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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. I haven't worked there (as an active employee) for years. So it's okay if you and Jimbo and Dave Healy want to cease with all the "deep fat" funnies. (Which were never funny in the first place.) But if not, oh well. ~yawn~
  2. Actually, Lee, I'd be more interested in hearing why Buell decided to add an obviously false element to his story (about having seen LHO walking on Houston Street 5 to 10 minutes after the assassination) when Buell was interviewed for 2 hours by Gary Mack on June 21, 2002. That very odd tale told by Frazier in 2002 totally contradicts what he said within hours of the assassination (in the affidavit below). Is that "add on" story enough for me to think Buell Frazier was a part of some kind of "Let's Frame Oswald" plot in 1963? Of course it's not. But it certainly would be nice to hear Frazier answer this question (hopefully Mr. Mack will ask him): Wesley, in a 2002 interview, you said that you saw Lee Oswald on Houston Street about 5 or 10 minutes after the shooting of the President. But in your 11/22/63 affidavit, you specifically said (in your own words) that you had not seen Lee at all after about 11:00 AM on Nov. 22nd. How can you reconcile this discrepancy? [Click to enlarge:]
  3. What difference would it make to a member of the "Everybody's A xxxx" club like you, Lee? Regardless of what Buell Frazier has to say during his 2013 interview with Gary Mack, you'll simply claim that Buell is merely continuing to lie through his teeth (just as you think he has continued to lie for decades on end whenever he speaks to anybody about the assassination). ~yawn~
  4. Liars, liars everywhere. That's the world Lee Farley lives in. How sad. And what a crock.
  5. All of those "problems" are easily solved via this very reasonable and believable scenario: Buell simply got up and left the kitchen area for a few seconds (or a minute or two). And perhaps Essie did too. How can we know the precise timing for when they ALL were at the table together? And while Buell was away from the breakfast table, Lee Oswald approached the Randle house carrying his brown paper package. Linnie Mae then opens the kitchen door and sees a portion of Lee as he puts the package into Buell's car. A very short time later, Buell re-enters the kitchen, and possibly within just a few seconds of coming back into the kitchen, Essie sees Lee at the window. Via the above perfectly reasonable scenario, there would have been virtually no time available for Linnie Mae to even mention to Buell that she saw Lee putting something into Buell's back seat. Now, which scenario is more likely to be true? The one I just laid out above (wherein nobody is a rotten, evil xxxx)? Or the scenario believed by people like James DiEugenio and Lee Farley, which contains one lie after another being told (for years on end) by two average, ordinary Irving, Texas, citizens named Buell Wesley Frazier and Linnie Mae Randle? Ponder that for a while, Lee, and let me know why your "Everybody Lied About The Paper Bag" scenario is worthy of more belief than my "Nobody Lied" scenario. In short -- Your "problems" regarding what Linnie Mae did and didn't do to meet your satisfaction of what she SHOULD have done after seeing Oswald on 11/22/63 are not nearly enough of a "problem" for me to want to start calling both Linnie Randle and Buell Frazier liars with respect to whether they each saw Lee Harvey Oswald carrying a large paper bag on the morning of November 22, 1963. Some conspiracists are ready (and eager) to make the leap and call Frazier and Randle liars. I, however, am not. Not even close.
  6. Sorry, Bernice. I didn't mean to imply that my last two links contained anything with Castleberry. They don't. I've never heard of her.
