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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. And here's Henry Wade's longer news conference from 11/24/63 (after Oswald was killed):
  2. I, for one, am very disappointed to see that Lance Payette has decided to intentionally delete every single one of his 375 EF Forum posts that he has written since re-joining the forum on December 12, 2022. Oh Lance....why did you feel it necessary to do this? I can understand how you could get frustrated with all the B.S. posted by the conspiracy theorists here. But why would you want to just wipe out all of your previous posts? I don't understand that part of your sudden departure from the forum. It's all the more disappointing because Lance had written some very good posts during the last two months when he was here. Posts that were filled with some excellent research and also filled with large doses of rational thinking as well as common sense (IMO). And now he's decided to wipe all of that out in a heartbeat. What a shame. I wish Lance well in the future, but I sure wish he hadn't thought it necessary to deprive any future EF "lurkers" of the many top-flight posts he had written over the last couple of months (including the thread-starting post in this very thread). 🙁 Fortunately, however, many of Lance's full posts have been quoted by other EF members via the "quote box" feature, so many (or even most) of Lance's lengthy posts probably do still survive here at the forum simply because they will pop up in the Quote Box of someone else's posts. And that's how I was able to retrieve the thread-starting post from this thread (seen below). (Another way to retrieve old/deleted posts, of course, is The Wayback Machine at Archive.org. It comes in very handy at times.)
  3. A few other thoughts [via a 2015 discussion].... "Lee Oswald might just have been winging it. (Who knows.) His assassination plan, as we know, was practically done at the last minute. I think he was probably extremely surprised that he was actually able to have that 6th floor of the TSBD all to himself long enough to get the job done and fire those three shots at JFK --- because given all the obstacles and potential witnesses that could have caused him to abort his assassination efforts, I just don't see how Oswald's state of mind on the morning of November 22nd could have been anything other than this one ---- "Since I'm not on a suicide mission today, and since so many things could happen that could cause me to change my mind about pulling the trigger on the President (including the weather and the actions of other people in the building), I'm not too confident of being able to pull this assassination off. If I'm able to do it, fine. But if not, that's fine too." Now, given such a mindset leading up to 12:30 PM on 11/22/63, it's quite possible that Lee hadn't put any thought at all (or very little thought) into what he would do afterward. Therefore, after he did the dirty deed and was able to escape the building, his mindset could very well have been --- "Gee, what the f**k do I do now?!" " -- DVP; March 1, 2015
  4. President Kennedy's 1961 stretch limousine, with its jump seats still folded up, awaits its famous passengers at Love Field in Dallas on 11/22/63 (click for a bigger view):
  5. And the 225-226 gif pretty much seals the deal on the validity of the SBT (IMO), when both Kennedy's and Connally's right arms are raised in perfect unison (and yet CTers want me to believe that Connally hasn't been hit yet at all.....yeah, right)....
  6. But the problem there, Gerry, is we can't know whether JFK's mouth is open in Z224, due to that darn sign in the way. If Kennedy's full face was visible in Z224, we'd be able to possibly see BOTH Kennedy's and Connally's mouths CLOSED in 224 and then OPEN in 225. Which would enhance the SBT even that much more. If only that damn sign weren't there. (sigh)
  7. A still image of Z225 is worthless for trying to prove anything. You need to watch some of the frames in motion. And when you do that for Z224-225, it's fairly easy to determine that Connally most certainly IS reacting (shoulders are flinching, mouth is opening, and a grimace is forming on the Governor's face)....
  8. Thank you for forthrightly clearing that up, Pat. I appreciate it. But, despite what Governor Connally "sensed" (but didn't SEE, remember), the Single-Bullet Theory is most certainly not the "hoax" that Pat Speer believes it to be. The following statement is one I make with all sincerity... When ALL the evidence is considered (including the large number of "SBT"-like things that exist surrounding the wounding of President Kennedy and Governor Connally), it would truly be a miracle if the SBT were NOT true.
  9. Replaying my earlier comment and request from yesterday (maybe Pat didn't see it).... -------------------- Please post something verifying that John Connally ever said such a thing about the first shot that was fired. Because I never once heard him say (or even vaguely imply) any such thing. Connally always said he heard the impact of Kennedy getting hit with the head shot, yes. But shot #1? I don't think so. I think you're mixing up your "heard the impact" shots, Pat.
