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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. 2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Apparently he does not want to admit he spent all of one day on it. And man does it show.

    He didn't require more than 24 hours to rip you a new one, Jim. I'm quite sure he could have done it in just 3 hours. And he did an excellent job at cutting your crap down to size too (as usual).

    Here's Dale's link (again):



  2. On 11/17/2022 at 3:51 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    But to use that and say that somehow that company is equal to Henry Lee?

    Which, of course, is something I never said.

    And as for Mr. DiEugenio's God Of All Criminalists, Henry C. Lee, I'll remind Jim D. that it was that very same man, Mr. Lee, who was stupid enough to testify at the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995 that a second killer's shoe print might very well have been at the scene of Nicole Brown's murder---even though the shoe print in question had been left in the concrete years earlier when the sidewalk was first constructed.

    So, yes, Henry Lee is one of the leading forensic scientists in the world, but his blunder at the Simpson Trial proves that even the "world's greatest" can make a (big) mistake now and then.

    And if Henry C. Lee has gone on record as saying that President Kennedy was killed via some kind of conspiracy (and/or cover-up), then he has made a second  big mistake (in my opinion).

    If you want to watch Vincent Bugliosi rip Henry Lee to shreds with respect to the O.J. Simpson Trial, go to the 2:05:38 mark in this video.


  3. 5 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    You must be kidding. So your answer to all the ARRB-released material on the back wound and on the evolution of the autopsy report is to quote the third [sic] and final draft of the autopsy report?! This is your answer, even though we now know that the autopsy doctors knew for an absolute, observable fact, verified by others at the autopsy, that the back wound had no exit point.

    You, of course, already know what the solution is. Dr. Boswell explained it in his ARRB testimony in 1996.

    Do you think Boswell is just full of sh*t here? I sure don't:

    "We probed this hole which was in his neck with all sorts of probes and everything, and it was such a small hole, basically, and the muscles were so big and strong and had closed the hole and you couldn't get a finger or a probe through it."  -- J.T. Boswell

    Boswell ARRB

    And there is also this 2/13/96 ARRB testimony from the leading autopsy surgeon, Dr. Humes:

    QUESTION -- "Do you know what the standard autopsy protocol is for
    gunshot wounds and autopsy of the neck?"

    DR. HUMES -- "Well, no. I haven't seen that in--what you say,
    standard, I mean, many times if you have a track of a missile, it's
    helpful to take a long probe and put it in the position. It can tell
    you a lot of things. If you know where the point of entrance and the
    point of exit are, it's duck soup. But for me to start probing around
    in this man's neck, all I would make was false passages. There
    wouldn't be any track that I could put a probe through or anything of
    that nature. It just doesn't work that way."

    QUESTION -- "Was any probe used at all to track the path--?"

    DR. HUMES -- "I don't recall that there was. There might have been
    some abortive efforts superficially in the back of the neck, but no.
    And if there's a standard protocol, I don't know where you'd find it,
    to tell you the truth."

    Humes ARRB

  4. FWIW, here's a comment made by Sam Pate on January 15, 2004, which includes a variety of loony remarks by Mr. Pate, including the fingering of someone named "Bruno" as JFK's assassin. Oh brother:


    "OK, put your thinking cap on...your comments are rather silly. If I made "live" reports from the scene within a couple of minutes after the shots were fired and later during that day that the tapes Karl also taped from my "Live" reports were removed and the replicated tapes several days later. Now how in the heck do you expect to hear the shots that never existed ? Make you feel a little silly? The FBI sent them to be analyzed by some firm and they said there were 4 sounds that were found on that tape. If the guy with the 45 cal. auto with a silencer on it just how many others had the silencers? The man's name who fired the fatal shot was named BRUNO and he was from Chicago and he and Jack Ruby were goon squad men for the Teamsters Union in the windy city many years ago. Jack Ruby had lived in Dallas for almost 8 years before JFK was killed. I knew Jack very well for about 6 years before Kennedy was killed. Forget about the one man shooter or two men shooters, there were several of them and some are still around and many of their offsprings are also in the business. Me Scared? Bet your sweet you know what, every time I think about it and knowing that every one of them knows me. I can tell you, many of the people on the last anniversary hit right on the head many who were involved in Kennedy's death and somebody wants me to tell all I know? Get Serious. /s/ Sam Pate"





  5. 4 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    David can you copy and paste what exactly you are trying to prove with this link to another message board? 

    Just an FYI service, Matthew. There are many interesting comments on that page....including many comments by Sam Pate himself. (Plus, see my last post re: the comments made by Sam Pate's daughter.)

