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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. 1964 Rifle Debate (Mark Lane vs. Joe Ball).... COMPLETE DEBATE (2 HOURS, 37 MINUTES): jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/05/mark-lane-debate-1964.html
  2. How could I possibly top this, though, Mr. Healy? ..... "The conspiracy community regularly seizes on one slip of the tongue, misunderstanding, or slight discrepancy to defeat twenty pieces of solid evidence; accepts one witness of theirs, even if he or she is a provable nut, as being far more credible than ten normal witnesses on the other side; treats rumors, even questions, as the equivalent of proof; leaps from the most minuscule of discoveries to the grandest of conclusions; and insists that the failure to explain everything perfectly negates all that is explained." -- VB
  3. Here's a real doozy of a conspiracy myth/fantasy: The "Oswald Never Ordered The Rifle" Myth
  4. Great tactic, Jim. Make Buell Wesley Frazier the villain, instead of accepting the truth about Oswald's curtain rod lie. That's exactly the type of argument that only a truly desperate conspiracy theorist would even consider making. A conspiracy theorist like, say, James DiEugenio, who admitted on July 26, 2015, that he considers himself to be "part of the defense team". More pure fantasy on DiEugenio's behalf. Or--to be more accurate--pure wishful thinking. No reasonable person thinks Oswald never ordered the rifle. And, once again, the preposterous "Oswald Never Ordered The Rifle" myth is precisely the kind of claptrap that you'd expect to come from a person who said --- "It's not my job to say what really happened. I am part of the defense team." Who's leading with their chin now, Jimmy?
  5. What do you mean, David? I was actually doing something in that "Two Things" article that I never do -- I was "isolating" some of the evidence in order to make a point. As I told Glenn earlier, it was done as an exercise or "experiment" to emphasize and buttress Vince Bugliosi's comment about how you could toss aside "80% of the evidence" and still come away with a guilty Oswald. But that is something--isolating from the whole--that I can only recall doing in that one instance (for that "Two Things" article in 2006). And I do, indeed, nine years later, still think I'm correct with respect to those "two things" that I isolated in that article. Because those two things, in tandem, in my opinion DO add up to a GUILTY LEE OSWALD. What other reason--except for wanting to hide his guilt--would Oswald have had for telling his "curtain rods" lie to Wesley Frazier? (And he lied to Frazier TWICE remember--once on Nov. 21 and then again on the morning of Nov. 22.) The FACT that the rifle was OSWALD'S (which it was, regardless of anything the CTers say about it--which are desperate and laughable arguments by those CTers in an anemic effort to keep Oswald away from Rifle C2766 at all costs), PLUS the fact Oswald was carrying a large-ish package with him on Nov. 22 (confirmed by TWO different witnesses), which was a package that Oswald LIED about when he told Wesley Frazier it contained curtain rods, are things that add up to only one thing, IMO --- Oswald's guilt. (And that's why LHO had to lie about what was in that paper bag.)
  6. David Josephs' fevered attempts at poking holes in the rock-solid case of Oswald's guilt only further help to illustrate precisely what Vince Bugliosi was talking about when he said this in his JFK book.... "The conspiracy community regularly seizes on one slip of the tongue, misunderstanding, or slight discrepancy to defeat twenty pieces of solid evidence; accepts one witness of theirs, even if he or she is a provable nut, as being far more credible than ten normal witnesses on the other side; treats rumors, even questions, as the equivalent of proof; leaps from the most minuscule of discoveries to the grandest of conclusions; and insists that the failure to explain everything perfectly negates all that is explained." -- VB
  7. "and the paper bag as being conclusive proof of Oswald's guilt"[/size] i'd sure like to see this exact post, Jim... Jim was referring to the "Two Things" article that I already linked earlier ----> two-things-that-prove-oswalds-guilt The two things being.... 1.) Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle was positively the weapon that was used to assassinate President Kennedy and wound Texas Governor John Connally. (With said weapon being found inside the building where Oswald was definitely located at 12:30 PM on November 22, 1963, when both of these men were wounded by rifle fire.) 2.) Oswald was seen carrying a bulky paper package into his place of employment at the Texas School Book Depository Building on the morning of 11/22/63, and Oswald (beyond a reasonable doubt) lied about the contents of this package to a co-worker.
  8. Oh, sure. In fact, every LNer on the face of the globe has a cubicle. I thought you knew that, Ron.
  9. Yeah, I've been told by other CIA disinfo agents in my neighboring cubicles that it was part of a Castro operation. Fidel was evidently a ping pong aficionado too.
  10. I actually meant my "ping pong" remark literally, Ron. I am a good ping pong player. Or at least I was a few years ago. Haven't played in a while. They removed the ping pong table from the game room here at CIA HQ/Langley, which really pissed me off.
