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Ian Kingsbury

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Posts posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Counterpunch from Jimmy D

    Mr. Williams:

    I just proved that CE 399 was not found at Parkland. Understand?

    Jim D

    I like to learn.

    Can you post, or provide a link to the proof?

    Duncan, I would urge you to watch the video I made on this subject. After you see it, perhaps you can provide some answers that other LN advocates have not.


    and part two,



    I would urge you to watch it as well. Everyone should view an assumptive comedy on a nice Sunday Morning!


    I would like to ask, and this may seem a bit simple where would the actual crosshairs be pointing at for the head shot

    On 22/11/63 and also on the date of Fraziers test thanks


  2. Thomas,

    Don't forget Troy Eugene West who worked as a mail wrapper on the first floor. He never left his work area throughout his normal working day. He would even eat his lunch close to his wrapping machine. Just because the President of the United States was going past the book depository in his motorcade that day he did not see any reason why he should change his routine. He was at usual place of work on the first floor at the time of the assassination and he did not see anybody until the police arrived.

    Troy is an interesting character because he never saw Lee Harvey Oswald in the days leading up to the assassination getting the paper that he supposedly used to make a bag for his rifle.

    His testimony to the Warren Commission: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/rus/m_i_russ/west.htm



    Thanks, Tony.

    I wonder if he saw anyone getting or taking that kind of paper, of at least the required length, from his work area in the days leading up to the assassination.

    Also, regarding Lee's question, does anyone on the Forum know if the electrical boxes for the elevators were in the basement?




    I am sure the paper bag produced by the FBI ( one of 4) was tested and neither the paper nor the tape came from the TSBD


  3. OK, no takers.

    If you look at the testimony of Lieutentant Day before the Warren Commission, you find on one page:

    http://www.jfk-assassination.de/warren/wch/vol14/page253.php ,about half way down, Day is taking about what he did on the day Kennedy was assassinated when he was on the sixth floor at about 1:20pm. You will see the bit where he says:

    "..Were taken. I processed these three hulls for fingerprints, using powder. Mr. Sims picked them up by the ends and handed them to me. I processed each of the three, did not find fingerprints. As I had finished that, Captain Fritz sent word for me..."

    So, Lieutenant Day says he fingerprinted the three spent cartridges on the afternoon of the assassination and Dhority says that Lieutenant Day fingerprinted the three cartridges when he took them to him later that evening.

    Now that seems strange to me, why would Lieutenant Day fingerprint the cartridges twice?

    Perhaps for the same reason they fingerprinted Oswald twice. Also I thought Fritz kept one in his desk and that only 2 went to the FBI.Maybe he kept the dented/short cycled one?.


    The official version is that Detective Sims took possession of the three spent cartridges at about 1:20pm and he took them to Captain Fritz at his office later that afternoon. Fritz gave them to Detective Dhority later that evening with instructions to deliver then to Lieutenant Day for fingerprinting and to return with one of the three cartridges. Captain Fritz retained the single cartridge until an FBI agent collected it from him a few days later.

    However, when Detective Sims testified to the Warren Commission on April 6, 1964 he could not remember taking possession of the cartridges. He testified again on April 8, 1964 and said that Detective Boyd and Captain Fritz had reminded him about taking possession of the cartridges and that he now remembered doing this.

    Lieutenant Day testified to the Warren Commission that he could not remember who delivered the three cartridges to him, however, in an affidavid dated May 7, 1964 he stated that Detective Dhority had reminded him that he was the person that made the delivery and so he now remembered that event. He spoke about being asked to check for fingerprints even though he had done this already when he was on the 6th floor of the TSBD.

    Day made an affidavid on June 23, 1964 and this time he mentioned that he was asked to "recheck" for fingerprints as if it would be quite routine to be asked to "recheck" for fingerprints on small cartridge cases that had already been checked for prints.

    In neither affidavid does he say whether he actually checked for fingerprints on the evening of November 22, 1963.

