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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Is there any relation between Eisenhower's health and the BOP not being launched under that administration? Len Osanic has Fletcher Prouty on video saying that Ike's health reduced him to s figurehead in the last year of his term, and that Nixon was running foreign affairs. Where is Ike's before-the-fact endorsement of the BOP or equivalent operation? Other than his sentiments to the incumbent, Kennedy, after the BOP failure?

    Here are the facts:

    Ike knew, Nixon knew, Nixon helped form Operation 40, did Ike ever endorse the Bay of Pigs? If he didn't, why didn't he? Did Nixon want to endorse the Bay of Pigs during his VP term with Ike? Why did Nixon want to kick off the BOP's during November of 1960? Would it be because it would catapult him into securing a landslide win over Kennedy if Nixon were to send in the US military and oust communism and Castro 90 miles away from the shores of Florida? Well, if we don't have the answers to the above then can anyone answer this:

    Why did Kennedy allow the Bay of Pigs to follow through if he had no intention in sending US military? I mean after all he did know about the Bay of Pigs didn't he? I wouldn't suppose that Kennedy just talked a good talk, but wouldn't walk the walk just to be president would he?

  2. The CIA was NOT setting up the Bay of Pigs to fail. But what they were counting on, assuming, was that if it did become bogged down that John Kennedy would crumple to their will and send in the full force of the US military.

    It bogged down. Failed. Castro was waiting with plenty of troops; he had penetrated the invasion plans.

    I believe that Nixon advised Kennedy to send in the full force of the US military. Kennedy would not do it. CIA/military was furious at JFK.

    A lot more folks would have died. The USA would have eventually "won" and paid for it with a lot of blood on both sides.

    Kennedy did not send in the full force of the military. He was enraged at the CIA.

    The CIA was enraged at him. And the anti-Castro Cubans quickly grew to hate Kennedy as much as Castro. The Bay of Pigs fiasco and its aftereffects played a big role in the JFK assassination.

    Evelyn Lincoln (JFK's personal assistant of 12 years), in the plane trip back from Dallas, put down Lyndon Johnson at the top of her list of suspects. Another one was CIA anger over Bay of Pigs.

    The CIA was enraged at him. And the anti-Castro Cubans quickly grew to hate Kennedy as much as Castro. The Bay of Pigs fiasco and its aftereffects played a big role in the JFK assassination.

    Exactly Robert!

    You don't have to call yourself an "historian" in order to make yourself or others believe you're right, all you need to do is go down to Miami and talk to all the survivors of the Bay of Pigs without imposing your own theory, then you'll get it.

    Secondly, I always wondered why Kennedy said after the Bay of Pigs, "well, if anyone is going to shoot me its going to happen now".

    The End!

  3. Scott,

    Give this just a little more thought. It would never have worked anyway, so it could not have enhanced Nixon's prospect of assuming the nation's highest office. The failure would obviously have worked against him politically. ONCE JFK WAS IN OFFICE, HE WAS SET UP TO CONFRONT A CLASSIC "BAIT AND SWITCH". It was a win/win from the point of view of the CIA, since if the invasion was a success, they won; and if it was not, JFK would confront the unpalatable choice between sending in the Marines or having egg on his face. I am not quite sure where you are coming from, but JFK was clearly "set up" in this instance, even if things might have worked out differently had Nixon been elected instead. He wasn't and JFK was played by Dulles, Bissell, and Cabell. My view is faithful to history, while yours is hypothetical and theoretical. You are the one who has this bass-akwards. Egad! They even knew that Castro knew when we were coming but did not tell JFK, the Commander-in-Chief!


    How can anyone have any serious doubt that JFK was set up for the Bay of Pigs?

    Nixon was the point man in the Eisenhower administration, working with Dulles

    in constructing a plan for the landing that could not possibly have succeeded.


    The CIA was tightly controlling information in the American press and about to

    confront the young, inexperienced president with an unpalatable choice between

    embarrassment and sending in the Marines. They were stunned by his decision.


    The Soviets had learned the date and shared it with Casto. Everyone knew except

    for JFK. When he investigated the fiasco, he discovered that Dulles, Cabell, and

    Bissell had played a "bait and switch", which is why he sacked them from the CIA.

    How can anyone have any serious doubt that JFK was set up for the Bay of Pigs? Nixon was the point man in the Eisenhower administration, working with Dulles in constructing a plan for the landing that could not possibly have succeeded.

