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Greg Burnham

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Everything posted by Greg Burnham

  1. Yes, Jack--but, Jim's argument is the opposite, in a sense... He is saying that many of her claims are extremely IMPLAUSIBLE (an opinion with which I think we all agree). He is further observing, correctly IMHO, that every time one of her "improbable claims" turns out to be TRUE--that serves to bolster perception of her overall credibility. I will not defend the logic of that perception, but I will acknowledge his accuracy as to human tendencies--logical or not. It does strain the mind...indeed. Well, Jack, my friend--I have known you a very long time (or so it seems) and have never "read you" using profanity. And you still escaped it tonight...albeit by inventing a new word! New word: "bigratsass" -- and it conveyed your meaning (and mine) very well, indeed! GO_SECURE monk
  2. No that is not correct. You are postulating irrespective of your profession. That's almost clever. Your argument then follows this path: "Since it took more than one shot, it was not the work of a professional shooter (or shooters), and therefore was not a conspiracy" -- (afterall, who would conspire to hire amateurs to kill the POTUS?) Sorry, not good enough. I play chess, too.
  3. Martin, Absolutely unequivocally YES. Those shots and their trajectory lead to a point of origin within a 20" circle of the 6th floor window in the TSBD. Mr. Mike, A statement and a few more questions. Since Oswald can't be placed within that 20" circle in the 6th floor window in the TSBD at the time of the assassination 12:30 PMCST, as he has an alibi - being on the second floor at the time, do you think the Sixth Floor Sniper, whoever he was, do you think he was a local Texan hillbilly loser hick who got lucky, or do you think he was a highly paid, well trained and competent clandestine covert operative who killed on assignment before and has done so since? Was the sniper a hillbilly or jackal? And if you insist on Oswald being the Sixth floor sniper, do you think he suddenly decided to kill the President because he was given the opportunity and was mad at Marina or did he plan it out in advance and get the job at the TSBD and set up the Sniper's Nest and carry out a plan he thought of in advance. If Oswald was the sniper, was he a hillbilly or a jackal? And as part of official US military sniper's training, are you trained on how to protect yourself in the Sniper's Nest and how to get out of there after the job's done? Thanks for your knowing and honest response, Bill Kelly Mr. Kelly, I have my issues with LHO being our man quite frankly. The evidence against him is circumstantial at best, and inadmissible at worst. My very honest opinion is this is NOT a professional shooter. If it had been there would have been a single round fired. Game. Set. match. I would not even presume to surmise what Oswald would do. The boy had issues that is sure enough, but to what I am not qualified to give any better guess than anyone else. In normal operations we have a spotter, he is our security, and is generally armed with an m4 or some variant. We also have a pistol. Basically the snipers best security is a damn good "hide", his own ability to enter and leave an area undetected, and his insistence that one shot be fired. Think if you will about a bird in your back yard chirping. If he chirps just once we often cant locate him, however if he continues to chirp he is soon located, and so it is with a sniper. One shot, then relocate. One of the main things in considering location is escape. This is and should always be preplanned. Best to you SIR, Mike This is the first post you have made that I agree with almost 100%-- But, it does bring us back to the sniper's nest. Even if we agree that LHO as the sniper was an unlikely scenario, what about that location? This is not a point of probable extraction, by any stretch of the imagination, for anyone under the circumstances. Moreover, if the TSBD sniper (if there was one) was an amateur as you postulate, HOW DID HE GET OUT UN-MOLESTED in the aftermath?
  4. Lee knew how to drive. Harvey didn't. Maybe in those days, many Russians didn't have cars. Kathy C While it's true that "many Russians didn't [indeed the majority did not] have cars" -- and therefore Harvey didn't know how to drive (? I don't know why that would be assumed since Harvery was not Russian, but whatever) --still, if we are to accept Armstrong's account, the Oswald that Judyth knew was HARVEY not LEE. And the one Judyth claims to have known was (according to Armstrong) HARVEY (who could not drive) -- but who was known to Judyth (according to Judyth) as Lee (who could drive). Mind boggling-- Personally, I have a very difficult time accepting that any Soviet double-agent, or false defector, or infiltrator, or--in other words--SPY-- would not have been taught to drive for purposes of "cover story" if nothing else.
