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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  1. WEHLE.... http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Philip-C.-Wehle
  2. ON THE IRISH GUARD IN ATTENDANCE http://forum.irishmilitaryonline.com/archi...php/t-2037.html FWIW b
  3. The joint service casket team carrying Kennedy's coffin into the White House in the early morning hours of Saturday, November 23. Sgt. Richard Gaudreau is in the center on the right (near) side of the coffin. Lt. Sam Bird is at the back of the coffin, actually helping to carry the weight of the heavy casket. Later that day the casket team was expanded from six members to eight members.
  4. Aftermath Theodore White, a very close friend of the assassinated president, devoted the entire first chapter of his second book in the Making of the President series, The Making of the President, 1964, to the assassination and funeral, which he covered extensively for Life. Theodore White on a book cover Theodore Harold White (May 6, 1915 – May 9, 1986) was an American political journalist, historian, and novelist, best known for his acclaimed accounts of the 1960, 1964, 1968, and 1972 presidential elections. ... A cover of Life Magazine from 1911 Life has been the name of two notable magazines published in the United States. ... http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/St...John-F.-Kennedy
  5. http://www.john-michael.net/2009/09/spirit...-us-army-style/ b
  6. it contained this quote from your post, i included in my reply to you..re peter's posts..''.Andy seems to have done this without even offering an explanation to John after the fact let alone having consulted him beforehand.'' b..
  7. FIRST REPORTS MICHAEL PARKS.... From: bhart@cyberramp.net (Michael Parks) ------------------------------------------ First Reports, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 4/4/77 All emphasis is my own..............Michael Parks Start quote ASSASSINATION DAY BULLET PIECES REPORTED DALLAS (AP) - A Texas patrolman says he recalls seeing more than three bullet fragments taken from the wounds of former Texas Gov. John Connally the day President John Kennedy was assassinated, according to the Dallas Morning News. In a copyright story yesterday, the News said Patrolman Charles W. Harbison, who guarded Connally’s room at Parkland Hospital, as saying he recalls turning over to an FBI agent more than three fragments. Connally was wounded in the same shooting spree that killed President Kennedy here Nov. 22, 1963. The Warren Commission identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin and asserted that he alone was responsible. The News said Harbison’s story is doubly significant when coupled with the recollection of Miss Audrey Bell, operating supervisor at Parkland at the time of the assassination. Harbison was interviewed by the News Saturday. However, yesterday morning he said he “can’t testify to the number of fragments,” and is not about to be “pinned down” as to the exact number. “I was standing there in the hall and someone, I don’t know who handed me the fragments,” Harbison said yesterday. “I glanced at them, then turned and gave them to another man. And a second man told me to go down the hall where they were taking the governor.” Harbison said he wasn’t sure who he gave the fragments to, but surmised it was a federal agent SINCE THEY WERE THE ONLY PERSONS OTHER THAN AUTHORIZED MEDICAL STAFF PERMITTED IN THAT PARTICULAR PART OF THE HOSPITAL. Miss Bell last week said she recalls that she was given FOUR OR FIVE OTHER BULLET FRAGMENTS taken from Connally. The News said the two separate groups of fragments now MAKE A TOTAL OF AT LEAST EIGHT FRAGMENTS PURPORTEDLY FOUND IN CONNALLY FROM WHAT THE WARREN COMMISSION DESCRIBED AS A “NEARLY WHOLE BULLET” THAT ALLEGEDLY FELL ONTO CONNALLY’S STRETCHER WITH ONLY A FRACTION OF ITS WEIGHT MISSING. Investigators for the House Assassinations Committee say they believe the bullet, which supposedly struck Kennedy in the BACK and then passed through Connally’s body, WOULD HAVE WEIGHED TOO MUCH IF MORE THAN THREE FRAGMENTS WERE REMOVED, the News said. The newspaper said investigators have already interviewed Miss Bell and concluded her testimony, if proven true, COULD DISCREDIT “THE VERY CORNERSTONE OF THE ENTIRE WARREN COMMISSION REPORT.” Miss Bell, however, in a television interview, said she did not weigh the bullet fragments and had no way of proving other than her recollection that there were more than three fragments given her in the operating room. She said she later turned them over to two men she believed to be FBI or Secret Service agents. NEITHER MISS BELL NOR HARBISON WERE INTERVIEWED BY THE WARREN COMMISSION. End quote Had Bell and Harbison told stories that backed the WC Report, I guarantee their testimonies would have been heard. Through selective evidence, I could prove Hoover was not a crook, LBJ was honest and Helms was honorable. Heck, I probably could even prove that Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippit. Well, maybe not. No one could believe that much crap. Michael Parks