    ^^Please don't give me hearsay or theory! TRIED! Let me remind you that Nixon while Vice President to Eisenhower WANTED the Bay of Pigs to kick off in November of 1960 while he was facing Kennedy in the primaries, because he thought that if the CIA would have overthrown Castro while running for presidency he would have won by a landslide, but the CIA could NOT pull it off in time, and Nixon lost the election. So please STOP feeding people that crap that JFK was set up for the BOP... NOT TRUE!

    Okay, sense you're basing the Bay of Pigs off of hearsay and theory, lets assume it did work, lets assume that Batista's onetime government who is now under Fidel Castro turned on Castro along with the people of Cuba. Kennedy wanted to avoid war with Russia, but at the same time did not want Communism so close to US shores, so the people of Cuba worked with those in the Brigade during the Bay of Pigs. Fidel Castro is overthrown and Manuel Airtime is president, and free elections are now held without the interference of American military would your thoughts still remain the same?

    How many CIA invasion of other countries were successful and how many were proven disastrous? I can only think of two the Guatemalan coup of 1954 and the fall of president Saddam Hussein. Oh and now the killing of Osama Bin Laden. What about all the other unsuccessful false flag attempts to overthrow the Head of State who joined a Communist regime? We can just chalk the Bay of Pigs up to another unsuccessful attempt due to poor planning, it had nothing to due with setting up Kennedy. I think Kennedy if anything should have postponed the invasion and think it through thoroughly, three months of planning and advising Kennedy of the invasion was not enough time, however, the members of the Brigade were inpatient, the CIA "assumed" there would be uprising in Cuba, just as my father assumed they would be an uprising in Haiti if the people in Haiti would fight for their freedom and revolt against Papa Doc, he learned that it would not be so, he had been plotting the assassination of Papa Doc sense 1969 with the Haitians where he worked closely with, the Haitian exile community in New York and Canada.

    It doesn't always turn out the way you plan it to be, and I'm sure the BOP's totally screwed up the CIA plans, however, Kennedy's plans avoided WWIII. But you can't say US military wasn't involved, they were! They were just called the CIA.


  4. Harry J.Dean

    Sadly it is so that at least the CIA/FBI people I dealt with knew

    what Cuban people would or would not do in the event of a U.S.

    invasion of the Island.

    Upon return from Cuba a few months prior to the April action against

    Castro, I was debriefed by U.S. Intelligence. Here is the information

    from the 1990 manuscript/book, CROSSTRAILS...

    " At a later debriefing with Central Intelligence and my usual Internal

    Security contact agent, when ask if I believed that the Cuban people

    would rise against Castro during an invasion by the U.S.; I stated " It

    is my sad duty to inform you that they will not attempt to aid in

    overthrowing that government." Giving the reasons, and apologizing for

    having to make such an unpopular report that suggested my relatively

    dangerous and uncomfortable mission was unsuccessful."

    It was a sad day indeed, the people of Cuba were underestimated. I think more research should have gone into the invasion "BEFORE" invading, such as communication with the locals on the island as to how they would feel if their island would have been invaded by other Cubans to FREE them of a Communist regime, how would they feel if it were controlled by a democratic government and not by a police state. I bet the answer would be different today. What do you suppose will happen to Cuba when both Fidel and Raul are gone? What government will be forced upon them then? Will Russia claim Cuba? I tell you now is the time to move in with a controlled democratic government for Cuba before its to late.

  5. How can anyone have any serious doubt that JFK was set up for the Bay of Pigs?

    Nixon was the point man in the Eisenhower administration, working with Dulles

    in constructing a plan for the landing that could not possibly have succeeded.


    The CIA was tightly controlling information in the American press and about to

    confront the young, inexperienced president with an unpalatable choice between

    embarrassment and sending in the Marines. They were stunned by his decision.


    The Soviets had learned the date and shared it with Casto. Everyone knew except

    for JFK. When he investigated the fiasco, he discovered that Dulles, Cabell, and

    Bissell had played a "bait and switch", which is why he sacked them from the CIA.

    How can anyone have any serious doubt that JFK was set up for the Bay of Pigs? Nixon was the point man in the Eisenhower administration, working with Dulles in constructing a plan for the landing that could not possibly have succeeded.

    ^^Please don't give me hearsay or theory! TRIED! Let me remind you that Nixon while Vice President to Eisenhower WANTED the Bay of Pigs to kick off in November of 1960 while he was facing Kennedy in the primaries, because he thought that if the CIA would have overthrown Castro while running for presidency he would have won by a landslide, but the CIA could NOT pull it off in time, and Nixon lost the election. So please STOP feeding people that crap that JFK was set up for the BOP... NOT TRUE!

