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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Growing up in Miami I learned to believe in two things spaceships and Sasquatch otherwise known as "Big foot". Of course, I've never seen either one, not sure about anyone else. Anyone here seen Bigfoot besides TV? Reminds me of Kennedy's assassination, you believe in what you don't see, my mothers boyfriend believes there is life beyond this world, he wholeheartedly believes in aliens. I told him, I believe in aliens too, they come from Mexico and other countries. However, there's no disputing the evidence of Kennedy's assassination when it's all right there, in-front of you.
  2. I've been searching Ed Cage's Facebook group (forum) archives and my own Facebook group archives (the group that I own is called "JFK VIDEO, AUDIO, PHOTOS, & DISCUSSION") --- and I can't find any post authored by me that says what you've quoted me as saying above, Scott. Can you provide a link to that quote? I'm not saying I *didn't* say it. Perhaps I did. I'm just saying I don't remember saying it at Ed Cage's group, and I couldn't find the quote even when doing a specific word search within the two groups I just mentioned. But, anyway, regardless of that quote attributed to me, here's an example of the type of commentary I was treated to by Scott Kaiser at my own Facebook group after I accepted Scott as an active participant in June 2015. If this is the way he behaved over at Ed Cage's group too, then the quote that Scott attributed to me above would, indeed, be quite appropriate and reasonable.... DAVID VON PEIN SAID [ON JUNE 11, 2015]: Scott [Kaiser] appears to be relying ONLY on the Z-Film. And a very subjective view of the Z-Film at that. All the while ignoring THE BEST evidence that proves JFK was shot only once in the head, with that shot coming FROM BEHIND. That evidence being the autopsy photos & X-rays, plus the autopsy report and the testimony and statements of the autopsy surgeons. Scott, can you possibly believe that ALL of the above things I just mentioned are ALL bogus (or liars)? Here's the entry hole---and it ain't in the front. SCOTT R. KAISER SAID: As far as I'm concerned I'm throwing out everything from the WCR and the HSCA simply because neither reports the findings I'm working on. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Gee, there's a shocker. Scott's "throwing out" the ENTIRE two Government reports! The ONLY major investigations re: this case. And Scott, just like that, has decided to chuck them both. Isn't that special? SCOTT KAISER SAID: With so much conservatory questions going on as to the altered photos, altered xrays, and altered films, I'm taking my chances on what I believe to be best evidence. I'd rather have the truth, [than] to be told, "this is the truth", seek, and ye shall find. DAN PAUL SAID: This is a hoot!! Because Scott says so, we should all believe him and not the experts who conducted the official investigations and were able to examine all the evidence. This altered Zapruder film nonsense is a huge laugh!!!!! LATER IN THE DISCUSSION, SCOTT KAISER SAID: I can't be surrounded by idiots Lord, please let it not be so. AND A LITTLE LATER, MY GROUP DISCUSSION WAS TREATED TO THESE ENTERTAINING GEMS FROM SCOTT R. KAISER: What a freaking numbnut! [...] Chuck, "as far as I'm concerned", you're an idiot! [...] There you go, the three musketeers have now graduated to four, and, now, it's complete, the four numbnuts. [...] As a child, I could still remember my father say, if you don't have something intelligent to say, don't say anything at all. This was growing up as a child, some of you adults can't help it. I understand. SOURCE DISCUSSION: https://www.facebook.com/groups/243480929145732/permalink/431566480337175 I know, it's called "selective memory", no worries, per the old cliche, mine is like an elephant. It's hard to tell whether you're coming or going. Are you saying that we should solely rely on photos and xrays, when photos and xrays don't tell us a story as to how Kennedy reacted as the head, body, arm and movement reacted to a neurological reaction caused by impact, allow me to demonstrate. Take a hammer to the knee, your leg reacts to impact, but you also took photos of your shattered knee, all those photos tells us that you sustained an injury. They certainly will not tell you how you sustained your injury without viewing the impact, then you understand how that injury acquired, where it came from, and how it was inflicted by simply viewing it's impact. Now, are you going to say we should throw out the zfilm, because photos and xrays are more important?
