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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Huh? Cory said nothing about it being a "the combined statements" of two different techs. Cory said.... "...the x-ray tech who testified I believe to the Assassination Review Board that he was told to tape pieces of skull together to make sure it looked like one piece..." And Cory seemed unsure about it when I asked him for clarification. But the part about "taping pieces of skull together" sure sounds to me like POST-autopsy work done by the morticians.
  2. "Even the 'evidence' which ISN'T present in the JFK murder case (but SHOULD definitely be in existence if the SBT is a false scenario) is telling us that the Commission's single-bullet conclusion almost HAS to be accurate -- e.g., no bullets found in the victims; no other bullets in evidence except CE399; no damage to the limo's back-seat areas; plus: virtually no damage done to the interior portions of JFK's upper back and neck (i.e., no broken bones and no hard, bony structures being struck by either of the TWO projectiles that conspiracists believe entered these regions of the President's body and failed to exit). The total absence of injuries within President Kennedy's neck and back is enough--all by itself--to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that just a single bullet made a clean getaway through JFK's body, without pausing to do any substantial damage whatsoever. It's always been amazing to me that so many people who bash Mr. Specter and the Single-Bullet Theory can then seemingly believe in some "alternate" scenario that is far more fanciful and full of implausibilities and complications and vanishing bullets than is the Single-Bullet Conclusion. And there MUST be a correct alternate theory if the SBT is untrue. So what the heck is it?! Conspiracists never say, of course. In short, those who disbelieve the SBT are, by default, automatically choosing to believe some OTHER theory regarding the wounding of President Kennedy and Governor Connally. And ANY alternate theory in this matter falls way, way short in the common-sense and realistic departments--not to mention in the "physical evidence" category as well." -- DVP; March 29, 2006
  3. SBT Addendum.... https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/02/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-652.html
  4. From "Reclaiming History".... --- Quote On: --- "From the first moment that I heard that [Arlen] Specter had come up with the single-bullet theory, it made very little sense to me since the theory was so obvious that a child could author it. .... Since [the members of the WC staff] all knew that the bullet, fired from Kennedy's right rear, had passed through soft tissue in Kennedy's body on a straight line, and that Connally was seated to the president's left front, the bullet, after emerging from Kennedy's body, would have had to go on and hit Connally for the simple reason it had nowhere else to go. How could it be that among many bright lawyers earnestly focusing their minds on this issue, only Specter saw it? .... When I asked [Norman Redlich on September 6, 2005] if, indeed, Arlen Specter was the sole author of the single-bullet theory, his exact words were, "No, we all came to this conclusion simultaneously." When I asked him whom he meant by "we," he said, "Arlen, myself, Howard Willens, David Belin, and Mel Eisenberg." .... I don't know about you folks, but I'm inclined to take what Redlich told me to the bank. My sense is that Redlich, who by almost all accounts worked harder on the case than anyone else, was a team player only interested in doing his job well. .... If I have done a disservice to Specter in what I have written above, I apologize to him. But I did give him an opportunity to respond to this issue [via a letter sent to Specter on June 24, 2005], and he declined." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 302-304 of Endnotes in "Reclaiming History" (2007) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also See.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/02/single-bullet-theory-notebook.html#The-First-SBT-Seeds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. I can easily answer that one..... There is no "exit" wound for the alleged "entrance" wound in the throat----because the alleged entry wound in the throat was really an exit wound --- just as the 3 autopsists said in the official autopsy report. But, of course, as far as most conspiracy theorists are concerned, this Official Autopsy Report of President Kennedy might as well have "Charmin" written across the top of it. That's how it's treated by CTers anyway. They think it's a worthless and useless document, worthy only of being flushed. (A pathetic way to treat such an important document, to be sure. But that's the way it is in Conspiracy Fantasy Land.)
  6. Oh, yeah. You did say it was an X-ray technician, didn't you? Well, that might not be connected to the post-autopsy skull reconstruction then. But, I don't know. Anyway, if you've got a cite handy, I'd like to see it. Thanks.
  7. Reprise.... Cory, Are you sure this isn't in reference to a technician who was assisting the morticians (after the autopsy was completed) in attempting to piece JFK's head back together as much as they could for a possible open-casket funeral? (Sure sounds like it to me.)