  7. JOURNALISTS REMEMBER THE JFK ASSASSINATION (EXCERPTS FROM 1993 DALLAS CONFERENCE): http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2012/05/journalists-remember-jfk-assassination.html VIDEOS FEATURING WITNESSES TO THE EVENTS OF NOV. 1963: http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2012/03/witnesses-relating-to-jfk-assassination.html
  8. Another Bob Jackson link: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2012/05/bob-jackson.html
  9. Terry, there were several witnesses who actually saw the rifle in the Sniper's Nest window as the assassination was taking place: Howard Brennan Amos Euins Robert Jackson Mal Couch James Worrell* * From his vantage point directly in front of the Depository, Worrell couldn't tell exactly what floor the rifle was on, but he saw a rifle sticking out of a window on an upper floor of the TSBD--on the east end of the building. And there is also the testimony of Mrs. Earle Cabell, who said she saw a "projection" coming out of a sixth-floor window [at 7 H 486]: MRS. CABELL -- "I saw a projection out of one of those windows. Those windows on the sixth floor are in groups of twos." Mal Couch, in fact, who was a cameraman for WFAA-TV, even told his story about seeing the gun in the window within just a few hours of the shooting on 11/22. Listen to Couch's account below: http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2011/05/mal-couch.html
  10. Are you now going to suggest that Linnie Mae was deaf? Or would you like to purport that when Oswald opened and closed the car door, it made no sound whatsoever? (Oh, that's right, I nearly forgot -- Linnie Mae didn't really see [or hear] Oswald do anything with any package on 11/22/63, did she? She just pulled that lie out of her ass, right?) But back here in reality (where DiEugenio does not reside) -- Even if she never testified to what she heard, it's highly likely that Linnie Mae Randle heard SOMETHING when she opened that kitchen door. Jimmy must be totally blind then, because CE446 demonstrates that you definitely CAN see through the openings in the carport slats in order to see something on the other side of the carport. (Who's leaving out information now, Jimmy?) Which, as I said previously, is something Frazier would never had admitted doing (locking his car doors) if he was truly the kind of deceptive evil xxxx who just MADE UP the whole story about seeing Lee Harvey Oswald with a large package on November 22 (as DiEugenio firmly believes Frazier did do). Do conspiracy theorists ever evaluate things like this in any kind of reasonable and logical manner. Ever? The same goes for the whole ludicrous "Triangulation Of Crossfire" assassination plot. According to the Oliver Stone/Jim Garrison/Jim DiEugenio version of events, in the midst of attempting to frame only Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK, the people orchestrating the Presidential murder decided it was wise to shoot at Kennedy from a variety of different locations (front AND rear) in Dealey Plaza. And yet Jimmy D. doesn't bat an eyelash. He thinks that type of "Multi-Gun / One Patsy" scheme was perfectly reasonable and rational. And apparently Oliver Stone thinks so too. Un-be-liev-able. JUST HOW STUPID WERE JFK'S ASSASSINS?: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/patsy-plot-silliness-part-1.html
  11. So if Buell's whole "bag" story is a lie from the get-go (as you obviously think it was), then why would he have said he did lock his car doors, since he knew that LHO couldn't get into a locked car? If the whole story was a big fat lie, Frazier would have said that all his car doors were UNlocked to allow Oswald to have the ability to open one of them on 11/22. Plus: Frazier most certainly would never have said the size of a totally MADE-UP bag in his back seat was TOO SMALL to promote the Oswald-Did-It lie that you obviously think Buell was trying to peddle from the start. Any idea why Frazier said his MAKE-BELIEVE bag was too short to hold the rifle that Buell had to make sure would go into it? Was Buell just not prepared well by his "handlers"? Or was he just a complete idiot? Try again, Lee. You're floundering on this "locked doors" thing (and that bag thing too).
  12. Re: Buell Frazier's speech patterns: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/buell-wesley-frazier.html#Frazier-Talk
  13. Yeah, I'd better. If I don't, that lying tramp Linnie Mae and her vile brother might sneak into my garage and plant a rifle in my back seat. Thanks, Lee! You're a life saver!
