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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Wow! Very interesting! Todd I hope you can find or track down this interview I am going to go back through all my BDM studies to see if I can find anything I saved from years ago Keep me posted please Todd Dean
  2. I used Robins nice BDM scan to point out what I see as the "Mother and Child" in Betzner It even looks like she is holding the baby on her hip the same way Now I think that BDM was CardiganMan! (In Betzner and Willis) In Betzner and Willis he was standing up behind the wall with his wife and child Then he moved down to join Hudson on the steps while his wife and child moved down the wall to the end (that is why we see her image in Moorman) I would love everyones opinion on this shape
  3. Thanks Bernice, I have read that statement you posted in one of Weisbergs books but forgot all about it I could have swore I read a statement by Hudson that he only remembered one other man on the steps I need to look through my dowloads and books Dean
  4. Thats awesome, if their story fits this scenario then I think it would nail down the BDM mystery I have always liked Groden (After reading POAL I felt a little different about him but I still respect and like him) and own everything he has ever published/released I am very excited about his new book and will order it as soon as he makes it avaliable
  5. Thanks for the clear image Robin I would have to say that I am 100% sure she is holding a child/infant on the side of her hip, you can see the infants feet hanging down on both sides of the mother
  6. Perhaps the man was on his lunch hour and had to go back to work. I was thinking more along the lines of maybe he was running around behind the fence and the railroad yard looking for a gunman then rejoined his wife back at their position at the bench after he knew her and the baby were ok And sorry about giving credit to Duncan about coming up with the theory Thank you Duncan for the great study on the subject Thank you Jeff and Robin for coming up with/advancing this subject BDM has always bugged the hell out of me, I have been looking for an answer to BDM for decades
  7. It is alot that has to come together, but I think it could be possible
  8. I know Jack, the way I wrote it came out wrong What I meant is that you found Gordon Arnold in the Moorman Poloroid That I can accept I dont believe Gordon Arnold, so I started looking for an alternative After reading Trasks POTP about Sitzman seeing the black couple on the bench and the coke bottle etc. and seeing Duncans study is when I started to put it together
  9. Jack I know what you are saying, however I do not believe Gordon Arnolds story That is why I look for an alterantive for what shape is in that area of the wall and another explanation of what could be BDM You see its hard to put it together because I have always believed your Badgeman study, but I have always had a problem with Gordon Arnolds story Im saying your wrong about Gordon Arnold, he could be telling the truth and he could be in Moorman, I just dont believe him To me this scenario seems to fit Is it 100% correct? Of course not But for now this looks to me to be the most possible scenario
  10. Well Duncans study is done with the image in Moorman But when you look at Willis and see how far down the retaining wall BDM is its not a stretch to say that the woman and child moved down to the very end of the wall by the time Moorman took her picture And it has always bothered me when it is suggested in Willis that Hudson is completly covered by CardiganMan, I have looked at Willis for years and I still think Willis only shows two people on the steps not three Could CardiganMan have ran down the steps to join Hudson right before the head shot and in between Willis and Moorman? His shape, or his and his wifes shape making the BDM image in Willis/Betzner? Remember Hudson said there was only one other person on the steps, even though CardiganMan stood next to Hudson the other man on the steps was right in front of Hudson and he is the one who sat down I think CardiganMan was only standing next to Hudson for a second or two before he turned around and bolted up the steps Hudson did not notice him because he was focused on the limo I hope that clears up where i have taken Duncans study
  11. Wow, I never knew that Did you ever meet McVeigh? Being on his defense team how did you feel when he was executed? Did you think he was guilty or not guilty?
  12. Thanks for the link Robin Here is Duncans study Jack, I think Duncan is right on with his theory
  13. Nice GIF Martin However I cant stop looking at CardiganMan lifting his leg and turning to run up the steps I agree with Duncan that he was returning to the end of the retaining wall where his wife and child are Mom and Baby are BlackDogMan Sorry to get off topic Dean
  14. Thats a very bold and alarming statement Len In fact I feel like that was directed right at me If it was directed at me your wrong, I do not need to flatter Jack at all, I am however going to show him my support when he is taking crap from all angles and I agree with his position You do the same thing with Tink, but I would not say your trying to flatter him, I can see that, its just too bad you cant see the other side of it
  15. Pat That depends on what CTers you are talking about Because I have evolved with Jacks work over the years I didnt always believe in alteration, but after 13+ years of study I believe Jack is correct I am willing to take what ever is dished out to me because I believe in alteration But I believe in alteration with all of my heart, trust me Pat when I say that it was no "jump on the band wagon" type deal with me, when I first read "Bloody Treason" back in 1997 until now I have studied alteration almost exclusivly and Jacks (and others, you know who you are) work has helped me to not only understand but accecpt alteration So in my case Jack has been drifting closer to what I believe in, not further away Dean
  16. I see what you are saying and your right I would never sell it, but I do like the fact that most of the books I own are rare and have value I was thinking about sending it to Twyman, alot of my books are signed by the author and some even inscribed to me personaly
  17. So now my mint condition copy that I bought back in 1997 will be worth much less, thats awesome Well at least my favorite book on the assassination will be able to be read by those who refused to pay $100.00+ for the book or didnt buy it when it was released
  18. Barb are you the one behind all the rain im getting right down I-5 from you? Remember that Redding is close to Oregon when you do your rain magic
  19. Ray I dont care if they use 20 quotes in each post, it does not bother me I however know it makes people mad, so I will try harder to shorten the quotes with only the info needed in them, or not use them at all if I am in a one on one debate However like I said before sometimes I will use the entire quote if I feel it needs to be used
  20. Holy cow Ray! This is the 21st century, dont you know how to delete the right amount of quote bars?
  21. Hows this look? Where is my delete button Ray? I cant seem to find it I guess because I quote posts some of the time (in Rays fantasy land I quote every post every time in full) it must mean I know nothing about the assassination
  22. Gee Dean, by my quick count, your post consisted of 48 lines of text. But only 3 lines were your own words. All the rest was REGURGITATION. So You are not really a poster here. You are just a REGURGITATOR. By actual count, your post consisted of one line of quotation and three lines of nonsense. Please list the quotas for 1. regurgitation 2. quotations 3. nonsense Jack Good point Jack, all of Rays posts are 100% nonsense Ray knows I know how to shorten quotes or not use them at all, but instead of talking about real issues like the Hester pile of rubble in the Bell film that you have found he goes on and on about quotes and how to use them Maybe from now on I will quote all of Rays posts in triple
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