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Steve Knight

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Everything posted by Steve Knight

  1. I'm sure there are other lifeforms in the universe : odds against are "astronomical" (bad pun!). But whether they are as advanced as us, more advanced, or less advanced is another matter altogether. There also remains the vast distances involved in travelling here, from wherever they "are". We're pretty much in the ass-end of nowhere, and who would know we're here? Radio signals have only been propagating for ~120 years (even assuming the weak first signals aren't drowned out by other radio sources at any distance) there's just not that many systems closes enough to us to detect them. And now we're moving to a mostly digital transmission system, even those signals are being reduced in intensity and frequency, so again, in a decade or two, what's going to be left to be transmitted skywards, let alone received? Sure we can make unique signals - 21cm line? Hydrogen band that's a protected frequency, just because it's a unique frequency that can pass completely without hindrance through our atmosphere - but where do we point transmissions? We're operating on the same basis as anyone else out there for that....so much space, so little RT time... And then these "aliens" come from trillions of miles and probe hicks and rednecks from West Bumxxxx, Idaho, and torture cows??? Illogical, Captain!
  2. INB4 "brainwashing" claims! Edit : What the hell, I doubt many of the great unwashed, tinfoil clothed will be forking out $150m, just to prove themselves eejits....
  3. And the reviews are in.... This one is the Daily Phail...so hardly a bastion of integrity and truth (but then what newspaper really is these days? ) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1386745/Princess-Diana-death-film-Unlawful-Killing-Just-unlawfully-dull.html?ito=feeds-newsxml http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/may/13/keith-allen-diana-film-cannes or even better! http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/diana-still-turning-heads-as-fayed-show-hits-town-2283867.html This is definitely shaping up to be THE film to miss this year. Almost like Seth "Terminally Unfunny" Rogen's "Green Hornet". lol
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/may/13/osamabinladen-obama-administration Doesn't really say anything of substance, but pokes a few anthills....
  5. (Un)Holy necromancy, batman! http://www.galacticempiretimes.com/2011/05/09/galaxy/outer-rim/obi-wan-kenobi-is-killed.html Just had to laugh at this. The comments are pretty funny, too. Edit : typo :\
  6. The timing is on purpose - he even says so in the article Are there issues with the official story and inquest into the deaths? Probably - given that it was incomplete, by design, and foreign action (or lack thereof). Will whinging and crying "Cover-up!!" ever do anything to resolve them? No. Nor will stirring the pot like this. Is what happened to her important? Arguable, at best. Her family and children probably think so. Others, probably less so. I never really liked Diana - always seemed too fake, forced and trying too hard to win public emotions. William's kind of the same, but I do think he'll make a good king. One day. Her family do have a somewhat limited claim to the throne, in their own right...as do probably hundreds of other families in this country. As for her prediction of her demise, she was on medications, had attempted suicide, had a somewhat acrimonious divorce, and was now (then) linked to Dodi Fayed. A man whose father has been trying to gain a British Passport for decades by hook and by crook - at the centre of the "cash for questions!" scandals. That's dodgy all on its own, let alone with her in that family. I just don't think Allen should be the one doing this...if it should be done at all is another matter entirely.
  7. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/may/07/unlawful-killing-film-you-wont-see Being released everywhere in the world.....except for the UK >.< Made by Keith Allen, a somewhat dubious actor and comedian. He's also made a "documentary" previously, on the Westboro Batist Church which was laughably bad. So don't hold your breath for this one being any good. From reading his article, it's looking like a sop to Al-Fayed, the Egyptian millionaire that can't get a British Passport for love nor money. Used to own Harrod's (but sold it a year or three ago, IIRC). Coincidentally, his son was in the same car as Diana, and died, too. Kind of raises a question : if he's not releasing it in the UK due to demands that some things be cut, why isn't he putting it online in a neutral country for all to download? Should they so want to watch something that's bound to be boring, farcical and full of errors?
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13297846 Some interesting speculation on the "stealth" helicopters used in the operation.
  9. "There's none so blind as those that WILL not see." "Truthers" are not only walking around in dark shades, they're closing their eyes and sticking their fingers in their ears to make their spurious and asinine claims. It's really pathetic, truth be told. (pun intended). Their lives must be socially bereft for them to try to foist these claims off as real. Thankfully, they're in the minority. Vastly minor. They should go back to school and get their tutors to beat them for failing logic and critical thinking classes.
  10. lol. Already buried him at sea, according to Muslim tradition of burying a person within 24 hours....some reports are claiming. Also, to not provide his supporters with a known location as a focal point. Location of his "mansion" is less than 1,000 yards from the Pakistani equivalent of Sandhurst Military Academy. (Think "West Point", but better ) Not near the Afghani border where most of the cruise missile/drone attacks against Taliban/Al-Qaeda forces have been for months. I can smell the great unwashed CTers coming now, to make a meal of all this.... EDIT : Not to mention (which I now will) Pakistani authorities stalling and hindering the search for him for years!