  8. Thank you, Bernice. I wondered if Timothy Cheek was photographed. He looks like he is crying. Kathy C YOUR WELCOME KATHY, I DO NOT KNOW IF HE WAS...B
  9. KK..Sylvia Meagher..Press Descriptions Wounds.. PRESS DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PRESIDENTS WOUNDS "A wealth of discrepancies,distortions, and omissions impels one to conclude that the official autopsy report is unreliable; that the description of the President's wounds is innacurate ; that the single-missile theory is wholly unsupported by and in conflict with the evidence; that this theory respresents an attempt to salvage the case against Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone assassin; that the conclusions in the WR on the source,number,and perpetration of the shots are completely invalid; and that the evidence in fact constitutes proof of conspiracy.."..Sylvia Meagher...1967. Press Descriptions: "In the first days and weeks after the assassination news stories constantly revised the number, location, and nature of the President's wounds.. At Parkland Hospital according to the Doctors, he has suffered and entrance wound at the Adam's apple and a massive wound in the head." New York World-Telegram and Sun: Nov.23/63..p.2 New York Times :Nov.24/63..p2.col 6. New York Post : Nov.24/63..p2.col 3 "The official theory to account for those wounds was that the President had been shot while his car was approaching the Book Depository Building". New York Herald-Tribune, Nov.27/63.pp1& 9 "That was soon dropped in favor of a new theory; that he was shot on Elm Street while the car was moving away from the Book Depository, when he turned backward to wave at the crowd". Paul Mandel,"End to Nagging Rumors:" The Six Critical Seconds." Life, Dec.4/63.p.52F,col 2. "That was dropped in turn when films of the assassination showed that the President was facing forward at the strategic time.On site tests were conducted on Dec.5,1963 by the Secret Service-----presumably with the autopsy report in hand,Com.doc.at the NA consists of a receipt for various items ,including ""one copy of autopsy report and notes of the examing doctor"", turned over to Robert I.Bouck of the Secret Service Research Section by the White House physician on November 26,1963. The tests were conducted for the acknowledged purpose of determining how the President was shot in the front from behind." The New York Times, Dec.6/63..p.6 "The experiment was not successful". About 4 weeks after the assassination it became known that the SS had interviewed the Parkland doctors and informed of the autopsy findings. (St.Louis Post-Dispatch,Dec18/63.) A new version of the wounds was made public, which mentioned for the first time that the Pres. had been shot in the back. (New YorkTimes,Washington Post,& St.Louis Post-Dispatch,Dec 18/63) Some stories also said that the bullet that had struck his back "was found deep in his shoulder" One story said the bullet had entered"five to seven inches below the collar line". ( Washington Post.Dec18/63 and May29/66 ) others said "several inches below the collar line"(The Washington Post said on May 29/66 that the information had been confirmed by the FBI before publication.) It was now reported that the Parkland doctors now agreed that the entrance wound at the Adam's apple was now in reality an exit wound. St.Louis Post-Dispatch,Dec.18/63.. Some reports of the autopsy findings that were leaked to the press contradicted each other as well as the official autopsy report ultimately published.. The New Tork Times stated on Dec.17/63,that the FBI report of Dec.9/63 revealed that one bullet had struck Kennedy where the right shoulder joins the neck and another had struck his RIGHT TEMPLE.. NY Times Dec.17/63.p31.cols 7-8. The next day The NY Times published another report,from a "source fully acquainted with the results of the autopsy." Now there was a small neat wound in the back that had penetrated two or three inches, and according to " the pathologists at Bethesda." the wound at the Adam's apple had been caused by a metal or bone fragment from the fatal head shot.. NY Times.Dec.18/63.p27,cols 4-6. Within 24 hrs.The NY Times gave stillanother account, in which the pathologists were said to have found that the bullet in the back had lodged in Kennedy's body and that a second bullet had hit the RIGHT REAR of his HEAD... NY Times.Dec 19/63, p23,col.1 The story added that a fragment of the bullet had passed out the front of the neck. More than a month later the Times was still reporting that a bullet had lodged in Kennedy's right