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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Indeed he does. It would appear as if Mr. Ventura believes about every conspiracy myth ever to take flight. And with Ventura's book of fantasies now getting into the hands of many people (it's the 328th best-selling book on Amazon.com as of this writing on October 27, 2013), it looks like those tired CT myths will be recycled for a long time to come. The one about Oswald not being able to work the bolt on his Carcano fast enough to perform the Dallas shooting is always good for a large-sized laugh, especially when we see Ventura HIMSELF--a military man--pretending that it's the hardest chore imaginable. Ventura made three attempts on camera in a 2010 TruTV episode to duplicate Oswald's shooting performance (which Jesse said took LHO 6.3 seconds--a figure he made up from whole cloth, of course). In his first attempt, Jesse did everything he could to make firing his Carcano seem like it was more difficult than building the Pyramids, and as a result of this obvious stretched-out fakery, Jesse's first time was a ridiculous 11.17 seconds. jfk-archives.blogspot.com / A Bunch Of Crap From Jesse Ventura
  2. Lisa Pease is wrong. .... "We directed that experiments be made with the rifle found on Nov. 22 on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, and we also used the same type of ammunition as the cartridge cases found in that building. There were negative reactions on both hands and on the cheek of the FBI agent who fired the assassination weapon. Thus, we had the other side of the coin: A negative reaction from the paraffin test did not prove that a person had not fired a rifle." -- Page 18 of David Belin's 1973 book "November 22, 1963: You Are The Jury"
  3. Then you can't possibly believe President Kennedy had a great-big hole in the back of his head....can you? It's really that simple. Either these pictures are depicting the true nature of JFK's head wounds after his death....or they aren't. And you just said you don't think these are fakes. So, where does that leave you?
  4. The bullet very likely changed course slightly after entering JFK's head. Which, IMO, is to be expected after striking such a hard object head-on at full speed. Plus, the angle at which Kennedy's head was tilted and angled at Z313 probably played a part in it too. Plus, just one look at the Z-Film and the autopsy photos tells us where the large wound was located--and the photos also tell us that JFK's face is intact after the shot passed through his head. You don't think the Z-Film AND the photos are fakes, do you Bill? What's the point of even having autopsy photos and X-rays if nobody is going to believe what they show? (And virtually no conspiracist believes anything they show.)
  5. The autopsy photo known as F8 is useless, IMO. Why anyone would use it to try and prove anything is beyond me.
  6. Yes, there's discrepancy on the exact location of the entry wound....but there is certainly no discrepancy concerning the NUMBER of entry holes in JFK's head -- it was one (see quotes below). "In 1963, we proved at the autopsy table that President Kennedy was struck from above and behind by the fatal shot. The pattern of the entrance and exit wounds in the skull proves it, and if we stayed here until hell freezes over, nothing will change this proof. It happens 100 times out of 100, and I will defend it until I die. This is the essence of our autopsy, and it is supreme ignorance to argue any other scenario. This is a law of physics and it is foolproof--absolutely, unequivocally, and without question. The conspiracy buffs have totally ignored this central scientific fact, and everything else is hogwash. There was no interference with our autopsy, and there was no conspiracy to suppress the findings." -- Dr. James J. Humes; October 1991 "There was only one entrance wound in the head." -- Dr. J. Humes; 1967 [see video at link below] http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2012/09/james-humes.html "It is the firm conclusion of the panel members...that beyond all reasonable medical certainty, there is no bullet perforation of entrance any place on the skull other than the single one in the cowlick. .... It is the firm conclusion of the panel that there is no bullet perforation of entrance beneath that brain tissue [near JFK's hairline]...and we find no evidence to support anything but a single gunshot wound of entrance in the back of the President's head." -- Michael Baden; 1978
  7. David, Wecht, at least as of June 14, 2007 [see video below], believed that the bullet that exited JFK's throat managed to somehow miss Connally and then exited the car on the left side without ever being recovered.