  5. I think you are correct, Jim. My mistake. That they "turn out to be true" --if that is indeed the case--is problematic for those who would dismiss her claims only because they appear to be implausible prima facia. Have any of her detractors admitted that some of her most implausible claims did, in fact, turn out to be true? Are they still denying, avoiding, or ducking the issue? Or are they awaiting more proof beyond that which you have provided? Is such expectation (of evidence) warranted or not? Jack, Barb, David: What about Kan Kun for starters? Or Kankun -- or Cancun-- WHATEVER! What about her explanation of this apparent miscommuniction? David? Is it that hard to accept or even imagine such an innocuous explanation could actually be adequate to the evidence? Is it POSSIBLE that her explanation is true--even if hard to swallow?
  6. Great points all, Jack! BTW: I think that ALL of the FETZER photos were altered. Apples and oranges--so to speak. Indeed. Moreover, again as devil's advocate for the sake of argument, are we to assume that JVB even knew LHO based on her preposterous (on its face) claims? Is this argument really sound? That: the more incredible her claims, the more they are probably true? Weak, IMO. There is merit to the argument, IMO, but only with much more evidence that is solidly VERIFIABLE independent of the subject's [JVB] testimony. I do agree with Jim's "stretch" in one way, though. It's just resting on too many "if's" IMO. To accept such a "stretch" for me requires more PERSONAL knowledge of the witness than I currently have...and to invest further is too risky for me.
  7. Martin, Absolutely unequivocally YES. Those shots and their trajectory lead to a point of origin within a 20" circle of the 6th floor window in the TSBD. Mike, As a point of logic, you are speaking of "shots" as though that terminology [as you infer it to mean] is relevant to this discussion! In other words, it is a circular argument. Your conclusion includes "facts not in evidence" outside of the original inquiry, yet incorporates them within your conclusion as though they were arrived at independently from the original debate. Are you relying on medical/wound forensics at all? Are you considering eyewitness and earwitness testimony at all? It appears that you are not including data in your analysis that in any way might challenge your pre-determined conclusions.
  8. Here is another. That one is laughably ridiculous.
  9. Holland says the 4th shot was much louder than the 3rd shot. Bill Newman's reaction is to the loudest shot. Newman sees and describes the 313 shot, but his reaction in Nix indicates a response to the later shot. chris Chris, I tend to believe that the location of Z-313 (physically marked on the street) is erroneous. I further believe that the Z-film frames are less than reliable [read:INACCURATE] when used as a baseline to determine...ummmm--just about anything! It is not an accurate "time clock" for starters, for numerous reasons. Unfortunately, it is "just close enough" to occupy our attention in an attempt to discover the truth, only to disappoint in the end. However, close scrutiny reveals little about reality, beyond the fact that the perpetrators were very thorough. The alteration of the Zapruder film is probably the single most effective element of the ongoing cover up [obstruction of justice] in the assassination of John F Kennedy. It sends even sincere researchers down the wrong path...
  10. Jim, I recall from my interview with Judyth that she has a clear memory of LHO driving. She didn't mention any "drivers' license" as far as I can remember, but she did tell me that he drove. I have no RELIABLE independent evidence that confirms or refutes her claim.
  11. Greg thank you so much for your kind offer but I would like to own the book If that means paying $70.00 from The Last Hurrah then I will do that because I know how important this book is and I should have bought it when it came out but I kept slacking while the price kept rising Im glad I didnt do that with all the other books I own that are now sell for top dollar I guess I will have to sleep on the couch for a night Its worth it The book was $50 when it came out. It is on e-bay for $135 plus postage. I have seen it as high as $250. It is a huge book with a cd and comes with a sleeve. Both Shelby and Andy are good to get it through. I believe only 2000 copies were printed so its value will only increase. Best, Doug Weldon If nothing else, it is an invaluable resource, at the very least. Although it is highly unlikely that any author will be 100% "on the mark" in all of their conclusions--still, some works are "over the top" in their contribution. This is one of them, IMO.
  12. To my eye, it looks like Toni & Bill react at approximtely frame #322 as numbered on your film. I can't see Zapruder's reaction (if any) clearly enough to venture a guess as to frame number. ========================================================================== EDIT: I just re-checked the remainder of what I posted earlier [below]. I will need to study it further. I am less certain about this now than I was earlier. What I find very interesting--as I've said before--is the relative SIZE of Zapruder as compared to people seen in the foreground. Closer objects should appear larger than objects of relatively the same size that are farther away. He seems awfully tall using that standard. But, I digress, that's a topic for a different thread.
