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Adele Edisen

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  1. I have invited him to become a member this morning. Yea, this could be an important new book. I'm particularly interested in the Chicago informant who helped train Cubans in Florida on how to conduct a clean hit and blame it on a patsy. - BK New book aims to reveal FBI, CIA involvement in Kennedy assassination To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen offers evidence and arguments suggesting a conspiracy TEMECULA, Calif. (MMD Newswire) June 16, 2010 -- To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen seeks to uncover new information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and identify the groups who conspired to kill him. According to Swearingen, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in assassinating Kennedy as was claimed by the FBI, the Warren Commission and other investigating bodies. Instead, he argues that rogue CIA agents acting in concert with the mafia and certain Cuban exiles plotted to kill Kennedy. Swearingen contends that the conspiracy was covered up by the FBI, an effort that continues to this day through the agency's unwillingness to disclose key details about the events surrounding Kennedy's death. "I want to set the record straight," Swearingen says. "The truth is my inspiration. Upholding the Constitution and exposing government corruption is my sole purpose." A 25-year veteran of FBI field work, Swearingen was employed by the bureau in 1963 when Kennedy was shot in Dallas. Citing internal sources and information not previously released to the public, Swearingen claims that Oswald was an FBI informant who was known to government officials prior to the assassination. He argues that the statements and actions of FBI and CIA personnel indicate a cover-up, one that he believes included CIA-trained Cuban exiles and American mobsters. "Names are named, associations are made, reasonable conjectures are served and Swearingen comes across as the real deal," explains a Kirkus Discoveries review. "He virtually dares readers to prove him wrong." To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels. About the Author M. Wesley Swearingen is a former FBI agent and the author of FBI Secrets: an Agent's Expose. A U.S. Navy veteran who served during World War II, Swearingen later graduated from Ohio State University and joined the FBI while it was directed by J. Edgar Hoover. Following his retirement from the FBI in 1977, Swearingen was involved in several lawsuits against the bureau related to wrongful imprisonment and civil rights violations. A licensed private investigator, Swearingen has appeared in several documentary films about the FBI and earned the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice's President's Award. FBI SECRETS: An Agent's Expose' is about FBI corruption and wrongdoing. It is a veteran agent's firsthand story of how the FBI foreswore its duty to the Constitution by plotting assassinations in Chicago in 1969; convicting an innocent man in Los Angeles in 1972 for a murder he did not commit; and covering up a 1990 civil rights violation as a result of the bombing of an Earth-First activist's car. For years the FBI has lied to the Department of Justice, the U.S. Congress, and the Courts. The new explosive book, TO KILL A PRESIDENT, is about the CIA's conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and the FBI's cover-up. One of the FBI's top informants in Chicago, trained a handful of selected Mob members and Anti-Castro exiles at a secret CIA camp in Florida on how to conduct a clean hit and blame it on a patsy. TO KILL A PRESIDENT is a must read for those who do not believe the Warren Commission Report. For those who do believe the Warren Commission they will get a new insight into the government that controls the news and their lives.
  2. I have invited him to become a member this morning. Yea, this could be an important new book. I'm particularly interested in the Chicago informant who helped train Cubans in Florida on how to conduct a clean hit and blame it on a patsy. - BK New book aims to reveal FBI, CIA involvement in Kennedy assassination To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen offers evidence and arguments suggesting a conspiracy TEMECULA, Calif. (MMD Newswire) June 16, 2010 -- To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK by M. Wesley Swearingen seeks to uncover new information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and identify the groups who conspired to kill him. According to Swearingen, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in assassinating Kennedy as was claimed by the FBI, the Warren Commission and other investigating bodies. Instead, he argues that rogue CIA agents acting in concert with the mafia and certain Cuban exiles plotted to kill Kennedy. Swearingen contends that the conspiracy was covered up by the FBI, an effort that continues to this day through the agency's unwillingness to disclose key details about the events surrounding Kennedy's death. "I want to set the record straight," Swearingen says. "The truth is my inspiration. Upholding the Constitution and exposing government corruption is my sole purpose." A 25-year veteran of FBI field work, Swearingen was employed by the bureau in 1963 when Kennedy was shot in Dallas. Citing internal sources and information not previously released to the public, Swearingen claims that Oswald was an FBI informant who was known to government officials prior to the assassination. He argues that the statements and actions of FBI and CIA personnel indicate a cover-up, one that he believes included CIA-trained Cuban exiles and American mobsters. "Names are named, associations are made, reasonable conjectures are served and