    Day's Affidavids: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/day2.htm

    With Detective Sims and Lieutenant Day showing difficulty in remembering events you might wonder if Detective Dhority had remembered things correctly. Perhaps Lieutenant Day did not check the Cartridges for prints that evening, he just retained two and gave Dhority one back without doing any processing and Dhority had not remembered this correctly. After all, his affidavid was made 6 months after the event.

    However, in the City of Dallas archives Box 3, Folder 5, Item 1 is a report by Dhority. It is not dated but this type of report would have been made soon after the assassination. In this report Dective Dhority makes a more emphatic statement that Lieutenant Day checked the cartridges for fingerprints than he makes in the later affidavid.


    This seems to suggest that Lieutenant Day really did check for fingerprints on the cartridges twice that day.


    Tony Its only odd if they are the same cartridges, Surely their chain of evidence would establish these facts .An evidence bag or envelope would have to be signed for before fingerprinting or any testing could take place .If they were tested by Day he would sign for possession ,test them, rebag them and send them off to the FBI who in turn would sign possession of them .

    Would you agree? .


  4. OK, no takers.

    If you look at the testimony of Lieutentant Day before the Warren Commission, you find on one page:

    http://www.jfk-assassination.de/warren/wch/vol14/page253.php ,about half way down, Day is taking about what he did on the day Kennedy was assassinated when he was on the sixth floor at about 1:20pm. You will see the bit where he says:

    "..Were taken. I processed these three hulls for fingerprints, using powder. Mr. Sims picked them up by the ends and handed them to me. I processed each of the three, did not find fingerprints. As I had finished that, Captain Fritz sent word for me..."

    So, Lieutenant Day says he fingerprinted the three spent cartridges on the afternoon of the assassination and Dhority says that Lieutenant Day fingerprinted the three cartridges when he took them to him later that evening.

    Now that seems strange to me, why would Lieutenant Day fingerprint the cartridges twice?

    Perhaps for the same reason they fingerprinted Oswald twice. Also I thought Fritz kept one in his desk and that only 2 went to the FBI.Maybe he kept the dented/short cycled one?.

  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And down goes Specter!

    Hello Senator Joe Sestak! Well, he still has to fight some Repug in the ggeneral election but I think he'll win.

    What a great night!

    Maybe Specter will now join Posner the Plagerist's Defense Team.

    More significant is the possiblity of our friend Jerry Policoff's chance of being elected to the House from Lancaster, Pa., as a progressive Democrat who was endorsed by Sestak.

    Meet Pat Toomey Some Repug


    Toomey grew up in East Providence, His father laid cable for an electric company, while his mother helped raise the family’s six children by working as a secretary at the local parish.Toomey stays true to his conservatives roots,"

    "I was raised in a Democratic household," Toomey recalls. "My dad was a card-carrying union worker and a Democratic super voter." A gifted student, Toomey earned scholarships to a Catholic private high school, LaSalle Academy, and then Harvard University. He also supplemented his scholarships with part-time jobs.Toomey stays true to his conservatives roots,"

    As a teenager in the 1970s he was turned off by what he observed as "a downright anti-American streak" in liberalism.

    "What I found very offensive was the 'blame America first' crowd, the people who suggested that there was a moral equivalence between the United States and the Soviet Union at the time, which struck me as absurd."

    Toomey says he continued his rightward migration upon entering Harvard in 1980. "I went to college the same year that Ronald Reagan got elected president and I had tremendous respect for Reagan, and found that he was ridiculed and held in contempt on campus," he says. "I also majored in political philosophy. I was studying competing ideas about political priorities and all of this was just gradually moving me in a more conservative direction."

    After graduating Harvard in 1984, he moved to New York to work in finance, a career that required him to travel through Asia and spend a year in Hong Kong.

    Toomey made a big career shift by moving to Allentown, Pa. to start a sports bar and restaurant, Rookie's, with his brothers. It became a successful chain.