  8. I'd still like to see your citation regarding the X-ray technician. Do you have a quick link?
  9. Well, Cory, I was a little confused as to the TIMING of the alleged "limo cleaning" that you were talking about earlier. Were you referring to what I referenced in my last post---the early (alleged) Nov. 22 "bucket clean-up" while the car was still under the Parkland emergency entrance overhang? Or were you referring to the bogus myth about LBJ "ordering" that the limo be completely "rebuilt" (and, I guess, cleaned as well) a day or two after the assassination? (The latter never happened, of course. The limo wasn't modified and rebuilt until much later---well after November '63.) If it comes from Doug Horne....no, I probably won't believe a word of it (if the X-ray tech's words have been spun by Horne into some "conspiracy plot", which is quite likely, given the source). Mr. Horne has about as much credibility with me as Jean Hill and Roger Craig. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/doug-horne-part-1.html
  10. Huh? Please cite. The "surgery" remark by Humes has been explained. "When the body was first observed on the autopsy table, it was thought by the doctors that surgery had possibly been performed in the head area and such was reflected in my notes at the time. However, this was determined not to be correct following a detailed inspection." -- James W. Sibert; Oct. 1978 (HSCA Interview) http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/interview-with-james-sibert.html https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/08/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1002.html The limo yielded its evidence when it was examined in great detail at the White House garage on Nov. 23 AM. I agree that it wasn't a good idea to wipe out any blood while the limo was at the Parkland emergency entrance. But I'm still not sure that was done either. It's never been proven with certainty that any blood was wiped out, but it might very well have been, with the bucket that is visible in the photos being a good indication that some tidying-up was being done at Parkland. But if it was done, it was certainly not a "sinister clean-up" at that early point in time. (How would anyone know at that hour what to clean up and what to leave there?) And do you want to call Nellie Connally a co-conspirator too? She's the one who washed some of her husband's bloody clothes right after the shooting. Was she doing it "on orders" from LBJ as part of a cover-up?
  11. Yes, usually they do. In this case, for whatever unknown reason, Oswald (who is the only truly "guilty" person associated with the murders of JFK and J.D. Tippit, IMO), didn't even attempt to hide and/or destroy the bullet shells and the 38-inch brown paper bag he left lying right in the Sniper's Nest. And he COULD certainly have taken those easy-to-conceal items with him when he left the TSBD. But he didn't. Why, you might ask? I haven't the slightest idea. We'd have to dig Lee up and ask him to find out the reason. (He tried his best to "hide" the rifle though.) No. There's too much stuff on the "Oswald Did It" table (including Oswald's own guilty-like actions following the assassination---which includes the Tippit murder, which was undeniably committed by LHO) to even consider answering your last question with a "Yes". Altered? --- No way. Tampered with? --- No way. Lost? --- Perhaps. Destroyed? --- Yes. Three items specifically come to mind --- ....The Hosty note. (Obviously done for CYA purposes by the FBI. Certainly NOT done to cover-up any "plot" relating to the actual assassination.) ....Dr. Humes' blood-stained autopsy notes. (Destroyed by Humes for the exact reason he stated in his testimony---because they were stained with the President's blood. Perfectly reasonable.) ....And Humes' first draft of the autopsy report. (Burned by Humes because the first draft was inaccurate in some respects and therefore should not be relied upon. Hence, it was an expendable item. A perfectly reasonable thing to do, IMO. Similarly, the FBI agents usually "destroy" their original notes after they transfer their notes to a final, formal report. Should that practice of the FBI routinely destroying their own notes also be looked upon as being suspicious or sinister in some fashion? If so, why?) No. There is no reliable enough evidence to indicate that any shots came from any non-TSBD location. And I do not think the many witnesses who said they heard shots coming from the Grassy Knoll are "reliable enough". Here's why -----> http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/09/dealey-plaza-earwitnesses.html