Swearingen comes across as the real deal," explains a Kirkus Discoveries review. "He virtually dares readers to prove him wrong." To Kill a President: Finally - an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels. About the Author M. Wesley Swearingen is a former FBI agent and the author of FBI Secrets: an Agent's Expose. A U.S. Navy veteran who served during World War II, Swearingen later graduated from Ohio State University and joined the FBI while it was directed by J. Edgar Hoover. Following his retirement from the FBI in 1977, Swearingen was involved in several lawsuits against the bureau related to wrongful imprisonment and civil rights violations. A licensed private investigator, Swearingen has appeared in several documentary films about the FBI and earned the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice's President's Award. FBI SECRETS: An Agent's Expose' is about FBI corruption and wrongdoing. It is a veteran agent's firsthand story of how the FBI foreswore its duty to the Constitution by plotting assassinations in Chicago in 1969; convicting an innocent man in Los Angeles in 1972 for a murder he did not commit; and covering up a 1990 civil rights violation as a result of the bombing of an Earth-First activist's car. For years the FBI has lied to the Department of Justice, the U.S. Congress, and the Courts. The new explosive book, TO KILL A PRESIDENT, is about the CIA's conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and the FBI's cover-up. One of the FBI's top informants in Chicago, trained a handful of selected Mob members and Anti-Castro exiles at a secret CIA camp in Florida on how to conduct a clean hit and blame it on a patsy. TO KILL A PRESIDENT is a must read for those who do not believe the Warren Commission Report. For those who do believe the Warren Commission they will get a new insight into the government that controls the news and their lives. John,Bill, Greg, and All, I met Mr. Swearingen years ago at one of the Lancer November meetings in Dallas. He was seated next to Craig Roberts (author of The Kill Zone) with whom I also spoke. I told Mr. Swearingen of the difficulties I was having in obtaining responses to my Freedom of Information requests to the FBI. He told me he had been an FOIA officer in the FBI and understood my plight because a FOIA requester had to practically know the FBI's file number of the documents being asked for. Unfortunately, he could offer no helpful suggestions to me at that time, but he was quite sympathetic. If Mr. Swearingen does become a member, I would hope he could expound a bit on his experiences as an FOIA officer in the FBI. I am still seeking the records which should have been in the files of the FBI, the report by FBI Liaison Special Agent, Orrin Bartlett, of my interview of November 24, 1963, and those of the FBI agents of the Washington and Baltimore FBI offices who were ordered by Mr. Bartlett to "pick up Jose Rivera for interrogation." Adele
  3. Barb wrote on [age 188, Post #2817: Barb, Thank you for your kind comments. And I appreciate all the excellent studies you have done on the JFK assassination. My only source of information about the linear particle accelerator was from Ed Haslam when he was writing his first two versions of MARY, FERRIE, AND THE MONKEY VIRUS, which he published on his own. I had met Ed in 1993 at an ASK Conference where I spoke in public for the first time about my 1963 experiences. During the 1990s, we spoke or wrote to each other about things we knew in New Orleans. I had been at the Tulane University School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry and Neurology, from 1954-1956, as a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (NINDB) of the NIH. I had three children born and returned to research, again as a Postdoc of NINDB, but at Louisiana State University School of Medicine, in the Department of Physiology in 1963. I didn't have much contact with people at the medical school at Tulane during those interim years, so if the accelerator was known about, I would probably not known about it for that reason. I don't know what the original purpose of it being in New Orleans was, but I understand other medical institutions had one. Dr. Mary Sherman was doing research on cancers and had an interest in the virus-caused cancers, and may have been interested in creating a vaccine against them. The day after her murder, she had been scheduled for a visit, I understood, to some children's clinic/ward where there were children with cancers of the bone. She was an orthopaedic surgeon. My husband who did his medical internship at the University of Chicago Medical chool and Hospital, had scrubbed in on one of her operations, an amputation. He was amazed at her strength and clinical knowledge. She later transferred to Tulane and the Ochsner Foundation Hospital and Clinics. Adele
  4. Barb, Jack, and others, I hope that everyone realizes that I am not overwhelmed or upset if some people do not believe what I say. I am a scientist, well-trained to deal with scientific issues with which I am familiar. Dr. Anton J. Carlson, called the "Father of American Physiologists" because he trained so many of them, always asked this relevant question of students for the factual basis for their statements or hypotheses. The question was, "What is the evidence?" That is ingrained in my thinking, even in ordinary life. What, why, how? And, who? When I ask a simple question of a person who speaks the same language as I do, I expect an understandable answer, a true answer. If someone tells me they were introduced to someone, then I assume names were used. I was told that she was introduced to Rivera by Dr. Alton Ochsner. If I am told his skin color was "white", and there were no other physical characteristics given, then the man, obviously, was