    His experiences in business helped seal his conservatism, he says: "I learned the power and discipline and frankly the wisdom of markets, and the incompetence of government."

    Robert Hunter, "Patrick Toomey: From Wall Street to Capitol Hill," Derivatives Strategy, May 1999.(12)

    Specter was last seen outside the pentagon pleading "throw me a frickin bone why don't ya"

    unconfirmed reports of Arlen Darlen spector (no relation to Phil) has began a pop career with his new track " I will survive" C/W

    " But I don't know how ?" out on Monday.

  6. The mystery object/anomoly behind her right hand and arm is boxed shaped, which makes me think that she was maybe carrying a lunch pack?

    Keep Watching! It was lunch time after all.



    The lady in Black, where is her right arm?

    As we can see the leg of the lady behind her, below where her elbow would be.



    Chris I spent ages looking for Duncans wrist rotation (which I can see) whilst just watching the looped gif Mystery woman walks through the shadows of the trees and "disappears" Or morphs from blue to black unless lady in blue stops right in the shadow she should be visible in Z could this be the lady in black? Ian

  7. Robin

    Perfect answer! Thanks for laying it out like that

    Robin this is a very precise way to handle the photographic along with the testimony great idea .Maybe this could work for all the graphics/testimony it would certainly show the discrepancies between the two hats off mate! .Ian
  8. Jack,

    What Z frame would you say JFK is directly in line with Jean Hill?

    From that frame, imagine the limo position 33 frames prior.

    Would 33 frames prior, coincide with Jean's head orientation when the limo is directly in line with her.

    In other words, if she's looking northeast in Z when the limo is directly in line with her, then yes this would follow the rule.


    Just like Apron/clappy (to the left of jfk on the infield) man he is looking where Jfk is not

  9. Bill,

    I agree with everything you wrote...almost. Like you, I find it much more implausible to believe that all of Doug's conclusions are false than to believe that at least one of them is true--and one is all it takes.

    However, and I actually like this, you seem to have a somewhat--I dunno--old west "shoot 'em up" mentality about parts of the case. That's not a criticism--not at all!

    Only problem is...you seem to still be looking to hold someone accountable for the crime....or to otherwise prevent the perpetrators from "getting away with it" -- Well, guess what: THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT! Yeah, they did and it sucks--but they did.

    Please forgive my being so bold, but perhaps the best lesson here doesn't reside in our figuring out how to obtain justice for JFK, but rather understanding "what it means" (that we cannot) about us, about our nation, about preventing it in the future.

    I know that sounds somewhat fatalistic, even resigned, but it is what it is.

    I do not think we will see the type of display of anger issued upon Mussolini ,But there will be anger.Here in the UK the guilty politicians are rarely exposed and are allowed to retire gracefully. The old boys network also functions in America which is probably what got them in this situation initially.Ian

  10. Myer's uses 23.1 fps for Towner's film.

    I say it's closer to 18 fps, what it was capable of.

    168 total Towner frames/23.1fps=7.27 seconds

    168 frames/18fps=9.33 seconds

    Difference between the two is 2.06 seconds.

    Use the 2 second rule. It works.


    Great piece of work I have been following the posts on Duncan's site you must be very tired .Ian

  11. Sirhan-Sirhan is the last key in the entire Kennedy assassination plot. Of course the CIA and friends really got their heads after the JFK success and realized they could get away with in-country assassinations. They were all that. They were getting very good at whacking potential JFK talkers.

    Then RFK came around - a potential killer of them all. If RFK became President he would bring in all his own boys and flush them all - that is - until he put them in jail for life. He would have nailed all of their arses to the wall when he re-opened the JFK assassination probe (with his people).

    So, of course, they killed him. Makes sense...kill him before he can kill you. Anybody who thinks the JFK assassination was a few folks is'nt paying much attention.l The JFK assassination was a very LARGE conspiracy. The RFK assassination was a very LARGE conspiracy as well. CIA (obviously) and law enforcement. CIA were the big factors in the RFK killing though. They had to set up the patsy and not kill him again - too obvious.