  3. Since a few frames are missing from the Zfilm, DVP believes the entire film is fake, well, does this mean the [fatal] head shot, the reaction upon impact, and its conclusion of Jackie climbing onto the back of the trunk was all one big lie, and therefore, this "entire" film should be disregarded as something that really didn't happen? Perhaps, it was a recreation of what we thought happened, so the media airs the film knowing darn well that president Kennedy is really alive and well living in Palm Beach celebrating his 90th something birthday. Of course, we should all ignore the only valuable piece of evidence, chunk the Zfilm and pretend it's all fake, Scott, slaps himself in the forehead thinking how stupid of me to think something like that could ever possibly happen to the president? Yes! I agree with DVP, we should all completely disregard the entire Zflim because there frames that suppose to show the presidents limo turning onto Elm from Houston had been cut out of the film, so this means everything else is fake too. May I ask just one question? Then why watch it? SMH... To this day, I have completely identified every accountable reaction upon impact indicating a shot coming from somewhere else other than the rear, and I have asked DVP and his cohorts to please counter what I have posted. I have even pointed out that at z317 Kennedy, has a lock of hair sticking up which indicates the projectile exiting of the rear of Kennedy's head, and the reason for his hair to be sticking up is due to the brain matter, fluids and blood. Kennedy's hair was quit think, in-fact, had the projectile not exited the rear of his head, the hair would not be sticking up, but I get no answer from DVP or his little friends too, what I get are insults and putdowns. I have been on both sides of the fence, eight years ago, I believed Oswald acted alone, I argued the fact the fatal shot was indeed a rear shot from the TSBD. But, I can't prove that, I can however, prove thur neoreaction, physics and reaction to impact that the [fatal shot], did, in-fact, without a doubt, come from somewhere other than the rear. DVP, would you care to comment on my findings. I have posted these same findings in your forum before you kicked me out, and atlas, you would not counter my findings there either. or, will you continue to run, and just post nonsense statements of he said / she said. The ball has been served back to your court sir.
  4. Scott, So who do you think was behind the killing of JFK? Fidel Castro? --Tommy There is only one entity that can conduct such a massive cover-up, there is only one entity that can withhold cables from the public and court in the name of National Security. There is only one entity that shares only the information they wish to share with other agencies, and only one entity that infiltrates these agencies. There's only one entity sat on the panel of the Warren Commission, and was able to pull off the assassination in the name of National Security while trying to get the president to go to war, create false flag attacks. LBJ didn't want a war, but he did allow the entity to do what they wanted to do, and that was to continue their runs. Only two presidents had challenged these runs to Cuba, Kennedy and Nixon. Only one entity can train these assassins, that entity is the CIA.
  5. I have completely rewritten my first book adding [more] than [60 pages] of new information. I am also seeking a publisher to read my entire material as I have included cables and footnotes to provide facts. I wanted to share with you the following, and because the premise is true, so are its conclusions. If anyone knows of a publisher that may be interested in the entire script/book, please let me know, Thank you. A man Without A Country, is based on a true story. It's a story about a man whose love for his country turned towards bitterness when he lost his citizenship. He'd do anything to reenter the country he once lived in and loved, to the point of devoting his life services to their military which has stripped him of his citizenship for joining the French Foreign Legion. The hardships he faced in returning to America were unbearable, and in the end, he turned over a new leaf by turning on the very same government that he found guilty of committing treasonous acts. This man, a man without a country would later die, killed by the very same government that stripped him of his citizenship, as propaganda government cables would usher out information on this man as being someone who was untrustworthy, an opportunist, and a xxxx. But, the records will show that he loved his country more than anything else, and only God was before her, he died as being a true American patriot whose identity was merely stripped by definition. He impersonates a Military Officer, a United States Army Lieutenant, a Hialeah Police Officer, and agents of the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs. He is stealing classified documents out of Homestead Air Force Base, medical supplies out of United States Coast Guard, index cards from U.S Customs and photographs from the CIA. He visits other military bases abroad. He was involved in Watergate, and he exposes the reason for Watergate. He was, the sixth burglar no one had ever known. He was sent to Israel in order for them to retrieve the information he possessed, than, perhaps, killed there too. There's proof