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Steve Knight

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Everything posted by Steve Knight

  1. http://www.eads.com/eads/int/en/our-company/where-we-operate.html Global! Even in USA, and Sth America! Actually, I kinda like that part of their website. Niiiiice!
  2. EADS Astrium Space Transportation was formed in June 2003 from the Space Infrastructure division of Astrium (whose core was originally ERNO) and the EADS Launch Vehicles division (formerly Aérospatiale's Space division). Until July 2006 it was called EADS Space Transportation and was a fully owned subsidiary of EADS Space. In July 2006 the three subsidiaries of EADS Space (EADS Space Transportation, EADS Astrium, and EADS Space Services) were reintegrated into one company, EADS Astrium, of which EADS Astrium Space Transportation is a business division. Currently 4397 employees work in the launcher segment. The company has facilities in France (Les Mureaux near Paris and Aquitaine near Bordeaux) and in Germany; the main facility in Germany is located in Bremen. Astrium is an aerospace subsidiary of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) and which provides civil and defence space systems and services. In 2009, Astrium had a turnover of €4.8 billion and 15,000 employees in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain and the Netherlands. French/European company that just happens to have facilities in Germany and elsewhere. Not "Germany builds them for France".... I love the smell of spin in the morning. It smells like....desperation!
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16909592 This is quite interesting to read. Sheds a light that they've not just been sat in some vault somewhere, but actually distributed....and being stolen!
  4. He's got to be better than Newt "I'm going to smack the judiciary HARD! for banning religion in schools and public buildings" Gingrich. Funny thing. Was watching the SOTU speech on BBC news, and a friend (American) posts on Facebook that the perfect speech would be "The state of the union sucks, I failed, I resign effective noon tomorrow." I ask who the VeeP is, and damn me if I can name one since Quiverin' Dan. Got me to wondering if the Americans had been hiding them all to keep them out of trouble.
  5. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/16/smart_meters_no/ UK Ministers and Which? Magazine urge government to halt Smart Meter installations.
  6. Links go to last page of thread, but start on page 117 of it. "booNyzarC" is the poster to read. Post number #1755, right at the bottom. Very interesting reads. Some (mild) supposition on his part, but I concur : It does make sense from a logical point of view. Will have to do some research meself, methinks, just to make doubly sure.
  7. Billy Mitchell (amongst other things) predicted the circumstances of the attack in his 1925 courts-martial. To an uncanny degree. It was definitely no surprise to anyone. Let alone that US Intelligence services had been intercepting and decoding a large amount (Not all, certainly) of Japan's diplomatic messages - although the military aspect of their plan was not transmitted - to be intercepted - but transferred by Personal Couriers. What little message traffic there was of that. Less well known, generally, is that the Japanese sent observers to the aftermath of the British attack on the Italian Fleet in Taranto Harbour, the year before (possibly giving them a basis to plan a similar strike at Pearl...). Personally, I think a lot of weight is being given to FDR's "Japan has to strike first" comments, and not necessarily in the intended manner...I think he, and his cabinet, really did believe the sanctions they imposed on Japan (oil embargo, etc) really would bring them to heel, as it were, and they would not be insane enough to start a war they could never win for it....
  8. O.M.F.G! He did NOT just say THAT!! "Mr Murdoch, I believe you are the first Mafia Boss in history that did not know he was running an illegal empire." - Tom Watson, MP. PMSL!! :lol:
  9. If you'll pardon the pun More food for thought : http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/17/magazine/mag-17Sugar-t.html?pagewanted=all
  10. And the idiots in "Occupy London" are .... going home each night to sleep in their own warm beds, and have food and showers.... Makes you proud, wot? :lol:
  11. Sorry, but that video about "PressTV" is full of xxxx. Distorted and outright misleading on many "facts". Riots were NOT in response to Cameron's policies. At All. The FIRST peaceful protest was against the police for the death of a convicted felon - drugs and firearms, and when they tried to arrest him, he brandished a weapon at them. Events after that are unclear, but one police was shot at (apparently by one of his compatriots), and the suspect was mortally wounded. Investigations are underway (at least two, the last I heard). Idiots jumped on the bandwagon, and hijacked that peaceful protest, turning it violent. ALL subsequent disturbances were less riots, and more retards causing violence and taking opportunity to loot themselves even spankier new gear - TVs, computers, jewellery, light snacks, or just smash shop windows when passing. Police response to the "riots" was anything but excessive. Quite the contrary - light to non-existent at first, and only after a few days, of shuffling personnel from unaffected areas to the hotspots was it effective. Some of he "rioters" even had firearms, and aimed (if not shot at) the police on several occasions. I think there was maybe a few occasions of police "beating" up "protesters", but not many, considering. I have absolutely zero compassion for the idiots - they got everything they deserved : including, but not limited to heavy jail time, heavy fines, and losing their council homes, upon conviction. Teachers, mechanics, graduate students do NOT have any excuse stealing from stores under the "cover" of "public disorder". At all. Some of those are really damned lucky to still have jobs, let alone escape jail for their actions. It truly was pathetic. And if the rest of that PressTV reporting was as ill-presented as the riot part, Offcom was right to pull the plug on them. Murdoch-esque reporting of the very worst kind.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15095191 Now covering their tracks....an analysis of what he said, and how true/false it was.