  6. 1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

    So if you go back to where I said on the video and listen David you can hear the shots. 

    Those aren't gunshots, Matthew.

    Also see:


    Matthew, on the page linked above, do a word search for "Karl King". I think you'll find his first comment useful.

    Also do a search for "Rosalyn Pate" (Sam Pate's daughter). She says that "the recording is not authentic". Here's what Rosalyn said on February 3, 2006:

    "I am Sam Pate's Daughter. I can tell you that the recording is not authentic. It was created in the studio using my dad's report and all the description of events that go along with it are not true. It was my father Sam Pate on the triple overpass not Ron Jenkins. He was having coffee. My dad was not behind the motorcade he was waiting to get them on the way to world trade center [sic; Trade Mart]. When he heard the police radio erupt with devistating information. He was the only mobile unit in Dallas to have one, at that time. He began making his live report while facing southbound on the northbound side of the freeway. Had it not been for the bright red car with KBOX in big white letters he would have probably been shot on the spot, by the motorcade that flew past. His news was not from what he saw but what he the police reporting to dispatch. There was no-one at Parkland waiting. There was no Ron Jenkins waiting to report. That was what was recreated in the studio, This can be varified by Listing to the name of the ambulance service. He reported a service that only serviced Methodist hospital. If you want the facts conact Sam yourself. KBOX should be ashamed of their actions. It only added to the confusion of historical documents and created a stickier web for those who want to search out the truth. Sam can be reached at sampate@sbcglobal.net. He has some other pretty cool stories, too. All true by the way!"


  7. 57 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    David, I'm going to need a citation on that because the book I have in front of me 'Hear No Evil' goes into it on page 560-562

    See the last paragraph below (re: Sam Pate).

    Click to enlarge:



    As a side note here, I'm not surprised at all that there are still some people (even "JFK experts") who think that the KBOX Radio "re-creation" is a recording of the live Nov. 22 KBOX broadcast. For years, I had thought the very same thing.

    FYI / BTW --- A few years ago, I was able to acquire about 90 minutes of the real KBOX Radio coverage that actually was broadcast live on 11/22/63 (and a little bit from Nov. 24 too):



  8. 13 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

    How can you seriously post this stuff given that we now know, including from ARRB-released materials, that on the night of the autopsy, the autopsy doctors were absolutely, positively certain that the back wound had no exit point? How?

    Because what you're saying is just flat-out NOT TRUE. If it was true, we wouldn't find this passage in the autopsy report (written by those very same autopsy doctors):

    "The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck." -- Page 6 of the Official Autopsy Report; Warren Report, p.543


  9. 16 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    We also hear that same impulse pattern on the radio broadcast where they say "Something appears to be wrong with the motorcade" listen to it, it's there right after he says Trade Mart (bang, bang) 7:14 on Four Days.


    That radio broadcast you're referring to is merely a re-creation that was done several days after Nov. 22 by the KBOX-Radio announcers. It is NOT a "live" broadcast. Therefore, any "impulse patterns" you hear cannot be related to gunshots or the assassination.


  10. On 11/14/2022 at 7:50 PM, David Von Pein said:

    For some unknown reason, Mr. DiEugenio didn't even see fit to include a link to Dale Myers' July 24, 2022, article that DiEugenio is heavily bashing at his K&K website. Therefore, I'll post a link to Myers' 7/24/22 article/review here:

    http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2022/07/Reviewing Oliver Stone's Docu.

    Also See ---  THIS LINK to Dale Myers' November 16, 2022, blog post in which Dale handily and convincingly puts DiEugenio in his proper place.

    Extra Bonus:

  11. 43 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    To bring up the hotel registry and never to list the problems with the handwriting on it, is really I mean, what can I say? And holy crap, the visa?  The Cuban staffers who recall an Oswald about 5' 5" with blonde hair. 

    Same old CTer mantra---everything's fake!  Right, James D.?

    Good gosh, that worn-out "It's Phony" cop-out gets old after hearing it for the umpteenth time.

    The proof that Lee Oswald was in Mexico City in September/October 1963 is several layers deep. And Oswald himself, of course, told us he was in Mexico City via his very own 11/9/63 letter to the Soviet Embassy, which has LHO's very own signature on it. Let me guess, Jim....that signature is a fake too, right?

    ~~large sigh~~

    http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Oswald In Mexico City


  12. 28 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Myers' so called computer simulation is a disgrace in so many ways I do not even want to go into it here.  But with any kind of quality control, it would never have been allowed to air.