  12. Then what's the alternative scenario, Pat? I challenge you to come up with a reasonable, sensible, and believable anti-SBT theory which is based on the actual evidence (and wounds) in the case. Can you do that without using the words "fake", "manipulated", or "cover up"? Good luck. Dead wrong. But I guess you think you know more about these things than the four doctors on the Clark Panel who signed off on this conclusion in February 1968 (emphasis DVP's).... "The possibility that this bullet might have followed a pathway other than one passing through the site of the tracheotomy wound was considered. No evidence for this was found. There is a track between the two cutaneous wounds as indicated by subcutaneous emphysema and small metallic fragments on the X-rays and the contusion of the apex of the right lung and laceration of the trachea described in the Autopsy Report. In addition, any path other than one between the two cutaneous wounds would almost surely have been intercepted by bone and the X-ray films show no bony damage in the thorax or neck." -- Clark Panel Report
  13. 2015 Addendum Regarding Dr. Humes.... "Everything Dr. Humes did during the autopsy on 11/22/63 at Bethesda, while President Kennedy's body was lying on the autopsy table, indicates that Dr. Humes did not positively know that there was a bullet hole in JFK's throat. And we don't have to take just Dr. Humes' word for this. We also have the Sibert/O'Neill report to guide us, too. In that report...it states the following on Page 4: "Inasmuch as no complete bullet of any size could be located in the brain area and likewise no bullet could be located in the back or any other area of the body as determined by total body X-Rays and inspection revealing there was no point of exit, the individuals performing the autopsy were at a loss to explain why they could find no bullets." Therefore, via the above excerpt that comes from the report written by FBI agents Sibert and O'Neill, it's quite clear that the autopsy doctors (including James J. Humes) were not fully aware during the course of the autopsy of the existence of the bullet hole in the lower part of President Kennedy's throat." -- David Von Pein; June 17, 2015
  14. This has got nothing to do with the Zapruder Film. The autopsy surgeons, of course, knew nothing about the existence of that film when the autopsy was going on. So why did you even bring up the Z-Film at all? Just to jab a dagger in my eye regarding my belief in the SBT? I was talking about what Humes & Co. would have concluded even if they had known about the bullet hole in the throat on Friday night. And the answer is: They most certainly would have concluded the very same thing they ultimately did conclude---that the throat wound was a wound of EXIT for a bullet that had entered President Kennedy's upper back. Well, Micah, since I don't think Dr. Humes talked to Dr. Perry on Friday night at all (and, therefore, Humes didn't confirm that the trach wound also masked a bullet hole), then I don't think Humes' WC testimony was "intentionally misleading" either. I do think that Dr. Humes did exhibit a bit of "incompetence" on Friday night during JFK's autopsy at Bethesda when he did not contact Parkland Hospital that very night while JFK was still on the autopsy table, so he could confirm the information about the trach/bullet hole in a much more timely manner. That, in my opinion, was a very stupid delayed decision on Humes' part, and I've said so in the past as well.... "The biggest and most stupid mistake, IMO, made at the autopsy was when Dr. Humes refused to call Parkland Hospital in Dallas WHILE JFK WAS STILL IN THE MORGUE. Instead...he waited until 10 AM the next morning to call Dr. Perry at Parkland. (I guess Humes was worried he would interrupt Perry's slumber or something by calling late on Friday night. Just silly.)" -- DVP; April 16, 2010
  15. I disagree. But even if the autopsy doctors DID think the tracheotomy wound masked a bullet hole DURING the autopsy examination----where are you going to go with such a revelation? Do you think that if the doctors fudged on the exact TIME of when they realized the trach wound was also a bullet hole, this alleged "fudging" somehow bolsters the conspiracy theory that has JFK being shot in the throat from the front? Is that it? But how would such "fudging" by Dr. Humes (et al) benefit and aid any type of multi-shooter conspiracy theory in the JFK case? Whether the doctors found out about the bullet hole in the throat on Friday night or Saturday morning, the wound would still have been declared in the autopsy report to be the wound of exit for the bullet that entered JFK's upper back. Or do you think that Dr. Humes deliberately fudged (lied) about the time of the Perry phone call in order to give the autopsists a more valid excuse for having not dissected the neck wound completely? Is that the underlying "conspiracy" theory buried within this discussion?
  16. Sure, the conclusion about the bullet exiting JFK's throat was an "assumption" on the part of the autopsy surgeons. Of course it was. But it was also the only REASONABLE assumption the doctors could reach given all the knowable factors involved. Do you really think they should have reached the same conclusions that CTers have reached over the years? Such as, two separate bullets entering JFK's body but neither bullet exiting and then both bullets disappearing or being dug out of the body by conspirators who stole Kennedy's corpse before the "real" autopsy began? Come now. Let's keep our heads here, shall we? After all, Drs. Humes, Boswell, and Finck were medical pathologists, not fiction writers.
