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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. I understand it differently, from the other side of the story, his doctor entered the room and said Weitzman's mind is very clear and sharp of that day. Canfield, showed Weitzman a few photos including Sturgis, Weitzman immediately pointed at Barker, and said, "that's him, that's the man"! And, Weitzman was in and out of three other hospitals before Canfield visited Weitzman at the "VA for aging". Weitzman admitted to having a nervous breakdown [after] seeing Barkers photo on TV.
  2. Unless, it was Silvia Duran who moved into Miami and not Odio, and the FBI also got the two Silvia's mixed up, then this would be all too interesting, I'll see if I can't find that document when I get back from court today.
  3. No, I meant Sylvia ODIO, it was her who moved into Miami, and this information is culled directly from FBI documents. That's how I found Ferre's name while researching my father.
  4. This is the first time I've heard of this, and Marina lying, doesn't surprise me. The more I read into this the more this case becomes way to confusing, like a tennis game, the ball is hit back and forth, and there's two sides. I understand the conspiracy and lone assassin theory. But, if Oswald was never shown the gun, asked about the gun, questioned about the rifle intensely and all he said was he didn't own a rifle, but has this name Alec Hindel, sorry if I misspelled his name, and this rifle was suppose to be picked up at the post office, and this money order everyone speaks of wasn't cashed, and no one signs for the rifle, and no one at the post office can ID Oswald. This is a classic case of [initiate and whitewash ], in order to get rid of Kennedy. Seriously!
  5. Much like Constable Seymour Weitzman who was admitted for having a nervous breakdown after viewing Bernard Barker's photo on TV after the Watergate break-ins. The FBI had attempted to intimidate Sylvia Odio into changing her story about Lee Oswald in Mexico by visiting her so often that she lost her secretarial job and was forced to move to Miami. A few hours before Sylvia Odio was to appear at the Miami FBI for questioning, former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre called the FBI and said Sylvia Odio had attempted suicide a number of times, and was under the care of a psychiatrist. [KAISER], entered into Ferre's office, pulled out a gun, and put it to his head. He threatened to kill him, why? I don't know. [KAISER] was arrested for this incident, and says he doesn't know why he was arrested. He was subsequently released without charge. This is what the FBI and CIA would do to [living witnesses], or to witnesses who they thought would be beneficial in their testimonies in favor for the agencie(s) working together.
  6. They should have, my first suspect would be what's his name Danny Acer, not sure if I got his name right, but I understand he was involved in anti-Castro activities, and there always needs to be someone from the inside to help those on the outside commit the crime, like Watergate or the Chilean Embassy there was an inside man. Someone needed to plant Oswald's gun, they had Oswald's rifle at the station, did anyone from the DPD show it to him and ask him if it was his? Did anyone question Oswald about the rifle they found and said now Lee we know you did it because we have your gun? Was Lee ever questioned about the gun other than photos taken of the gun by some police officer holding it up while walking down the hallway. Did Lee ever get to respond to any of these questions? If not, then he was pretty much set up. Oswald told them he didn't own a rifle. --Tommy Now, see, if it's true, I'd be concerned, because why would Marina admit to taking those backyard photos? Why would Marina and Ruth Paine say his rifle was wrapped up in some blanket, but then it's not there when they go to check, if Oswald didn't want nobody to know he owned a rifle, then he wouldn't have asked Marina to take photos of him. Also, how would Ruth Paine know there was a rifle wrapped up in a blanket in her garage? Could it be because she heard it from Marina, but never seen it, and did the lady where Oswald was staying at the boarding house ever see a rifle? If Oswald said he brought curtain rods to work, where are there? And, if the DPD said Oswald snuck his rifle by dismantling it, then how are they not able to find any evidence in that bag ever holding the gun? This is a very confusing case.
  7. They should have, my first suspect would be what's his name Danny Acer, not sure if I got his name right, but I understand he was involved in anti-Castro activities, and there always needs to be someone from the inside to help those on the outside commit the crime, like Watergate or the Chilean Embassy there was an inside man. Someone needed to plant Oswald's gun, they had Oswald's rifle at the station, did anyone from the DPD show it to him and ask him if it was his? Did anyone question Oswald about the rifle they found and said now Lee we know you did it because we have your gun? Was Lee ever questioned about the gun other than photos taken of the gun by some police officer holding it up while walking down the hallway. Did Lee ever get to respond to any of these questions? If not, then he was pretty much set up.
  8. Douglas, now why in God's name would someone want to buy an altered, edited, fake film right DVP?
  9. Wait a minute, did I miss something, or was the route that Kennedy's limo took really changed at the last minute I thought it was changed a few days in advance, and that change was made public for the public. Am I missing something here?
  10. Bank money orders come in a huge array of colors and styles, which makes them easy to forge. A USPS money order is a specific document that always looks the same, is readily available everywhere the mail is delivered, and is cashed everywhere any other type of money order is cashed. If you want to be sure you're not getting scammed, insist on a USPS money order. Simple as that. However, because it's not easy to forge a USPS money order, it can be done.
