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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. There's absolutely nothing that is "very different" in this Darnell film clip when compared to previously published versions of the same images. It's just that the newer version posted by Mark Ulrik is a higher-quality and more stabilized version. But the reflections in the glass door and the "dark gap" I talked about previously can still be seen (although not quite as clearly) in the lower-quality version of James Darnell's film below:
  2. But it could be that it's being opened by someone on the other side of the door, because according to the TSBD floor plans, that door will swing both ways---both inward and outward (at least per this diagram it does):
  3. I see only one, not two sets of glass doors: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/tsbd-photographs-and-floor-plans.html
  4. Probably reflections. I see a horizontal dark gap at the top of the metal door frame, which might very well indicate that the door is in the process of closing. And the changing position of the door is probably causing the "moving" reflections seen in the glass door.
  5. Could it be a reflection of a person standing on the top step? ~shrug~ It kind of looks like reflections in the glass door to me.
  6. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/09/ Prayer Man (And Other Assorted Topics)
  7. IN A SEPTEMBER 2022 DISCUSSION, BENJAMIN COLE SAID THIS. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: I have no idea why you're labeling it "the DVP version", because the version of the SBT that you're talking about in your [2022] post [linked] above (as it relates specifically to Governor Connally having the ability to turn completely around in his seat AFTER being hit in the back, wrist, and leg by a bullet) is exactly the same as the Warren Commission's version and even the HSCA's version.....because both the WC and the HSCA also concluded that Gov. Connally definitely DID turn around in his seat and stare right at JFK at a point in time after Connally had been hit by the one and only bullet that pierced his body. But it's still okay with me if you want to call it the "DVP Version". I like being associated with something filled with so much common sense and logic (plus the number of whole bullets that are in evidence---one). David Von Pein September 25-30, 2022
  8. Below are a couple of additional 11/22/63 photos showing the "bunched up" nature of JFK's jacket during the motorcade through Dallas. These pictures, which were taken on Lemmon Avenue by a high school student named Richard Clark, also clearly confirm the fact that Governor Connally was sitting a few inches lower in the limousine than the President. Click to enlarge: Photo Source: The Sixth Floor Museum (via this video).
  9. Here's a very good 2020 Sixth Floor Museum/Oral History interview with researcher and author Fred Litwin: And HERE'S A LINK to Litwin's 1994-1995 article "A Conspiracy Too Big?", which Fred mentions in the above interview.
  10. FWIW, Clint Hill said this in his WC testimony [emphasis by DVP]: Mr. HILL -- "I had my body above the rear seat, and my legs hooked down into the rear seat, one foot outside the car."
  11. But don't you think it's odd that Clint Hill would have switched from having his right foot over the side at one point during the frantic drive to Parkland (which is certainly what we see in the picture below) to having his left foot outside the car at another point during that journey? Quite obviously, this "Which Foot Was It?" question is totally unimportant. But it does provide us with yet another topic of meaningless JFKA fodder to chew on. At least we agree on the conclusion that it is a foot belonging to Mr. Hill.
  12. No. It's almost certainly Hill's right foot. Not his left. You surely don't think Hill has his LEFT foot dangling over the side of the car in this photo below, do you Pat?
  13. It's Clint Hill's foot hooked over the right side of the Presidential limousine. And I can't really understand why this matter has been such a disputed one over the years, since at least one other photograph exists (the top picture below) that provably depicts that very thing occurring (i.e., Secret Service Agent Hill's right foot hanging over the side of the car). Click to enlarge:
  14. Here's an intriguing tidbit of information regarding JFK's 1963 trip to Texas that I found today at the Sixth Floor Museum website: ----------------- "Interestingly, the visit to San Antonio was initially scheduled to be after Dallas on Friday, November 22. Trip planning documents at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston outline a different proposed itinerary (dated November 7, 1963) in which the Kennedys began their trip to Texas in the late afternoon of November 21 with a 4:00PM arrival in Houston and an overnight stay in Houston's Rice Hotel. Friday, November 22, would have then started with an early morning flight to Fort Worth for a Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Rice Hotel [sic], followed by a Dallas motorcade and luncheon at Fair Park (where the annual State Fair of Texas is hosted). From Dallas, the Kennedys would have then traveled to San Antonio on the afternoon of November 22 for the dedication of the aerospace medicine school at Brooks before heading to Austin for a fundraising dinner. As initially planned, the Kennedys would have returned to Washington, D.C. on the night of November 22 rather than spend the weekend at the Johnson Ranch. This early itinerary continued to evolve throughout November until the trip details were finalized." -- Stephen Fagin, Curator, Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza ----------------- The above info is attached to this Sixth Floor Museum webpage, which includes one of the very few amateur home movies taken during President Kennedy's brief visit to San Antonio, Texas, on November 21, 1963. The original Houston to Fort Worth to Dallas to San Antonio to Austin itinerary for the Texas trip can be seen in this document [also pictured below], which is part of this JFK Library folder. Also note in this early unused itinerary that the Dallas luncheon is scheduled to be at the Women's Building at the State Fairgrounds, instead of the Trade Mart.
  15. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Related Audio.... JFK'S REMARKS REGARDING THE DISMANTLING OF MISSILES IN CUBA (NOVEMBER 2, 1962)
  16. Source link for this please. Thank you.
  17. No, but since the bullet definitely did not enter at the EOP level (IMO), any deflection angle from that point is rather irrelevant.
  18. Not at all. Haven't you ever even considered the notion that the bullet changed directions (at least a little bit) after hitting the back of Kennedy's head?
  19. But don't you think a bullet could change directions (if only slightly) after striking JFK's head at full velocity, thereby creating a trajectory through the President's cranium that certainly would not be a straight one?
  20. It may come as a surprise to you, Mr. Hofeling, but not all people on this Earth believe that everything is fraudulent in the JFK case. Shocked to hear that, aren't you Keven? The "Fraudulent" argument is, of course, nothing but a big ol' cop-out utilized by CTers because they have nothing else to argue. It's really quite tiresome to keep hearing that pathetic and unprovable fake/fraudulent refrain year after year.
  21. So the HSCA's Photo Panel was just lying through their collective teeth here, eh? (Yeah, right.).... "The evidence indicates that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were taken of President Kennedy at the time of his autopsy and that they had not been altered in any manner." -- HSCA Vol. 7; Pg. 41
  22. Of course not. But the Harper fragment did not come from the occipital area of JFK's head. How could it? As I said before, the X-ray proves that there's no missing bone in the occipital, period. Therefore, the Harper fragment can't be "occipital" bone. No, they didn't. Why should he? There was no damage to that area of the head at all. So why mention it?
  23. I don't really need to fully explain it. Because regardless of which direction the President's head moved after being shot, I know from the autopsy report plus the autopsy photos & X-rays plus this video interview with Dr. James J. Humes that JFK was only hit in the head by ONE bullet, with that bullet coming from behind.
  24. Here, of course.... There was no damage to the cerebellum. The Parkland doctors who said that later admitted they were mistaken about seeing cerebellum. And: As proven by the above X-ray, there was no "occipital exit wound". The authenticated-by-the-HSCA X-ray above trumps any and all "BOH Wound" witnesses. Always has. Always will.
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