  17. You're inventing lies that never existed, Micah.
  18. And heaven forbid somebody should actually have the gall to agree with something the Warren Commission said, right? (Oh, the horror of it!) But I don't really need the Warren Commission to figure out the SBT at all. All of those individual factors I talked about in my previous post---when combined---pretty much seal the deal on the validity of the SBT. And ANYBODY can easily evaluate those things. You don't need to be a doctor or a physicist or a person with an extraordinary IQ. Just add up all the things that make the SBT the ONLY possible reasonable conclusion. When you perform that kind of math, it's a piece of cake. But CTers refuse to total up the facts surrounding the SBT. That's why they've been lost in the woods on this issue for more than 50 years and are forced to ask unanswerable questions like this one that James DiEugenio asked in his thread-starting post (which, of course, is just the type of question I've been trying to get the CTers to answer for years) ---- "If the anterior neck wound is an entrance, where is the exit hole?"
  19. But that "puzzler" completely disappears if you and other CTers would just face the obvious fact ---- i.e., one bullet went clean through JFK's upper body, entering his upper back and exiting just where the autopsy doctors concluded it did exit---the front of the throat at the site of the tracheotomy. All the mysteries about disappearing bullets totally vanish if CTers would simply accept the SBT truth. And, Jim, you do realize (don't you?) that it's not just "no exit for the throat wound" that should have you bewildered. It's the OTHER bullet that didn't exit too (i.e., the one that you claim entered the upper back and also disappeared). Where's THAT bullet as well? You said earlier that you think the back wound bullet disappearing is "explainable". But is it reasonable to think that BOTH of those bullets that you say entered JFK's upper body BOTH just disappeared without a trace (whether it be in a sinister or non-sinister manner)? To me, that explanation isn't reasonable at all, especially when we consider all these knowable factors.... Don't CTers ever step back and look at the following four things in tandem with one another (and all 4 of these things do, indeed, exist---simultaneously!---in this case).... 1. There's a bullet hole of ENTRY in JFK's upper back. 2. There's a bullet hole in JFK's throat (which, according to Dr. Perry, could have been "either" an entry or an exit wound; and Dr. Carrico said the very same thing). 3. There's a bullet hole of ENTRY in John Connally's upper right back. 4. There were NO BULLETS in John F. Kennedy's body. Now, based upon the above 4 basic facts, how can anyone maintain that the bullet which caused Connally's upper-back wound could not possibly have been the same bullet which also caused President Kennedy's upper-back wound --- especially when factoring in the additional fact that Governor Connally was sitting in a position in the limousine that most certainly placed him in the path of any bullet that would have exited from JFK's throat? When evaluating all these variables (and others not discussed here), it's simply impossible (IMO) for the Single-Bullet Theory to not be the truth.
  20. Yeah, tell me about it, Joseph. I'm always asking them for a raise. But those damn cheapskates at Langley just won't give me one. Would you believe I'm still making the same measly six-figure salary that I was making in 2006?! And they cut back on my health insurance too! No dental now! (Damn penny-pinchers!)
  21. Addendum #2.... MICHAEL WELCH SAID: Hi David, Here is a still frame [of] z-224. Is this the same film version that you like to use? If it is, what are you seeing that shows a hit on both men simultaneously? I can see President Kennedy's hands up or going up towards his throat. Is there any blood on Governor Connally's shirt? DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Michael, You need to watch the film in a LOOPED and MOTION sequence. Just isolating Z224 isn't going to prove anything. And that's a big reason Governor Connally, when he looked at merely STILLS from the Z-Film, said he was hit in the Z230s. But when viewed in MOTION, and on a loop to see it over and over again, it becomes quite clear that both JFK and Connally are reacting starting at Z225. And Kennedy's hands are NOT moving UP to his throat by Z224. The upward arm motion of JFK doesn't start until Z226, which is the exact same frame when Governor Connally's right arm (the arm/wrist that WAS injured during the shooting) starts to rise also. Just like their arms are being controlled by the same string.... But, Michael, as we can see in the isolated clip below, Kennedy's right hand is still coming DOWN from his last wave between Z224 and Z225....
