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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. You don't think a nice dark movie theater would be a good place for a double-murderer who's on the run from the cops to hide for at least a little while? Why in the world not?
  2. Even with the wife and son being totally honest people (which I have no reason to doubt; they probably were being honest), you actually think that that honesty somehow PROVES that Martino DID have advanced KNOWLEDGE of a JFK hit? That's a silly belief.
  3. Yes. That's correct. This "Brain Weight" topic has been hashed out here at EF multiple times in the past....including just last month: ------------------ DVP SAID: The answer to the oft-asked question of "Why did JFK's brain weigh so much?" can likely be found right there in the supplementary autopsy report (on Page 544 of the Warren Report). The very first words of that supplementary report are: "Following formalin fixation the brain weighs 1500 gms." So it would seem as if JFK's brain was only weighed AFTER it had been fixed in the liquid (formalin) solution. So that's probably the answer right there---the brain absorbed much of the formalin solution, which added a certain amount of weight to the brain. Why the brain wasn't weighed prior to its being soaked in the watery solution is anyone's guess. Also see Vincent Bugliosi's book, Reclaiming History (on Pages 282 to 285 of Endnotes), for some interesting information regarding the topic of "Brain Weights". (I've culled some excerpts from those pages below. Click for a bigger view.) David Von Pein January 2, 2023
  4. And I still wonder WHY CTers refuse to admit this fact: John Connally HIMSELF could not possibly have KNOWN FOR CERTAIN whether he was hit by the same bullet that struck JFK due to the fact that Gov. Connally DID NOT SEE John Kennedy at the point in time when Kennedy was first struck. Therefore, based on his own personal observations, how can John Connally KNOW that the SBT is untrue. He can't. He couldn't. And he didn't. I don't yet recall speaking to a single conspiracy advocate who will admit to the fact I just outlined in the above paragraph. Why is that? ~strokes chin in bewilderment~ Another Fact: Governor John B. Connally's anti-SBT stance was derived almost totally from his wife Nellie's adamant anti-SBT opinions. And I don't see how anyone can possibly argue otherwise. No it doesn't.
  5. You're dead wrong here, Pat. As I said, JBC was THE WORST eyewitness in DP. He himself (sans his wife) cannot say which shot hit Kennedy. No way. No how. And he's always said he was not hit himself by Shot 1 and he was hit by Shot 2. Perfectly consistent with the SBT. IMO, 99% of his anti-SBT stance over the years came from his wife and his unwillingness to go against Nellie's account. And, of course, we know via the Z-Film that Nellie herself was certainly not turned in such a way at the proper time to see whether JFK was hit by Shot #1 or not. So she's not really a very good EYEwitness either (with respect to the validity of the SBT).
  6. Well, here are three (from just a quick glance at Matt Douthit's review / hit piece).... 1.) Fred Litwin never implied that O.P. Wright gave CE399 to SS Agent Richard Johnsen at 7:30 PM. That's absurd. The 7:30 time comes from Johnsen's memo that he wrote after he returned to the White House on 11/22. Johnsen wrote that memo at 7:30. That's the "7:30" that Fred Litwin is referring to in his book. And Bob Frazier would have no doubt seen Johnsen's "7:30 note", which was still stapled to the envelope containing CE399 when Todd delivered the bullet to Frazier. 2.) And Fred is certainly correct when he says that John Connally's account of the shooting generally supports the SBT. And that's mainly because all reasonable people know that John Connally is just about the WORST EYEwitness in Dealey Plaza when it comes to the question of: Did the first shot hit JFK? John B. Connally could not possibly have answered that question knowledgeably....because he never saw JFK during the operative timeframe. Why CTers ignore that basic fact is beyond me. 3.) Then, of course, there's the ridiculous assertion made by Douthit (and other CTers, such as DiEugenio) that Fred Litwin's book ("Oliver Stone's Film-Flam") isn't really a book at all---simply because much (or most) of the contents of the book started out in blog form on Fred's website. But....so what? I'm sure that many books have been published that started out in different non-book forms. But once they're compiled and completed and edited (with sources added), etc., they become books. (Duh.) This repeated "It's not really a book" refrain is nothing but an additional excuse used by conspiracy theorists to trash and disregard the well-sourced contents of Fred's book. In short, it's a pathetic (and totally absurd) complaint.
  7. http://DVP's JFK Archives/2014/11/Faking The Dillard Photo All-too-obviously fake.