  13. Lol, just found that myself. Saves me the bother of posting it, thanks
  14. BBC has the video : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15078419 Say he was a legitimate trader, and not a hoaxer, as some have claimed....
  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/8777717/Phone-Hacking-Scotland-Yard-drops-Official-Secrets-Act-bid-against-Guardian.html Edit : Quote tag fail.
  16. The US has a LONG history of intelligence failures. I believe it's endemic to their arrogance that "no one is stupid enough to attack us, because we're the biggest, badd-assest, powerfullest country on the planet". Look at Pearl Harbor. They'd been getting warnings from their own people since 1925! (Billy Mitchell), that Japan would attack the Pacific Fleet, in harbour, on a Sunday and by surprise. Let alone starting in January, 1941 by the Peruvian Ambassador to Japan and throughout the whole year. 1925. 1941. SIXTEEN years, they'd been told that something would happen. How much MORE warning do they need to take steps against something?? I don't see that changing any time soon, TBH. They'd either have to completely replace the whole intelligence sector, or the system itself.... The US is hardly unique in that regard: If the British and French had better intel. they probably would not have gotten trapped in Dunkirk. Soviets agents in Germany tried to warn them about Operation Barbarosa but this was ignored. Similarly the German's had intel. the Allies would land at Normandy but chose to believe they would attack further north. The Israeli government ignored signs of an impending attack in 1973. The British missed the signs that Argentina was going to invade the Falklands. Indeed...National/Military "Intelligence" is definitely an oxymoron Although - getting "trapped" at Dunkirk wasn't really a failure of intelligence. It was a failure of tactics (at least for the Allies). Germans went around the Maginot Line, and flanked the Belgians and French. Everyone had to pull back, or get cut-off, and ground into mincemeat by the German Blitzkrieg. Turning Dunkirk from certain defeat into a somewhat tactical victory was, dare I say, genius! They had to leave their weapons behind, but saving the men counted for a LOT, later. Soviets were unreliable at that time - it wasn't until much later that *anyone* listened to them. That's what they got for playing both sides of the fence. Israeli/Arab wars - can't remember enough to comment. Didn't they end up winning those, though? Quite easily? German Intelligence apparatus had been infiltrated and subsumed on a LARGE order, throughout the war. Double Agents, misinformation, massive erroneous assumptions, and of course, for the Normandy invasion, leaked plans showing the invasion would be at the MUCH narrower Pas de Calais, rather than the larger width it actually was (See "The Man Who Never Was" for more info. It was really only Rommel who considered the real route, but the "Tactical Genius" that was Hitler, over-ruled him, and withheld the tanks, and more... They never really had any effect on their own operations, and what they did "win" was mostly unimportant, to the Allies. Argentina/Falklands - less a failure of Intelligence, than an opportunistic attack due to withdrawal of most Military Forces by Britain. Selling of the LAST Aircraft Carrier, and the Argentine belief the UK would be unable, or unwilling to respond to an invasion. Using a little-known clause in the contract of the sale, UK recalled the carrier, and used it in defence. Real-time satellite imagery and Intelligence provided secretly by the Americans, helped the UK forces, too. Even though they said the UK could never retake the islands The warnings of a possible invasion weren't provided by any Intelligence asset, that I can recall, but by members of the Royal Navy - Captains and the like. More a tactical assessment, that was ignored.