of the company [CIA] knowing my father was leaving for Israel ahead of time as they notified FAA, Airport Security, and U.S Customs. So, how was my father able to slip thru? It was a total setup to intercept my father's contents as he traveled, but he didn't take his briefcase with him on the trip to Israel. The United States Government threw everything they had at my father, and still, they weren't able to retrieve what could have very well damaged the CIA for good. My father wasn't a cop, CIA, FBI or U.S. Customs Agent. He wasn't a Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was none of these things, he impersonated all of them, he created his own identity and credentials while infiltrating these companies. He was hand saluted by army personnel. He signed paperwork as Lieutenant Kaiser, an Officer in the United States Army for release of medical supplies from United States Coast Guard for anti-Castro groups. He "borrowed" classified documents, index cards, tapes and photos. No one would touch him, not even the United States Government because of the information he possessed. He was the world's most dangerous man alive, and the only way to have stopped him, was to kill him. This is a real story of David versus Goliath, one man against the entire government. This is his story. My father has become an empty shell of his former self. He impersonates an officer, a Lieutenant in the United States Army, CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs agent as he infiltrates the CIA and is stealing from the United States government. Edwin refused to grant his separated wife a divorce and appears determined to put the pieces of his life back together. When once again he is called upon by the United States government reminding him of his sworn duties he signed on a sealed document which helped pave his way in returning to America that lead promise to his French Visa. Just into their marriage, his world becomes turned upside down when one day at home he's shouting, ranting and raving about how the United States government is requesting he partakes in dismantling heads of state and government officials. Sonia Kaiser, my [mother] was to afraid to ask what it was he was carrying on about. The next thing he knows is he's on his way to Haiti as planned plots to assassinate Haiti's dictator starts to brew as early as 1969. Kaiser is also under investigation by Dallas intelligence, but the information stops and becomes blacked out. With a forged passport and license to kill he is on his way to take out the Prime Minister of Israel in 1976, but is caught tapping phone wires. Forced to work together, the opinionated pair of Kaiser and the government often end up at odds with each other. Kaiser is determined to do what is right. His relationship with the United States government begins to fall apart when Ed Kaiser begins to steal classified material. The government becomes increasingly concerned about the information Kaiser has discovered as planned plots are taken to retrieve from Kaiser the stolen classified material. My father has a few nemeses, himself included. Aside from Kaiser's mental state of being a true threat, there is also Frank Sturgis who poses as the villain. While the CIA does warm up to Kaiser, Kaiser holds unto a dark secret that could blow the CIA's assassination plots wide open. Kaiser's estranged wife, SONIA KAISER, 30s, also proves to be a hazard to the happiness that Edwin so desperately seeks. Finally, Edwin’s boss at U.S. Customs, STEVE 50s, the cold and uncaring head of the department, jeopardizes Edwin's career. My mother, her life and spirit are broken after the death of her husband. Her world begins to crumble after learning how her husband had died. And, she must learn how to stand on her own two feet again. The problem is that everything she's doing to make herself happier is either very self-destructive and extremely psychologically damaging, or will end up leaving her more broken than she was before. She ultimately makes the decision to hide in secret and keep the information she learned about her husband from her children so that no harm would come to them. She has learned that the FBI is obeying the directive from J. Edgar Hoover to toe the line on the "single assassin" theory on one side, and the possible conspirators on the other with Edwin Kaiser standing in the middle. The very definition of being in between a rock and a hard place when Edwin Kaiser's attaché briefcase disappears after his death. Edwin's son, discovers his father's long lost information his mother kept secret, and develops a deep desire to find his father's murderers and begins a journey on his own.
  6. I'm sorry, it was Herminio who set off the flares, that's when Eugenio said it's not a booby trap, he knew who was setting them off, they were surrounded by the militants of Castro's army and were caught in a firefight on shore, and were killed. Herminio was able to set off two flares warning them not to come to shore. Tony and Eugenio seen them Castro's boats coming and Castro's air plane was in the area, Castro's boats were then ordered to investigate, that's when Tony thought of sinking his own boat killing them on board by blowing up the boat, but it didn't happen because the homemade grenade that was attached with some C4 bounced off the wall, and just as it exploded the engines caught fire. The rest is history.