  22. Addendum.... JAMES DiEUGENIO SAID: >>> "The idea that JBC and JFK were hit at z 224 is nothing but a fiction. The purpose of which is to salvage the SBT. Why? Because at around this time, in the Z film, you have JFK just barely emerging from behind the sign and he has clearly been hit. There is a grimace on his face, and his hands begin to go upwards to grab his neck. There is no noticeable reaction in JBC. As Mili Cranor once wrote, this single frame destroys the SBT. (Which, BTW, is why Dale Myers had to lie about it and distort it in his fake simulation.)" <<< DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Talk about "making stuff up". Jim DiEugenio has just done quite a bit of that in the above paragraph. For starters, in Zapruder Film frame #224 (which is a frame of the Z-Film that DiEugenio actually is silly enough to say "destroys the SBT"), President Kennedy is just barely visible as he starts to emerge from behind the Stemmons road sign, as we can see here: Yes, folks, it's the above frame (#224) that Jim DiEugenio thinks "destroys the SBT", even though we can't even see John F. Kennedy's face in Frame 224! I think a good question for Jim D. to answer is this one: If JFK had been hit as early as Z190 to Z195 (as you have said on Black Op Radio, and probably in your online articles as well), then why are JFK's hands as low as they are in Z224 and Z225? DiEugenio thinks the same way the HSCA did in 1978 apparently....i.e., Kennedy was hit at about Z190, but then LOWERED his arms to where we can see them in Z224 and Z225, before very rapidly moving those same arms upward toward his neck and mouth, which is an UPWARD movement that does not even begin until Z226, as we can see here: A delayed reaction perhaps, Jim? But I doubt very much that you would like to endorse any kind of a "delayed reaction" explanation, in light of the fact that you seem to think that any similar delayed reaction on the part of Governor Connally around frames Z224-Z226 is out of the question. Right, Jim? Of course, in reality, there is no delayed reaction on the part of EITHER of the victims, with everything we see happening to John B. Connally just a split second AFTER Z224 being perfectly consistent with a bullet striking him in the upper back at precisely Z224 -- e.g., Connally's right shoulder pitches slightly downward and forward at exactly Z224 (the moment-of-impact frame, IMO); Connally's mouth opens at Z225 (it was closed at Z224; just a coincidence?); Connally's shoulders "hunch up" at Z225, in what is an obvious involuntary reaction to having been hit by the bullet; and, of course, there's the key "hat flip", which begins at Z226, which is a very quick and rapid movement of Connally's right arm (the same one that was hit by a bullet; coincidence?). (And I didn't even mention the "lapel flip" above. But the lapel/coat movement is really just a "bonus". Because even without that coat movement, there is ample evidence via the Zapruder Film that Connally is INVOLUNTARILY reacting to a bullet hitting him at Z224.)
  23. [In reality, of course,] JFK and Governor Connally are reacting to their bullet wounds at the exact same time in the Zapruder Film clip below: And take note of Jackie Kennedy's reactions in the above Z-Film clip too. She kind of "springs" up in her seat and then puts both of her hands on JFK's left arm. But Jackie only STARTS TO REACT (as she moves her arms and her body toward JFK) AFTER Z226 or so. But if we're to believe the HSCA's timing for the SBT, JFK was struck by a bullet back at about Z190. But Jackie doesn't react and try to aid her husband until after approximately Z226. Just a coincidence? Did Jackie have a "delayed reaction" too? In reality, Jackie Kennedy's reactions (and her reaching out with both of her hands to aid her husband shortly after Z225) are reactions that are perfectly consistent with a bullet striking President Kennedy at around Z224. She is "reacting" at almost the exact same time as the two victims. Here's a slow motion version: IMO, Jackie's movements are somewhat difficult to explain and reconcile if JFK had been struck as early as Z190 or so. She doesn't move toward her injured husband until AFTER the men reappear from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. I suppose that could conceivably just be a coincidence (because we ARE only talking about 1.86 seconds in real time--between Z190 and Z224), but there's no question in my mind that Jackie Kennedy's movements and reactions as she MOVES TOWARD JFK after Z225-Z226 are certainly not INCONSISTENT with the SBT occurring at Z224. In fact, the more I focus on JUST JACKIE in the above Zapruder Film clips, the more I think her reactions and movements fully buttress the "Z224 SBT Hit" even more solidly than ever. David Von Pein August 2010 Revised September 2015
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