shoulder. NY Times.Jan 26/64,p.58,col.4 Thus for more than two months after the assassination the press asserted repeatedly that the first bullet to strike the President had entered several inches below the collar line and had lodged in the body. The same stories gave a variety of versions of the head wound: that a bullet had gone in and out of the back of the head according to Dr.Kemp Clark: NY Post,Nov.24/63.p 2,col 3. that a bullet struck the back of the head to the right; NY Herald-Tribune,Nov.27/63.pp1 & 9. that a bullet struck the right temple. NY Times,Dec 17/63.p31,cols.7-8. the back of the skull. NY Times.Dec18/63.p.27,col5. and the right rear of the head NY Times Dec.29/63.col 1 The autopsy report, with it's presumably authoritative data, was not published: Dr.J.J. Humes, the chief autopsy surgeon, said that he had been forbidden to talk. NY Times.Dec.6/63,p.18,col.7 "As one version of the wounds succeeded another with dizzying speed and confusion, only one constant remained: Oswald was the lone assassin and had fired all the shots from the sixth floor of the Book Depository. When facts came into conflict with that thesis ,the facts and not the thesis changed .Critics of the already implausible case against Oswald concluded from this that the truth was being suppressed and perverted in order to persuade the public, at all costs, to accept his sole guilt. Nothing that came to light later presented grounds for altering that conclusion..". In Sept. 64 the WR provided the official version..According to the Report. (1) President Kennedy was first struck by a bullet which entered at the back of his neck and exited through the lower front portion of his neck,causing a wound which would not necessarily have been lethal.The President was struck a second time by a bullet which entered the right-rear portion of his head,causing a massive and fatal wound. (2) Goveror Connally was struck by a bullet which entered on the right side of his back and traveled downward through the right side of his chest,exiting below his right nipple.This bullet then passed through his right wrist and entered his left thigh where it caused a superficial wound. WR.19 Elsewhere the Com expressed the view that the bullet had struck the Presdient first and exited through the front of his neck and then struck the Governor..and inflicted all his wounds.The Governor himself did not agree with that view, convinced he was hit by a second bullet after an earlier bullet struck the President. Autopsy Report. VOL.4.CE.387.. is Undated. Chief Autopsy Surgeon: Commander J.J. Humes, burned his "preliminary draft notes"and handed over all other papers related to the report to "higher authorities",in a certificate dated Nov.24/63....but according to to his testimony he burnt the first draft of the autopsy report .(Vol.2.H 373)..He states all working papers had remained in his personal custody at all times: that his notes and handwritten draft of the final report were handed over to the commanding officer of the U.S.Medical School at 5pm.Nov.24/63.and that no papers remained in his possession.(Exh.CE 397.p48) Again conflict between the certification and the testimony: Humes told the Com.that the drawings of the wounds had been prepared on the basis of his memory and notes of the autopsy.(Vol.2H 349-350).These certificates suggest the official autopsy report was completed and handed over to the authorities two days after the death of the President.The document begins with a description of the circumstances of the assn.based,it is explained on "available information" and newspaper reports.. 1.Absence of a date on autopsy report. 2.Unauthorized release of it's supported contents in Dec.63. weeks after it was completed and handed over according to Dr.Humes. 3.Findings that were leaked, are completely inconsistant with the actual contents of the autopsy report. 4.On site tests by the SS.Dec.63,were based on findings different from those in the published autopsy report. 5.The certificates read as if they had been written, after a passage of time,as if to account for the disposition of documents at an earlier time. Whether authentic or not,the evidence that the autopsy report was completed on Nov. 24/63..fails to account for the leaking of different autopsy findings on Dec.17 & 18th/63.or for the conduct of on site tests on Dec.5th. by the SS on the basis of findings other than those in the final document.. ******************************************* Information from "Accessories After The Fact"..Sylvia Meagher.. ******************************************* You may be interested....in seeing some of these... Master set of Medical Exhibits ARRB http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...et/contents.htm Medical reports Doctors of Parkland. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...eport_0270b.htm B........