not Rivera. Rivera's complexion was remarkably dark in color. It was darker than "olive-skinned" and much darker than "ecru" or light tan. Human skin color has so many variations, depending upon the amount of melanin in the skin, carotene, blood flow, and as every artist knows, the reflected light which plays upon the skin at any particular time. Exposure to the sunlight and genetic factors, as well as pathological factors, determine skin tones. Now, on to Barb's question concerning the e-mail letters attributed to me. Let me ask everyone if they have ever received an e-mail letter from someone else, either addressed directly to them, or copied to them, or forwarded to them, in their mail box, which contained all that routing information? I get an e-mail like that when I make an error in the e-mail address that I am sending to someone else, and Mail Daemon, as it's called by my server, kicks it back to me. Can anyone explain all that jargon on an ordinary e-mail? After that three-hour phone call, the next day I contacted someone who had previously been referred to me by Mary Ferrell whom she thought knew a great deal about the assassination. I asked him if he had ever heard or known about Judyth's story. I related what she had said and her request to me to support her story, which I could not possibly do, as I knew nothing more than what she had told me. She also had told me she would come to my home to show me her evidence. He replied that he had never heard of her or her story, and thought it might be a fantasy, some kind of hoax. He also advised not to speak to her or admit her into my home should she appear on my doorstep. This is one reason why I never would have written the "gushy" letter to her, with the "gigantic internet hug." I did write postcards and notes to all my friends informing them of the change of address from the street address to the post office box, but that had been four years prior to the date on this particular e-mail. I had sent one to Mary Ferrell because we had corresponded for many years by postal mail by then because I did not have a computer and was not online. Mary and I spoke often on the telephone, even after I did get a computer. I would not have had a need to tell Mary in 2000 that she should use my P.O. Box address. So, go figure.... Adele
  5. A copy of Rivera's complete government personnel file, from which the summary, above, was compiled by Attorney Dave Robertson, is in Box 18 of the Douglas Horne Military Files Section of the JFK Assassination Collection at the National Archives II in College Park, Maryland. Douglas Horne was Chief Military Analyst of the ARRB, the Assassination Records Review Board. Adele Edisen
  6. For those interested. Posted elsewhere in 2008. Title: SUMMARY OF KNOWN FACTS REGARDING JOSE RIVERA Post by: aedisen on July 10, 2008, 11:51 PM ________________________________________ SUMMARY OF KNOWN FACTS REGARDING JOSE RIVERA by Dave Robertson, 2002 Jose A Rivera was a naturalized citizen, born in either Lima, Peru, or San Juan, Puerto Rico (both birth places given in U.S. government documents, as are several different birth dates, ranging from February 6, 1905-1911. He died in 1989.). He was in the US. Army, 1943-1957 and US. Army Reserves, until 1965, Military Service Number: 05 13 618; served in the European Theater of War, 1943-1946; was stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, US. Army Chemical Corps, had SECRET Clearance, worked under Dr. Carl Lamanna, bacteriologist, 1947-1948; Stationed in Japan and Korea, 1950-1954; Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, 1954-1957; Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1959-1961; Naval Biological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, had TOP SECRET classification work under Dr. Carl Lamanna again, 1959-1961. National Institute of Neurological Disease and Blindness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, Science Administrator, 1961-1973 (?) uncertain of exact retirement date here. Adele Edisen first met him in April of 1963 while attending scientific meetings in Atlantic City, New Jersey (Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology - FASEB). She was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness - NIH at that time. Rivera was an administrator in the same Institute as a member of the Section on Training Grants and Awards. He had previously informed Dr. Sidney Harris, Chairman of the Department of Physiology, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, that Adele Edisen had been awarded the fellowship to work in the department. *Birth dates: February 6, 1905-1912 (range). *US. Army: 1943-1957; Army Reserve unti1 1965. Military Service Number: 05 13 618. *European Theater of War: 1943-1946. *Stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S. Army Chemical Corps, had SECRET Clearance, worked under Dr. Carl Lamanna, bacteriologist: 1947-1948. *Stationed in Japan and Korea: 1950-1954. *Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas: 1954-1957. *Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana: 1959-1961. *Naval Biological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, had TOP SECRET classification working under Dr. Carl Lamanna again: 1959-1961. *National Institute of Neurological Disease and Blindness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, Science Administrator: 1961-1973 (?) uncertain of exact retirement date here. *Social Security Number 214-28-5673. He was a naturalized citizen. Claimed two birth places -Lima, Peru, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Graduated Lima High School in 1925. Graduated St. John's University Brooklyn, New York with B.S. degree in 1934. Note added by Adele Edisen:: Jose Rivera is listed as having been present at the autopsy of the body of President Kennedy on Friday evening, November 22, 1963, at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The NPRC list was compiled by Michael Ravnitzky. Bill Kelly told me in an e-mail that he had contacted Mr. Ravnitzky and asked about the note associated with Rivera's name. It was copied directly from the National Personnel Records Center Military listing. The NPRC is a U.S. government facility. Also listed was a Vault File Number (2308) for Rivera. Adele Edisen
