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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Great post Doug I agree that there was a shot through the windshield I also agree that what we see in Altgens (The Spiral Nebula) is the through and through hole
  2. Dean...SAVE THE NEW ONE. Jerry Logan pointed out that I typed Nix when I meant Bell. Brainlock is my only excuse. I saved frames from Bell into a folder named BELL FRAMES but when typing the text, I typed Nix. I don't know why. Jack No problem Jack I have not looked close enough to have noticed it was the Bell film either!
  3. I see Joseph Milteer.... Good study Jack, I like the "fake" Nix panorama Just saved it to my computer
  4. No. There is NO DOUBT that Mary and Jean were NOT on the grass as seen in Zapruder. There is NO DOUBT, PERIOD. All other possibilities have been considered. There is NO DOUBT. NO DOUBT at all. Jack, Read the paragraph under the photo: Come on Kathy Bill Sloan wrote that little tid-bit under the photo not Jean Hill
  5. The "If you don't like it don't read it" tactic has become nearly impossible lately as it has spread far and wide to many threads or you guys just start other threads arguing essentially the same things or find roundabout ways to insult each other. It used to not be "a fact of life" at this Forum. A person has to search far and wide to find threads that are not infected with your guys horse xxxx. Although I replied to Dean's post this reply is not directed to him or any one person but (as I stated originally) to those that continue to engage in endless debate where YOU KNOW YOU HAVE ZERO CHANCE of convincing the other camp. I stand by my original comment. You guys are ruining the Forum. I dont see very many members saying that we are ruining the forum I think debating what I believe in is a must do Again im not going to sit back and let the LNers and Anti-alterationists push me or my fellow researchers/students around Dean
  6. On page 318 and 319 of Richard Trask "Pictures of the Pain" "In later years Altgens became unsure about the number of photos he took that day of the assassination, and has been reluctant to ackowledge authorship of all seven since he is very adamant about not wanting to take credit for someone elses work. In discussions with him, it is evident that he is sure or reasonably sure that he took FIVE of the photos" Altgens did not take Altgens 8 IMO Dean
  7. I knew it! I am a Chiefs fan I hate the Raiders more then anything else in the world!
  8. That was the most rediculous thing I have ever read in my entire life So Dean, as a student of the images, what Moorman did White use in his MDIP illustration? Was it the Zippo? Well Craig im not sure, Jack says he did not use the Zippo image so I would have to agree with him, why would he lie about that? I have looked at many copies of Moorman (Thank you again for letting me download the Drum Scan from you) but I never felt the need to try and see what copy Jack used in his study in MIDP
  9. If you dont like it dont read it Ruining the forum is a bit of a stretch If we cant debate the facts of what we believe in then what do you suggest we do? Ignore all posts that attack your thoughts and theories? I cant do that, but at the same time I can assure you I am not looking to debate, its a fact of life on all forums Justin, not just this forum Dean
  10. I do not agree that Peter is unsuited as a Mod In fact I feel real good about having a mod that has some of the same thoughts as I do I have been a Mod on another forum (Not a JFK forum, a beer bottle/can collecting/drinking reviewing forum) for a long time so I watch the Mods on this forum at all times to compare their actions against my own and I must say that Peter does a good job in his position And if Peter was not a mod who would replace him from "our" side? I think it would be very unfair to not have a Mod that shares at least some of the theories of the group of researchers that I am in line with Dean
  11. I agree with Paul 100% I have the utmost respect for Peter and his never ending search for the truth I will always stand behind Peter Dean
  12. That was the most rediculous thing I have ever read in my entire life
  13. Robin Gary is wrong Nix was 6ft 6" or 6ft 7" , he was very tall, just like TOCM
  14. I dont care What do you not understand? Your not proving anything to me because I could care less what the medical definition of a pulse is Jack is correct in that the second the bullet hit JFKs head he was gone forever, im saying that the Doctors saw some signs of life, why else would they do CPR and other life saving procedures instead of just pronouncing him DOA? Dont reply Barb, your wasting your time because I dont care Dean "No Pulse" Hagerman Oh, it's obvious you don't care. It is also obvious *why*. I understand completely. But, some others might care. Of course they saw some signs of life (a few agonal breaths, sporadic heartbeats by stethoscope) and immediately started measures to see if they could get some Cardio and Pulmonary Resuscitation happening ... that is what CPR is for . Then Jenkins drew their attention to the wound in the rear of the head, Clark took a look ... and they pronounced him. Since you claimed he had a pulse, then go figure why you sign off as "No Pulse" Hagerman. <g> Chill. A simple error is no big deal, go figure why you made it one. The point was to not start a factoid that he had a pulse at Parkland. He didn't ... as the doctors reported. Accuracy is what matters. Barb :-) Ok I was wrong
  15. "Hi Mr Z, can I please have this dance with you?" Marilyn Sitzman 11/22/63 12:30pm
  16. Who is the host of the show Duncan? Gerald Posner or Vince Bugliosi?
  17. I have heard a story about Groden doing this to the Weigman film But I cant see him taking frames away from a film, he knows that would be wrong
  18. That picture is just crazy What else did this group do or control?
  19. I did not believe in alteration until 1997 when I read "Bloody Treason" by Noel Twyman I started to look into the Z-film like I never had before, I used my copy of Grodens Assassination Films DVD to check every frame, in fact I have not stopped looking at the Z-film and since 1997 it has been pretty much the only thing I have studied (I still look into other areas, but I learned about everything else prior to 97) Then "Murder In Dealey Plaza" came out and I bought it right away and read Jack Whites section before anything else I started looking into all of Jacks claims and agreed with him on most all points Around this time (I dont remember when) I watched Jacks video on the Hoax of the Century Again I looked into what Jack had presented and found myself in agrement with him again When "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax" came out I read it over and over (In fact my copy is falling apart) checking and rechecking, and have been ever since I did not start out as an alterationist, but I must give credit to first Jack White (Who in fact did state in Crossfire long before I read BT back in 1988 that the Z-film was altered) whos work I took in Also of course Noel Twyman, Jim Fetzer, David Lifton, David Healy, David Mantik, and Doug Horne The fact that "some" researchers look down on alterationists does not bother me, in fact I am proud to not only say that I am an alterationist but that the best researchers on the assassination stand tall along with me.
  20. Sure I have no problem with that Lets move on
  21. Stop it, you're killing me! So there's no evidence that supports the single bullet theory? * JFK and Connally reacting simultaneously to being shot. * JFK and Connally aligned perfectly to receive the wounds they did from a single bullet. * The line of the bullet goes straight back to Oswald on the sixth floor of the TSBD. * No evidence of any other person shooting in Dealey Plaza (most people said they heard three shots. Not eight, or nine, or ten). There are a few pointers. It's all rather obvious, really. You must be related to Dale Myers
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