  8. The only problem is, Greg --- the back of President Kennedy's head was not "obliterated". Every bit of skull bone in the back (occipital) of JFK's head is still there in the autopsy X-ray:
  9. I got a kick out of Dr. Wecht's "double head shot" theory in the video below, because the theory would seem to be a brand-new one (I certainly had never heard this type of chronology for the make-believe double-head-shot theory before) which REVERSES the order of the alleged two head shots -- with Wecht saying it was the FIRST of these two head shots that came from a Grassy Knoll shooter (at Z313 of the Zapruder Film), and then a second head shot came in from the REAR. Now, this totally reverses the oft-repeated theory by CTers which has the FIRST head shot at Z313 entering from behind, while a second head shot enters from the front a few milliseconds later. So, it's apparently now a whole new ballgame regarding the "Double Head Shot" theory. (At least for some conspiracy believers, like Dr. Cyril H. Wecht.) And wasn't it, indeed, most fortunate for those conspirators (particularly that expert marksman who shot the President in the head from his Grassy Knoll position) to have only the ONE single wound of entry being visible to the autopsists at Bethesda? And it just happened to be the entry hole in the BACK of the head, vs. having a visible entry wound in the FRONT of the head--which would, of course, have totally ruined the "Oswald As Patsy" scheme. And wasn't it incredibly lucky for those plotters to have the Knoll head shot resulting in no blood spray whatsoever to the REAR of JFK's head. Not a speck of blood is visible at the rear part of his head. All the "spray" is going forward, not rearward. Amazingly fortunate for the conspirators indeed. I like Dr. Cyril Wecht, but I think he's better off sticking to the old version of that dumb "2 Head Shots" theory. Because by reversing the order, it only makes the conspiracists look more desperate and more determined to totally ignore what we see in the Zapruder home movie and in JFK's official autopsy report.
  10. What makes you think I'm anything but relaxed, Tommy? I'm just stating the facts (coupled with ordinary common sense) -- like always.
  11. McClelland gives a very nice interview and has a fine memory. But his stuff about the head wound is just nuts, and always has been .... THE ODD TALES OF THE PARKLAND DOCTORS
  12. Then why aren't there TWO entry wounds in JFK's head? The autopsy report couldn't be clearer as to the NUMBER of times President Kennedy was shot--and the general direction those shots came from: "It is our opinion that the deceased died as a result of two perforating gunshot wounds inflicted by high-velocity projectiles fired by a person or persons unknown. The projectiles were fired from a point behind and somewhat above the level of the deceased." -- Via JFK's Autopsy Report http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0281b.htm Are we really supposed to believe the above words are nothing but a pack of lies? Moreover, the above words printed in JFK's autopsy report are corroborated by the autopsy photos AND X-rays, which do not show TWO wounds of entry to JFK's head. More lies? More deceit? More covering up? Is there a limit to the number of lies and fake pictures and fake reports and phony testimony that a reasonable person should swallow when evaluating the JFK evidence? Or are the limits boundless?
  13. Yeah, if Scott Pelley of CBS News had taken the time to explain all of those details, then even more of the CBS viewers would have been made aware of the fact that the manner in which Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his Book Depository job could not possibly have been "conspiratorial" in nature. (Unless some people want to accuse Buell Frazier and Linnie Randle of being part of a "Let's Plant LHO In The Depository" scheme. And would anyone be silly enough to suggest something like that?) Was Lee Oswald Planted In The Depository? Ruth-Paine.blogspot.com
  14. Come to think of it, it would be better if the DiEugenios of the world just stayed inside the framework of a Perry Mason episode. Almost all conspiracy theorists wallow in fiction 24/7 anyway. They'd be right at home on the CBS set with Perry, Della Street, and Lieutenant Tragg.