  17. The US has a LONG history of intelligence failures. I believe it's endemic to their arrogance that "no one is stupid enough to attack us, because we're the biggest, badd-assest, powerfullest country on the planet". Look at Pearl Harbor. They'd been getting warnings from their own people since 1925! (Billy Mitchell), that Japan would attack the Pacific Fleet, in harbour, on a Sunday and by surprise. Let alone starting in January, 1941 by the Peruvian Ambassador to Japan and throughout the whole year. 1925. 1941. SIXTEEN years, they'd been told that something would happen. How much MORE warning do they need to take steps against something?? I don't see that changing any time soon, TBH. They'd either have to completely replace the whole intelligence sector, or the system itself....
  18. Not to mention the THOUSANDS who saw it with their own eyes, right there, in the streets and local buildings. Hoping for decency, from that subclass of humanity, is a long shot...at best. My guess is they'll come crawling out of the woodwork.
  19. I suppose this is the best topic I can find for this link : http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/08/september-11-audio-recordings-public
  20. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/8746321/Phone-hacking-Operation-Weeting-officers-arrest-16th-suspect-in-scandal.html
  21. I found a few : http://resources1.news.com.au/images/2009/02/25/1111118/956053-truck-saves-trio-from-blaze.jpg http://static.binscorner.com/f/forest-fire-in-victoria-australia/part-032.jpeg http://images.smh.com.au/ftsmh/ffximage/2009/02/08/fire9__2__gallery__600x400.jpg < this one's not too clear on melted parts at the side - wrong Angle of View. However, from the same series : http://images.smh.com.au/ftsmh/ffximage/2009/02/10/bushfire15_gallery__600x400.jpg and http://images.smh.com.au/ftsmh/ffximage/2009/02/08/fire14_gallery__600x379.jpg and http://www.smh.com.au/ftimages/2009/02/08/1234027840624.html http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/firetruck-3.jpg Should be enough for you
  22. I THINK this is a joke....but it's by an American.... http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/08/15/watchmen-paul-krugman-alien-invasion
  23. 1) Nothing, or damned little, is impossible. 2) Given that we're "sat" in the arse-end of nowhere, in a spur/offshoot, 1/3rd of the way out along a spiral arm orbiting a particularly nondescript star in a nondescript galaxy....probably not for a LONG time, if ever. People are stupid. Fact. Crowds/groups/factions even more so. Throughout history, they [read "we"] have been fed a steady diet of non-stop war, violence, and oppression. The last 150 years or so, we've had Sci-Fi stories with the same, and including "Aliens" in even that. For the most part, people are unable [stupidity] or unwilling [fear, paranoia, whatever] to separate "what has happened", "What is happening" and "What will happen" from "What *MAY* happen"; from reality and fiction. Hollywood aren't making it any easier - catering to the masses of idiots that eat their xxxx up with a spoon, then spread it as "ZOMG! That's really gonna happen!!!!/That's already happened!!!!" What aliens are going to travel dozens or hundreds or thousands of light-years, then land troops on a planet to eradicate the inhabitants [read "humans"] then take over/stripmine resources/etc, when they can just sit outside orbit, and launch asteroids at us from long-range and have ZERO risk that some "hero" will find a weakness to exploit? Does. Not. Compute. Let alone they have the technology to do that, [travel inter-galactically], but not weapons that are *that* much more advanced than our poxxy little pistols, and rifles, and SMGs, and bazookas? Remember in the 1990s, Warner Bros had a little 5-year science-fiction show called "Babylon 5"? That show touched on a LOT of these points - * Newtonian physics for ships - especially the Earth ships and fighters. Bigger ships having rotating sections to generate gravity. [well, centrifugal force to simulate such]. * Invasions using real-world tactics - including mass-drives (massive electromagnetic rail-guns to launch asteroids at planets ("Bombing them back to the stone age", etc). * Battles/Wars between low-tech and high-tech civilisations, where the high-tech won unless SEVERELY outnumbered, or the low-tech had allies with similar tech levels to the opposition. There's none (that I can remember) like that before, and damned little after it....people "demand" the "arcade" physics sci-fi, and unrealistic actions, and a "hero" that can defeat the aliens, so that's what Hollywood makes. Year-in. Year-out. Without fail. Summer Blockbusters only work because of the insane amounts of money Hollywood throw at marketing them, irrespective of actual merit. People are stupid. That's not going to change any time soon. Probably not before a real alien race visits us, anyway.
  24. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/idUS235193620110902 Murdoch receives $12m bonus. Son of Murdoch "declines" $6m bonus. The cynic in me says this is a ploy...
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