  11. As a suggestion, can we also add JVB too, she seems a bit suspicious, I wouldn't put it past her, probably taking orders from Dave Ferre whose boss was Carlos Marcello, after all, Lee introduced JVB to all of them didn't he? And. Clay Shaw told Ferre to tell JVB to shoot Kennedy. That should pretty much cover everyone.
  12. Lets not forget that Nixon, Hinckley and Jackie did it too. smh....
  13. You can't include Hunt without Frank, do you even know about the project they both worked on in 1954? What makes you think they wouldn't work together on the 1963 project? Didn't they also work together on the Big Project in 1972? Too many folks have written off Frank, frankly, so have I. As the shooter, but you can't ignore a guy like Frank. Gaeton Fonzi said that. Frank often bragged about his involvements with JFK and Watergate around Miami. When Frank gave my father an M-1 and told him, [my father] that he killed Kennedy, my father didn't believe him. This is how Frank works, he'll tell you he did something he didn't do, but what he's really saying is, he was apart of something that others did, and he took great pride in that. A guy like Frank wouldn't be nowhere near the scene, however, Frank did deliver the weapons, I know this to be fact, I know Eugenio with an "S or "Z" Zaldivar was there too, and I'll tell him to his face, in Miami. I know he was there with Tony, or my father wouldn't have mentioned Dallas under his name. I have no doubt about that. That list you posted, , and you say you're compiling a separate list of anti-Castro Cubans and the mob did it BS theory? With a list like that, did anyone expect Jack to get out of Dealey Plaza alive? What do you really know about these anti-Castro Cubans? Sure, there's a lot of knowledgeable people here, and many of you have read a lot of information about these anti-Castro Cubans, and what they've done, everyone knows what Bambie did, everyone knows what CORU was about, does that make you an expert on them? I suggest sitting down with them, talk to them and let them open up to you, allow them to speak from the heart, there's nothing they can say now that would incriminate themselves in Kennedy's assassination, in-fact, Eugenio could say right now, yeah, I killed Kennedy, and the government wouldn't do a damn thing, and the sad part is that Eugenio knows it, so does all of them, so it wouldn't matter if someone now came forward and confessed, why? Because the Warren Commission has already written the book, the government has had the final chapter written on this, and they have the definitive answer. It is finished. I was to damned navie to believe that Congress would hold just one more hearing. I believed that if I could present my scientific evidence which I have worked on with doctors regarding the Zfilm I could present what I call [reaction upon impact]. I believe there are images that have never been reviewed. Another words, for years everyone has heard the phrase "back and to the left" but when Kennedy got struck from the projectile coming from somewhere other than the rear, we have intensely studied the Zfilm that proves more than just back and to the left, a lock of his hair is nearly straight up, his arm follows through in a neurological motion as he's struck by the projectile. This opens up a whole new can of worms, but would the government allow me and the doctors who's worked with me explain this before a congressional hearing? No, why? That would pretty much exonerate Oswald from the assassination. You could put up every single name you think worked for the agency and write book after book on this topic, but where does it stop? Is there no end to this conspiracy? Is it really as complicated as everyone wants to make it? Did Oswald go back to the Paine's house to remove the gun, and store it at his boarding home just to bring it to the TSBD the next day? What really happened to the curtain rods, where any found? If the bag that Oswald had was so long, and everyone apparently thinks that Oswald's rifle was dismantled and put back together with a dime, I've got news for you. The two screws at the bottom that holds the barrel in place are allen screws, so you couldn't put the rifle back together with a dime, and secondly, even if the rifle was torn completely apart there is no way that rifle would fit into the bag Oswald brought in, surely someone would have noticed him bringing a rifle to work. There's too many what if's, and everyone wants to make something so simply so damned complicated. What do I mean by that, well, we take a look into Kennedy's life, and everyone hated Kennedy, so why not write a book about every possible conspiracy? The mob does not really exist anymore, the rich oil Tycoons haven't lost their businesses, they just sold them off and made more money by selling them, like Zapata, the bankers were birthed under president Woodrow Wilson and Federal guidelines. The generals will always have another war to fight if Vietnam would end, heck, how many wars has the United States been in since Vietnam? The one and only thing that has continued on since Kennedy's assassination, has been the struggle for a free Cuba. Forget Dulles, LBJ, Jackie, Connally, Oswald, the mob, bankers, the French, Jews and generals. Forget Nixon, Hemming and the Secret Service did it. It really wasn't that complicated folks, LBJ wanted to prevent war, guess what, so did his generals, no one wanted nuclear war with Russia, and anyone who says yes they did, has an agenda. Not even a general thought about losing his family over a nuke much less their own lives, therefore, this assassination had to get covered up, that is where all agencies came together, working together on the cover-up. I'm done venting.