  11. I agree, Ron. It is painful to watch the CTers at work. (BTW, I'm a very good ping pong player.)
  12. Yeah, yeah, Dave. We all know you think all of the evidence is fake. You made that quite clear recently when you bellowed this to me.... "Because - oh, deaf one - the EVIDENCE IS NOT AUTHENTIC." -- D. Josephs So what else is new? Oswald was a patsy? ~Yawn~ ~Stretch~ ~Snooze~
  13. Where? When? Hey, almost no one has a perfect memory. I certainly don't. So I suppose you MIGHT be able to find some post written by me where I (foolishly) stated that a SINGLE item of evidence "proves" Oswald's guilt. I, however, do not think I have ever constructed a post using those exact words before. I certainly cannot recall ever having done so. But if you do find one, I would like to see it--so I can delete it. So please keep hunting for such a post, and if you find one, please let me know. Because I think you're right on this point---not any SINGLE thing "proves" Oswald's guilt in the JFK and Tippit murders. It's always been my belief (which I've stated hundreds of times over the years) that it's the "totality" or "sum total" of evidence that proves Oswald was guilty. I'll give you a heads-up, Glenn (so you won't have to dig for it), to a post I wrote in January 2006, entitled "THESE TWO THINGS PROVE LEE HARVEY OSWALD'S GUILT BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT". This was written as a kind of an experiment (based on Vince Bugliosi's claim that "You could throw 80% of the evidence against Oswald out the window and there would still be more than enough left to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt"). But even in this article, I'm not singling out just ONE item of evidence. It's two things.... jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/two-things-that-prove-oswalds-guilt.html
  14. I'm just curious to know HOW MANY pieces of evidence CTers require in order for the SUM TOTAL of those pieces to become the equivalent of "proof"? Does such a number exist? Or could there EVER be enough pieces of evidence against Oswald that would convince a CTer? I truly wonder. Again, it's by looking at ALL of the stuff that points to Oswald that makes an "Oswald Is Guilty" conclusion mandatory, in my opinion. Not by isolating everything and keeping every single item separated from the whole -- which is precisely what conspiracists very often do, such as when CTers isolate Oswald's unusual Thursday trip to Irving. I've heard some CTers say to me: Well, Dave, just because LHO decided he wanted to visit his wife on a Thursday for a change, that doesn't prove he murdered anybody the next day. And, yes, that is true. The Thursday trip to Irving--when isolated by itself--doesn't prove a darn thing. But when that unusual Thursday trip to Ruth Paine's house is added to all of the other items of evidence, then that Irving excursion by Oswald takes on a whole new meaning. But it seems as though some conspiracists I've talked to never want to ADD IN anything else after they berate me for having the audacity to suggest that Lee Oswald's visit to Irving on November 21st should be INCLUDED in the list of things that ADD UP to Oswald's guilt. Another classic example of CTer Isolation involves Oswald's fingerprints and palmprints being found on the boxes that were inside the Sniper's Nest on the sixth floor of the Book Depository Building. I can't remember how many times I've argued with various conspiracy theorists over the last several years about those prints. And I have always admitted that those prints on the TSBD boxes, by themselves, do not PROVE that Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy. But when those prints are ADDED to the other pieces of Oswald-incriminating evidence, then those prints rise to a much higher level of importance and significance, IMO. But the CTers I've talked to about those prints will almost always scold me for even bringing those prints up at all, as if I should just totally ignore them altogether, with those CTers invariably saying something along the following lines --- Well, you know, Davey, that Oswald did work there at the Depository. You know that, right? So why wouldn't his prints be on those boxes? It was just a part of his regular work duties to touch the boxes and move them around. So your arguments about the Sniper's Nest prints mean nothing. It took me only a few seconds to find just such an argument in my archived discussions on my website (copied below). And there are no doubt a few more in there too.... ROB CAPRIO SAID: So what [if LHO's prints are on the boxes in the Sniper's Nest]? He worked there. DAVID VON PEIN THEN SAID: The LHO prints on the SN boxes are not (themselves) conclusive proof of Oswald's guilt, true. But when placing those prints (and the critical, key LOCATIONS of where those prints were found and on WHAT SPECIFIC BOXES) next to all of the other "LHO Was Here" evidence that is piled against the door, those box prints of Oswald's become more significant, in that those prints are CORROBORATIVE OF OTHER "OSWALD" EVIDENCE that was found in the Sniper's Nest. It's beyond me how anyone can completely dismiss those multiple LHO prints (which are prints that were found on two boxes DEEP INSIDE the assassin's Sniper's Nest) with the typical three-word CTer retort of "He worked there". The "he worked there" response that we always hear from conspiracy theorists is a weak retort with respect to the fingerprints on the boxes, IMO, considering WHAT ELSE was also found under that sixth-floor window on November 22nd. DVP November 2007 ----------------- Related articles of interest: jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/oswald-was-in-snipers-nest.html jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/isolating-evidence.html
  15. But I've never claimed that just ONE piece of evidence "proves" Oswald's guilt. It's when ALL of the evidence is evaluated that Oswald's guilt becomes "proven", IMO. Not by just isolating one piece of it. jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/isolating-evidence.html And I think I do choose my words carefully.
