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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. I do this most of the time But some times I include all quotes if I am debating a subject with someone If the thread goes onto another page it is much easier to read the how the debate has progressed instead of going back to the last page and looking for the post And as far as John saying he is wearing out his scroll down wheel on his mouse I have a solution, I dont know if John remembers the old days (he looks kind of young) before that nice wheel was ever on the mouse, we had to scroll down the old way Just go to the scroll bar at the right side of the screen and you can either click the down arrow or you can grab the blue bar inside the scroll bar and by holding the left click and draging it up or down I would have thought you knew how to do this, but since you are wearing out your wheel you must not know of this old school method I hope this helps Dean
  2. Hahahahahaha. Oh Jack, you really break me up. You are such a card! Burton cracks me up. He is such a card...an Ace...but not spelled that way. Jack Nice personal attack, Jack. Todd! Please tell me your joking Did you miss what Evan posted? I hope not because its in your post as a quote Evan laughs at Jacks opinion that Fetzer quotes evidence (which I agree with Jacks statement) says Jack breaks him up and calls him a card Did you miss that? Its really starting to get to me that non-alteratoinists have tunnel vision when it comes to reading posts, they only see what they think are unwarrented attacks by Fetzer, White and other alterationists How could you have missed that post Todd? Like Pat said, compared to Fetzer and Thompsons past feuds the stuff going back and forth now is civil
  3. Don Dont feel too bad, after Thompson replied to my "Double Head Shot" thread he has ignored every post and any questions I have made since then I guess I have to write a book for him to find me worthy enough of a simple reply Dean
  4. relax Len, simply refute, deny or obfuscate will ya? There's only 5 volumes, the lone nut contingent could be busy for the next 3-5 years.... no sense getting personal. p.s. Bill Miller made a career out of using lousey imagery... ever see those gif animations..... No need to go through every claim he makes, as with the other Alterationists enough errors have been discovered already that his claims can not be taken at face value and need independent confirmation. Oh really? So because I discovered that Tinks reversal of his double head shot theory was dead wrong means that now I should throw out all the rest of anything Tink has ever done in his life?
  5. I cant believe how one sided members can be How can you act like Thompson has never attacked Fetzer? Go back and read ALL the threads between Thompson and Fetzer
  6. Wow the Paul Nolan (Oh I mean John FakeAdams, dang those pesky fake names that destroy any and all credability you might have once had) groupies are gonna log on and get Tinks back in his time of need LMFAO Im sure Tink does not need any help from the FakeAdams crew
  7. So do I He takes 13 of the witnesses and puts them in a group of "Said the motorcade stopped or slowed" even when they at some point siad the limo stopped All Duke is trying to do is scatter the truth around and make it seem like the 59 witnesses were confused Its funny how anyone that is against alteration Kathy takes their research as holy gospel (Mack, Zavada, Duke Lane) I dont think she cares to ever read TGZFH, I wish you would Kathy, I wish you would....
  8. And I just received another present in the mail. A CD audio of Homer McMahon's recorded interview with ARRB (Horne, Gunn, et al). Can anybody tell me if there is a transcript of this available? Thanks, BILL NOT IN THE ARRB FILES..THOUGH I FOUND SO MANY OTHERS NOT HIS...PERHAPS NOW THAT YOU HAVE IT YOU COULD PICK --sorry caps--away at it..till someday it is completed..and then you could post such....best b.. BK I don't believe the ARRB didn't make a transcript of this interview on the record. I'd make one but there doesn't seem to be much interest. BK Well, I'm almost done transcribing this recording of the ARRB interview with Homer McMahon, which seems pretty interesting even though nobody is interested. I'm not going to post it right away either here or on my blog because there's some things in there that I want to run down first - some new names and places that I want to check out before any idiots get there before me. I will post it later, and will send copies via email to anybody who asks for it, provided they keep it to themselves for a little while. Bkjfk3@yahoo.com Bill I am very interested I would love a copy sent to my Email if you could I will keep it to myself and not post it, I promise Dean Hi Dean, Send me an email at Bkjfk3@yahoo.com and I'll get it to you as soon as I'm finished. I'm 80% there, but its tedious, but worthwhile since he's such an interesting character. BK Email sent Thanks Bill
  9. Jack I have pretty much every image you can think of on my computer, what Parkland photos did you want posted? Here is Stoughton