  6. Thanks, Bill.

    BTW, have you ever posted your thesis on the Bay of Pigs?

    I did my thesis on the Bay of Pigs for a senior year Latin American History class under Dr. Bruce Taylor at the University of Dayton (Ohio), and no longer have a copy of it.

    I have learned a lot about the Bay of Pigs since then however, and have changed my perspective of it from a covert op that got to big and out of hand, to one that was designed to fail.

    The facts that the target beach was changed at the last minute from one near the mountains to the Bay of PIgs as well as the fact that it was well publicized before hand and John Martino, in a Cuban prison, knew the D-day date, certainly implies that the whole deal was doomed, and those who planned it planned it to fail.

    Those who have an interest in understanding the assassination of President Kennedy must first know the basic background of some other historical events - especially the Guatemala Coup of 1954, the U2 incident, the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, all of which are dominoes in the fall of JFK.



    The facts that the target beach was changed at the last minute from one near the mountains to the Bay of PIgs as well as the fact that it was well publicized before hand and John Martino, in a Cuban prison, knew the D-day date, certainly implies that the whole deal was doomed, and those who planned it planned it to fail.

    Many have now concluded or assumed the BOP was "design to fail". But let me tell you from talking to those who were directly involved will say otherwise, listen to yourselves? Who in their right mind creates a plan that is specifically design to fail? Here are the facts:

    1. The D-Day dates had been changed a number of times due to preparations.

    2. When the finial date was set, many were aware of the landing date weeks in advance set for April 17, 1961.

    3. Several of the Brigade members including the CIA were convinced that the Cubans on the Island would revolt against Castro's army. When Castro fought in the initial Revolution against Batista, Castro only had less then 100 men, but when they overthrew Batista, Castro also inherited Batista's men, so when members of the 2506 Brigade contacted the NY Times News Paper they advised them of the invasion in advise. (How stupid is that? In war, I mean to notify the enemy you're coming)

    4. There were mixed feelings towards Castro and his political views, remember Castro said that he would hold FREE elections, he talked a good talk about a FREE Cuba and the old dictator Batista was gone.

    5. Cuba did NOT become Communist until AFTER the Bay of Pigs.

    6. Finally the truth about the Bay of Pigs, it wasn't created, planed and invested 50 million dollars into a project that was suppose to fail, I'm not sure who came up with that idea or theory, but that's totally incorrect, it was specifically designed to create an uprising within Cuba to overthrow Castro, and replace him with Manuel Airtime, but what happen was it back fired, the CIA underestimated Castro's followers.

  7. The problem is photographs. How boring would the Internet be if we can't use pictures on our blogs or websites. I understand the photographer wants to be paid. They are paid when they sell the picture, say to a newspaper. But if the picture is relevant to a discussion or a blog entry, somehow I think we should be allowed to use it.

    I wanted to buy a photo I'd never seen before. Getty pictures, I think. They wanted $150. This is how expensive it is. I feel we should be able to use a photo as long as we publish the photographer's name, what the picture means, where it was first used, something like that. Even if a stock photo site wants a flat rate of $50 per picture, I still couldn't afford it.

    This is something which needs to be debated about. There has to be a happy solution. Just think about the Internet without few pictures.

    Kathy C

    I don't get it? I recently contacted some people who have a web-site and photos of a ship called Joseph D. Potts, In my email I had mentioned that my father had Mr. Potts with the ships address in my father's address book. I asked if I may have one of the photos they have listed on their web-site as there were several photos to choose from, in their email responce to me, they asked if they could view my father's phone book page, they seemed quite excited to view the page. So I email the page thinking I in return would be allowed to copy and download the photo of my choice, but instead they emailed me saying, did your father work on the Potts oil rig? This is a very exciting find, thank you for sharing this with us, if you come across any photo of your choice please send $20.00 to ..... Needless to say I was pissed! I sure hope they never publish my father's phone page without me knowing about it.

    post-6379-088438300 1326927634_thumb.jpg

  8. Did a quick check and found that the homes in and around 455 Elizabeth were built in the late 20's...

    There's an apartment building at THAT address there now.... yet I did not find out when it was built... looks like the tenaments of the 60's...

    and without an apt #, we can't be sure if it referred to this apartment or the home that may have been there prior...

    Good luck!