  14. So Linnie Mae and Buell lied to Wolper too, eh? Why would they VOLUNTARILY participate in Wolper's movie if they knew they were going to have to lie their asses off from start to finish? Did they enjoy lying THAT much? I guess you think they did. ~Yawn~ ~Stretch~
  15. Let me also add this: In addition to believing that Linnie Mae Randle lied about everything she told the Warren Commission regarding Oswald's package, conspiracy theorists like Jim DiEugenio and Lee Farley ALSO have to believe that Mrs. Randle continued telling her lies a few months later when she voluntarily participated in a re-creation of her 11/22/63 activities for David L. Wolper's documentary film, "Four Days In November". In Wolper's movie, Randle tells the exact same story about seeing Oswald with a brown paper package, and in the Wolper film she says the package was "approximately two-and-a-half feet long". That's 30 inches. Which is not that far away from the actual size (38 inches) of the bag Oswald was carrying. And if the ends of the bag were folded, it would mean that Linnie Mae's 30-inch estimate would be even closer to the length of the bag that was available for her eyes to see on the morning of 11/22/63 as Oswald crossed Westbrook Street. Go to the 10:40 mark of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=KTKrJHYrl3M&list=SPBAA9EF6D0CF44BC0#t=648s
  16. ~sigh~ http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19720&st=45#entry263628
  17. Jimbo is so out of it that he thinks I think that Frazier parked his car INSIDE the carport. I guess Jimbo just totally ignored my 2009 post. Geez.
  18. Explained in my prior post. And you think that Linnie Mae heard NOTHING that was going on when she opened the kitchen door, eh? She undoubtedly did HEAR the "sticky" right-hand back door being opened. And she might have HEARD the crinkling of Oswald's bag as he placed it in the car. And she probably also HEARD the car door closing when Oswald shut the door. And since there's plenty of light showing through those slats in CE446, she certainly could have seen some of Oswald, even if he was on the other side of Wesley's car. (Oswald was taller than the roof of the car, you know.) You CTers should belong to The Nit-Pickers Association Of The World. You're tailor-made for that clique. I thought perhaps Jimbo DiEugenio was the only person on the Internet who actually was silly enough to think that Wes Frazier AND Linnie Randle BOTH lied about seeing Oswald with a paper bag on 11/22/63. But I see I was mistaken. Lee Farley has now joined Jimmy's odd "No Bag At All" club. Incredible. BTW, no, I do not lock my car at night. It's always parked in a closed garage. But you, of course, know that many people in 1963 didn't even lock up their houses at night. It was a different era. And an unlocked car would not be unusual in the slightest. But by all means, call Frazier a xxxx in that "lock doors" regard too. Might as well accuse him of more lies, right?
  19. Oh, brother. Note to Jim Fetzer and Ralph Cinque: I am sorry for sidetracking this thread and sending it off into a discussion about Linnie Randle. My apologies.
  20. I wonder why conspiracy theorists pretend that the wall in Mrs. Randle's carport was totally SOLID. It wasn't, as CE446 shows. I can easily see through the slats in the carport wall. And Linnie Mae no doubt could too, as I explained in my 2009 post linked earlier (and reprinted below). And: Jim D. was dead wrong earlier when he implied that Randle had to look through "TWO" walls to see Frazier's car. There was actually only one "wall" between the kitchen door and Wesley's car, and that wall (as we can see in CE446) was certainly not a solid piece of wood or metal. Also: I get a continual "pot/kettle"-like chuckle out of DiEugenio when he says that it's ME who "clips" things from Randle's testimony, when we find a blatant falsehood/misrepresentation like the one below coming from the e-lips of the Great Jimbo. Despicable. "Linnie could not have seen Oswald with a bag that day, unless she had x-ray vision." -- Jim Di. Quoting from 2009 post: A FORUM MEMBER ASKED ME: Do you think it is possible for her [Linnie Mae Randle] to have seen this [LHO putting the package in the back seat of Frazier's 1953 Chevrolet sedan], David? DAVID VON PEIN SAID: I'm not sure. But I certainly think it's possible, given the amount of space between the slats in the carport [as seen in CE446]. I certainly don't think Linnie Mae was lying at all. She possibly HEARD more than she SAW. I.E., She peeks out the kitchen door and HEARS the person who she just saw walk toward her brother's car (Lee Oswald). It's obvious that the person at Frazier's car at that point in time was the person Randle just saw cross the street (Oswald). Randle then HEARS the door of Frazier's car being opened. It's also possible that she gets enough of a glimpse of Oswald through the slats of the carport to see at least a portion of Oswald as he places the bag in the car. So, the combination of HEARING what Oswald was doing at the car and very likely SEEING a little bit of Oswald through the slats was certainly enough information, IMO, for Mrs. Linnie Mae Randle to reasonably testify in the following manner: "He opened the right back door and I just saw that he was laying the package down, so I closed the door." Original 10/21/2009 post: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/3eff31c3d5517b90