  13. Sorry, but I'm unable to tell as the gif is very shaky.
  14. [paraphrased] He says the sound from the shots (reports) were of different volume and there were four shots. The first, second, and fourth "reports" were noticebly louder than the third--and the third and fourth reports occured almost simultneously.
  15. Greg thank you so much for your kind offer but I would like to own the book If that means paying $70.00 from The Last Hurrah then I will do that because I know how important this book is and I should have bought it when it came out but I kept slacking while the price kept rising Im glad I didnt do that with all the other books I own that are now sell for top dollar I guess I will have to sleep on the couch for a night Its worth it Dean, You might want to try Shelby DellaRosa first. I don't know if she has any available for sale at JFKresearch, but if so (and if the price is right) I'm sure she'd appreciate the revenue.
  16. Hi Mark, Welcome to the forum. The last time I heard you speak was over 30 years ago when you were on the same stage with Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, I believe. I'm looking forward to reading your assessment of many of the topics being discussed here. Greg
  17. Hey Dean, Pay for the shipping and I'll lend you my copy.
  18. Gerry and I became close friends for a period spanning a little over a decade. Of the 100's of hours that we talked to each other, two especially stand out in my mind, although there were many memorable converstions. The first of the two took place on the morning of 9/11/2001. Gerry phoned me at my home in San Diego, CA from his home in Fayetteville, NC. It was approximately 5:50am PST. I had woken up at about 4:30am and was unable to return to sleep. So, I got up, made a sandwich and turned on ESPN2 NBA Classic Games (or some such name) while I ate. After I finished I dozed off on the couch with the game still on TV. At about 5:50am my then girlfriend came down stairs from our bedroom to give me my cell phone which had been ringing next to my side of the bed. She said she had ignored it so it went to voice mail, but whoever it was kept calling back (she never answered my phone before this). Finally, she had answered it so it woiuld stop ringing and it was Gerry. He said, "Let me talk to monk, it's Gerry" -- So she came down and handed me the phone and said who it was. I took the phone and said, "Hey Gerry, what's up?" He said, "What are you doing? Do you have the TV on?" I said, "I couldn't sleep so I'm watching an old basketball game, why?" He said, "Turn to CNN because in about 10 minutes they're going to have this on their station--a plane just hit the World Trade Center." -- I said, "No xxxx?" He said, "Yeah, and they think it was probably Bin Laden" -- This was before it had been reported on the news. I changed the channel to CNN first and kept switching to HLN and NBC, CBS, ABC, etc., until it came on CNN around 6:00. The second conversation of great significance, took place as I was boarding a helicopter with my fiance to get married "barefoot on the beach" on Catalina Island on January 7th 2005. I called Gerry, who had agreed to be my best man even though from a distance. I called him again during the ceremony so he could hear everything. Privately, he was a lot more sentimental than he came across publically. Gerry had a lot to say about Robert Emmett Johnson on the Education Forum. You can find some of the quotes here: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKjohnsonRE.htm There is also a thread on Johnson here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6927 Even though he is dead I was warned by a well-informed researcher that it is not a good idea to say bad things about him.
  19. The "key" to the statement is the quotation marks. Nobody is denying the existence of a false defector program (on both sides of the Cold War), but the "description" of the program's dynamics as referred to in that post is being scrutinized, with a touch of sarcasm. GO_SECURE monk Excuse my interruption, but I find that comment a little strange. I wouldn't pretend to know even one hundredth of the JFK assassination details that Prof Fetzer, Jack White and others know but even I am aware that both the US and the USSR "planted" defectors (e.g. TOP HAT, FEDORA, etc)
  20. REPLY TO JIM'S NOTE BELOW: Jim, That seems inconsistent with Judyth's story. Judyth's account is that Oswald was somewhat resigned to doom by then; he was convinced enough that he wasn't going to survive that he told Judyth he wanted to spend Thursday night with his wife and kids so that HE COULD SAY GOODBYE TO THEM, which one can reasonably conclude is the reason for his having wept as reported by JVB. On the other hand, if you're on the right track and he was so lulled into a false sense of security by his handler that he was relaxed and drinking a coke as the client (JFK) approached the kill zone (even in an aborted ambush scenario), my original point seems reinforced: He lacked the wisdom that comes from life experience. Again, I grant that Judyth might be seeing him through biased eyes, so her claims that, IMO, paint him as "wise beyond his years" are still sincere even if tainted. No disrespect intended. GO_SECURE monk
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