  7. Jack, Should we all be surprised at this? Jim Garrison said Oswald had been "sheep-dipped." Adele
  8. I have some doubts about the compliance of Lyndon Johnson in the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. This is based on the writings of Kenneth P. O'Donnell and Dave Powers with Joe McCarthy (a freelance writer, not Senator Joseph McCarthy) in their book, Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye and the book, The Thirty-First of March by Horace Busby, speechwriter for Lyndon Johnson and his confidant. The title refers to the date of the speech given by LBJ when he announced to the American people that he would not be a candidate in the 1968 election. An earlier version had been drafted by Busby in the fall of 1967, but was not delivered at that time. This speech had also been written by Horace Busby, and was delivered about two weeks after Robert Kennedy announced his own candidacy. (I consider the timing very significant and supportive of RFK's candidacy.) O'Donnell and Powers were very close to John Kennedy; Dave Powers was perhaps his closest male friend. When they asked JFk about the rumors (actually started by the head of the Republican National Committee) that Lyndon Johnson was to be excluded as Vice-Presidential candidate in the 1964 campaign, John Kennedy answered with a very strong denial and spoke highly of Lyndon Johnson to his close friends. Further, they describe how Lyndon Johnson was opposed to the visit to Dallas, if not all of Texas. We also are aware from other sources that Kennedy himself was not anxious to go to Texas, and may have been forced to go under political pressures. (?). Horace Busby describes how Lyndon Johnson and his entire staff tried to convince Kennedy and Kennedy's staff to not visit Dallas, mostly because of the extremist right-wing elements there, which had physically attacked Lyndon Johnson and Ladybird when they were campaigning there in the 1960 elections. The animosity between Robert Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson may have begun during the 1956 presidential campaign when Joseph Kennedy offered to provide him with lots of money for his presidential campaign, if he would select John Kennedy as his Vice-Presidential candidate at the Democratic Party Convention. Johnson refused the offer, being his own man, and not wanting to be used as a stepping stone for John Kennedy en route to the Presidency. Also, Johnson had had a serious heart attack in 1955 and was not in the best of spirits to run. This refusal angered Robert Kennedy because he interpreted this as an insult to his father and the entire Kennedy family. My reference for this is a biography of Lyndon Johnson written by Robert Dallek, the title of which I have forgotten. There probably are other sources besides Dallek's. Robert Kennedy's feelings of being insulted by Johnson's refusal to use the Kennedy money in 1956 may have played some role in RFK's attitudes during the 1960 campaign regarding Johnson as John Kennedy's pick for Vice-President. Later, in 1968 the difference in their attitudes toward the Vietnam War were quite obvious. After the assassination Lyndon Johnson had the responsibility of calming the population and reassuring them that the country was not in danger of annhilation by the Soviet Union. The first accusation (the CIA's and Military's version) was that Oswald was a Cuban/Soviet agent who was steeped in Marxist communism, This propaganda was repeatedly broadcast on radio and TV, undoubtedly to prepare us for war with the communist nations. We know that Johnson did not want a commission like the Warren Commission. Neither did J. Edgar Hoover, probably for his own selfish reasons. (Source: Dr. Donald Gibson's book, The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up Revisited (or the previous edition without the word "revisited" in the title). Pressures applied from outside the government on LBJ apparent;y caused him to change his mind later in the week to announce the formation of the so-called Warren Commission on Friday, November 29, 1963. On Saturday, November 23rd, LBJ received the news from Hoover that the voice of the visitor to the Cuban and Russian embassies in Mexico City was not the voice of Lee Harvey Oswald. I think this is when Lyndon Johnson first began to suspect a vast conspiracy in the JFK assassination, and which he expressed to Walter Cronkite some years later. Johnson turned his foreign policy interests away from Cuba and even said of the CIA that "it was running a 'Murder, Inc.' in the Caribbean." It should be of some interest to note that Robert Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy asked a close friend of John Kennedy to go to Moscow and look up a KGB agent whom Robert Kennedy had grown to trust as an intermediary in the corresponce between JFK and Khruschev during the prelude to the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. This friend was attending some cultural event in Moscow at the time. His report came back that the Russians conceived of the assassination as a right-wing plot. (My source is the book, One Hell of a Gamble.). Apparently RFK and Jackie did not trust any US intelligence sources. Adele