  11. Bart "TV News cameraman, with no relevant qualifications in anything remotely related to space exploration, photo analysis or psychology" Sibrel? :lol: Sorry, but that's just :lol: His guff has been proven time and again to be pathetically manipulated, edited and cropped to the point that it bears little to no resemblance to the original. The fact you're relying on HIM as evidence speaks realms about you and your claims...none of it good.
  12. You still don't get, or are totally ignoring, it! There's two men on the moon, both unloading the LRV. WHO takes a photo, when BOTH are needed for the job? The movie camera could be remotely operated from earth (with a small delay), and is basically a stills-camera+. Your guff about it not being as good as a stills-camera is totally wrong, and self-serving. One picture from a stills-camera can be interpreted MANY ways. 15 pictures plus a second of movie footage gives ongoing context to the next, and the next, and the next, and the next, and tells far more story than a single snap. A picture only tells a thousand words. A movie tells 100,000,000.
  13. Well, now. This is pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJuIO6kp5jY Just been linked to this from a friend, and it's a video montage from the ISS, overlayed by the (almost?) full recording of Yuri's first orbit. With additional snippets from the Radio Moscow broadcasts about him, the craft, and the flight. It's a feature-length film, with no adverts, so get your popcorn.
  14. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/apr/06/yuri-gagarin-orbital-flight-1961 Actually, quite an interesting read, for the Grauniad.
  15. By MaaAAagic! Or, as The Great Bird of the Galaxy once said, when asked how Heisenberg Compensators worked in the Transporter system, "Very well, thanks!"
  16. That is probably to be considered a prelude to their next "X [Rain] causes CANCER!" Scareline. That paper is not called "The Daily Fail" just because it rhymes. Related video : EDIT : OK, let you off Apparently, very minute traces of iodine have been detected in two places - but the samples are much smaller than the normal background radiation, so absolutely no chance of harming anything. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-12892383
  17. Or until PROVEN otherwise, they're just persistent contrails. You know, the kind that atmospheric conditions allow to remain intact for hours at a time. "Innocent until proven guilty" is still the law of the land in the United States, is it not? Or has Nobama finished Bush Jr's throwing-away-of-the-rulebooks finally?
  18. Correct. IT IS JUST YOU. All I have done is ask for photos showing the rover attached to the LM, being lowered, being assembled, being outfitted...anything. Burton continues to stonewall...BECAUSE THERE ARE NO SUCH PHOTOS. What are YOUR QUALIFICATIONS in this discussion? How are you qualified to insult me as infantile? I question YOUR motives. Put up or shut up. Jack So anybody previously asking the same of you in the past, but were ignored, are....? Held to differing standards than you? What makes you so all-blasted holy that we do as you say, but not as you do? That went out at age 8 here, with the parents. [PROTIP: There's still TWO open questions I alone, let alone the many others in this section of the forum, fielded to you in another similar topic....months later, and STILL no response.] My qualifications are probably the exact same as yours. Nothing professional, but an "interest" in the subject. However, dare I say, I don't run around making baseless, unprovable, inaccurate statements, then ignore all evidence to the contrary. My motives are to get to the truth, and the vast body of real evidence supports the contention that 12 men landed on the moon, did what was asked of them, and more, and returned safely. Quacks, fruit-loops and nut-jobs and their faked propaganda aside, there's damned little to make me question the science and skills behind this monumental achievement, and what I don't understand is soon explained by querying relevantly qualified people. Not reading a few lines on some so-called "truth" website. I'm lucky there's a world-class astronomy and engineering university just the other side of the city centre from me. They're more than accommodating in explaining and verifying principles in the subject. Maybe being in Texas, and their propensity to throw out actual science-related materials in schools to favour religious creationism removes that option from you... You should consider moving.
  19. Is it just me, or does any time he's challenged on something, Mr. White's reply is a variant of a 5year-old's "NO YOU!"?
  20. Well, that's one possibility. There's another possibility : he's an agent of disinformation, and being paid by NASA and the US Industrial/Military complex to lead us all astray in the quest for the truth!
  21. "The URL contained a malformed video ID." What don't you want us to see, Jack? More inane blatherings that contain unsupported musings of untrained nuts?
  22. YOU'RE UNINFORMED! TWICE! Come back when you can make a rational, logical, EVIDENTIAL prosecution case. Bald assertions on their own are not evidence.
  23. lol. Pumping energy into the ionosphere to study aurorae causes earthquakes thousands of miles underground...on the other side of the world... Someone's been reading David Brin's Earth ... and then mangling half the story to fir their own misconceptions.
  24. Indeed. But now at least, he can't complain that he didn't have the information at hand.
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