  10. karl you may be interested in this information...b NETWORK ANOMALIES OF 11/22/63 by Vince Palamara The following is a detailed compendium of every interesting bit of information gleaned from all of the AVAILABLE network film/ video footage. Compare this list to "official" history: I. ABC/WFAA (Dallas)- 1) Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Speech, morning of 11/22/63(carried live): just before JFK is scheduled to come out of the pantry area, the announcer starts going into detail about the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley by Leon C zolgosz, who he describes as "a man with a long history of mental illness"(?); 2) Love Field arrival, later in the morning of 11/22/63(carried live): Bob Walker stresses the Secret Service's presence, alittle more than necessary; 3) First reports immediately after the shooting: "some of the Secret Service agents thought the gunfire was from an automatic weopon fired from the right rear,PROBABLY FROM A GRASSY KNOLL WHERE POLICE RUSHED"; 4) Jim (Ed) Haggerty (Ike's Press Secretary for 8 years, now an ABC executive and commentator): "I had a hand in the planning of many motorcades...I have seen many motorcades...(this assassination) is a little different than any other- a rifle was used...h as to be a planned conspiracy( as w/ Truman attempt)...First time in our history where a rifle was used...whoever fired it...could handle a rifle...must have been a carefully planned tragedy and conspiracy", to which Don Goddard responded, "(This) adds on e to the case for conspiracy"; 5) DPD outrider James Chaney: In an interview with Bill Lord, Chaney explained that he was "riding on the right rear fender" of JFK's limo during the shooting, and that "the President was struck in the face" by the SECOND shot. Lord ended the interview by telling the audience that "(Chaney) was so close his uniform was splattered with blood"!; 6) Dead agent "story"?: Eddie Barker of KRLD-TV said, "The word is that the President was killed, one of his agents is dead, and Governor Conally was wounded"; from Washington: "A Secret Service agent apparently was shot by one of the assassin's bullets" ; Bill Lord: " did confirm the death of the Secret Service agent...one of the Secret service agents was killed...Secret Service usually walk beside the car "; again, from Washington: "One of the Secret Service agents traveling with the President was kille d today"; Associated Press Wire (read over the air): " A Secret Service agent and a Dallas policeman were shot and killed...some distance from where the president was shot"; 7) Aubrey Rike: " We picked up an epileptic [Jerry Belknap]...(the Secret Service told us) we would have to removethe remains(of JFK)"- 8) Dennis McGuire(Rike's partner): " A Secret Service man told us to prepare to load (the) body" and put JFK in the hearse. McGuire added that "one of the Secret Service men- three of them- DROVE OFF AND LEFT MR. O'NEAL AND THE REST OF US JUST STANDING THERE"! Compare this to "official" history (Rike's later statements ); 9) Funeral home detour?: Bob Clark-" The President's body (was) taken to a Dallas funeral home"; Jay Watson- " (JFK's body) is being taken to one of the funeral homes here in Dallas"; 10) AFTER Lee Harvey Oswald's capture- formal statement read by Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell: "the irrational act of a single man...all possible security precautions were taken (between Dallas Police and the Secret Service)...this could only be the act of a deranged man"- I feel better now that E arle set us straight(!); 11) DPD Chief Jesse Curry: "We have heard he (Oswald) was PICKED UP BY A NEGRO IN A CAR"- this was Roger Craig's story!!!; 12) ABC commentator Paul Goode( a most objective, unbiased, unopinionated newsman): "100% airtight case... Oswald had a rather sickly smile on his face...mounting pile of evidence against him...Chief Curry is very encouraged by the preliminary test[?!]...silly smirk on his (Oswald's) face...Communism... seems to be the most likely reason... he's refused to confess... the case against him is airtight"- Case Closed!?; 13) Dr.Robert R. Shaw Press Conference (Connally's surgeon), 7:00 CST 11/22/63: "The bullet is in the leg...it hasn't been removed...it will be removed before he goes to the recovery room"(?!)