    The man is still alive. Still saying the same old stuff....or maybe not saying anything.

    David whilst trawling through some of the batches of files relating to JFK I came across the name of James Earl Ray this was in connection with JM/WAVE . The file contained hand written notes which appear to be a list of people involved in various missions

    .Ian HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 9

  12. I've stated it before, but due to experiences early on it is seldom that I follow a link. It is also why I have high lighted issues in various threads from cybergoons to what is a bot, (I alerted the US mil site to one of their images in their huge site being infected. I got a nice reply for that), but with some of the built in backdoors of Windows, which seems to get worse over time, (how do you crack it to separate from internet explorer? how do you crack it to boot straight to dos? does dos even exist anymore? a GUI has become a disk operating system.?) and the existence of super cookies,

    Vista has flawed alerts.

    John get yourself an old Apple Imac running OSX10.4 I have used all of their products for over 20 years I have never had one crash on me never lost data and never had a virus. And no I do not work for them.Ian

  13. March 14-20 is Sunshine Week, dedicated to informing people about Open Government issues, including the release of secret government records, so we are using it to launch a major lobby campaign to try to convince the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act.

    We have been trying to do this for over a decade but it now looks like we have sympathetic people in positions of power who just might do what they are supposed to do.

    We will be attending as many Sunshine Week events in the DC area as well as some of the events in New York that will be honoring Peter Dale Scott with the intention of convincing others, especially Congressional staff, journalists and other activists, that the JFK assassination records are the most important records still being withheld by the government.

    On Wednesday morning from 9am - 12 noon, March 17, we will be meeting in the Conference Room of the Stewart Mott house, behind the Supreme Court, and then attending a House Oversight subcommittee meeting where four members of the NARA subcommittee will be.

    On Thursday, March 18, the relevant Subcommittee on Information Policy, NARA and Census will meet at 2 p.m. in the Rayburn Building to discuss FOIA policy. We will also be attending this meeting and hope to convince the committee members to allow us an opportunity to brief them on the JFK Act and the need for oversight.

    You are welcome to join us there in person, or join us in the effort to get JFK Act oversight by writting your representatives and members of the House Oversight Committee and Subcommittee and tell them how important this issue really is.

    And if you haven't done so yet, sign the petition. It really will make a difference.


    A note from John Judge:


    On Thursday, March 18, 2010, the House Information Policy, Census and

    National Archives Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled:

    "Administration of the Freedom of Information Act: Current Trends."

    The hearing will take place at 2:00 p.m. in room 2154 Rayburn House Office

    Building. The Rayburn Building is south of the Capitol on Independence

    and 2nd Street, SW in Washington, DC.

    This event falls within Sunshine Week activities in Washington, DC, held

    from March 14-20 in DC this year. For more on their plans nationwide see


    A group of researchers including Bill Kelly, Bill Simpich, Adele Edisen

    and others will be visiting the members of this subcommittee to lobby

    for both oversight hearings on the implementation of the JFK

    Assassination Records Act as required by legislation, and for hearings

    on and passage of a Martin Luther King. Jr. Records Act, as proposed but

    not yet introduced by Senator John Kerry and Rep. John Lewis. The

    members of the subcommittee are listed at



    Please check to see if your representative is listed here and contact

    them asking them to support these efforts by calling for hearings and

    voting for the new bill when it comes to the floor.

    Rep. Lucien Clay, Chairman of the subcommittee was a co-sponsor of the

    MLK Records Act when it was introduced by Rep. Cynthia McKinney in 2005

    and is sympathetic. If your representative is not listed, ask them to

    contact Rep. Clay to urge him to move forward on hearings and to push

    for introduction of the MLK bill. Once the bill has a number in the

    Senate and House, we will be in touch for ask for further support. This

    is an early lobbying effort. The hearings for the MLK Records Act may

    combine with the oversight hearings on the JFK Act because they are

    closely related.