  10. I would guess that when given a choice of which political figure to take a shot at (Kennedy or Nixon) during those days in late November of 1963, Lee Oswald had his "sights" set a little higher than Mr. Nixon (plus there's also the important additional fact that one of those political figures was going to be driving slowly past the front door of Oswald's very own workplace). So I don't imagine the choice was too difficult. Or are you suggesting that Oswald could have killed two birds with one Carcano in Dallas in Nov. '63? I suppose he could have bagged Nixon at his Pepsi convention on November 21st and then while Lee was at work on Nov. 22, he could get himself a second politician in JFK. And he could have gone for the Hat Trick by also taking out Lyndon Johnson while his car was also on Elm Street on 11/22. 😁 BTW, speaking of Oswald wanting to take a shot at Nixon, I've added this page to my website: http://DVP's JFK Archives.blogspot.com / Oswald And The Nixon Incident
  11. John Connally was highly influenced by his wife's opinion. You surely don't deny that, do you? And, somehow, he came to this "impression" without even seeing the President at any time during this critical period. Therefore, IMO, such "impressions" aren't worth very much. Please post something verifying that John Connally ever said such a thing about the first shot that was fired. Because I never once heard him say (or even vaguely imply) any such thing. Connally always said he heard the impact of Kennedy getting hit with the head shot, yes. But shot #1? I don't think so. I think you're mixing up your "heard the impact" shots, Pat.
  12. John Connally's never-wavering statements regarding the sequence of the shots and which shot hit him are fully supportive of the SBT. Those are the statements I was talking about. Not his misguided belief that the SBT is wrong. (Which is a belief we all know he inherited from his wife, because it's certainly not based on anything JBC himself saw or heard.)
  13. Yeah, the more I think about it, I think you're probably right. (I'd better go remove those extra Ds.) 😄
  14. I don't really see much difference, Mark. I think the two words can probably be used interchangeably. It's similar to the words "full-size" and "full-sized". I'm never quite sure which one to use when I write out that word. I usually opt to put the D on the end. I think the D in there makes it more "fully accurate". But I could be wrong about that. 🙂
  15. I disagree (in this instance). Because the three things I put in ALL CAPS are absolute FACTS that (for some mysterious reason) almost all CTers just glide right past and ignore entirely.....as if John Connally HAD actually SEEN the President at the proper "SBT" timeframe and did KNOW FOR CERTAIN that the SBT was pure bunk. But neither of those things are true, and never were true. So why do CTers continue to use John Connally as the perfect anti-SBT witness when he's really just the opposite?
  16. Huh?? What's your complaint this time? Don't like those particular words for some reason?
  17. IMO, Oswald's "Assassination Plan" (if we can call it that) has all the earmarks of being a virtually last-minute plan with no advanced thought at all of any escape plan. I think that's obvious by just examining the things he did on both Nov. 21 and 22. I also think that Oswald himself truly felt (on Friday morning) that he very likely would have no real opportunity to pull off a successful assassination from anyplace within the Book Depository. So many things could have interrupted his plan to shoot from any of the windows within the TSBD. But luck was certainly with him that day, no doubt about it, when Bonnie Ray Williams elected to vacate the sixth floor just in time for Oswald to accomplish his task on an empty 6th floor. If only Bonnie Ray had decided to finish his chicken-on-the-bone sandwich on Floor #6. If he had done so, would tragedy have been averted? I think so. (Apart from Bonnie Ray's tragic dental bill, that is.)
  18. Thanks, John. I thought it was probably that video that was being talked about. But we must keep in mind that Jack Ruby's mental state was not exactly A-1 at the time of that video. Nor was Ruby's mental condition what you would consider "normal" in June of 1964 when he said this to Chief Justice Warren: Mr. RUBY -- "I want to say this to you. The Jewish people are being exterminated at this moment. Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country, and I know I won't live to see you another time. Do I sound sort of screwy--in telling you these things?"
  19. Which, of course, totally contradicts these words spoken by the same Jack Ruby during his WC testimony: MR. RUBY -- "All I want to do is tell the truth, and that is all. There was no conspiracy." [5 H 212] And he said it again at 14 H 543: "There was no conspiracy." -- Jack Ruby
  20. Is this the "Martino" that you're talking about, Allen? (Excerpt from Vince Bugliosi's book regarding a "John Martino". Click to enlarge....)
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