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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. "Did you have personal experience with Gerry" He did stay at our house, other than him and my father leaving around 6:30 am every morning, and coming back home around dinner time, and listening to him and my father talk about work, and what cars they were going to scrap, or what job needed a welder that is the only personal experience I had with him, and watching my mother argue with my father about bringing someone over to the house. Hey, don't shoot the messenger shoot the message.
  2. To be more specific, I did not show the entire page with Dallas under Eugenio's name, I only asked if this Eugenio was Eugenio Martinez or someone else, that is when I learned from others who owned this address. Sincerely, Scott
  3. No, Scott. Actually I'm more confused than ever. Is the mugshot that James provided to us the mugshot of one of the guys who killed JFK? James says the guy in the mugshot was 18 years old in 1963. --Tommy Tommy, Please open these document and read them. I don't know where James received the information that this person was 18 years old in 1963. I suppose if it is true, then that would have made him 21 in 1966 when he went to Cuba. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=86046&search=Saldivar#relPageId=3&tab=page Scott, Is the mugshot (which James posted on this thread) of the guy you're talking about, or not? If so, is this the first time you've seen a photo of him? --Tommy That is the first time I've ever seen this photo, I don't know what Eugenio looks like. I only have the address and phone number to where he stayed in Hialeah. His address has been confirmed by others who did know him. I did not show anyone in Miami that page out of my father's address book so no one would shut down on me, and after this post I know I will not be welcomed back to Miami.
  4. It is the same man using different names, it could have been an alias, many of them would change a letter in their name and become John. It's the same Eugenio my father says was in Dallas.
  5. No, Scott. Actually I'm more confused than ever. Is the mugshot that James provided to us the mugshot of one of the guys who killed JFK? James says the guy in the mugshot was 18 years old in 1963. --Tommy Tommy, Please open these document and read them. I don't know where James received the information that this person was 18 years old in 1963. I suppose if it is true, then that would have made him 21 in 1966 when he went to Cuba. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=86046&search=Saldivar#relPageId=3&tab=page
  6. Tommy, one thing you have to keep in mind is that many of the hispanic people have more than three names like Pedro Luis Díaz Lanz, please don't confuse yourself this Eugenio is one and the same. Many of them would be named after their mother and father's last name. Sincerely hope that helps, Scott
  7. Just so we're clear, my father was MM T-1 I have other documents that he, my [father] was reporting to SA Robert James Dwyer. Tony leader of RECE once told me something that I'll never forget, he said, "Your father knew too many things". If that's not enough for anyone to believe, I also have him on tape telling me.
  8. Tommy hope this helps. Scott http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=86046&relPageId=3&search=Saldivar
  9. I may get a lot of flack for this, but hey! The truth is the truth, Gerry had to leave Miami and get as far away as possible, he sold guns that didn't work, grande's that didn't explode and set up his own men, hell... He even set up little Joe for christ sake, Gerry would call U.S. Customs just to let them know when they were going out on a run so they could get caught and not have to go, the guy had no balls like my father, and my mother kicked his ass out of our house after staying there for a week and ordering soldier of fortune magazines. The guy was a total loser, and the reason he had left Miami is because they told him, if he were to return, they were going to shoot him on sight. Truth sucks doesn't it?