  7. Or the word "Facts". Ahem, I've used the word, "truth & facts", and will continue to use it until someone proves me wrong. Perhaps, I shouldn't hold my breath.
  8. Yeah, I had a lot of fun in that group. Cage brought me in thinking he could [prove] me wrong, I laid it all out for him and his little friends too, to read. I even told him I'd put up something like $10,000 or $20,000 can't remember how much it was if he was willing to do the same. If he could prove me wrong. I was prepared to send him a contract, and we would both agree on the same mediator. The cost for the mediator would be split, it would be based on who provided more [facts]. He shot off his mouth quite a bit, but would never put up, so his friends joined in, all they succeed to do was try and insult me, but they never could keep up. DVP said, "I think it was a mistake allowing Scott in this forum", so he kicked me out because he refused to answer any questions, or counter my discoveries, no one at that forum would challenge me. In my opinion, they're all talk no action, goes to show, they're nuts! Scott
  9. We were planning this since May 27 1966, we left on May 29, 1966, it was a beautiful night, we arrived near Cuba around 11:00 PM. Then this is when everything started to happen.
  10. It's a long story about the boat that passed over an area that set off flares, it wasn't a booby trap, but and area that we passed by that set off flares, and the plane had spotted us, Castro sent out a boat and we were firing at each other, after Herminio was killed and another man [i forgot his name, sounded like Robendico]. Tony grabbed a homemade grenade that was attached to some C-4, there was an opening in the boat and Tony threw the grenade thru this hole in the boat, the grenade bounced off the wall and exploded and the engines were on fire. Tony's hand was blown off and the explosion blinded him, I got hit in the leg, I told Tony that we should jump in the water and drown, so we can die drowning instead of being burned alive. Then Castro boats just took us out of the water. The rest is history, where we spent some time in the hospital.
  11. The translation has been made up to 6:58. I will finish the rest tomorrow. Good evening, I want to thank those whose participation here. I see a lot of my comrades from prison an fight. Javier, Jorge and Pedro. Well, and everyone who is here. I was arrested, I can I say this, in participation, in the stories because, it's hard, very hard, for me to talk about. I came from Camaguey, in 1960, to the United States. We came here for 15 years my brother and I it wasn't like Roman roses. We send for our father. I studied here in Coral Gables Senior High School. There I had a phenomenon of claim, with one program when they went to our bed from Commander Halley it was called student section. That was 64. How many, Guillermito Alvarez, the nephew of Celia Sanchez, 17 years, well when she was 15 I was 17 or 18. they participated in the student section it was things that they practically were trained for survival, light weapons, guns those kind of things. It was creating an environment. In 65 we went to Puerto Rico. It intends to operate on a basis. In Santo Domingo we got ah, we had 65 members for an invasion with the Americans and all that, and we got into something that I don't remember and Mona arrived at Mayaguez, and then it was four or five months later, at the end of 1965 we returned, we came back to Miami because the sentences in Costa Rica weren't easy, they are very expensive, very difficult it's not something we wanted to go through. someone in the world is always violent. So we came back here to Miami around Christmas in 65. On May 27, we planned this operation, it was an organization called network of networks. It was an operation revolutionary. The 30th of November under Commando Halie under Halie there was four Tony Cuesta, Robertico, a server, and Herminio. The 30th of November was Herminio Diaz they told me there was a guy by the name of Romero Armandito, frankly he knew, the group of us. And, we had plans to leave for May 27 to Cuba to let Herminio he wanted to return to Cuba. It was not an operation, it was nothing more then to get on a little boat. To take him, and leave him, he stays there for a day, and returns. We reached a certain point to pick up and return. What they would do Herminio and Manolito. But I did not know.
  12. Who ever said LBJ was on the hook? Or is that a theory? Who do you think trained these men? We both know it was the CIA, and I suppose they weren't responsible for Watergate either?