    Thanks for your support, and hope to see you in Dallas this year

    November 19-22!

    John Judge


    John Judge

    Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)

    PO Box 772

    Washington, DC 20044


    Check out our new website:


    Annual meeting in Dallas in November

    Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations

    Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

    National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and

    authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major

    political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and

    implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin

    Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major


    We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of

    last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

    I hope you do not mind but I am posting this on Duncans JFK assasination research site .Ian

  14. AFTER reading the following document, **yesterday, I reread the site with the above title

    and, this is funny, now when i go to check the url which I got through Wiki, it no longer takes me to the document, but instead the CIA has instituted a redirect to er...nowhere.

    Anyway, with this thinking in mind, particularly as pertaining to the good cop bad cop routine, but not without consideration of the implications of the rest of the manual, sudenly it kinda read differently. It'd be interesting to read what others think.


    edit add: **yesterday


    I visited this site yesterday from google I am trying to find the source for the Paines rambler comment only to find there is no citation in the peoples almanac and of course when I posted it all I got in response was that Craig was a xxxx and it did not happen .Who was lying Craig or Fritz? Craig was cop of the year 2 years earlier what significant factor contributed to his demise?


  15. Interesting, I know a Russian who has explained to me that in the common vernacular Alec is a nick for Alexander, who basically established Russian independence from its founders, the Vikings (the Land of the Rus), and colloquially the name Alexander means 'the saviour of the people'.

    I think the killing of RFK is just as murky as his brothers an 8 shot pistol and 14 bullet holes .No authority would touch Sirhan not even now I think it would just stir the pot. Altough it would be a fascinating study . James Earl Ray ditto

  16. Check out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/04/t...just_reloaded=1

    Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

    See Nelson Montana's Profile

    Nothing will convince the conspiracy nuts that they're wrong. It defies the very nature of why they believe what they believe. They want to feel as if they're privy to what others missed. It makes them feel superior. They want to believe they can't be fooled.

    To them, this would be just another "cover up" perpetuated by the media. And anyone who disagrees is a narrow-minded rube. It's as pathetic as it is perpetual.

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:46 PM on 3/04/2010

    - thebodyventura I'm a Fan of thebodyventura 11 fans permalink

    Do tell us master how LHO was able to call off the President's security in Dallas on Nov 22,1963. This is referenced in oliver Stone's JFK.

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:49 PM on 3/04/2010

    - Nelson Montana - Huffpost Blogger I'm a Fan of Nelson Montana 206 fans permalink

    See Nelson Montana's Profile

    Oh, well if it was in Oliver Stones movie, it must be true.

    See what I mean?

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:54 PM on 3/04/2010

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    -DG3 I'm a Fan of DG3 25 fans permalink

    Do tell us how old you are. Does it end with 'teen'?

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:30 AM on 3/05/2010

    - James Fetzer 10 fans permalink

    It would be great is Nelson actually knew what he was talking about for a change. By the simple expedient of determining where the bullet that struck JFK hit his back, it is possible refute--conclusively--the "magic bullet" theory. Michael Baden, M.D., has observed that, if the "magic bullet" theory is false, then there have to have been at least six shots from three directions. It is not only false but is not even anatomically possible. You can download the proof, which includes the shirt and jacket that he was wearing, autopsy and FBI diagrams, his personal physician's death certificate, and reenactment photographs, which is archived at http://www.assassinationscience.com/Reason...assinations.pdf I have been a fan of Tom Hanks, but in this case, he is on the wrong side of logic, evidence, and history.

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:08 AM on 3/05/2010

    - Joe Ryan I'm a Fan of Joe Ryan 2 fans permalink

    Someone should get him copies of Armstrong and Horne's books......


    Maybe Bruce Willis as Fritz (in the white vest) and Charlie Sheen as Oswald and Rosie O'Donnell as Marina I am positive these tight lipped actors could stay within the script/!

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