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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Hey Barb before I can take any of your answers seriously can you spin that yarn again about Groden working for a New Jersey Photo Lab back in 1964 when his first job in the photographic industry was in 1969 Now that would give me more of a laugh then you just gave Jack
  2. Wow Awesome post Will Your thoughts that you just posted had never occured to me You have me thinking Dean
  3. Agreed And why is the title of this thread allowed? It is clearly an attempt to mock Fetzers name
  4. Robin Those are awesome Bell frames you posted! I have never seen the Bell film or frames that clear Great job Dean
  5. I'm waiting for someone to tell me how I manipulated this image to turn the Hesters into a small pyramid and a pile of rocks. Surely I have squashed the dynamic range or pixelated the parallax, or something. Please explain how I can get such strange results, since you do not see what I see. I am at a loss to explain why my computer sees things that others cannot see. Please! Jack I am getting impatient. Someone please tell me what I did wrong here. Surely some expert knows. Is that pile of stuff on the grass REALLY THE HESTERS? Inquiring minds want to know. Jack I agree with you Jack Looks like a pile of rubble to me, the Hesters are nowhere in sight
  6. I have always thought that as well, I would never leave my wife and run into the shelter like Mr Hester does Thats just crazy, like Brehm I would have coverd my children and if I just had my wife I would cover her or if I thought we should move to the pergola for saftey I would have got her up and ran with her to the pergola Always been a weird thing to me
  7. Proof of Z-film alteration Craig click on this link for complete proof of Z-film alteration You can thank me later Dean
  8. Len you say some people may ask why the is in the JFK section Well im going to ask, why is this in the JFK section? I could care less about any 9/11 conspiracy theories But I do care about JFK, and I do care about Jack White and his work on the JFK assassination Lets make this thread interesting, who wants to bet me that a certain Mod who closed an important thread for no reason will allow this thread to remain not only open when it should be closed but will not move it from the JFK forum Any takers?
  9. Wow! the scan is equal to the pixel count of a 160 dollar point and shoot digital camera. Color me impressed! Can't transmit via the internet? How silly, I do it every day. Ask Dean Hagerman if he can get a 107 mb digital file via the internet? Horne continues to unimpress Yes Craig transfered his Moorman Drum Scan to my computer via an FTP website It takes a little while to download the image, and if you dont know what you are doing or have never used or have an FTP website downloaded you would have to have someone help you set it up and explain how it works
  10. Penn Jones along with Harold Weisberg are two of my heroes As a kid growing up they had to compete with Larry Bird, Joe Montana and Will Clark But now they stand alone as my heroes My most treasured JFK related item is my hard copy of "Forgive My Grief" vol 1 signed by Penn Jones
  11. Can you, or anyone else guide me to the original article from John Hunt's windshield study? I can't find it here nor on Lancer or Google. Is it hidden in alt.assassination groups? What i like to see is the whole expert's report from John Hunt about this ingenious but simple proof . Another question i have is.......what is the source of this photograph taken ca. 1978 for the HSCA: Ok, i can't find it in my files nor on any other online source (Mary Ferrell). Who made it and for what purpose? Thank you forward. As i said, every help is much appreciated. Martin Jim...you must have the wrong page number. The windshield is not on page 436. Jack I got you Jim I have the 1st edition of TGZFH, im having a little trouble finding it, do you know what page its on in the 1st edition?