- what about CE399 (the stretcher bullet) that entered the record around FIVE hours earlier?; 14) Mary Moorman- first shot struck JFK; 15) Charles Brehm-"first shot hit him(JFK)"; 16) The Newmans- the head shot came from the grassy knoll; 17) Jean Hill- heard 4 to 6 shots; 18) The rifle(which one?): ".25 caliber rifle"; "7.65 German Mauser"[said three different times];" Argentine 6.5 Mauser"; " Argentine-made rifle[said two different times]"; 19) The President's head wound: shot in the RIGHT TEMPLE[said several different times]; 20) Dallas D.A. Henry Wade: "People CANNOT positively identify him (oswald) there (in the window)"- too bad Wade would forget this "official" statement in his later years, telling newsmen in the '90's that upwards of 6 people did see Oswald in the window!; 21) BEFORE attempted transfer of Oswald: Bill Lord: "(It's) like an armed camp...police officials are frankly worried...they don't want anything to happen to Oswald"; Roger Sharpe: " All possible security precautions have been taken...Bill Decker has done everything possible to maintain strict security"; Lord again: " Extreme precautions have been taken...police officials are worried...there are many weopons visible...(the police are) ready to prevent anything they possibly can"; 22) IMMEDIATELY after Ruby shot Oswald: Bob Walker: " probably more security used for Oswald than for the President(?!)...most stringent security precautions"- give me a break!; 23) Janet Adams Conforto a.k.a. JADA ( about Ruby): "He disliked Bobby Kennedy...I don't think he loved Kennedy that much"-hey, that goes against "official" history. Oh, well, at least Jada didn't get in trouble for her little "mistake"-did she?; 24) those nasty rumors"- Bob Clark: " rumor that Oswald was in the Carousel last week"; Jay Watson: " One of the workers at the Carousel recognized Oswald in the audience"; Robert MacNeil: " A performer- a memory expert- saw Oswald in Ruby's club"; Roger Sharpe: " Many, many rumors...linking Ruby to Oswald"- so much so that the media reported that the Dallas police were going on the "assumption" that Ruby and Oswald DID know each other and that Ruby killed Oswald to shut him up; 25) Dallas' finest- Both Jim Leavelle and Patrick Dean recognized Ruby, as they had known him long before 11/22/63; 26) C.A. Droby(a lawyer/friend of Ruby's): He "has been threatened"; As Droby himself said on the air, " I received two calls that I would be the next to die"-these calls came from " a man". Droby added: "I was standing pretty close to the Sheriff's office" on 11/22/63; 27) 47 witnesses and counting- ABC's Bob Clark, who rode in the motorcade, ALSO said the presidential limousine stopped during the shooting... II. NBC/WBAP-TV(Dallas)- 1) "automatic weopon", "British 303 rifle", "30-30 rifle", " 7.65 German Mauser", "British, German, (or) Japanese"-gee, everything BUT a 6.5 Italian Mannlicher Carcano!; 2) Dallas Police statement: "The most stringent security precautions in the city's history"(?); 3) Capt. Will Fritz: "Oswald hasn't admitted to anything yet, but HE LOOKS LIKE A GOOD SUSPECT"; 4) JFK shot in right temple[said several times]; 5) the "dead" agent continued; 6) Jean Hill (via a live phone hook-up)- 4 to 6 shots, came from a hill, etc. 7) the murder weopon- "No fingerprints on it-sent to FBI here in Washington for analysis"; 8) Robert MacNeil- NO mention of running into Oswald, although he DOES go into detail about using the phone at the TSBD, among other things; 9) Donald Wayne House- the Fort Worth suspect: shown and discussed about to a confused public- what about Oswald?; 10) Newsmen Frank McGee and Bill Ryan- JFK's wounds were in "the back of the head and, incongrously, someway or another, in the front of the neck". This dilemna was pondered over by Robert MacNeil, as well; 11) Houston motorcade clip from 11/21/63- shows JFK's limo surrounded by approx. 