  13. I guess I should not have this kind of debate with people who haven't had any courses of Logic. A premise can be anything: "Assume that a flying saucer lands on top of the White House ..." Next, you develop the consequences in a logical manner. One possible technique known as reductio ad absurdum. If we assume that Fidel Castro captures the Dealy Plaza snipers that you sent to Cuba (something much more likely than the spacecraft mentioned above) to kill El Comandante, then the INESCAPABLE consequence is that "the CIA gave the most important secret in its history, as a free gift, to its worst enemy." -Ramon This is certainly not out of line with me as I have been known to be blunt, on that note, if you don't mind sir, quoting my father, smart, I like, smartass I don't, not that I, by no means, am I calling you one, however, it was NOT me who sent them to Cuba, but it was them who suggested ongoing, I'm sure you listen to his interview and how hard it was for him to talk about that adventure, well, it was he, and his father's, Eugenio's father that has worked with mine. This really isn't going to turn into a father story, I'm just saying, even my father approached a young kid on a street corner by the name of Calvino while he was AWAL and asked if he would be willing to steal arms out of Ft Jackson. Trust me, after killing Kennedy, just three years later, they had the cojones to go after Fidel too.
  14. Isn't that just a little interesting, especially when Ed Kaiser had Hunt's and Frank's photos. Why would my father have photos of them if those photos may have pertained to Watergate? Especially, since my father was in on the first break-in, he would have only been implicating himself. How stupid is that? And, if Hunt was there, in Dallas with Frank. I try very hard to keep an open mind about this simply because there's no ignoring the facts. I believe their only involvement was to deliver weapons and cash. Pippin already knows how I feel about what was discovered in my father's address book after calling him and telling him about Eugenio, and Dallas under his name, he says he couldn't tell me anything, and wouldn't know. But, I do know that Comando L also worked closely with DRE and RECE, and it was DRE who assisted in setting up Oswald. Eugenio came to this country in 1960 and in 63 he may have been 18 at the time, does that make him to young to pull the trigger?
  15. Maybe, she's an alien? I just got off the phone with KGB intelligence, Putin tells me the reason Oswald went to Mexico is because both Oswald and Judyth Baker wanted to live there after their marriage in Mexico. But, before leaving to Mexico, they wanted to have their honeymoon in Cuba, Judyth thought what a great idea, we can than ask to see Fidel Castro, Oswald said sure that's what we'll do, but first let's brew up a potion of your cancer killing agents, and when we get close enough to Castro you Judyth will inject him, Judyth replied sounds like a great idea, however, the G-2 were on to Judyth and Oswald, and Castro said NO! They're not allowed in Cuba. Oswald was so disappointed that he asked to have his picture taken at the Embassy, he said, this is a tape recording conversation about me requesting my passport to Russia, please give this tape to Win Scott of the CIA. When Scott received the tape he gave it to Ann Goodpasture who says she gave it to the FBI, but no one knows where the hell or who the hell has it. To their disappointment the two young lovers marriage was called off because they each discovered the other was still married to someone else so getting married in Mexico wouldn't have helped any. But, they were in total and absolute love with each other that after only knowing each other for three months Oswald completely opened up to Judyth and told her everything there is to know about him. Oswald introduced Judyth to Dave Ferre, Carlos Marcello and Guy Banister, Oswald said, Judyth, these are the guy's I'm working for. In-fact, Oswald told Judyth he had to leave New Orleans, not because his wife and children are living in Dallas and he misses them, especially his little girls. But, the real reason he had to leave for Dallas was he needed to save the president from some assassin, he told Judyth, I'm going to get me a job at the TSBD and just as the motorcade drives by I'm going to throw a firecracker out the window as a warning to the president that someone is trying to kill you. Judyth was heartbroken, she pleaded and pleaded with Oswald not to go, she said, my God my love, but what if they thought it was you who killed the president someone might want to kill you too, and I couldn't live with that thinking we had a chance of getting married, and then someone took you away from me. I would need to write a book and call it Me & Lee, you see it's because I have to put me before Lee. Lee said, do what you have to do my love, if I'm successful, and I save the president we could then live happily forever after plotting ways to kill Castro together. The next thing that KGB agent man told me was, and Lee left, he told Judyth to keep her check stub because it will be enough proof that they were once lovers. The End.
