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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. That's because Bud's quote doesn't really apply to the "other type". (At least I don't see his quote as applying to that "other type".) Ergo, I was referring only to the "outer-fringe kook" type of CTers, who are, indeed, merely playing silly games with the deaths of JFK and J.D. Tippit (and LHO too).
  2. Then you're merely playing a silly game too, Michael. Because you HAVE to know that Jack Ruby DID shoot Lee Oswald, right? You surely can't deny that fact, can you? After all, you ARE a "reasonable CTer", are you not?
  3. Define "this" in "about this" for me, Michael. If you mean THIS absurd thread, do you really think THOSE CTers who buy into the idea that "It Wasn't Ruby" actually deserve anything BUT mocking and ridicule? Surely not.
  4. Michael, I have no compassion at all for the type of JFK conspiracy theorist that Bud was referring to in the quote I cited above. I agree with Bud 100% with respect to THAT type of JFK CTer. Those people ARE playing silly games. Bud was referring mainly to one particular conspiracy nut who has posted on the Internet for many years; but Bud's comment certainly applies to many other JFK conspiracy believers as well (especially on the Internet)---i.e., the type who never met a conspiracy they didn't lap up with glee. To THAT kind of "CTer", yes, it is only a silly game, IMO. They don't care that there's no evidence at all to support the conspiracies they are alleging. But they keep harping on them anyway. And that certainly includes any and all JFK conspiracy theorists who (incredibly) still support Jim Garrison and his bogus prosecution of Clay Shaw in New Orleans.
  5. You're welcome, Michael. I think my good friend and fellow "LNer" Bud summed up the actions of most conspiracy theorists quite well recently at another forum when he said: "You guys are playing silly games with the deaths of these men [JFK & J.D. Tippit]." And with regard to this idiotic thread regarding Jack Ruby, Bud's quote shown above could be expanded to three different deaths: "You guys are playing silly games with the deaths of these men [JFK, J.D. Tippit, and Lee Harvey Oswald]."
  6. I can't believe I did this for this stupid "It Wasn't Ruby" discussion (which couldn't be any more ridiculous even if Jim Fetzer had been its original author), but Michael asked me to do it. I only wish the basement pic was clearer, but I haven't the slightest idea how to sharpen the image. I can blow it up, but that only makes it worse and more pixelated; so this is the best I could do, not that it deserves even this much, since all sensible people already know that it's the real Jack Ruby in all of these pictures....
  7. You don't think this looks like Jack Ruby? ....
  8. They did. It's the 10-digit stamped number beginning with "138" on the Oswald/Hidell money order. That's the "File Locator Number", which was discovered by Lance Payette a couple of years ago (see the link below). It is stamped on a money order (or check) after it gets to the Federal Reserve.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/10/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1058.html#The-File-Locator-Number-On-The-Hidell-Money-Order
  9. Yes, the raw KRLD-TV (Channel 4 in Dallas) feed.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rcjDGNFEH_b3owb1VvN1A4dUU/view
  10. It's amazing to see the amount of absolute trash and junk that crops up when people discuss the JFK case, as this ludicrous "RUBY NEVER SHOT OSWALD" hogwash clearly illustrates. Is the next theory going to be: "TIPPIT WAS NEVER SHOT AT ALL" ?? As Vince Bugliosi said.... "I know that conspiracy theorists have a sweet tooth for silliness, but is there absolutely nothing that is too silly for their palate?"
  11. I think you're greatly overstating the amount of "watching" of Oswald that the USPS was doing. Do you really think the FBI was aware of every letter and package that Oswald received in 1963?
  12. QUESTION: What are the names of the two newsmen who reported on the arrival of President Kennedy at Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas, on the morning of November 22, 1963? One of these reporters covered JFK's Love Field arrival for the local Dallas television audience; the other newsman covered the event on radio.
  13. Because it's "DIRECTLY BEHIND" the Newmans. That's how I arrived at it.
  14. QUESTION: Despite the fact that conspiracy theorists have knowledge of Secret Service Agent John Howlett's reconstruction times of 78 seconds and 74 seconds (simulating Oswald's flight from the Sniper's Nest), how many times have conspiracy believers nevertheless asserted (incorrectly) that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't have enough time to make the journey from the sixth floor to the second floor of the Book Depository in order to encounter Dallas policeman Marrion L. Baker in the lunchroom approximately 90 seconds after the assassination of President Kennedy? ANSWER: Too many times to count.
  15. I guess this means Ray Mitcham thinks the shots came from here (white circle). Right, Ray?....
  16. Correct. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9E6ed_4-hx6YTlVd2lSVm00Q3c/view "Apparently from behind us" and "From directly behind where we were standing" and from "Back up on the mall" and from "Up on top of the hill, the mound of ground there, the garden" ---- which, of course, is NOT the place where most conspiracy theorists think ANY shots came from at all. "Directly behind" the Newmans (at the time of the head shot) was the peristyle/pergola to the left (east) of Abraham Zapruder. And who thinks any shots came from the pergola? Nobody that I'm aware of. Bill Newman, like many other witnesses that day, was simply mistaken when it came to trying to pinpoint the precise location of the two shots he heard. More: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/11/bill-and-gayle-newman.html
  17. QUESTION: How many gunshots did Dealey Plaza eyewitness William Newman say he heard when he was interviewed by Jay Watson on WFAA-TV in Dallas very shortly after the assassination?
  18. NEXT QUESTION..... Exactly how many days did John F. Kennedy serve as President of the United States?
  19. You're funny, Mr. Graves. (I guess.) ~shrug~
  20. Me?? Are you kidding? (Where was your obligatory huge "LOL" in your last post, Tommy?) Because you surely MUST have been kidding there.
  21. Hence my use of the word "preferred" in my previous tongue-in-cheek post. Ten-Four, good buddy? Obligatory ------>
  22. Dear God, Kirk! Don't say "broadcasted" (with the "ed" on the end) while Tommy is on a "proper English" kick. He'll have your hide! Because the preferred word would be "broadcast" (I think). http://www.thefreedictionary.com/broadcast Anyway, the "First Bulletin" answer is.....(drum roll).....Don Gardiner of ABC Radio. Here's that bulletin from my archives.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ERm-cucsE0ZUFvSmJPaE96Um8/view
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