  15. James DiEugenio of Los Angeles believes in so many things that are so incredibly wrong, they could fill up the L.A. Coliseum. The number of things Jim gets RIGHT are so far outweighed by all of the stupid and wrong things he believes (e.g., Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy, Oswald didn't shoot Tippit, Oswald never took any large bag into work, Oswald didn't go to the embassies in Mexico, Oswald never shot at Walker, Oswald never even ordered or took possession of Mannlicher-Carcano rifle #C2766 OR Smith & Wesson revolver #V510210, all the documents relating to Oswald's purchases of the rifle AND the revolver are fake, Ruth Paine has "CIA" stamped on her forehead, Buell Frazier is a xxxx, Linnie Randle is a xxxx, Will Fritz helped Ruby to shoot Oswald by opening up a "pocket" in the DPD basement [that's one of my all-time faves there ], the 2nd-floor lunchroom encounter between Oswald, Baker, and Truly never even happened at all, and a thousand other preposterous things), therefore is it reasonable to believe anything he has to say about the JFK and Tippit murder cases? How many times does a conspiracist have to cry wolf (or, in Jim DiEugenio's case, "Everything's fake!") before you stop listening to him entirely? Perry, your witness.
  16. "Great public service"??? What a load of garbage. DiEugenio hasn't gotten a thing right yet. And I doubt he started a winning streak with his whining about Tom Hanks. DVP VS. DiEUGENIO (PART 92)
  17. But just give it a shot, Ian. One document. According to the way Jim DiEugenio talks, there are HUNDREDS of such documents released by the ARRB (particularly with respect to the Garrison investigation) that Jimbo claims seal the deal on a JFK conspiracy. But he never says what those "smoking gun"-type documents are. (At least I've never heard him mention them specifically. Does he do that in his Second Edition of his "Destiny Betrayed" book?) I find DiEugenio's continual harping on the "ARRB documents" amusing, in light of this interview with one of the 5 ARRB top members: dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2010/01/anna-nelson-of-arrb-october-1998.html "In truth, Jim Garrison, and hence the Oliver Stone movie, has been discredited by these documents [released by the ARRB]. If you read them, you see he did not have a case. He had nothing to build it on. .... He simply didn't have a case. And for that reason, I think you can discard that conspiracy." -- Anna K. Nelson I guess DiEugenio thinks Nelson was yet another lying WC defender.
  18. The ARRB suddenly made all the "Oswald Did It" evidence vanish into a puff of smoke, eh Ian? That's curious. BTW, provide a link to ONE document released through the ARRB which you think proves conspiracy. I want to see that. Just one.
  19. There is nothing "new" to be noticed. The evidence is the same today as it was in 1963. And unless it's all been faked, Oswald's guilty. Simple.
  20. Hoover was clueless about a lot of things.....http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/09/fbi-errors.html
  21. Why are you pretending I haven't offered an answer, Bob? Just being a stubborn CT?
  22. I wonder why Robert P. can't read? He wants me to post the same answers over and over again. Hint --- go to POST #31 in this forum thread.
  23. It's simple, Robert.... Either the autopsy pictures AND X-rays AND Zapruder Film (which all corroborate each other) are right. Or the BOH witnesses are right. You think the BOH witnesses are right. And you think the photos are fakes (and you also really have no choice but to think the Z-Film is fake too--since that film does not show what you think it should show--a great-big hole in the back of JFK's cranium). So, we've got this choice staring us in the face: 1.) Mass fakery of the photos AND the X-rays AND the Zapruder Film (with the photo/X-ray mass fakery somehow totally eluding the HSCA's Photo Panel, which was SEARCHING for signs of fakery in the photos). Or: 2.) A bunch of mistaken witnesses. Guess which option I'll go with? I don't like being confronted with the above choice either. But that's the way it is. In fact, as I alluded to in a previous post, I think the "All The Witnesses Were Mistaken" option pretty much sucks. But given the choice between #1 and #2 above (esp. when factoring in Page 41 of HSCA Volume 7), I've got to go with Option 2. Because Option #1 is too silly and impossible to even begin to consider. So what reasonable person wouldn't go with #2?
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