  10. Scott, I don't doubt that his name was Eugenio Saldivar Xinques. Just like that newspaper article had it. Thanks for posting the page from your father's address book. But I must say it looks like it says "Eusenio" at the top. (I guess he mis-spelled Dallas as "Dalles." Too bad it doesn't say Dulles!) --Tommy I'm not into all that conspiracy stuff, making up stories, or Oswald acted alone. I am only into the truth, and what happened to my father. I know what my father is saying, I know what he told me, I know that the word Dallas is Dallas in his address book, and I know that Eusenio is Eugenio in my father's address book, that is Eugenio Saldivar's address 1031 W 27St. Hialeah Florida Scott, Thanks for clarifying that. --Tommy PS What "conspiracy stuff"? All I did was point out that the name "Eusenio" is written in your dad's address book, and that he apparently mis-spelled "Dallas" as "Dalles." The quote wasn't directed so much at you, but when you said, "Too bad it doesn't say Dulles". I don't believe that Dulles had any planning or assisted in the assassination in anyway. His position was to help LBJ out of WWIII. That's it. no one had a handle on these men, and as time went on they realized that the change of Cuba, would have to come within. Nixon was the last president to shut down their operations including JM/WAVE. Nixon was also targeted for assassination. I really don't want to get into a bunch of specifics. But, I can tell you, Dulles, LBJ, Nixon, none of these men had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination. Did they know about it? Absolutely, there were cables about warnings of his assassination long before he visited Dallas. No hard feelings eh? I'm just not into conspiracies, when I talk somewhere, or I provide information to a body of people who want to hear what I have to say, I will only interject what I know to be truth, backed by documents. I believe there's enough theories out there to continue to write books for another 50 plus years. Scott
  11. Scott, I don't doubt that his name was Eugenio Saldivar Xinques. Just like that newspaper article had it. Thanks for posting the page from your father's address book. But I must say it looks like it says "Eusenio" at the top. (I guess he mis-spelled Dallas as "Dalles." Too bad it doesn't say Dulles!) --Tommy I'm not into all that conspiracy stuff, making up stories, or Oswald acted alone. I am only into the truth, and what happened to my father. I know what my father is saying, I know what he told me, I know that the word Dallas is Dallas in his address book, and I know that Eusenio is Eugenio in my father's address book, that is Eugenio Saldivar's address 1031 W 27St. Hialeah Florida
  12. I know my father, and the way he would spell his words, he would spell them just as he pronounced them, like Frank Fiorini aka Fernnie. I have posted his address book many times. I'm not sure how I posted this page, I don't see an upload link anymore, weird. Anyways, I'm sure most here has seen the page. Scott
  13. For some reason I cannot upload the file, if you go to my facebook page I will upload it there that you may read it. The CIA document clearly spells his name with an "S", not a "Z". My father worked with both Eugenio, who was in Dallas with Tony, and Eugenio's father. The title of the document is "Secret and Sensitive".
  14. I am willing to accept 99% of what you write. No need to read it. I have no reasons to doubt it. Just explain this. You are David Phillips or William King or Allen Dulles. It is 1965. Your star shooters, Tony Cuesta and Eugenio Saldivar just accomplished the assassination of the millenium. What do you do with them? "We are going to Disneyworld!!" Not so fast, children ... You are going a little southern than that. To La Habana!! Let's say that Fidel captures them. Mr. Kaiser just stated that the CIA gave the most important secret in its history, as a free gift, to its worst enemy. See if you can explain that. Sir, can you please point out where I said, "the CIA gave the most important secret in its history, as a free gift, to its worst enemy." Who said the CIA had anything to do with their plot at all? I do know that from Santiago Alvarez, folks knows him as "Tony" who was one of the leaders in Comando L during that time told me that Fidel Castro had infiltrated nearly every group, my father's group was infiltrated by Ricardo Cayo Cabrera who was the third highest ranking G2 agent who bragged about reporting directly to Fidel Castro. You probably don't know who Antonio is, but that's okay. No need to disclose his resume. Castro knew they were coming, and both Tony and Eugenio were ambushed.
  15. Eugenio Saldivar Xiques, with an (S) not a (Z), this is who's found in my father's address book. The guy who got caught with Tony Cuesta.
  16. I thought it was a little finger fingerprint found on one of the boxes. --Tommy There were 19 latent fingerprints on those boxes. Of those all are accounted for except one PALM print on one box, It is this partial palm print, that the collage of the Wallace print was made. http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?topic=4205.15;wap2 I also heard Roger Stone explain the Mac Wallace theory, and in his testimony or theory whichever you want to call it. I heard him say, "Wallace's palm print". I myself never really looked into this, when I don't believe LBJ whacked JFK, sorry. Just because we have a difference of opinions doesn't mean I dislike him. I still call him friend, truth is. I have a lot of friends outside JFK, but once we start talking JFK our friendship goes out the window, no pun intended.