  16. That's not my reasoning at all, Glenn. I was merely pointing out to Mark Knight that the situations that existed on 11/22/63 when comparing Lee Harvey Oswald with Charles Givens are not even remotely the same. As I said in the list of things I'm repeating below (which is a list that needs to be looked at in its TOTALITY, instead of each item being isolated from the sum total), Oswald "leaves the TSBD within minutes of the assassination", which is not at all what Givens did. Givens had already left the building many minutes BEFORE the shooting. Givens then tried to get BACK INTO the building, but could not. So he eventually left the area. (Who wouldn't?) Reprise..... "I mean that Oswald's provable "actions" and movements, in general, certainly point more toward his GUILT than they do his INNOCENCE. Wouldn't you agree? E.G., ...He leaves the TSBD within minutes of the assassination. ...He dashes in and out of his rented room to get a gun. ...He acts "funny" and "scared" in Johnny Brewer's shoe store entrance. ...He pulls a gun on the police in the theater and fights with them. (And if this isn't a sure sign that Mr. Oswald had done SOMETHING against the law that day, then what would be?) ...He lied to Buell Frazier about the "curtain rods". ...He carried a long paper package into the Depository on the day of the President's assassination (and lied about the contents of that package)." -- DVP; 8/4/15
  17. Yes, I do. But there are many conspiracy theorists who don't know the difference. Maybe you ought to lecture them for a little while. Having a difficult time with your reading glasses, Ken? I clearly identified who the "someone else" is in Post 110.
  18. Charles Givens had two alibi witnesses standing with him when President Kennedy was shot (James and Edward Shields) [see 6 H 351]. Plus, Givens went back to the TSBD after the shooting, but it had been sealed off by then and he couldn't get back in. So he left. That's hardly a situation that could be defined as fleeing the crime scene.... CHARLES GIVENS -- "Well, we broke and ran down that way, and by the time we got to the corner down there of Houston and Elm, everybody was running, going toward the underpass over there by the railroad tracks. And we asked--I asked someone some white fellow there, 'What happened ?" And he said, "Somebody shot the President." Like that. So I stood there for a while, and I went over to try to get to the building after they found out the shots came from there, and when I went over to try to get back in, the officer at the door wouldn't let me in." [6 H 355]
  19. And so by mentioning ONE person's name (Jon), and by saying "some Internet CTers", that means I am automatically lumping ALL CTers together in those statements? Bizarre.
  20. Yeah, sure, Glenn. Like I really think physical objects can be considered "hearsay". Why do you think I put quotation marks around "hearsay"? It was because the one and only example Jon was supplying in his previous post (in his little "A, B, C" scenario) was an example of "hearsay", which doesn't apply in any way to the physical evidence in the JFK case. So I have no idea what point Jon was trying to make at all. Hence, I phrased my follow-up question to him in a manner that would be analogous to Jon's only example provided---a "hearsay" example (with quote marks around it). But since guns and bullets aren't hearsay, Jon's post makes no sense (particularly since we were earlier talking about what constitutes "evidence").
  21. It got to my funny bone, yes. That's about all. This "signature" game is quite humorous. And now Ken Drew has added another quote of mine to his sig that he obviously thinks makes me look bad. But, of course, it does no such thing. Nor does his other DVP signature either. Both quotes are wholly reasonable and sensible. The fact that Kenny thinks he's taking me down a peg or two by using them in his sig can only elicit laughter. And by admitting you are part of Oswald's "defense team", you and DiEugenio have now forever thrown out any chance you ever had of being considered unbiased when it comes to the evidence in the JFK murder case. I salute you both. Most CTers would never come right out and admit to the world that they are dedicated solely to Oswald's defense. Congrats.
  22. I have no idea what are you're talking about here, or what "ONE CTer" you're referring to. Care to clarify?
  23. D. - objects can't be hearsay. hearsay is limited to testimony, because it's things that people "say". this is why they called it hearsay. otherwise they'd have called it hearstuff. or hearsomething. or... Exactly. That was kind of my whole point, Glenn. Note the quote marks around the word "hearsay" in my post. Duh!
  24. No, Glenn. Jon has been saying for weeks now that he thinks NONE of the evidence in the JFK case is really "evidence" because it never found its way into a courtroom. That's the ONLY thing that can make it "evidence", per Jon G. Tidd. And I continue to say---Hogwash to such an assertion. The fact it can never get inside a courtroom doesn't make the physical bullets and prints and guns CEASE being classified as "evidence". The WC had no problem calling it "evidence".... Page 117 -- http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0071a.htm Page 195 -- http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0110a.htm Is Jon Tidd "appalled" at the WC for all the times the word "evidence" appears on the above 2 WCR pages?
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