    Thanks David,

    Researching that building it was discovered that the building itself was completed in 1961. I know Guy Banister was in Newark NJ in 1938, then was moved to Chicago then ended up in New Orleans, question is, could Banister still have had ties to anyone in Newark? Just thinking a loud.

  9. Has anyone heard of Guy Main?

    No. There's a Vernon Main, Jr. oil man connected to JFK suspects in New Orleans.

    I did get a make on Father John L. Bonn however.

    I'd like to hear more about this guy if anybody comes up with anything.

    Is he still alive? If not, is there an obit?

    Rev. John L. Bonn. Jesuit. Military Chaplin, US Navy Reseres, affiliated with Fairfield University, Connecticut, where he played piano and wrote the school song. He taught dramatics at Boston College in the 30s and 40s, and was affiliated with Mary Crest College in Davenport, Iowa, a women's college that became an international University popular with Japanese students until it was closed in2002.



    College Profiles - Marycrest International University

    The Destruction of Marycrest

    Thanks Bill! That is some excellent research, I too would like to know who this "Guy" is, I received this email from Wim Dankbaar, but I'm not so sure that's the right Guy I'm looking for, Wim says, "I gave you the page. http://jfkcountercou...-of-oswald.html

    I am pretty sure this is the man you are looking for. How many men are called Guy and associated with the mob and CIA?

    I think he is still alive at age 74.

    See attachments


    From: scott@kaiser-industries.com [mailto:scott@kaiser-industries.com]

    Sent: dinsdag 17 januari 2012 17:34

    To: Wim Dankbaar

    Subject: RE: Guy Main

    Who is Guy Main, I can't find it on the link you sent me, what page would it be on with Holt?

    -------- Original Message --------

    Subject: Guy Main

    From: "Wim Dankbaar" <dank@xs4all.nl>

    Date: Tue, January 17, 2012 1:15 am

    To: <scott@kaiser-industries.com>

    We came to know George Reynolds first, through an individual by the name of Guy Main, a close associate of Doctor Park, a Korean. It was our understanding that Park was on MacArthur's staff at the end of WWll and had close ties to the KCIA. And he came to California. Guy Main had an office in his building, which was located at 2600 Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills.


    I'd think it would be Banister is because of my father knowing Sturgis and Hemming, both of them where at New Orleans at lake Pontchartrain training their anti-Castro men.

    Yea, I forgot about Guy Main, of Holt fame. But he was a California guy/Guy, not Newark, which is North Jersey, close to NYC, and big city.


    I didn't think it would be the same Guy either.

  10. This is interesting... Fairfield has been a frequent stop of candidates for President of the United States throughout several Presidential campaigns. During the 1984 presidential election, President of the United States Ronald Reagan visited Fairfield on October 26, 1984. During the 1988 Presidential election, George H. Bush visited the university and delivered a speech in Alumni Hall.

    What would be nice to know is if this Father or Priest is still alive, I can only think of one reason why my dad would want to keep in touch with a Priest, he must have confessed something to him.

  11. Has anyone heard of Guy Main?

    No. There's a Vernon Main, Jr. oil man connected to JFK suspects in New Orleans.

    I did get a make on Father John L. Bonn however.

    I'd like to hear more about this guy if anybody comes up with anything.

    Is he still alive? If not, is there an obit?

    Rev. John L. Bonn. Jesuit. Military Chaplin, US Navy Reseres, affiliated with Fairfield University, Connecticut, where he played piano and wrote the school song. He taught dramatics at Boston College in the 30s and 40s, and was affiliated with Mary Crest College in Davenport, Iowa, a women's college that became an international University popular with Japanese students until it was closed in2002.



    College Profiles - Marycrest International University

    The Destruction of Marycrest

    Thanks Bill! That is some excellent research, I too would like to know who this "Guy" is, I received this email from Wim Dankbaar, but I'm not so sure that's the right Guy I'm looking for, Wim says, "I gave you the page. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2009/12/chauncey-holts-execution-of-oswald.html

    I am pretty sure this is the man you are looking for. How many men are called Guy and associated with the mob and CIA?

    I think he is still alive at age 74.

    See attachments


    From: scott@kaiser-industries.com [mailto:scott@kaiser-industries.com]

    Sent: dinsdag 17 januari 2012 17:34

    To: Wim Dankbaar

    Subject: RE: Guy Main

    Who is Guy Main, I can't find it on the link you sent me, what page would it be on with Holt?