  9. Duplication and reproduction of the work, or even a part of the work, by Tom Wilson probably might not be a big problem, if the methods used are identical to those of Tom Wilson. That might be the problem because it is not always possible to have the identical conditions or equipment. I can think of some common variations in chemical reactions when repeated under very slightly different temperatures, air pressures, and other possible unknown variables. In biological experiments the large variability may be due to uncontrollable and unknown conditions found among living organisms. I wonder why some people cannot accept Wilson's metallurgical work. That was his only responsibility when he worked so many years for US Steel. Would a major corporation risk the quality of its steel products to an incompetent engineer using an unknown or undeveloped physical system? Maybe it might help if we look at another electromagnetic radiation, which is heat energy from a fire or from the infra-red radiation from sunlight (not the visible light from sunlight). If we leave a car outside in the summertime sun, the metal gets hot, does it not? How does that happen? Obviously, the infra-red radiation has to interact with the metal atoms. These atoms have to absorb the energy from the infra-red radiation in quanta amounts (quanta are packets of energy like the photons). If you touch the underside of a fender or hood metal, that will also be hot. How did the heat get to the underside of a sheet of metal? We have to find out what heat does to atoms and molecules. Atoms (and molecule) move all the time, except at Absolute Zero, we think. Gas atoms (neon), and gas molecules (two bonded oxygen atoms), can move from place to place because of the temperature of their environment ys above Absolute Zero. This type of movement is due to Translational Energy. It's the reason you can smell someone's cologne from across several feet of space in the room. The cologne molecules have traveled from there to the inside of your nose. Another thing atoms and molecules can do is vibrate and the frequency of vibration increases with the amount of heat energy absorbed. We call that Vibrational Energy. And finally, atoms and molecules can rotate. This increases with heat applied and is called Rotational Energy. The reason your car's fender doesn't fly away is that all of these movements are going in all different directions at the same time, so their effects are cancelled out and the fender stays there on the car. Gas molecules can move, being unrestricted by forces from other molecules, etc. The underside of the fender or hood is hot because the infre-red energy penetrates the metal and the energy from the near-surface atoms has been transferred from atom to atom below, changing their characteristics. Visible light is higher on the energy scale in the electromagnetic spectrum than the infra-red energy (heat). Infra-red means "below red" of the light spectrum which runs from violet to red. Imagine what light energy is doing to any material based on the interaction of infra-red energy and matter just described. Tom Wilson had an archive of different materials and textures to which he could refer in his photographic work. This principle is one of the Thermodynamic LAWS which states that matter-energy can neither be created anew or destroyed, but can only be changed in form. A LAW in Science is universal and is absolute in certainty, and is above a theory, which is above an hypothesis, in factual coverage and certitude. And yes, laws and theories and hypotheses in science can change. That is the history of science over the past centuries. But the challenging ideas must be based on fact and reason. As far as assassination talk is concerned, all the LNs and the CTs, strictly speaking, have been talking about various hypotheses, not yet to the level of certitude of theory. But, the some of the CTs are getting pretty close to theory right now. in my opinion. Adele
  10. Very well said, and I agree. I very much want to believe the major claims being made in this book (eyes being painted on to autopsy photographs; Moorman photo altered; Badgeman being real). And while the evidence for them is indeed intriguing, to me it would be much stronger if it could be reproduced in the manner Brian suggests. I sense doubt for doubt's sake. Few of Tom Wilson's 'claims' have not been 'claimed' by others - often many other researchers - using other methods. Second, his techniques were vetted and approved for use in US Courts as an expert witness. As said, all agree that future work on validating his methodology would be nice and is in the works. It is very complex, expensive and time consuming. For now, you will have to be satisfied without - only that the same basic science is used every day. Of course, if you are only doubting to create doubt you will continue to press your doubts. I'd suggest you do a little more of your own homework on photonics and on Tom Wilson [for example, the part of The Men Who Killed Kennedy that contains him], some of which has been referenced above and on other threads about him. When NASA or other scientists use this few, if any, call for independent reproducing of the experiments. I realize it is a controversial subject, but. I am also informed much on Tom's work by the reaction it has created in those entities that have fought, and all too much succeeded, in the cover-up since 11/22/63. I have alluded to some of that, but choose not to go into greater detail. In the fullness of time, I think his methodology will be found sound and many of his conclusions, as well. I was about to reply along similar lines as Peter did so elegantly. It would not necessarily give more "proof" or validity to the work that has already been done. Nor would it challenge the results obtained. The instrumentation is valid, the calculations are valid, and the work was done by a very competent engineer, using scientific methods. It would amount to mere repetition, with no new evidence being produced. If others choose to distrust the methodolgy, then it would be the responsibility of such persons to show and prove that the methods are invalid and the results and conclusions to be incorrect. This is done in science all the time if some error is detected in someone else's work. That is how scientists as a group can achieve the truth in their quests. Adele