  16. For those who don't understand what he's saying, I will transcribe his interview and post it, will take a little while. Scott
  17. "The American's were never happy, they would confiscate everything, and I could give you a long story". Felix Rodriguez is now the president for the Bay of Pigs Veterans. You could hear the announcer call out "Pippen's" name who is Jose Pujol, I have meet him quit a few times, I've met these guys at Versailles restaurant. Like I said in the beginning of my post, [what do we do now].
  18. Sorry, don't mind me, I was just venting, I'm still, after all these years, missing my father. No one should accept my theories or belief. You have all certainly followed your own hearts which has lead you all to your own conclusions, that's what you should do, listen to your heart.
  19. And, when I say, quoting Mr. Hancock, "someone would talk", everyone has, including Jame Files, he's come forward and said he killed JFK, JVB is traveling the countryside, and she happens to know more than most researchers put together. Folks telling on folks, he killed JFK no, he killed JFK, well, we all killed JFK. If we don't do our due diligence, and exercise what everyone says with caution, before we know it, there will be another 100 books or so on the assassination, and everyone and their mama has killed JFK. What I don't understand is that those who say, Lee was my boyfriend and we were going to get married, and he told me this, and he told me that can travel the countryside, while someone who is up for parole can say I shot the sheriff and the president too, can be released in a few years, but others who have said nothing at all, those who had certain information, and [quietly] displays the information to the anti-Castro Cubans gets killed. Can you explain that?
  20. All this other stuff like Sam Giacona getting killed, this, that and the other, has nothing to do with the assassination, it had everything to do with not talking when he was to testify at the HSCA regarding assassination attempts or plots, and that was regarding the company and their involvement recruiting the mob to assassinate Castro. The AG Robert Kennedy was cracking down on the mob, ten years later it would be embarrassing to the company that they were working with the same entity the AG was trying to crack down on. Sam's assassination had nothing to do with JFK, the mob does not, and I repeat, does not have the capability to cover up what LBJ and Hoover covered up. Scott
  21. Hi James, funny you mention McGovern, because he too was targeted, the anti-Castro Cubans didn't take it to lightly regarding the photo of Castro and McGovern, in-fact, there were quit a few Democrats targeted including Ted Kennedy. I will never know if my next publication will ever get off the ground, and frankly, I don't care, I just as soon publish the entire PDF for reading, in a step by step illustration I explain Watergate, what their expectations were as well as the purpose of Watergate it's quit detailed in the rest of my Howard Liebengood transcripts, which includes my father's testimony. Mr. Tidd, there is no easy explanation for what seems to be a massive cover-up, truth is, the cover up wasn't as massive as we may think. You have LBJ who ordered the car to be stripped just days after the assassination which destroyed any and all possible evidence. you have Ford commenting a federal crime which he was never convicted of, the crime was moving the bullet hole in order for it lineup with the single bullet theory, you have Arlen Specter presenting a criminal explanation to his theory which was accepted by the Federal Government as fact, truth is, his theory is not fact,, but nevertheless, it has been bought and paid for from all those who think Oswald acted alone. LBJ, I believe was at the forefront of this cover-up in order to prevent war. In-fact, LBJ seemed to enjoy his new position as Commander in Chief. And, make no mistake, I am not saying he was the key figure behind the assassination, what I'm saying is that he was able to enjoy the riches of his inheritance. LBJ could've easily ordered altered photos, x-rays, received suggestions from his cohorts, mums the word. Recommendations could have very well been made by those who reaped the same rewards as LBJ. The Secret Service may have been the first agency to have viewed the film or were they? From what I understand, Life Magazine paid something like 30,000 or 60,000 thousand dollars I don't remember the exact amount, but they paid Zapruder a ridiculous number and talked Zapruder into releasing the film, after sneaking out the back door with the tape, who's to say if the agency didn't get ahold of it first? I completely understand there will be differences of opinions on the assassination, everyone has one. But, what seems to be this huge cover-up, this conglomerate conspiracy is not that big at all. As Larry Hancock says, someone would have talked, problem is, everyone has. I would ask the question, why would they need to cover it up? LBJ right from the get-go covered up the assassination as soon as the limo hit the Ford factory, and the car was stripped, all evidence was lost. The autopsy, the altered Zfilm, X-rays, photos and so on, why was everything