18 motorcycles ! III. CBS/KRLD-TV(Dallas)- 1) Dan Rather explains it all for us- The fatal wound to JFK "entered at the base of the throat and exited at the base of the neck on the back side"- what?! This is almost as bad as Hoover's call to LBJ describing the shooting sequence; 2) Immediately after Ruby shot Oswald- Newsman:" Everyone down here thought (he) was a Secret Service agent"(?!). There are other anomolies and items of interest on the AVAILABLE video footage, but these are the most important. It would be nice if we could obtain ALL of the video from the networks, particularly CBS. Nevertheless, this network video survey is a vivid reminder to us all that ,before we go believing what's in print, it is a good idea to take a long hard look at what was said on the air that day: 11/22/63. Sources: "The Kennedy Tapes"(1983)- 14 hours of edited ABC footage from 11/22 to 11/24/63; A&E's rebroadcast of the NBC tapes-6 hours(1988); 1988 special by Dan Rather and CBS , "Four Days in November"- 2 hours of heavily edited footage and http://www.mtgriffith.com/web_documents/largewound.htm and http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/2370.html b
  11. CONTACT ARLINGTON... http://www.arlingtoncemetery.org/contact_us.html HISTORY army link http://www.history.army.mil/books/Last_Salute/ch23.htm b
  13. During the long weekend, while the band rehearsed and practiced marching, The USAF Honor Guard provided troops for the various ceremonies. Fifteen men were used for the security cordon at the White House, eleven were in the White House honor guard cordon, two were on the death watch, fourteen were used at the Capitol as honor guard cordon, and forty were used as a cordon at Arlington. A flight consisting of twenty-seven troops with one OIC would march in the parade and participate in the graveside ceremonies as part of a joint service formation. One of the guards accompanying the body was A3C Kenneth L. Freeman. SSgt. Dewey Hicks stood the first watch when the casket was brought to the Capitol Rotunda, a scene viewed by millions on television. http://www.jvmusic.net/11thWingKennedyFuneral.html B http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/St...John-F.-Kennedy
  14. INTERESTING MISCELLANEOUS JFK INFORMATION... http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resou...Information.htm B
  15. POSSIBLY ANOTHER..Jim Wolaver http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/A_HAND_ON...ERAL_REINS.html B
  16. Bill i believe there is a lead name, member of the honour guard here...b I led the Caparisoned Horse throughout the State Funeral for President John F. Kennedy in November 1963. Black Jack (named for General “Black Jack” Pershing) was the last horse with an Army serial number. He had come from the Remount Station at Fort Reno and had 2CV-56 branded on the left side of his neck, and US branded on his left flank. He had very small hooves, and no one was allowed to ride him. WALKING HORSE FOR PRESIDENT KENNEDY Arthur A. Carlson When President Kennedy was assassinated, I was in an off-post Laundromat. I had been Charge of Quarters (CQ) in the stable the night before and had the day off, and was doing my laundry. When I was walking back to our barracks, I passed some people clustered around a car, listening to the radio. That is when I learned of the assassination. I was stunned. At the time I was a 19 year old Private First Class in The Old Guard at Fort Myer, Virginia and had been walking the caparisoned horse (usually Black Jack, sometimes Shorty) in funerals in Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) for about nine months. The caparisoned horse in a military funeral procession is an ancient tradition, symbolizing a fallen leader who will ride no more. A caparison is “an ornamental covering for a horse or for its saddle or harness.” A caparisoned horse with walker will follow a caisson in a funeral at ANC if the deceased was an Army or Marine Corps colonel or above, or had ever served in a mounted outfit. The horse’s tack consists of bridle, saddle and blanket, boots and saber. The boots are turned backward in the stirrups to symbolize the fallen leader looking back over WALKING HORSE FOR PRESIDENT KENNEDY Arthur A. Carlson