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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. I provide my "tumbling" thoughts here: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/07/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1147.html
  2. Regardless of who the "luminaries" are that spout the nonsensical JFK conspiracy theories that Jonathan Cohen and I have outlined in our posts above, the theories are still going to be nonsensical (and thoroughly embarrassing).
  3. Indeed, Jonathan. Plus there's the continual embarrassment that about 90% (perhaps even more) of the conspiracy theorists here at the EF should be experiencing on a daily basis when they continue to embrace such absurd and wholly unprovable theories like these for years on end: 1. The second-floor Baker/Truly/Oswald encounter never even happened at all. 2. Lee Oswald didn't carry any large-ish paper bag at all into the Book Depository on 11/22/63. 3. Lee Oswald never ordered any rifle at all from Klein's Sporting Goods and never once even touched Carcano Rifle No. C2766. 4. Lee Oswald never even went to the Cuban and Russian embassies in Mexico City at all in September of 1963. 5. Ruth Paine was up to her neck in conspiracy and patsy-planting in the weeks prior to Nov. 22nd. 6. Captain Fritz and other DPD officers were part of a pre-arranged plot on 11/24/63 which allowed Jack Ruby to have easy access to the City Hall basement in order to kill Lee Oswald. ....And so many more embarrassing theories that have been featured over and over again on this forum's pages.
  4. I was just testing out the "highlight and quote" option that you were talking about, and it does work for multiple quotes within a single reply. I had only used that method when needing to quote a single passage. But I see now that it can be used when I want to show multiple quotes inside a single post that I'm writing. The "hitting enter" method was a good way to quote on long posts too. But I guess that method is gone now. Thanks, Tom.
  5. Well, it would sure help if this forum's "quoting" system wasn't broken. Prior to just recently (within the last few weeks possibly?), we were allowed to break up a quoted post into multiple parts by hitting the "enter" key a couple of times at the exact point where you want to divide it. But as of this date [Aug. 26, 2023], that task can't be accomplished. Does anybody know why that feature was eliminated? It makes using the Quote feature almost worthless now when responding to long posts.
  6. I agree, Ron. It's a very good resource. I discovered the CD630 Tippit document in 2017, and culled my favorite photos from it here: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2017/04/photos-of-tippit-murder-scene.html Along similar lines, you might want to also check out CD496 and CD497. Lots of rare photos in those FBI "booklets" too: http://maryferrell.org / CD496 / Texas School Book Depository (Photos, Floor Plans, & Parking Lots) http://maryferrell.org / CD497 / Paine & Randle Home (Photos, Floor Plans, Street Diagrams, & Route Map) Many thanks go out to the Mary Ferrell website for making so many rare documents publicly available for free.
  7. ~ yawn ~ ~ big stretch ~ And as we all continue to ignore the silly rantings of one Mervyn H., let's go to the next JFK video, shall we?
  8. Let's now try to get as far away as possible from the imaginative dreck being posted by conspiracy fantasist Mervyn H. and get this "Kennedy Videos" thread back on track.....
  9. So, Mervyn, was Vincent Bugliosi also "groomed" (prior to 1986) to believe the Lone Assassin conclusion? What about Gerald Posner? Was he groomed by those professional groomers too? And Jim Moore? And Dale Myers? And Jean Davison? And John McAdams? And John Lattimer? And William Manchester? Are all of the above authors nothing more than sheep at the mercy of the grooming professionals?
  10. It's quite clear to me that somebody involved in this ridiculous conversation needs "help". But I don't think it's me.
  11. Then you do, therefore, think that a person could not possibly ON HIS OWN believe and promote the Lone Assassin scenario in the JFK case, correct? Ergo, since I say I'm an "LNer", that must mean (per your analysis) that someone else put me up to it. Is that about the size of it?
  12. So, you think a certain individual (or a group of people) tricked me into becoming a "Lone Assassin" advocate and then got me to promote the WR all over the Internet for the last 20 or so years. Is that it? Because nobody in his right mind could possibly really believe Oswald acted alone, right? Any idea who those dastardly tricksters might have been? (At least give me a hint.)
  13. Who's been "grooming" me, Mervyn? Please tell me. I'm anxious to know who he is myself.
  14. Does that mean you think all the evidence against Oswald was faked/planted/manufactured/tainted? After all, you did say this just a couple of hours ago: "Lee Harvey Oswald was just a 'patsy', just like Don House."
  15. Does all that crap above mean that all of the physical evidence that hangs Lee Harvey Oswald for two 11/22/63 Dallas murders has to be tossed in the nearest trash can, Mervyn? Dammit! Looks like I have to start from scratch! And all because of Sefton Delmer (and Gordon McLendon and Tommy Roe, of course)!
  16. The fact that you, Mervyn, seem to actually believe that KLIF Radio in Dallas was part of some kind of "psyops" operation on 11/22/63---complete with Tommy Roe and Gene McDaniels playing unwitting parts in your fantasy via their Top 40 hits---is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard any conspiracy fantasist come up with since I first got interested in the JFK murder case in 1981. Congratulations on the achievement.
  17. Well, Mervyn, I see now that Vincent Bugliosi does talk about the "Special Group (Augmented)" in his 2007 book, "Reclaiming History" (on page 1325), which means I have been made aware of the existence of that group (because I read every word of Bugliosi's book back in 2007 when it came out). But I must have forgotten all about the "SGA" in the years since I read RH. Does this lapse in memory on my part mean that I'm now supposed to throw all the evidence against Oswald down the toilet?
  18. My last video posted had nothing to do with your previous question to me, Mervyn. I was merely doing what I've been doing in this thread for years---occasionally posting random JFK-related videos that I think might be of interest to anyone lurking in here. As for your RFK inquiry, I have no idea what you're talking about, and I've never in my life heard of anything called "Special Group (Augmented)". I haven't the slightest idea what that is, nor do I particularly care.
  19. The only way you can conclude that Oswald did not purchase (and take possession of) "that handgun" (i.e., S&W Revolver No. V510210) is to totally ignore all the evidence that tells us he did purchase it: DVP's JFK Archives ---> Lee Harvey Oswald's Revolver
  20. You're right when you say I know virtually nothing about Mr. Gordon McLendon. But I really don't need to know anything at all about him to know with 100% certainty that your theory is just plain bunk concerning KLIF playing certain songs on Nov. 22 because those songs contained some kind of hidden messages or cryptic lyrics concerning the President's death. That's just plain crazy, and all reasonable and sensible people know it's crazy. Let me guess.... You, Mervyn, also probably believe that the television announcer at the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63 had advanced knowledge that President Kennedy was going to be killed later that day when he started telling the viewing audience all about President McKinley's 1901 assassination (at 17:03 in this video). Do you think that chatter about McKinley's assassination is suspicious or sinister in some way, Mervyn? If not, you'd better put your imagination into overdrive and catch up, because a lot of other conspiracy fantasists are already aboard that sinking ship, including the CTers who created this awful documentary. EDIT / ADDENDUM (8/20/23).... The fact that you, Mervyn, seem to actually believe that KLIF Radio in Dallas was part of some kind of "psyops" operation on 11/22/63---complete with Tommy Roe and Gene McDaniels playing unwitting parts in your fantasy via their Top 40 hits---is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard any conspiracy fantasist come up with since I first got interested in the JFK murder case in 1981. Congratulations on the achievement.
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