  17. Get the palm print look for a bad guy with a variable number of reference points that matches the print, then pin it on the bad guy.
  18. BTW... Anybody can tell me, well what about Wallace's palm print, would you disregard that Scott? The answer is yes. Why? The print itself was never conclusively proven it was his, some say well what about the 32 point match or whatever that match was. Do you know that there are folks with very similar palm prints that can also give the same match?
  19. You are entitled to believe what you want, I suggest you get the whole story before you disregard mine, as for Haiti, Rolando Masferrer was in a lot of trouble for wanting to invade Haiti, my father was trying to get him out of the country, Navarro setup Rolando and my father many times, and this is why my father quit the Cubanos Unidos. My father knew how to speak French fluently, he was already plotting the assassination of Papa Doc so they could develop a land base in Haiti to attack Cuba, Papa Doc was assassinated, as for LBJ killing JFK, um no, no way. LBJ was to afraid of these Cubans in Miami, he allowed them to do what they wanted to do, the Mac Wallace story makes for a good story, but there's no proof. Truthfully, I would believe my father over anyone's theory, no offense, but it's true.
  20. What do I do now? I can tell you, we do have a problem, that is, Tony Cuesta and Eugenio Saldivar are the men who fired on Kennedy, and killed him. Here's the problem, so what's to be done? I have never, ever, mentioned any name, assumed any person, or said who fired at Kennedy in the [eight] years of researching my father's information. Thinking back, when Frank Sturgis was [bragging] to my father that he shot Kennedy, my father told me he didn't believe him. My father was talking to me in my bedroom, in the morning before he left for work, and before I left for school. My father started having a conversation with me as if he were talking to Frank saying, "So Frank tells me, I shot Kennedy, so I say to Frank, Frank, I don't believe you. I don't know what to believe." My father knew that Eugenio was involved without a doubt, he didn't have Eugenio or Tony's photos, but that doesn't mean they weren't involved. Both Tony and Eugenio would be sent to Cuba in a secret plot to assassinate Fidel Castro just three years after Kennedy's assassination, and this was during the time LBJ would allow these men to run amok, they did what they wanted to do, and LBJ would not run a second term, this is coming from someone who supposedly planned Kennedy's assassination so he could become president? That's bullxxxx! However, that secret of Cuesta heading towards Cuba got out, Castro knew they were coming, and Castro's men ambushed Tony and Eugenio. He was waiting for them, they got caught in a firefight just ten miles off the coast of Cuba, whoever tipped off Castro was trying to do away with Tony and Eugenio. I know this to be true. My father would later start working with Eugenio's father in trying to help the political prisoners escape in Cuba, and kill Castro. The problem is who tipped off Castro, and why didn't anyone take a good hard look at Tony and Eugenio? By the way, Eugenio, and his phone number is found in my father's address book, this is how I was able to discover who this Eugenio was. The word Dallas is found under his name, my father would never come right out and say anything with everyone that was dying and getting killed nearly every week. Why do you suppose my father asked the Federal Government for protection for his family? My father left subtle information to be discovered, this is the truth, these are the facts. The question is, now that I have found my father's information, I suppose it's best, for some information, to be left alone. I will always be straight with you, you will not get any bullxxxx from me, I have called out so many people, that no one has ever called me out on anything, and if they did. I wouldn't just defend myself, but I would provide facts too, the truth, the truth has always been a way to set you free, I know, I am now free indeed, and after eight long years, I sleep much better now knowing I have figured out what my father was telling me all along. So, what do I do now?
  21. If it came down to dueling films, should we prepare for at least one of the films to be a bit more "dramatic" than the other? Fiction even. I can see Clooney wanting Matt Damon to play Snowden, and the chase is on. Stone may nail it, hopefully, it won't be like a Nixon movie where he injects deep throat, then it would end up to be more fiction than non.
