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Ian Kingsbury

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About Ian Kingsbury

  • Birthday 10/05/1956

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    just far enough north of London
  • Interests
    Coaching football ,reading ,watching West Ham when pos. trying not to comment on West Ham when pos. unhealthy thirst for knowledge any knowledge.

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  1. Nobody testified to a bullet wound in the throat at Parkland or Bethesda,

    and John Stringer autopsy photographer in his AARB questioning 

    indicated the probe from the shallow back wound did not enter the chest cavity with the lungs removed,Dr. Perry stated 3-5 mm slightly oval ENTRY wound , he cut through this in order to place a trach pipe in the throat as the hand breather was having no effect ,no debris in the throat(otherwise the trach tube could not have passed) David Lifton measured the wound as 1 inch deep and it did not cross the trachea.

    The entry wound was only seen after the cutting of the shirt and tie,therefore the bullet would have to pass through a minimum of 15layers of cloth which it did not as the tie only has a small slit and does not penetrate all the layers making up the tie.
    same with the shirt the slits line up when buttoned.

    Dr. Perry did not leave the throat in the same way we see at Bethesda,but then nobody has seen the official Stringer Photographs

    just the Fox edition With the military towel under the head and not taken by Stringer ,Although he was ordered to sign for the envelope containing

    the false pictures as were others these “authorisations” were utilised

    By the Justice Department through the senate and Church committee
    hearings .

    the Justice Department also wrote Humes scripts for the NBC “ Oswald did it “ specials.

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