  10. Dean...please make some comments about important things you learned by watching Doug's presentation. I want to keep bumping it to page one until I can get Bernice or someone to post some images for me. Others should watch also, and comment...especially Pamela, who is very critical of Doug. Jack No problem Jack Most of Dougs presentation matched his chapter in MIDP, however I did gather more insight on Vaughn Ferguson and his strange actions, I consider ferguson to be a part of the conspiracy for sure Dougs presentation nailed that home, the conflicting dates on the re-upolstry and cleaning, the in and out logs, and on and on One thing that is very clear to me about the reason that Pamela is critical of Doug is that Doug is a threat to her self proclaimed title of "Limo Expert" In my mind the "Limo Expert" is Doug Weldon, I think that Pamela much like Vince Palamaras self proclaimed title of "Sercret Service Expert" would be crushed if her title was ever taken from her by another researcher Dean
  11. Tink Would you be kind enough to scan some of those 35mm slides (You are talking about the ones you took with your own camera when no one was looking correct?) If you could post them here that would be great, or if you could Email them to me that would work also, either way I would love to see them I would like to see the frames 312-316, but it really does not matter I just want to see how they turned out And I would also like to see them as I know you took them when you were not supposed to, and I very much admire that you took the risk to do that Thank you Dean
  12. And I just received another present in the mail. A CD audio of Homer McMahon's recorded interview with ARRB (Horne, Gunn, et al). Can anybody tell me if there is a transcript of this available? Thanks, BILL NOT IN THE ARRB FILES..THOUGH I FOUND SO MANY OTHERS NOT HIS...PERHAPS NOW THAT YOU HAVE IT YOU COULD PICK --sorry caps--away at it..till someday it is completed..and then you could post such....best b.. BK I don't believe the ARRB didn't make a transcript of this interview on the record. I'd make one but there doesn't seem to be much interest. BK Well, I'm almost done transcribing this recording of the ARRB interview with Homer McMahon, which seems pretty interesting even though nobody is interested. I'm not going to post it right away either here or on my blog because there's some things in there that I want to run down first - some new names and places that I want to check out before any idiots get there before me. I will post it later, and will send copies via email to anybody who asks for it, provided they keep it to themselves for a little while. Bkjfk3@yahoo.com Bill I am very interested I would love a copy sent to my Email if you could I will keep it to myself and not post it, I promise Dean
  13. David Is the Weitzman 35mm copy the one that is shown in the NOVA progam "Who Shot President Kennedy?" (Im sure it is the program you were refering to as you have a nice part in the program and it seems to be the one described by you in POAL in TGZFH) Here is the link to the video "Who Shot President Kennedy?" 1988 Tink also has a part in the program This was the first program that I watched on the JFK case, I enjoyed it back in 1988 and still enjoy it to this day The Z-film in this program looks good and sharp Is this the Weitzman 35mm Z-film that is seen in the NOVA Program? Thanks David Dean
  14. Yes, but he has no problem expressing his opinions and making fun of me and my thoughts on the assassination in PMs Very true Jim, thank you for the kind words I did not feel this way about Gary before and even enjoyed his PMs and talking back and forth with him Until he started sending me PMs about the FBI film that Shaneyfelt took with Zapruders camera Jack posted a picture of the limo over in the far right lane looking as if it was correcting the wide turn, to me and of course you and Jack that is very important because we know the wide turn as witnessed by Roy Truly was taken out of the Z-film Well Gary started to say I need to learn the basics, he also said I need to read the Warren Report (after I have told him I have) Well the last thing he said to me was "This is why you have so many questions - you're not dedicated to learning ABOUT the assassination, just in reinforcing your preconceived opinions. I can tell that by what you post." He acts like im asking him questions on a daily basis, I have maybe asked him 3 questions in my whole life But for him to say im not dedicated to the assassination was a slap in my face that I though was a BS thing for him to say to me Because I am an alterationist and back all 3 books from you Jim and the others who wrote chapters Gary has chosen to insult me because of my stance If I was a LNer and supported the WC im sure Gary would treat me like I was the king of the world The funny part about all of this is that I never PMed him, he has always PMed me! And anyone who is a member on any forum that Gary is a part of knows what I am talking about I will no longer reply to any PM I recieve from him, even if it is to say he is sorry, which im positive will never happen so im not going to hold my breath Dean
  15. Yet another great addition from Rich to his Youtube page I as well viewed all of Dougs presentation and was super impressed Good job and great research Doug If any member has not went to Richs Youtube page and viewed all of the videos he has posted you should do so right away Dean
  16. Yes, but he has no problem expressing his opinions and making fun of me and my thoughts on the assassination in PMs
  17. That depends on how you define debunked I guess you missed the GIFs I posted showing no motion blur or nobody inside the limo sliding forward starting at frame 308 as Tink has said What more do I have to do to "debunk" Tinks crazy reasons for changing his mind?
