more proof that these images are real than anyone else save Jack (and GMack) who in this thread swear the images are there but are still skeptical about their origin. Plus I don't need to go there as the photo Jack posted was taken from Moorman's location with people standing right behind the fence - saying that does not represent badgeman doesn't change the fact that is really does and can be used by people like Nigel Turner to PROVE Moorman photographed an assassinfiring a rifle I dont need that for me to back the Badgeman theory as I have for 20+ years it's more than obvious you do not need to prove what you believe to be true - you need only believe it. The Lone Nut Theory and Single Bullet Theory work that way - they are believed to be true regardless of the evidence or the proof against such nonsense. Thanks for your close attention to my posts and taking the time to show me the error of my ways. But don't take my word for it, Jack makes it plain as day: "BUT...the figures ARE in the Moorman photo. I CANNOT EXPLAIN WHY THEY DO NOT MATCH. Among the possibilities are that the images are not genuine."
  7. So now you have homeless bums backing Judyth up? LMFAO Why in the world would anybody think sleeping on the streets of London is something to brag about? Jim I cant believe you are using homeless people to back Judyth up Do you really expect anybody to care about what two bums think about Judyth or the assassination? I cant believe it, I am so disappointed How do you know how long I could last on the streets of London? Do you have any idea of what type of man I am? From the looks of it I could bench press your homeless friend 100 times without breaking a sweat The answer is you dont have a clue, so dont ever say that I cant last on the streets of London like your worthless homeless bum friends You couldnt stay away from this thread if you tried Jim Go ahead and post a reply that your broke bum friends who love Judyth could beat me up because I know nothing about hard times and couldnt last a day on the streets of London
  8. Who referred to the Turner image as PROOF? You have no idea of what you are talking about, I am interested in the photo because it shows Jack and Larry on the bumper of a car standing behing the fence This is important to me because of what Skinny Holland saw (Puff of smoke, mud on the bumper, footprints) and I have never seen a picture with anyone standing on the bumper behind the fence I know that the Turner picture is not a re-creation as Jack has told you over and over yet you keep thinking we have to compare the Turner image to the Moorman image to see if the sizes fit, I could care lees about your GIF, it is useless! The Turner picture is not accurate! Why dont you go to Dallas with 3 friends and do an accurate re-creation yourself? You keep asking why it hasnt been done in 40s years, go do it yourself I dont need that for me to back the Badgeman theory as I have for 20+ years
  9. So now you have homeless bums backing Judyth up? LMFAO Why in the world would anybody think sleeping on the streets of London is something to brag about? Jim I cant believe you are using homeless people to back Judyth up Do you really expect anybody to care about what two bums think about Judyth or the assassination? I cant believe it, I am so disappointed
  10. Jack and Chris are right, this is what I see, the woman in black waving with her black sleeve back exopsing her skin with black gloves on
  11. Well you are being difficult How many times does Jack have to tell you that this photo was not an exact re-creation of Moorman? I got it through my head the first time Jack posted the picture that it was simply taken by Nigel Turner to satisfy his decision to use the Badgeman theory in his program TMWKK Thats what it is, why do you keep trying to make it into something that its not?
  12. Very nice, I agree with you Duncan MW has something in her right hand, I think I posted the wrong smiley, I could not find the one with the big eyes, I was trying to say im following you keep going. If that smiley means something bad thats not what I wanted it to show Im behind this study all the way
  13. I read that email a long time ago and I laugh harder now then I did back then
  14. Awesome pictures Stephen! Thanks for posting them, they are now saved to my computer
  15. A better scaling comparison can be found on this old thread, page 5. The Gordon Arnold Competition Thread Thanks for the link Duncan thats a great thread! Man Duncan you and Bill Miller went after each other like the world was going to end
  16. I agree with Jack I respect DiEugenio's work
  17. Thank you very much Stephen Please keep posting in this thread, I love reading your posts Dean
  18. Jim You have no idea how much time I have spent reading Judyths posts and emails years before you ever made this thread How do you know my understanding of this case? Because I havent read or watched what you asked me to? Guess what Jim? I just watched all of your Youtube vids, I did what you asked me to do, and your vids made me doubt her story even more! Her claims are so far out there that every thing she says makes me howl with laughter I cant believe a man as smart as you let her reel you in When you find out that Judyth is full of it I will not accept an apology from you for calling me names and saying my research of the assassination means nothing You have gone to far Jim, I have never insulted you, in fact I have always offered support, you however took it that I had joined a cult and gone crazy because I dont believe this woman Jim you are going to regret the fact that you ever became involved with Judyth, just like Martin Shackelford
  19. John List --- Hi Dean, Is this who you meant? John Emil List (September 17, 1925 - March 21, 2008) was an American murderer. On November 9, 1971, he murdered his mother, wife and three children in Westfield, New Jersey, and then disappeared. He had planned everything so meticulously that nearly a month passed before anyone noticed that anything was amiss. A fugitive from justice for nearly 18 years, he was finally apprehended on June 1, 1989 after the story of his murders was broadcast on America's Most Wanted. List was found guilty and sentenced to five terms of life imprisonment, dying in prison custody in 2008 at age 82. (Source: Wikipedia) According to this source, John List was brought to justice 18 years after his murders. Also, his crimes had nothing to do with national security nor is there any doubt that he killed those he originally planned to kill. Dean Hartwell I was wrong about the time frame I thought List killed his family in the early 60s not early 70s and his trial was not until the 00s I was wrong And I was only trying to answer the part of your question that I quoted, as you can clearly see I did not quote any other part of what you were asking
  20. Jim I have just finished every video you posted with Judyth I promise you I watched them with an open mind I feel the exact same about Judyth after watching them Jim She is not telling the truth Just listen to her fantastic stories about meeting Hemming and him just telling Judyth about all of his activities like its no big deal Just listen to her talk about David Ferrie and the fact that she was at his house for Parties and all this research, I mean come on there is no way in hell any of it is true Jim I did what you asked, the videos have no evidence that Judyth and LHO were lovers All they are is Judyth telling fairy tales
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