  11. I'd have to agree. I am not yet finished with the book but so far I am finding the science behind it somewhat dubious. For one thing, Wilson appears to have not used any original photographs or negatives for his analysis ... he is using copies out of books and VHS tapes. Would be interested to hear further discussion about all of this. Completely wrong! ..... Further, I'm a scientist, and there is nothing wrong with his science or technique, in theory. I don't know where you got that he used photos out of books or tapes.....you ought to question that source of information....as they are either mis-informed or working hard at disinfo against Tom. Tom Wilson was meticulous to a fault! The book doesn't go into details on his technique nor meticulousness. I know it first-hand. It is meant as a book the general public can also understand and appreciate. He was approved to use his techniques as an expert witness in court cases! Further, U.S. Steel had him using his technique for steel quality control for many years until his retirement!...put that in your pipe and smoke it! Hi Jonathan, and Hi Peter, the problem is I`m not a scientist, and while I believe you Peter when you say you know Toms meticulousness first hand, that isn't the point. He didn't need to write the book for you; you already understand the process. I need to understand a bit more and like most lay people who don't have your expertise, I need a little more than faith in your word to go on. I am not questioning your integrity, simply pointing out that the public aren't going to appreciate his work without understanding the science behind it. I'm fully aware of the complexity of both his methodology and its perception by the average person. Why, however, do the 'average public' usually trust a trained person working for the government without 'further explanation', but not [usually] someone who comes to a scientific conclusions at odds with the 'powers that be'?! Actually, there is a project to make Wilson's methodology more accessible to the public - but it will not be manifest for quite some time yet. I'll try to find some references [though they will be technical! I did post one here on the Wilson tread long ago.] that are on the general scientific principles behind this. In its simplest form, realize that a computer/optical devices, etc. can see more of the spectrum, more detail and more differences in color or shades of gray than can the eye. It is not magic, it is science, and not a whole lot different than the photo enhancement techniques used by, say NASA of other scientists, and others at looking at objects less controversial. Those detailed databases [that were once photos] can then be manipulated by the computer in various ways, giving 2D and 3D, even layer-stripping views; though the details of how this is done is a tad complex. Another thing he did was to compile a huge self-made database of reflective properties of known substances [different substances of different colors and brightnesses, etc.] and put them into his computer to match against. This way he could have the computer identify a piece of metal, or wax, then the human eye could only see a color. In fact a 'medium gray' piece of metal reflects differently [to the computer - not the eye] than wood; flesh from morticians wax, et al. For those who have read this book and for those who have not, the following excerpt on page 12 (top) might be enlightening: "Some of Tom's industrial clients viewed this ability (to "see" through surface layers of steel - my insert - AE) as almost unbelievable, and certainly futuristic in nature. But Tom pointed out that he was only employing the same technology that the FBI and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had been using for years. It was all based on photonics, the science and technology of the transmission, control, detection, and measurement of light." Photons, the little packets of light energy, do occupy space and can penetrate matter between the atoms or molecules which comprise it. Light may br totally absorbed and thereby reflect no light out, or some light may be reflected, or all the light may be relected. When all the light is absorbed, the material appears to be black. When some light is reflected, the material may appear grayish, and if only certain wavelengths of light are reflected, the material may appear red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet, or some mixture of hues in between. With no light absorbed, the material will look white to us. Tom Wilson's computers, cameras, and electronic measuring devices were capable of distinguishing 256 different shades of gray between black and white, which the human eye cannot distinguish, except for a few different shades. His system detected photons of light. Visible light is only one form of electromagnetic radiation, which comprises gamma rays, X-rays, ultrviolet light (invisible to us), visible light, infra-red light (heat), microwaves, television waves, radio waves, etc. All of these forms of electomagnetic radiation can be detected and measured with the proper instrumentation. They all travel with the same velocity which we commonly know as the speed of light. Adele