  21. Jimbo, once again, wants to pretend that the ONLY time Linnie Mae saw Oswald with a package was after she looked into the carport from her kitchen door. It's obvious that Jimbo, in the quote below, wants people to believe that Randle NEVER saw LHO walking across the street: "Linnie [Randle] could not have seen Oswald with a bag that day, unless she had x-ray vision." -- J. DiEugenio; 10/3/12 And Jimbo also now wants to pretend that I have never addressed Linnie Mae's testimony regarding her supposed "X-ray vision" as she looked into the carport. But Jim knows (or should) that I have addressed that testimony. I wrote a post about that very subject more than three years ago, on October 21, 2009. And I even linked to that 2009 post (below) when I put together Part 79 of my DVP Vs. Jimbo series in October of this year: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/3eff31c3d5517b90 So, as we can see via the above post from back in 2009, I haven't left out anything. But Jimbo sure did when he said this in 2012: "Linnie could not have seen Oswald with a bag that day, unless she had x-ray vision." The above quote is just a blatant misrepresentation of Linnie Randle's observations, because Randle saw Oswald as he CROSSED THE STREET heading to the Randle carport area. Was she lying about seeing LHO crossing the street too, Jimbo? And, of course, Jimbo needs to paint Wesley Frazier as a big fat xxxx too, because Frazier has always said he saw Oswald with a package. So who is really the flimflam man when it comes to the topic of Oswald's package? The answer is obvious, because James DiEugenio of Los Angeles will do and say ANYTHING to take that package (rifle) out of Oswald's hands. Anything at all. And Jimmy doesn't care how many people he has to call liars in order to accomplish his ludicrous "There Was No Package At All" goal.
  22. So, Bob Groden has a photo taken at the time of the assassination which shows Connally sitting directly in front of Kennedy, eh? Groden's not really going to try and pass off Dave Powers' film as a film that was taken in Dealey Plaza, is he? And he surely isn't silly enough to claim that Connally was sitting "directly" in front of JFK in Powers' film, is he? Because Dave Powers' film clearly shows Connally sitting INBOARD of President Kennedy: Anyway, I can't wait to see Groden's case-breaking photo, and I'm sure Dale Myers is anxious to see it too, since such a photo would completely contradict Dale's very detailed computer animation, which is an animation that has been Key Framed to the Zapruder Film itself, with the end result of such key framing being: one single bullet coming from the sixth floor of the Book Depository most certainly could have passed through the bodies of both JFK and Governor Connally and injured the two men in just exactly the places where they were wounded on 11/22/63. The "Key Framing" in Mr. Myers' computer animation also confirms that Governor Connally was most certainly sitting to the LEFT-FRONT of President Kennedy when the bullet from the Depository struck both victims. But conspiracy theorists like Jim DiEugenio must believe that Dale Myers' 10 years of work on this project is just another part of the continuing "cover up" in the JFK case. Right, Jim? And I also can't wait to read about Mr. Groden's new "bombshell" witness, who apparently spoke up for the first time in her life (just before she died) and said that she was on the second floor of the Book Depository with Lee Harvey Oswald when the assassination was occurring outside the building. I have an inkling, however, that Groden's new bombshell witness is going to be about as reliable as any "new" Dealey Plaza picture of the limousine. Wanna bet? BTW, regarding your comment above about Linnie Mae Randle: Let me remind everyone of something Jim DiEugenio said on October 3, 2012: "Linnie [Randle] could not have seen Oswald with a bag that day, unless she had x-ray vision." -- J. DiEugenio; 10/3/12 My response to DiEugenio's blatant misrepresentation of Mrs. Randle's observations concerning the paper bag she saw Oswald carrying on the morning of November 22, 1963, can be found here. This seems like a good time to throw Jimbo's words right back in his face, so I'll do that now: "If you were a lawyer and did this kind of stuff in a murder case, you would be disbarred." Yes, Jim, maybe you would.
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