tapered with? When you think about it, the answer is really quit easy, right there in-front of us, as with most things when we lose something. But, rather than looking for where we last put something, we want to tear the house apart. Most folks build this mountain out of a molehill, and it's unnecessary, but I'm not going to be heard, because it's more fun building a mountain. LBJ needed to covered this up regardless of the circumstances, but why? To really avoid WWIII, and be doing so, he basically allowed the conspirators to walk free. Everyone wanted LBJ to invade Cuba and or blame the Russians, then all hell would break out. Even Fidel Castro gave a six hour speech the very next day, imagine that, that's how fast news traveled, but why wouldn't Fidel wait a few days before giving his speech? Why not wait a week or two allowing the family to morn? Because he feared an invasion. You see, my father worked with many men who were involved in blowing up ships, Russians freighters, and Cuban finishing boats, ships that were docked in port that would have a time delayed bombs on them so when they reached open waters, the bomb would go off, and the ship would sink. This way those who were responsible could also claim plausible deniability. There was a time my father tried to prevent a Russian ship from getting bombed. So, why was all this going on? Because if they couldn't continue invading Cuba, and continue making runs into Cuba because the government was cracking down on them, the only other way was to start a war that would drag America into it with Cuba. However, Russia would have possibly gotten involved, and to avoid all this, what folks believe to be this giant cover up, wasn't as giant at all, it was formed from the beginning, it had to take place, now, I wouldn't blow the Secret Service out the water, blaming the Secret Service for not doing their job, they did do their job, problem is, Kennedy wanted to be seen, he didn't want to be crowded with SS around his car, that was his choice, and certainly they're not going to be able to react faster than a speeding bullet unless their supermen, while there is some fault by the SS to a certain degree, they can't be fully liable for their actions. I think that fully blaming them for what happened is false. I could go into much more detail, but when some folks already have their minds made up, it's not worth my time pointing out the obvious. This assassination was not an LBJ, Nixon, military industrial Complex, Kennedy's generals, bankers, Jackie or Connally did it assassination. There's no need to have every top agency in the world going after Kennedy, true, Kennedy did not make many alliances, he did seem to make more adversaries, more foes than friends. if you think about it, it's the most simplest plot ever that unfolded with compartmentalized CIA trained assassins that were going to find away to start a war no matter what to free Cuba, set up Oswald, and, assassinate the president, why do you suppose LBJ did not want to run a second term? Why did they take out Nixon when he shut-down JM/WAVE? It's really not as complicated as everyone what's this to be. But, everyone has a theory, and everyone wants to write a book on what they believed happened, or who they believed was involved. So, these folks write these books using their own creative writing, when I ask myself, why in God's name does everyone have to make Kennedy's assassination so complicated that there's now a million different theories. Maybe, I'm just wasting my time spelling it out. Listen, I pulled my book from Trineday, I asked that it no longer be printed, and I told Kris that I would like to submit my material to a larger publisher, if it gets picked up great, if it doesn't, oh well, that's great too. Either way, I have no agenda, but to tell my father's story, and the truth. That's all that matters to me. Scott
  22. I was basing my statement on the premise that Castro captured the Dealey Plaza shooters, plus your identification of that pair of Cubanos being the shooters. Had that been the case, the inescapable conclusion would be what you see above in quotes. -Ramon Well, then sir, may I kindly suggest that you shouldn't base your premise on what you think to be hearsay, and start quoting me by fact per se? If you don't, you'll begin to make an ass/u/me. Thanks! Scott
  23. Good stuff, Scott. Methodology is important. Have you been able to confirm, independently from your friends, that he lived there? According to that Spanish-language website, he was released from Cuban prison in 1978 and returned to the Miami area. Might be listed in an old phone book... --Tommy He lived at that address prior to 1978, my father was killed in 1977. That would have been right around 1962-63 when my father was in Miami. Going to sleep now, very tried, good night.
  24. "sufficient to form an opinion of whether or not he was himself the informant" I did say Gerry would call U.S Customs and inform on his group so they wouldn't head out on a run didn't I? He also turned in Little Joe for the reward money, and the FBI kicked Gerry out of the office. I don't need to form an opinion of him, what's your opinion about a guy like this?
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