  18. Duncan I had no idea that you are the offical spokesman for Gary Mack Congrats!
  19. Thats great How many times will a thread be closed or ignored after I make a post or minutes before I make one? I guess I will repost this in the thread I started Dean, You don't have to like what TT's answers are; do your own research and make up your own mind. And I think that TT has answered Prof. Fetzer's questions, over and over. He's not a student of Fetzer's who has to answer his questions like he's going to get graded on it. He wrote his own book, a book that stands up pretty well today, even though he's learned a lot since then and has changed his mind on a few issues. One thing he hasn't changed his mind on is the Z-film authenticty, and it doesn't matter what the opinions are of the Hollywood special effects people, if they don't come up with evidence, proof of tampering - other than the anamolies in the film, why should he change his mind. Proof that the Z-film was at the "Hawkeye Works" at Kodak's Rochester HQ would certainly put a dent in the chain of possession however, and that's yet to be determined. Now that every thread on the first page is devoted to Fetzer and Thompson and the Z-film, I think I'll have to start a few of my own on some other subjects of interest - like who killed JFK. BK Bill I have done my own research and I have made up my own mind One of the important parts of my theory revolves around Tinks double head shot theory Now I have believed Tink since I first read SSID back in 1988 I have had this theory (double head shot) as a part of not only my begining research into the assassination, but still to this day it is even a bigger part of my overall view of the assassination Now to have Tink just discard his double hit theory to two things that I can not see with my own research is very troubling to me What else in his book that I believed in is he going to discard in the future? Its not a matter of him just answering my question as you seem to think Bill, there is much more to it then that For someone as myself who looked up to Tink as a young kid back in the 80s, whom my grandpa told me was right up there with Harold Weisberg as one of the best researchers its a little hard for me to accecpt the fact that he is turning his back on his own work I dont think Tink understands where I am coming from no matter how many times I post or tell him how important his theory is to my views on the assassination, it almost looks like he doesnt care That changes my views on him as a researcher I hope that clears it up a little for you Bill Dean
  20. I always use a 3rd party hosting site Even Myspace works! Just upload the image, click on it to get the image to its bigger size, right click and select properties, then highlight the address, copy it, then use the picture icon and paste the address I have never and will never use the forum to upload an image Jack can have all of my image space Dean Thanks, Dean...but I have no time to get involved in "third party" sites. It is all I can do to do all the things I do...including managing a history site with 60+ members, and corresponding with them in 20 to 30 emails a day, plus producing 3 or 4 pages daily. My members include teachers, authors, historians, photographers and lots of history buffs. Take a look, and you will see what takes MOST of my time. http://www.fortwortharchitecture.com/oldftw/oldftw.htm I am interested in all kinds of history, not just JFK. Jack Very nice Jack I am very proud of my home city of Redding CA like you are of Ft Worth, I own many books and videos on Reddings history and 2 books of vintage pictures of my city, so the website that you run I can appreciate very much Like I said if its possible you can have all of my image uploading space if John can do that Dean
  21. Re-post because Tink is ignoring the new thread I am very troubled by the fact that Tink changed his mind on the double hit theory The explanation he gave for changing his mind (motion blur) to me is crazy I have watched it over and over and over and see no motion blur I also made a GIF from Costellas combined edit and I do not see ANYONE in the limo start to slide forward at frame 308 as Tink says Just watch Jackie from 308 until 313, she does not move forward I have no idea why Tink would change his well researched and well founded theory on these two things (motion blur and the limo slowing down causing those inside to slide forward starting at frame 308) that do not appear on the Z-film I created the thread like Tink asked and he did in fact answer my question, but I can not swallow the explanation Tink gave for changing his mind You were right the first time Tink, I have already explained why your double hit theory is important to my research, I still dont know why its no longer important to yours Dean
  22. Thats great How many times will a thread be closed or ignored after I make a post or minutes before I make one? I guess I will repost this in the thread I started
  23. I am very troubled by the fact that Tink changed his mind on the double hit theory The explanation he gave for changing his mind (motion blur) to me is crazy I have watched it over and over and over and see no motion blur I also made a GIF from Costellas combined edit and I do not see ANYONE in the limo start to slide forward at frame 308 as Tink says Just watch Jackie from 308 until 313, she does not move forward I have no idea why Tink would change his well researched and well founded theory on these two things (motion blur and the limo slowing down causing those inside to slide forward starting at frame 308) that do not appear on the Z-film I created the thread like Tink asked and he did in fact answer my question, but I can not swallow the explanation Tink gave for changing his mind You were right the first time Tink, I have already explained why your double hit theory is important to my research, I still dont know why its no longer important to yours Dean
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