When President Kennedy was assassinated, I was in an off-post Laundromat. I had been Charge of Quarters (CQ) in the stable the night before and had the day off, and was doing my laundry. When I was walking back to our barracks, I passed some people clustered around a car, listening to the radio. That is when I learned of the assassination. I was stunned. At the time I was a 19 year old Private First Class in The Old Guard at Fort Myer, Virginia and had been walking the caparisoned horse (usually Black Jack, sometimes Shorty) in funerals in Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) for about nine months. The caparisoned horse in a military funeral procession is an ancient tradition, symbolizing a fallen leader who will ride no more. A caparison is “an ornamental covering for a horse or for its saddle or harness.” A caparisoned horse with walker will follow a caisson in a funeral at ANC if the deceased was an Army or Marine Corps colonel or above, or had ever served in a mounted outfit. The horse’s tack consists of bridle, saddle and blanket, boots and saber. The boots are turned backward in the stirrups to symbolize the fallen leader looking back over http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2143214/posts PFC Arthur Carlson waits with Black Jack for President Kennedys coffin to be brought down the Capitol steps, 25 November 1963. Photo: John F. Kennedy Library........... http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/blackjack.htm ...........http://www.jvmusic.net/11thWingKennedyFuneral.html http://www.jvmusic.net/11thWingKennedyFuneral.html[/url]
  17. It's one of the dignitaries at the funeral, i have no idea who, what or where from, b here is just one site that has this photo, used for research purposes only, there are many sites that have this photo also...b http://www.tapsbugler.com/BrokenNote.html
  18. What is that big white-out in the photo? Kathy C i think your talking about the back of a womens head scarf ...like a veil...b something like a mantilla, if you recall jackie used to wear them at times...b
  19. The man is saluting the priest as he just handed him the folded flag. Kathy C THANKS KATHY, AND AS CAPTAIN OF THE W/H GUARD HE WOULD BE HANDED THE FLAG AND TAKE THE SALUTE,TO THE FLAG, COME ON YOU FELLAS EX MILITARY OUT THERE, WOULD HE...???THANKS B EXCUSE CAPS TXS Are you sure these are Nov. 25th photos of JFK's funeral? Also looking for photos of the practice funeral of November 24? Thanks to all who look into this and try to take it Further. BK yes Bill from LIFE MAGAZINE LINK ON THE WEB TO JFK FUNERAL...B
  20. Evan, may i ask, will the history in and his posts eventually be enabled...thanks b
  22. Thanks Bernice. You are a fine researcher and a hard worker: Thanks for bringing this forward: Do you see anything in the Sabow case that is similar to the JFK assassination? Is the M.O. as to strange deaths similar? Is this still going on today? Why am I still alive? Why has all this information on Sabow been kept secret and can only be found in disjointed and in 'out of the way places? Questions after questions, which leads to more questions... much like JFK research. Right? How many on this Forum has even read completely the links you have posted? thank you TOSH, I ADD WHAT I CAN WHEN AND IF I CAN, AND ALSO SOMETIMES HIT IT LUCKY, I ALSO DO ENJOY THE RESEARCH, WHEN ABLE, AND YES THE SIMILARITY OF THE STRANGE DEATHS FOLLOWING JFKS WAS VERY OBVIOUS...THE INFO IS SCATTERED SO AS I BELIEVE AS YOU MENTIONED, IT WOULD TAKE MUCH AND MANY EFFORTS TO DIG AND OBTAIN IT ALL, COULD BE, BUT I THINK ALSO THERE IS ENOUGH OUT THERE FOR A BOOK, IT WOULD APPEAR...WHEN ONE READS ALL THE INFORMATIVE LINKS THAT HAVE BEEN POSTED THE INFO CERTAINLY DOES BEGIN TO COME TOGETHER TO CREATE MURDER AND ADD AN S TO THAT..IMO...STAY WELL....WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, PERHAPS BECAUSE THERE IS A VERY LARGE BRIGHT LIGHT ON YOU,AND GETTING BRIGHTER, AS THERE WAS WITH PENN...IT PROTECTS ..CONTINUE TO GVE US YOUR VALUABLE INFORMATION AND HISTORY LESSONS...THANKS STAY WELL....B PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS..