  12. No Todd, I have it dowloaded to my computer The entire program is on Youtube if you have not seen it their Its on David Von Pain's Youtube page under "Who Shot President Kennedy"
  13. Dean, if you think the motorcycle cops stopped you're out of alignment with the alteration crowd. You see, the motorcycle officer who slams on his brakes is James Chaney, the very officer they assume, based solely upon the testimony of DPD and men in the DPD car (with no corroboration whatsoever from witnesses in the Plaza) raced up to the lead car in the Plaza. Thus, the Nix film must be fake in order to prop up that the Z-film is fake. See how sticky this all is? All of the cops slammed on their brakes, not just Chaney And I dont see how sticky it is, do you think I agree with every alteration theory? All you would have to do is ask what I do and do not believe in when it comes to alteration You would be very suprised Pat
  14. Just look at all the motercycle cops, they all had to stop or slow way down when the limo stopped Im willing to bet that the frames that Nix thought were taken out of his film by the government were the frames that showed the complete stop
  15. Interesting pick up, Craig. Barb :-) Maybe Groden had a bootleg copy from the Shaw trial that was obtained by Garrison in early 1969. Seems he did. He shows a copy (whose quality he describes as "visual mud") in his DVD The Assassination Films". Good call, I was glad Groden put that copy in his "Assassination Films" DVD/VHS, so you could see what the early researchers had to work with I have a 16mm copy of the film that I purchased from the Citizen's Commission of Inquiry (Mark Lanes organization) in November of 1975. Very cool Todd Do you have a working projector? No, what I did back then was borrow a 16 mm projector from our local Library (my decision to order the film in 16mm rather than Super 8 was based on the fact that I could borrow that projector). I also showed the film at High School. I do have the original screen that I got for Christmas to show the film on rather than just shoing it on the wall or a white sheet. Thats just cool as hell that you showed the Z-film at your high school back then I bet the students were shocked and in awe The first time I saw the Z-film was on the Nova program back in 1988 I remember the head shot over and over again in my head, in my dreams, I could not stop thinking about it
  16. I live in Northern California as well, although I am far away from the San Andres fault I felt the 6.5 earthquake that just hit Eureka, it rolled and shook for about 15 seconds here in Redding But obviously the 6.5 that just hit Nor Cal is already a forgotten memory (except for those in downtown Eureka) in light of the Hati earthquake And interesting fact from the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, I was at home in Redding watching the World Series, very excited that both teams were from Northern California and that the game was at my teams home Candlestick I remember Al Michaels talking about Jose Canseco, and I remember vividly talking with my father about who was better Will Clark or Jose Canseco when the screen went green with a TV station we will be right back message Right after that we heard the book shelfs hitting the wall and felt a very faint rolling motion, it was very faint, we could barley feel it Then when the game came back on and they showed the lights at Candlestick swaying back and forth my dad and I knew that the quake we had felt had been far away in the Bay Area Then we stayed glued to the TV all night long watching the images of the city on fire, the Bay Bridge and the Nimitz Freeway It is something I will never forget, I cant even begin to imagin what it must have been like back in 1906 when the almost 9.0 quake destroyed San Fransisco Thanks for sharing you memory of the 89 quake Tink Dean
  17. Interesting pick up, Craig. Barb :-) Maybe Groden had a bootleg copy from the Shaw trial that was obtained by Garrison in early 1969. Seems he did. He shows a copy (whose quality he describes as "visual mud") in his DVD The Assassination Films". Good call, I was glad Groden put that copy in his "Assassination Films" DVD/VHS, so you could see what the early researchers had to work with I have a 16mm copy of the film that I purchased from the Citizen's Commission of Inquiry (Mark Lanes organization) in November of 1975. Very cool Todd Do you have a working projector?
  18. Very nice article, thanks for the link Michael
  19. GinAndTonicMan? Even though he was more then 10 feet away during the head shot he could have exagerated the distance One of the two teenage kids seen in Moorman? Interesting that I have never heard of Alan Smith
  20. What I first thought of when I noticed this head snap, was that a frame was missing from the time he started turning his head till the time when he is looking at the President, the frame in between these to frames. Would taking said frame out skip a portion of the movement and make the head turn seem super fast? What's the simplified/short version of Gordon's debunking of the Greer head snap? Never trust anyone who says something has been "debunked". That is an opinion. Others may think that the proclaimed "debunking" is bunk. Jack Jack is right There is no "debunking" court that decides if the topic is debunked or not debunked Tink saying Gordon debunked Twymans research is crazy Im going to stick with Twyman
  21. Interesting pick up, Craig. Barb :-) Maybe Groden had a bootleg copy from the Shaw trial that was obtained by Garrison in early 1969. Seems he did. He shows a copy (whose quality he describes as "visual mud") in his DVD The Assassination Films". Good call, I was glad Groden put that copy in his "Assassination Films" DVD/VHS, so you could see what the early researchers had to work with
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