  12. I'd have to agree. I am not yet finished with the book but so far I am finding the science behind it somewhat dubious. For one thing, Wilson appears to have not used any original photographs or negatives for his analysis ... he is using copies out of books and VHS tapes. Would be interested to hear further discussion about all of this. Completely wrong! ..... Further, I'm a scientist, and there is nothing wrong with his science or technique, in theory. I don't know where you got that he used photos out of books or tapes.....you ought to question that source of information....as they are either mis-informed or working hard at disinfo against Tom. Tom Wilson was meticulous to a fault! The book doesn't go into details on his technique nor meticulousness. I know it first-hand. It is meant as a book the general public can also understand and appreciate. He was approved to use his techniques as an expert witness in court cases! Further, U.S. Steel had him using his technique for steel quality control for many years until his retirement!...put that in your pipe and smoke it! Hi Jonathan, and Hi Peter, the problem is I`m not a scientist, and while I believe you Peter when you say you know Toms meticulousness first hand, that isn't the point. He didn't need to write the book for you; you already understand the process. I need to understand a bit more and like most lay people who don't have your expertise, I need a little more than faith in your word to go on. I am not questioning your integrity, simply pointing out that the public aren't going to appreciate his work without understanding the science behind it. I'm fully aware of the complexity of both his methodology and its perception by the average person. Why, however, do the 'average public' usually trust a trained person working for the government without 'further explanation', but not [usually] someone who comes to a scientific conclusions at odds with the 'powers that be'?! Actually, there is a project to make Wilson's methodology more accessible to the public - but it will not be manifest for quite some time yet. I'll try to find some references [though they will be technical! I did post one here on the Wilson tread long ago.] that are on the general scientific principles behind this. In its simplest form, realize that a computer/optical devices, etc. can see more of the spectrum, more detail and more differences in color or shades of gray than can the eye. It is not magic, it is science, and not a whole lot different than the photo enhancement techniques used by, say NASA of other scientists, and others at looking at objects less controversial. Those detailed databases [that were once photos] can then be manipulated by the computer in various ways, giving 2D and 3D, even layer-stripping views; though the details of how this is done is a tad complex. Another thing he did was to compile a huge self-made database of reflective properties of known substances [different substances of different colors and brightnesses, etc.] and put them into his computer to match against. This way he could have the computer identify a piece of metal, or wax, then the human eye could only see a color. In fact a 'medium gray' piece of metal reflects differently [to the computer - not the eye] than wood; flesh from morticians wax, et al. For those who have read this book and for those who have not, the following excerpt on page 12 (top) might be enlightening: "Some of Tom's industrial clients viewed this ability (to "see" through surface layers of steel - my insert - AE) as almost unbelievable, and certainly futuristic in nature. But Tom pointed out that he was snoky employing the same technology that the FBI and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had been using for years. It was all based on photonics, the science and technology of the transmission, control, detection, and measurement of light." Photons, the little packets of light energy, do occupy space and can penetrate matter between the atoms or molecules which comprise it. Light may br totally absorbed and thereby reflect no light out, or some light may be reflected, or all the light may be relected. When all the light is absorbed, the material appears to be black. When some light is reflected, the material may appear grayish, and if only certain wavelengths of light are reflected, the material may appear red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet, or some mixture of hues in between. With no light absorbed, the material will look white to us. Tom Wilson's computers, cameras, and electronic measuriong devices were capable of distinguishing 256 different shades of gray between black and white, which the human eye cannot distinguish, except for a few different shades. His system measured photons of light. Visible light is only one form of electromagnetic radiation, which comprises gamma rays, X-rays, ultrviolet light (invisible to us), visible light, infra-red light (heat), microwaves, television waves, radio waaves, etc. All of these forms of electomagnetic radiation can be detected and measured with the proper instrumentation. They all travel with the same velocity which we commonly know as the speed of light. Adele
  13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a question. Has anyone here read A Deeper, Darker Truth yet? It covers the work of Tom Wilson and was written by Donald T. Phillips. Amazon has it for $25.15 (free shipping). Adele