  23. OTHER CASUALTIES IN THE DEATH OF COL.SABOW..b Other Casualties of the Sabow Affair The following additional individuals connected to the Sabow affair have met with strange misfortunes. Evidently, they knew too much. Randy Robinson, the MP who witnessed evidence tampering at the death scene, was arrested two months after the murder, and charged with rape. The charge was then changed to the lesser one of adultery, for which he has served a six-month sentence. Captain Verducci, who acted in Robinson's defense, felt that the whole affair was bizarre, because the alleged victims did not file a complaint and refused to testify in court. Archibald Scott, a highly decorated colonel who heard Colonel Sabow exclaim to Underwood that "Quitters never win and winners never quit," was accused of impersonating an officer. Scott took the case to court, and the decision has been reversed in his favor. Captain Leslie Williams worked for Colonel Sabow and thought highly of him. She openly protested derogatory remarks against him. Despite a highly rated performance and recommendations for promotion by Colonel Sabow, Williams was "passed over" by the military and had to "get out." Provost Marshall Goodrow and deputy, Forquer, were the first on the scene when Sabow died. Both were given new assignments in the summer of 1991. One was sent to Okinawa and the other to Twenty-Nine Palms. They were "short-termed." Jack Chisom, the co-owner of T&G Aviation, who supplied C-130 and DC-7 operations in the Persian Gulf, was found dead in the Arizona desert as the result of a hit-and-run accident. "Kevin," a marine who retired in the summer of 1994, was at the home of some friends when ®MDBR¯Eye-to-Eye With Connie Chung®MDNM¯ appeared on television. The program contained a segment on the death of Colonel Sabow and included a reference to large quantities of drugs being delivered to military bases, and an interview with a pilot who was involved in these flights. The group of people watching the program were astounded. "Kevin" assured them that everything they saw was true. He himself had been ordered to load vast quantities of drugs onto airplanes with the idea that drugs would be used for sting operations. He was not supposed to discuss the matter with anyone. Later, David Sabow learned of him and tried to reach "Kevin" for an interview. Five days later, a secret source told him "Kevin's" place of work and his unlisted phone number, but "Kevin" was dead. He was found hanging from the rafters of his parents' barn. Tom Wade was a computer specialist who accessed confidential records for the Inspector General during his bogus investigation in January 1991. He found that the MWR files had been purged, including contracts with proprietary airlines, which are suspected of being involved in illegal C-130 acquisitions and illicit drug traffic. Wade's brutal death remains a mystery. He was shot in the head early on Christmas Day, 1994, as he was returning from Midnight Mass. As Wade's colleague at El Toro, computer installation chief Felix Segovia, explains, Wade was a single parent living in an apartment complex. "He had a small daughter. He was going home Christmas Eve from services. He was on his way home to pick up some gifts to take back to the church...to give out to the kids, and he was accosted by a couple of individuals in the parking lot of his complex, and shot in the back of the head, execution-style. Nothing was taken from his car. His daughter was left in the car crying. And no one saw anything. And until 6 in the morning when finally someone heard his daughter crying, it was never reported to the police." Sergeant Felix Segovia is awaiting court-martial. He was a close friend of Tom Wade's, and had filed a "wholesale theft of computer equipment" report after having found that hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computers, hardware, and software were missing from the El Toro base. Colonel Jerry Agenbroad was found hanged in the BOQ in El Toro, on Feb. 24, 1994, five days after a 60 Minutes segment on illegal acquisitions and use of C-130s. He was in charge of MWR and at one time had been the head of the Air Museum at El Toro. ----- Aloha, He'Ping, Om, Shalom, Salaam. Em Hotep, Peace Be, Omnia Bona Bonis, All My Relations. Adieu, Adios, Aloha. Amen. Roads End Kris http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv....m/msg13668.html
  24. Bernice; One of the first main stream media coverage of the Col Sabow murder, was the first Connie Jung, "EYE TO EYE" TV premier of which I was interviewed.., (can't remember the date but it was shortly after President Clinton was in office and his brother was also on the same program; "Roger Dodger, Clinton") There was another broadcast soon after, or before; 57th Ave, but not sure if Sabow was covered on that program or what it was about... I think it was about Contra Gun Running and secret airbases in Costa Rica. Its been awhile. additional background reading if interested: <a href="http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/03/fo...-marine-murder/" target="_blank">http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/03/fo...-marine-murder/</a> http://www.ocweekly.com/2006-09-14/news/cocaine-airways http://www.phoenixarchives.com/express/1991/0591/13-06.pdf TOSH.. THE SHOW WAS JULY 17TH 1993; http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,307174,00.html B
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