    Yeah, sure Jim. Sure. That must be why Z-Axis Corporation, one of the nation's leading forensic animation companies, said this in October of 2003:

    "Mr. Myers has taken a comprehensive and reasoned approach to animating this event and has successfully incorporated many diverse visual records into a unified and consistent recreation. We believe that the thoroughness and detail incorporated into his work is well beyond that required to present a fair and accurate depiction."  http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/faq_01.htm


    Full Z-Axis report on Dale K. Myers' computer animation:



  13. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    This was Dale Myers' chief witness. 

    When did Myers ever call Jack Tatum his "chief witness"?

    What Dale Myers does (in totality), of course, is to utilize ALL of the evidence in the Tippit case to arrive at the inescapable conclusion of Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt in that crime.

    And, in actuality, no witnesses are even needed at all in order to arrive at that conclusion, seeing as how Oswald was nice enough to hang on to the Tippit murder weapon in the theater for 35 minutes after killing the 11-year veteran police officer.

    The following laminated quotation (aka: a blast of reality) should be placed before the eyes of people like James "Bozo" DiEugenio at least once a month. They'll always ignore it, but they should be forced to read it once a month anyway:


  14. For some unknown reason, Mr. DiEugenio didn't even see fit to include a link to Dale Myers' July 24, 2022, article that DiEugenio is heavily bashing at his K&K website. (There was no link to it in Jim's K&K article as of 8:55 PM EST on 11/14/2022 at any rate.)

    Therefore, I'll post a link to Myers' 7/24/22 article/review here:

    http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2022/07/Reviewing Oliver Stone's Documentary


  15. 2 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

    Just curious. Where is the testimony of the [Connallys] in these discussions? If I recall correctly, they both said the [Governor] was hit AFTER JFK, not simultaneously. These seem to have been totally eliminated from your arguments. What else has been left out?

    Are you saying they weren't there? Maybe you think they fabricated their stories to create book opportunities??

    Well for heaven's sake, Bob, those two links you're referring to are just two small parts in my "Assassination Arguments" series. Quite obviously, those links aren't meant to cover everything connected to the JFK case.

    I posted those links because they contained some info about the "other bullets" that allegedly were found after the assassination (which was the sub-topic that this thread had drifted into at that particular moment). So I don't know why you would expect to find information about John or Nellie Connally in those two links.

    Now, if you want to talk specifically about the Connallys, I've got lots of links to accommodate you. Here are just a few examples:

    http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/What Did John Connally See?



    http://amazon.com/Let's Talk About John Connally---He Was Both The BEST And WORST Witness


  16. 1 hour ago, John Deignan said:

    This seems like the same story as the County Records Building. I never heard the version connecting it to the Dal Tex. You don't address it in your follow-up talking about other bullets.

    I know nothing about it. I was just quoting a CTer there.


  17. 1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

    All these measurements fall comfortably within the SBT in any case. 

    Yes. And yet I'm supposed to believe the CTers who tell me that two (or probably THREE) different bullets lined themselves up beautifully so that Arlen Specter could later present this impressive "one bullet" exhibit to the world. Talk about incredibly good luck for Mr. Specter & Company! ....



    Has any conspiracy theorist in history ever made this basic observation?....

    Boy, those assassins were sure a bunch of lucky sons of bitches when the guy who shot JFK in the throat from the front managed to hit Kennedy in exactly the right spot on his body so that (later on) the official investigators could utilize that entry wound in the throat as the point of exit for the SBT bullet. And then the multiple assassins got even luckier when the upper-back bullet and the bullet that entered the throat both decided not to exit the body and then both of those bullets vanished into puffs of smoke before either of those bullets (which obviously were still inside JFK's body when he was inside Trauma Room No. 1 at Parkland Hospital) could be seen by any non-conspirator.

    Can anyone truly believe that such incredible good fortune could possibly have existed amongst the (alleged) multiple shooters who were (allegedly) firing bullets at President Kennedy on 11/22/63?

    (And yet CTers have the gall to tell me that I am the one who believes in "Magic Bullets". Oy vey!)


  18. 5 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

    And the angle between the back and throat that corresponds to this 3.5cm difference is 17 degrees. The same angle of a bullet coming from the sniper's nest. 




    http://DVP's JFK Archives / The SBT Perfection Of Commission Exhibit 903


    [Pat Speer's inevitable rebuttal re: CE903 is HERE. I figure I might as well post it here myself. I know it's coming anyway.]


  19. 12 minutes ago, John Deignan said:

    "There are numerous reports of other missed shots; some bullets have even been found in Dealey Plaza, literally years after the assassination..."

    More discussion about "Other Bullets":




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