  14. Lee was not in Dallas, New Orleans or Mexico, he was gone for a few weeks, and reappeared in Dallas on or just before January 10th 1963. We know he was in Dallas at this time, by the date of the postcard sent to his brother. He also admits to being [out-of-town]. The FBI completely dropped the ball and stopped reporting on him while Lee was in Miami. The reason may be because of a plot to assassinate the president in Miami would have certainly revealed the anti-Castro's involvement. From December 28, 1962 to January 10th 1963 there is this two week window that no one seems to know anything about. The trip he took to Miami, must have been with someone he knew or by plane, he certainly would not have had enough time to visit Mexico or Miami by bus with so many stops along the way, and then, to be back in time to send his brother a postcard.
  15. This reminds me of a few things, the break-in at the Chilean Embassy in Washington, that Frank said he was not involved in, but was invited to the break-in at the Chilean Embassy in Cuba, which reminds me. How in the world would Frank get into Cuba to break into that Embassy? And why Cuba. I knew Frank was lying, and Watergate. After doing just a little digging, I discovered that yeah, both the Chilean Embassy and Watergate were also [inside jobs]. And, Frank lied about not being apart of that break-in at the Chilean Embassy, it turns out to be quite a shocker, when I found out who the [inside man] was. Scott
  16. You were just a few blocks from Frank's house, Frank's was on NW 27st if I remember. Was there just last year taking photos of his old home to give them to his daughter. Our address was 6585 W 8th Lane Hialeah, everyone would come over, those were the days.
  17. The man in white was like a second father to me, I've known him since I was five years old and I have been apart of their family for over forty five years. He took me in after my father was killed. His name is Pastor Victor Toranzo, he was the only pastor for M-26-7. He was the man who presided over the very last meeting leading the group in prayer in Miami before Fidel Castro went back to Cuba the second time when Castro took over Cuba. Pastor Toranzo and his sons have always told me that his prayer has haunted him all the days of his life. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20673422/Pastor%20Victor%20Toranzo.jpg
  18. Thanks for sharing that photo, that is an awesome photo of real history back in the day, the plots, the fight for a free Cuba, those were the darning men who would lay down their lives to free Cuba and the the women who supported their men to do away with Castro, many houses were filled like that with meetings of groups that discussed their adventures or plans. That really brings back memories. I've heard the name of Hall before, but I have never met him. The photo itself is super cool, Barker is not in that photo though. Scott
  19. I believe that's last thing Gerry would have done, is anything but what the White House wanted. I believe it was more for the money then anything else. Your comment regarding Constable Seymour, it did remain identical with DPD, the WC and Canfield. The only other reason he visited the nut house, was [after] having a breakdown, after viewing Macho's photo on TV after the break-ins. Make no mistake, there is no doubt, Macho was SS that day. -------------------You lost me here. Which comment about William Houston Seymour ( constable ? ) and who is Macho, other than my uncle? SS which day? Who is the " guy " in your linked photo. Thanx OK, I found " A Man Called Macho " by Fernandez-Zayas. Baker is the only other " Macho " I have heard of, besides my uncle Macho who was nick-named such by his dad because they had five girls before finally having a boy; something of import to my 19 th Century Spanish grandfather. So, if you knew Macho back in '62, did he look like the man in a striped shirt, in my living room, that I linked a few pages back, in photobucket ? If you have a photo, can you please repost, I don't know where your photo is, I would like to see what photo you're speaking of, if it is who I think it is, I would like to show that photo to Rudy and Nino Diaz who has seen the photos my father had, they could give me a positive ID. Thanks.
  20. I believe that's last thing Gerry would have done, is anything but what the White House wanted. I believe it was more for the money then anything else. Your comment regarding Constable Seymour, it did remain identical with DPD, the WC and Canfield. The only other reason he visited the nut house, was [after] having a breakdown, after viewing Macho's photo on TV after the break-ins. Make no mistake, there is no doubt, Macho was SS that day. -------------------You lost me here. Which comment about William Houston Seymour ( constable ? ) and who is Macho, other than my uncle? SS which day? Who is the " guy " in your linked photo. Thanx My apologies, I assumed you were speaking about [seymour Weitzman], this is a perfect example of assuming something before having all the facts. Apologies, for not making myself clear. Constable Seymour Weitzman is who identified Macho aka Bernard Barker as SS in Dallas, my father had a photo of Barker in Dallas of that day. And, that guy in the photo with me is Eugenio Martinez, one of the Watergate burglars, my father was the sixth burglar who got away, he was recruited by Frank Sturgis.
  21. I'll believe in my distraction, you believe in what you want.
  22. In-fact.... This guy agrees with me... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20673422/EM1.JPG
  23. I believe that's last thing Gerry would have done, is anything but what the White House wanted. I believe it was more for the money then anything else. Your comment regarding Constable Seymour, it did remain identical with DPD, the WC and Canfield. The only other reason he visited the nut house, was [after] having a breakdown, after viewing Macho's photo on TV after the break-ins. Make no mistake, there is no doubt, Macho was SS that day.
  24. Answer me this, how can I provide you a link to a conversation we had, when YOU kick me out after arguing with Cage and YOUR buddies at YOUR Facebook Forum? Then you said, "I think it was a mistake allowing Scott in this forum", Can't you find your own information, just think back to when Cage brought me in, and that ridiculous bet he tried sidestepping. It may have been his forum.
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