    -------- Original Message --------

    Subject: Guy Main

    From: "Wim Dankbaar" <dank@xs4all.nl>

    Date: Tue, January 17, 2012 1:15 am

    To: <scott@kaiser-industries.com>

    We came to know George Reynolds first, through an individual by the name of Guy Main, a close associate of Doctor Park, a Korean. It was our understanding that Park was on MacArthur's staff at the end of WWll and had close ties to the KCIA. And he came to California. Guy Main had an office in his building, which was located at 2600 Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills.


    I'd think it would be Banister is because of my father knowing Sturgis and Hemming, both of them where at New Orleans at lake Pontchartrain training their anti-Castro men.

  12. Some of the greatest researchers are right here on this forum, I seem to have a dilemma, a huge problem and its like looking for a needle in a hey stack, all I can do is offer you the information I have, his first name was/is "Guy". He may or may have not lived in Newark NJ, this would have been around the 60's and 70's. I'm asking you all, how many men do you know named Guy? Who may have been affiliated with the CIA or FBI? Or who may have been with the Mob, Jimmy Hoffa's group of people or any terrorist groups? Any needles you can provide would be helpful to narrow this down, I really thank you for any information.

    Scott Kaiser

    post-6379-001737000 1326761639_thumb.jpg

  13. JF: (1) He has abandoned his "double-hit" analysis, which was the most important contribution of his book.

    Indeed, given that analysis alone, how could he conclude it by claiming nothing in it proves conspiracy?

    The double-hit BY ITSELF established there were at least two shooters in Dealey Plaza. So unless he has

    lost all capacity to reason, his book PROVED A CONSPIRACY, yet he disavowed having proven conspiracy.

    Jim, you are forgetting something.

    If Tink's new position is correct, its over for the other side.

    The fatal shot came from the front. Period.

    No jet effect BS. Not neuromuscular reaction BS.

    The shot came from the front.

    The fatal shot came from the front. Period.

    Do you have solid evidence of such? I don't want theory, hearsay or because a million witnesses said so. Show me the proof.

  14. G Gordon Liddy says he won't see the new movie Hoover, because some women said, "Hoover was a cross dresser," Liddy says it isn't true. Thoughts?


    Anthony Summers was told by some lady that Hoover was a crossdresser at some parties she went to. I don't know. But I have no doubt Hoover was a homosexual and his little boyfriend was the #2 guy at the FBI Clyde Tolson.

    Lyndon Johnson was also bisexual - homosexual if you like - and that fact is not in the history books or MSM, but I have a very good source on that Ray Hill of Houston, TX - the #1 gay activist in Houston. Ray Hill worked at the Kinsey Institute and was able to read some of LBJ's sexual interviews. LBJ described rampant bisexuality as well as having sex with his grandmother. No kidding.

    These interviews with LBJ are not public.

    I can see it now, LBJ giving a BJ to JEH saying "Read my Lips"! I did not have sex with Hoover! :blink: Yeah okay where did I hear that before?

  15. G Gordon Liddy says he won't see the new movie Hoover, because some women said, "Hoover was a cross dresser," Liddy says it isn't true. Thoughts?



    I remember seeing a photo of him dressed up in a woman's evening gown and wearing a wig and lipstick at a party. Looked pretty hot, actually, especially if you're into overweight society matrons who have a face like a bulldog. :D

    I've read that he and Clyde Tolson were inseparable. My dad told me that he once saw Hoover and Tolson together one summer at the horse races in Del Mar, California (about 15 miles north of Murchison's Hotel Del Charro in La Jolla).

    --Tommy :)

    Thanks Tommy, think I'll go to Liddy and give him the bad news... ;)


    Give G. Gordon a big wet kiss for me when you see him. Uhhh... No, don't do that! I WAS JUST KIDDING!

    --Tommy B)

    Haha! Are you saying that the G man is a little tooty fruity too? He'd make a great commercial for I-Hop :ice

  16. G Gordon Liddy says he won't see the new movie Hoover, because some women said, "Hoover was a cross dresser," Liddy says it isn't true. Thoughts?



    I remember seeing a photo of him dressed up in a woman's evening gown and wearing a wig and lipstick at a party. Looked pretty hot, actually, especially if you're into overweight society matrons who have a face like a bulldog. :D

    I've read that he and Clyde Tolson were inseparable. My dad told me that he once saw Hoover and Tolson together one summer at the horse races in Del Mar, California (about 15 miles north of Murchison's Hotel Del Charro in La Jolla).