  8. Good for you. But sincerity doesn't equal "fact", does it? Most conspiracy theorists are sincere in their beliefs that a conspiracy took place on 11/22/63, but that's a far cry from proving such beliefs are facts.
  9. Are you calling me stupid, Ron? And you think that means Martino had actual foreknowledge of the assassination? Utterly silly.
  10. "...confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination..." The things that are "confirmed" in the mind of a conspiracy theorist are actually things that haven't come even close to being "confirmed" here in the World of Reality. (But thanks for today's laugh break, Allen.)
  11. ALBERT DOYLE SAID: Do you understand that the Money Order could be processed, or partly processed, and still be 'handled' through the system in order to frame Oswald? In other words, it could have a legitimate File Locator stamp and still be planted on Oswald in order to frame him. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: I love that constant moving of the goalposts by CTers. Since it couldn't be more obvious that the Hidell money order now has a proper path to legitimacy (and conspiracy theorists like Albert Doyle know it), we're now treated to more sheer crackpot speculation about how the LEGITIMATE money order (with Oswald's writing on it that was bought and handled by Oswald HIMSELF) was being used to frame Oswald anyway. The CTer mind is a spinning whirlwind of ever-expanding and forever changing concocted claptrap. IOW --- Whatever it takes to pretend Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy on 11/22/63, an Internet CTer is ready and eager to do it -- even if the number of goalposts that must be moved reaches triple digits. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/10/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1058.html
  12. Huh?? Lance didn't bring up the topic of Brewer not seeing LHO go in the theater. You did, when you said this on February 4th (last post on Page 1 of this thread): "Brewer did not see anyone run into the TT. Physically impossible." Good job, Ron. Now you've evidently decided it's wise to just ignore the Johnny Brewer/Ticket Booth topic since you're caught without a logical answer to any of the recent posts made by myself and Bill Brown. So now you're moving on to the next thing on your "BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS...?" list. ~sigh~
  13. No. I said the whole TOPIC is stupid. And it sure is. And are you going to continue to ignore my previous common-sense remarks regarding what Johnny Brewer saw on 11/22/63 and how he came to the obvious conclusion that Oswald did, in fact, enter the theater (even if Brewer couldn't actually see the door that LHO entered through)? And did you watch the "Four Days" video clip, which shows Julia Postal's ticket booth right next to the sidewalk? Why are you avoiding those things, Ron?
  14. Why not just look at the photos and video already posted? It's obvious from this 11/23/63 photo below that the ticket booth is NOT jammed all the way up against the doors of the theater entrance. And that fact is proven in video form in the "Four Days In November" movie clip I provided earlier. The box office/ticket booth was located very near the sidewalk on Jefferson Boulevard. And anyone who was buying a ticket would have been visible to Brewer on the sidewalk. And that was another thing that made Brewer suspicious of Oswald---the fact he didn't see Oswald out on the sidewalk in front of the ticket booth....
  15. This whole topic of "Did Johnny Brewer physically see Oswald go into the front doors of the Texas Theater?" is totally ridiculous and downright stupid in the first place. Why? Because we KNOW without a shred of doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald DID go into the Texas Theater on the afternoon of 11/22/63 and was apprehended by the Dallas Police Department at approximately 1:50 PM CST on that same afternoon while inside that same theater. To deny my last statement is to deny a fact and to deny a physical reality. And since everybody knows—even all conspiracy fantasists—that Oswald was inside the movie theater between the hours of 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM CST on November 22nd, then somebody please tell me what the odds are of Johnny Brewer somehow being wrong (or lying) when he said he saw Lee Oswald go into the theater between the those same hours of 1:00 and 2:00 PM on 11/22/63?
  16. But that's not where the ticket booth was located on 11/22/63. The booth was closer to the sidewalk on the day of the assassination. (See video clip below.) And, of course, Ron Bulman will apparently forever ignore my totally reasonable comments that I posted earlier in this thread.....(repeated below).... "You MUST be kidding here. Because nobody could possibly think Johnny Brewer was lying when he said Oswald went into the theater. Why? 1.) Brewer, while standing on the sidewalk on Jefferson Boulevard in front of his Hardy's Shoe Store, sees Oswald approaching the Texas Theater. 2.) Brewer then sees Oswald turn right toward the front entrance to the theater. 3.) Brewer then walks toward the theater himself. 4.) After starting to walk toward the theater and after reaching the front of the theater, at no time did Brewer see Oswald come back out to the sidewalk on Jefferson. 5.) The logical conclusion that Johnny Brewer reached, therefore, was that the man who was acting "funny" and "scared" and "nervous" in front of his shoe store just a minute earlier (i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald) must have physically entered the Texas Theater because (similar to the logical reasoning that explains where Bullet CE399 went after it came out of John F. Kennedy's throat)---He had nowhere else to go but into the theater. (Unless you want to theorize that Oswald was able to cloak himself somehow and become invisible.)