  14. As of today, July 24. there are 194 signatures on Bill's petition. The list has some impressive names on it. Today I sent 17 packets of letters and other documents to Chairman Towns and Chairman Clay, with copies to each member of the House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, NARA. The first ten names on my copy list, plus Chairman Clay, make up the Subcommittee members. Kucinich and Cuellar are on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Rodriguez is my representative and he has known of my story since February of this year. If anyone is interested in writing to the committee members, thier addresses are the same as those of Rep. Towns and Rep. Clay. Adele Copy of my letter to Towns and Clay follows: July 21, 2009 The Honorable Representative Edolphus Towns Chairman, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 And The Honorable Representative William Lacy Clay Chairman, House Subcommittee On Information Policy, Census, and National Archives 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Representative Towns and Representative Clay: In 1963 I was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (NINDB), performing neurophysiological research at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana. I met Jose A. Rivera, a science administrator and member of the Training Grants and Awards Section of the NINDB, at week-long scientific meetings in April, 1963, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where I presented my work on the mechanisms of synaptic actions in the nervous system. Rivera invited me to have dinner with him and his family once I arrived at the NIH which I had planned to visit, but it turned out that he and I had dinner at restaurants and a sightseeing trip while he spoke of the President and his impending assassination. I am enclosing a narrative account of my experiences and attempts to bring these to the attention of government agencies and Congressional investigating committees with the help of Attorney Jack Peebles. I also have sought, through many Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, copies of documents of my interview with US Secret Service Agent John W. Rice and FBI Liaison Special Agent Orrin Bartlett, on Sunday, November 24, 1963, with no success. I also enclose copies of relevant pages from the Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) where my name is mentioned; a summary of Rivera’s career based on his personnel file records written by Attorney Dave Robertson; and Xerox copies of photographs of Jose A. Rivera. - 2 - When I learned last year that Jose A. Rivera had been present at the autopsy of the President’s body at the Bethesda Naval Hospital on the evening of November 22, 1963, I posted my narrative on the internet. At my age I do not have much more time to wait to see that the American people would know that there was a conspiracy to kill the President, and that it had been planned long in advance, even before April of 1963. It has been 46 years and 3 months since I learned of the impending assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and in November it will be 46 years since his death. It seems to be an unusually extraordinary length of time to solve a murder case, and an extraordinary length of time for the American people to begin to learn how and why their President was killed. I am writing to you directly to urge you and your Committee and its Subcommittee to have open public hearings on oversight of the John F. Kennedy Assassination Collections Act of 1992 which required that every government agency produce their files of documents, films, recordings, etc., to be reviewed by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) and then be placed into the JFK Collection at the National Archives II at College Park, Maryland. I only ask that this Congress and this Government provide the American people with honest answers to questions about the murder of our President John F. Kennedy. Please feel free to share this with other members of your committee. Thank you for your time and kind consideration in this matter. Yours truly, Adele E. U. Edisen, Ph.D. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 690111, San Antonio, TX 78269-0111 Residence Address: Telephone: E-Mail Address: aedisen@prodigy.net cc: Representative Paul E. Kanjorski Representative Carolyn B. Maloney Representative Diane E. Watson Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton - 3 - cc: Representative Danny Davis Representative Steve Dreihaus Representative John L. Mica Representative Lynn A. Westmoreland Representative Patrick T. McHenry Representative Jason Chaffetz Representative Dennis J. Kucinich Representative Henry Cuellar Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez Attorney Jack Peebles Attorney Dave Robertson The New York Times The Washington Post CBS-TV Sixty Minutes Program
  15. To read and sign petition, go to: http://www.petitiononline.com/JFKACT/petition.html Adele ------------------------------------------------------------------ JFK ACT Oversight Hearings View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition To: U.S. Congress Congressional Oversight of JFK Act To: Rep. Edolphis Towns, Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and Rep. William Lacy Clay, Chairman of the Sub-committee on information policy, census and NARA and members of the relevant committee. In order to regain the public’s confidence in government, which has been in decline since November 1963, Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992, requiring the release of all government records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Since the last time Congress conducted a hearing on the JFK Act (June 4, 1997), neither the House Oversight Committee, nor the responsible subcommittee have held one hearing on this issue, despite the destruction of Secret Service documents, the loss of national security records and the continued withholding of records that have been ordered released to the public. It is imperative that Congress take some action to ensure that the law is enforced and the work mandated by the JFK Assassination Records Act is completed. Therefore, We, the undersigned citizens of the United States and the free world, do hereby request the House Oversight Committee do its duty and hold public oversight hearings on the JFK Act. Sincerely, The Undersigned
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