  22. Fascinating posts as always, Scott. Question: Do you think "Neck Scratcher" at 3:57 of this video is David Sanchez Morales? Please read this entire thread (from post #11, page two, on) before saying "yes," "no," or "maybe." Thanks, --Tommy Hi Tommy, I've read all the post, watched the film several times. I noticed that exactly at mark 3:57-58 Lee Oswald and the neck scratching man looks directly into each other's eyes, could they have known each other? It's a tough call. But, Lee and this man do look at each other as Lee walks by him, which is interesting. This man certainly does have David's complexion. however, it's difficult to tell if it is David without looking at his face.
  23. I also forgot to mention, that David Morales also approved a raid on Cuba in a plot to assassinate Castro, this plot was funded and fueled by William Pawley. The mission was called the Bayo-Pawley mission of which many of you are also very familiar with. My father worked with Orozco who was aka "the pirate" in Spanish. Pawley paid my father and Roman Orozco to sink Fidel Castro's finishing boats. During a conversation my father had with Pawley, my father wrote down what Pawley said, "Spending my money on getting rid of Kennedy was my best investment." During my stay in Miami a few years ago I was invited to have lunch at the Big Five in Miami by Eugenio Martinez. I had contacted Ramon Orozco informing him I was in-town, and I would like to meet with him about my father, as I was sitting at the table with Antonio Alvarez, Jose Pujol, and others awaiting on Orozco to show. The announcer came up to the mic, and announced the passing of Orozco who had died the night before. I was unable to communicate with him any further about my father.
  24. Morales couldn't have been too careful, he was, after all, in photos my father stole from the CIA. We now know that the individual's name Eugenio, found in my father's address is Eugenio Salivar, in-fact, this Eugenio was serving time in Cuba prison since 1966 when he was caught with Tony Cuesta on their way to Cuba to assassinate Fidel Castro just three years after the assassination of Kennedy. This is the reason LBJ allowed them to carry on, or he would have been next. This is also the reason LBJ elected not to run another term. Fidel Castro was tipped off about Eugenio and Tony's plot to assassinate him. This proves my father's early travels to Miami in the 60's. My father would later work with Eugenio's father in plots to infiltrate Cuba, assassinate Castro, and free the political prisoners. Eugenio's father was very eager to free his son from Cuba. Richard Poyle was asked to join my father's group, my father said he could tell Poyle exactly where the Russian camps where, including where the prisoners were staying. In a letter my father wrote he said, "Do I have to see New York, Chicago or Dallas Texas". My father never said in any of his letters who was involved in what. Had someone other else than me discover my father information, say a government official, it certainly would have put our family in jeopardy. My father did however ask the Federal Government for protection for his family. In my father's address book he does write Eugenio's name at the top the the page. At the bottom of the page my father wrote Dallas. This again proves my father's early travels to Miami in the 60's. During the eight years or so understanding what my father is saying, it is now quite clear to me that Eugenio and Tony were Kennedy's assassins. Dallas was even investigating my father. In over the eight years of understanding my father's information. I have never, not once mentioned a gunman firing on Kennedy. Today, without a doubt, I now know it was Tony and Eugenio. If Frank, Hunt and David were in Dallas that day according to these photos my father had, Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who has seen the photos, they were there to micro-manage the assassination from afar, [delivering weapons and money], my father also had a photo of Bernard Barker, and Barker was identified by an eye witness, Constable Seymour Weitzman, who says Barker produced Secret Service credentials. This is all I know, I have said my peice, many will disbelieve my information, but now, after more than eight years, I sleep well. Scott Kaiser
  25. Tony Cuesta, Eugenio Enrique Zaldivar, His correct name is spelled Eugenio Saldivar with an (S) not a (Z), and yes, you are correct James, these two. A lot of these other guy's became paid informants, which is why they ended up dead. Scott Scott, how many of these guys were initially pro-Castro before turning against him? Nearly all of them believed in Castro, everyone was looking forward to free elections, a free society, a government the Cuban people could elect into office, all of them were deceived. My friend Jose "Pepin" Pujol didn't leave Cuba until he saw the arrival of the Russian troops in 1962. Pujol's direct boss was Che. Castro double crossed all his group leaders, including Che.
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