    --Tommy :)

    Thanks Tommy, think I'll go to Liddy and give him the bad news... ;)

  17. A friend emailed this to me, but its only the cover page, there seems to be four pages of deletions or are missing, there must be a quantity of information not released, I don't understand why the FBI or the CIA would not release this information on my father? After all he has been dead now for 35 years, so what are they hiding? Can anyone dig up any information on this? Any help from anyone would be so appreciated, thank you! Also, on the document it says, "comments INC, TTY". I have no idea what that means. I have not seen one of these pages...


  18. Greg, I think if you're going to come up with some acronyms that literally spells out several words, I'd think you would want to get it right "The-Other-Dude-Who's-Not-Oswald-Either Man" is actually (TODWNOEM)... Just trying to help...

    Thanck you, Richard Scott. I must be dyslexic ore sumphing...

    And I promise next time to use an acronym that spells out no words whatsoever. Or maybe one. But not several.

    Ummmm? Yes! I'd say that does resemble Oswald very much....

    Correct! TODWNOEM does indeed resemble Oswald. Along with 53.44% of the male population at the time! And they are ALL known as TODWHOEM...

    Greg, you crack me up, I mean you seem to know it all including the exact statistics and or percentage of the male population that are all known as TODWHOEM... You should try your luck playing the lotto, handling a hot chick would be out of the question. Now if you read my comment and or posts carefully, you would have noticed. I said, "resemble". I didn't say he "was" Oswald, nor did I ever say he "is" Oswald, so I think you should get your facts straight,

    Scott, are we both speaking different languages? You said he resembles Oswald... and what was my reply? I do believe I said "Correct!" TODWNOEM does indeed resemble Oswald."

    Yes, I made up some statistics, but it was to emphasize that Oswald was Mr Average Appearance (or MAA, if you like).

    secondly, I have positively identified two men in these two separate clips, Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender. By the way, you're welcome, because there are NO photos of Bender, he was rarely photographed, that my friend <and I mean that in a sarcastic kind of way>

    Clearly, you have no idea who your friends are. But I'll continue covering your backside whenever I think your backside deserves it. Any sarcasm you may have detected from me was not aimed at you, but at those trying to put a (usually) famous name to every unidentified face in Dealey Plaza.

    > is a rare photo shot of Bender.

    You are in a position to be able to make that claim with some authority.

    Haba good day! :ice

    Is that more sarcasm? You'll be glad to hear then that it got off to a bad start. There was no beer to put on my cornflakes, the missus couldn't get the mower started and the dog peed in my spittoon.

    Well Greg,

    Reading your past post I assumed you were trying to take a few cheap shots at me, I have always played defense for the simple reason of always having to prove myself, in which I have been told by many of my closest and personal friends that I don't need to prove myself to anyone, if they don't beleive you screw'em is what my friends would say, but I have no need to be so blunt, may I ask, what do you mean when you say.

    You are in a position to be able to make that claim with some authority



    P.S. Didn't mean to start off on the wrong foot, I just don't like it when someone judges me or assumes I'm Dyslexic or have certain problem, I assume that the person for what ever reason has a grudge to hold, or immediately goes out on the war path. I feel as though I'm being attacked, if that was not the case, then I misread or misunderstood you, please understand that when a person begins a conversation by pointing out someones defects it makes me feel as though you want to challenge me and I don't do well at offence, however, there are times when I can be aggressive. Please understand that a lot of my personality has a lot to do with my upbringing, nothing personal towards you.


  19. ^^ You're welcome Tommy, Dennis Harber was a member of Interpen not with Sturgis group ICB. Although, Sturgis and Hemming knew each other and worked with each other, they were like two quarterbacks, on two separate football teams, they both had delusions of grandeur, wanting to be head of there own anti-Castro organization, that is one reason my father kicked Sturgis' a** in our back yard, because Sturgis wanted to take over my fathers group, Frank called himself "Head of Military Intelligence". I call him an a**hole....




    P.S. What does ICB stand for?

    I like that little boxer dude :) that's pretty cool... ICB stands for International anti-Communist Brigade, that was Franks group, until it became a bust for him, he didn't have to many members, Frank then joined my fathers group called Cubanos Unidos, meaning United Cubans, and what Frank and my father did was unite many of the Miami anti-Castro groups together, such as JURE, MIRR and several others, other then Torrientes group, Torriente went to the FBI and told them that my fathers group would retrieve drugs from Cuba to finance their operations. Days later after Torriente went to the FBI he was assassinated at his own house, the assassin fired a shot through his Living room window while he was watching TV.

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