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Lawrence Schnapf

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Posts posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. i dont think it is blindness on the part of many of his viewers much less than they liked what he was saying. others seemed to have find him entertaining. You may be able to appreciate his interest in the JFK assassination which is refreshing. Others here have questioned his motives and could not get over their hatred of him.   

  2. @Mark Ulrik- all that news article means is that the doctor may have been confused...or that he was aware of the prevalence of steel-jacked bullets. one would expect trained police officers to be able to distinguish between a steel-jacketed and copper-jacketed bullet.

    @Gerry Down to me, the discovery of the walker bullet among papers more resembles the discovery of CE399 rather than the limo fragments...

  3. i had many conversations with Tucker's producers and they were both genuinely interested in the JFK assassination and were eagerly seeking new information. Many of the liberal posters here may be blinded by their animus towards Tucker but he was an ally on this issue.  

  4. Here is another article. The conventional wisdom is that the sex discrimination lawsuit drove the firing. There was also no love lost between Tucker and the Murdochs.  He certainly was a big scalp. 


    Different views by LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-04-24/tucker-carlson-is-out-at-fox-news  and WaPO: https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/04/24/tucker-carlson-leaves-fox-news/

  5. You're right Jim. His team was very interested in the topic and now we have lost our direct connection to the House committee chairs of the House .

    I've had some luck with the "Kennedy" show. Perhaps Olver should try her. I know one of the producers so if I can share offline     

  6. I suspect this will result on a long string of strong opinions but with his show gone, we have lost a go-to platform to air our concerns about the JFK records debacle. And unless the court forces Biden to withdraw the Transparency Plans, there will no longer be any large periodic document dumps authorized by the President after June that attract media-attention.   

  7. did you read on page 2 of the memo what was meant by an "agent" ?

    "It was common practice in a UKGB to claim a foreigner living in its region as an agent. A regional UKGB would forward the subject's physical description, age, and any other information it gathered to KGB Headquarters, claiming the subject as a foreign agent. Such regionally claimed agents were not agents in the classic sense, rather they were an attempt by the regional UKGB to gain prestige." [emphasis added]

    so Oswald was NOT a KGB agent by the way that term is traditionally understood. 

  8. @David Von Pein "probably" is an assumption. How does the totality of evidence and effort to verify the provenance with this particular specimen compare to the process and body of evidence with the Elmer Todd experience. And the issue with Todd was both the presence of his initials and the timing... which remains an issue despite your assumption of what "probably" happened.   

  9. First- Vince was a very good lawyer and he does alot of parsing of selective facts in his book. His book was a brief for the prosecution so he interpreted facts in the best possible light for the case of the lone gunman while disregarding or dismissing inconvienent facts or those that were not consistent with the narrative he supported . He makes lots of sweeping assertions using broad strokes and wide brushes.  It is not a true objective statement of the facts. (I have lots of notes in the margins where I counter many of his statements.)

    In addition, terms like "informant", "employee" or "agent" have very different meanings so you need to make sure that you guys are talking about the same role of a particular person.  Moore clearly was an employee of the CIA . i suggest you guys "describe" the relationship you think DeMohrenschildt had with the CIA instead of using one of those commonly misunderstood terms.  Then see if that relationship falls in or outside the statement Bugiolsi was making.--IMHO  

  10. the combination of statements that (1) the bullet resembled a 30-06 (from familiarity;(2) steel-jacketed bullet and (3) FBI spectrographic experts Henry Heiberger and John Gallagher said "the lead alloy of the bullet recovered from the attempted shooting of General Walker was different from the lead alloy of a large bullet fragment recovered from the car in which President Kennedy was shot."  This suggests the bullet in evidence was substituted for the actual one found.  and there is Marina's contradictory testimony about where the "walker note" was stored and how she found it.  

  11. she has already said in TV and news articles that she does not believe Lee killed the president. 

    Normally, a reasonable prosecutor would not pursue an 80-year old woman for perjury over a 60-year old case. But she is from USSR and the mere fear of being prosecuted would be enough to dissuade her.

    Bill Simpich and I offered to bring a court of inquiry petition in 2017 on behalf of her and the Oswald daughters to try to get Lee's arrest expunged on the grounds of lack of probable cause. She did not want to get involved at this point in her life so we did not pursue it. 

  12. and when one couples the last minute discovery of the "walker note" the day before the FBI was to finalize its December 1963 report, there are well-founded suspicions surrounding the provenance of the "walker" bullet in the record. There is more than reasonable doubt that this is not the original bullet recovered by DPD.  The bullet was kept in an unsecured location in the Parkland lab for 8 months before it was needed for the assassination.

  13. David- Marina was the single most important witness in a case marked by flimsy circumstantial evidence. she alone could authenicate the BYP, verify that Oswald was in possession of the alleged assassination rifle and she alone could substantiate the Walker business.

    she gave testimony under oath so I'm sure she knows she cant formally recant her testimony since that could expose her to perjury charges. she has done what she can without crossing the line that could lead to prosecution   

  14. Even if there is an "N", we have no evidence proving it was placed on the bullet on the day of discovery. It could have been added at a later date to support the narrative. Has anyone seen a chain of custody for this bullet going back to the first person who handled it? WC procedures did not require that thorough of a trace. 

  15. Marina cannot really formally disavow her statements to the WC because they were made under oath.   But it is clear she no longer believes the official story.

    She was the single most important witness for the WC. Only she could have authenticated the BYPs, that Oswald was in possession of rifle and that he was the author of the so-called "walker note". Without her testimony, the WC could not make a case against Oswald- as flimsy as it was.

    Had there been a trial, the "so-called evidence" would have been subject to a number of challenges that could have resulted in either some of the key evidence being ruled inadmissible or subject to a a jury instruction. This is one reason why 6 of 7 mock trials held by law schools or bar associations since 1967 have resulted in aquittal or hung jury.

    In the 2017 mock trial at the South Texas College of Law in Houston, Bill Simpich and I had prepared motions objecting to admission of a number of pieces of evidence. Because of time constraints, we consented to allowing all evidence to be admissible. Despite waiving such objections, we still got a hung jury.    

  16. Hey Pat-

    I have Weisberg's cases and legal filings. His initial FOIA complaints were for the FBI materials, NAA and spectrographic analysis. NARA did its first five-year review of the JFK materials in 1971. It is unclear what materials were released during that process and again in 1975. The Redlich memo does not have a release date so i guess we wont be able to verify its release date. 

    There were still lots of classified WC records at the time of the Abzug hearing in 1975 which was about how the WC documents were improperly classified. Belin agreed that the WC did not have original classification authority and that Rankin improperly classified WC materials. This was a major admission. The Abzug hearing was an important historical event that has largely been lost to history but it helped convince Congress to create the HSCA.     

  17.  "reasonable doubt" exists when a factfinder cannot say with moral certainty that a person is guilty or a particular fact exists. Another way of looking at this is when 90% certainy  whereas "clear and convincing" is usually viewed as 75% while preponderance of the evidence means more than 50%. 

    the juries in 6 of 7 mock trials held since 1967 by bar associations and law schools found sufficient reasonable doubt to either acquit or end up in a hung jury. 

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