  17. "How many things that appear to be legitimate about the Hidell money order does it take for a stubborn CTer to admit that the money order is, in fact, very likely a legitimate document?" --DVP; January 9, 2016 ----------------------- "And now some conspiracy theorists are moving those goalposts (just as I expected), with some CTers now saying they think the ten-digit File Locator Number was faked by plotters. (What a surprise.) So that would mean that the plotters, who were all members of the "Brilliant One Minute & Dumb As A Box Of Rocks The Next" club, were smart enough to forge the 10-digit File Locator Number on the Hidell money order, but too stupid to forge a First National Bank stamp (which most CTers still think should have been affixed to the Hidell money order). "Let's Frame Oswald, Inc." evidently had Albert Einstein as its President and Homer Simpson as Vice President." --DVP; Circa 2015-2016 ----------------------- http://DVP's JFK Archives / The "Hidell" Money Order (Archived Discussions)
  18. "[John Armstrong] carries his fantasy about a double Oswald to such absurd lengths that not only doesn't it deserve to be dignified in the main text of my book ["Reclaiming History"], but I resent even having to waste a word on it in this endnote. .... "Obviously, if Armstrong had a source for any of the things he charges, he would be only too eager to give it. Instead, his only source is his exceptionally fertile imagination. .... "Perhaps most important, Armstrong doesn't deign to tell us why this incredibly elaborate and difficult scheme was necessary. I mean, if the CIA were willing to frame the Russian refugee for Kennedy's murder by setting him up as a patsy, why not simply frame the real Lee Harvey Oswald? After all, both the real Oswald and the imposter Oswald were, per Armstrong, recruited by the same conspirators at the CIA and both were being "handled" by them. .... "So before Armstrong even writes the first word of his long tribute to absurdity, the premise for his whole book is seen to be prodigiously ridiculous." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 565-567 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)
  19. Amen !!! Example after example: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / DVP vs. David Josephs
  20. From an August 2022 discussion..... GIL JESUS SAID THIS. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: To throw your own words back at you --- You're kidding, right?! You MUST be kidding here. Because nobody could possibly think Johnny Brewer was lying when he said Oswald went into the theater. Why? 1.) Brewer, while standing on the sidewalk on Jefferson Boulevard in front of his Hardy's Shoe Store, sees Oswald approaching the Texas Theater. 2.) Brewer then sees Oswald turn right toward the front entrance to the theater. 3.) Brewer then walks toward the theater himself. 4.) After starting to walk toward the theater and after reaching the front of the theater, at no time did Brewer see Oswald come back out to the sidewalk on Jefferson. 5.) The logical conclusion that Johnny Brewer reached, therefore, was that the man who was acting "funny" and "scared" and "nervous" in front of his shoe store just a minute earlier (i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald) must have physically entered the Texas Theater because (similar to the logical reasoning that explains where Bullet CE399 went after it came out of John F. Kennedy's throat)---He had nowhere else to go but into the theater. (Unless you want to theorize that Oswald was able to cloak himself somehow and become invisible.) GIL JESUS (INCREDIBLY) SAID THIS. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Boy, talk about taking something OUT OF CONTEXT. Geez, this takes the cake, Gil! When I said "He had nowhere else to go but into the theater", I was (of course!) talking about what Brewer was observing with Oswald's movements when we add up my #1 thru #4 items on my previous list. I certainly wasn't talking about what LHO's options were PRIOR to the time when Oswald was seen walking in front of the theater. Gil, you knew you were taking my "nowhere else to go" comment completely out of context, right? [Gil's response to my post above was ...... Dead silence.] More.... http://jfk-archives / Johnny Brewer, The IBM Men, The Texas Theater, & More
  21. That's a very weak and pathetic dodge there. ------------- JOHNNY BREWER & THE MURDER OF OFFICER TIPPIT: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2019/04/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1317.html
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