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Michael Schweitzer

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Everything posted by Michael Schweitzer

  1. That the CIA can be named in even ONE failure, let alone the actual number that can be traced back to them, speaks volumes as to their ineptitude in operational matters. As a supposed clandestine service NONE of their activity should be publicly known, by definition--NONE. If they had been our chief intelligence service over the years we would all be speaking Russian and eating a Bowl of Borscht. As it is, various branches of Military Intelligence are responsible for the "real deal" as far as that goes. The Agency is good at a lot of things. But, the events in Dallas are not among them. Even my late friend, Fletcher Prouty, made it quite clear that the Agency was not responsible for the deed. They were deeply entrenched in the cover up, though. Well, better yet, they were deeply involved in executing facets of the "cover story" at the direction of their masters above the Secret Team. The Dulles CIA's failures were not known for many years, until forcibly revealed by congressional inquiries and Freedom of Information Act proceedings.
  2. Allen Dulles transformed the CIA from its chartered mission as the intelligence arm of the Executive Branch into a policy-making operation (in violation of its charter) and a military organization that served the profit interests of the military-industrial complex. Did the CIA's clients take competitive bids? Dulles' CIA mastered the "regime change," to precisely the specifications and with precisely the resources its clients required when Kennedy started to pull the plug on the Cold War. There is no profit in peace, JFK was about to cost the most dominant powers in the nation their income, and the CIA was in virtual stand-by mode to stop him. The only credible competitor would have been Prof. Moriarty, and he was fictional, which Dulles regrettably was not.
  3. Allen Dulles transformed the CIA from its chartered mission as the intelligence arm of the Executive Branch into a policy-making operation (in violation of its charter) and a military organization that served the profit interests of the military-industrial complex. Did the CIA's clients take competitive bids? Dulles' CIA mastered the "regime change," to precisely the specifications and with precisely the resources its clients required when Kennedy started to pull the plug on the Cold War. There is no profit in peace, JFK was about to cost the most dominant powers in the nation their income, and the CIA was in virtual stand-by mode to stop him. The only credible competitor would have been Prof. Moriarty, and he was fictional, which Dulles regrettably was not.
  4. Allen Dulles transformed the CIA from its chartered mission as the intelligence arm of the Executive Branch into a policy-making operation (in violation of its charter) and a military organization that served the profit interests of the military-industrial complex. Did the CIA's clients take competitive bids? Dulles' CIA mastered the "regime change," to precisely the specifications and with precisely the resources its clients required when Kennedy started to pull the plug on the Cold War. There is no profit in peace, JFK was about to cost the most dominant powers in the nation their income, and the CIA was in virtual stand-by mode to stop him. The only credible competitor would have been Prof. Moriarty, and he was fictional, which Dulles regrettably was not.
  5. Can you provide a citation for this? Len, I already asked for one, my man! My problem isn't so much the claims made (though some are clearly in error), it is that Michael stated "As an attorney, I state facts, not speculation. I devoted more than 4,000 hours to research, reviewing mountainous written and pictorial evidence (including newly-declassified CIA and White House memoranda) and studying the life histories of key individuals. Then I assembled the array of disparate fragments into a coherent whole. Anyone can do the same, because the information is all in the public domain..." However, the sources, as far as I can tell, are pretty much limited to Prouty, E Howard Hunt and few internet sites similar in style and content to this one: http://www.bibliotec.../reptiles07.htm I could be wrong. Greg & Len, I believe the term was described in the Church Committee testimony of Adm. Stansfield Turner, but I would have to search for it. BTW, you may find of particular interest in the 40-volume "Church Report" (completed in 1976 after 2 years of investigating the CIA) Volume 5, entitled "The Investigation of the Assassination of President J.F.K.: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." The Committee found a multiplicity of failures by the intelligence agencies that investigated the assassination. Since the passage of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act in 1992, over 50,000 pages of Church Committee records have been declassified and made available to the public concerning these investigate failures and related topics. Regarding my sources, I was remiss in not citing them (except in a few references in my essay). Other Forum members have pointed out this shortcoming, and appropriately so. I apologize for the omission, and have re-written both the second paragraph of my essay (which refers to my research) and my biography. Here is the revised text of my paragraph about my sources, and I welcome your feedback: "JUST THE FACTS: As an attorney with 30 years' experience specializing in legal research and evaluating evidence, I state findings, not speculation. I have devoted more than 4,000 hours to researching the assassination of President Kennedy. I have read what I consider the most scholarly books on the subject; studied the 'primary source' materials (statements and images from the time preserved in various media); reviewed many thousands of documents, including volumes of recently declassified CIA internal memoranda, the transcripts of the Warren Commission hearings, much of the 40-volume Senate 'Church Committee' report on the CIA (completed in 1976 after two years of investigation) that unmasked astonishingly un-American activities, and a long-withheld 600-page Justice Department report on CIA-Nazi collaboration entitled 'Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust,' finally coerced into release in 2010 by a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Dept. of Justice; and went back decades in time, studying the life histories of the key individuals. Then I integrated the array of disparate fragments into a coherent presentation (which, for sake of brevity, does not include footnotes, but every fact is sourced). Anyone can do the same, because all of the information is in the public domain – but, as President Kennedy said he wanted to do to the CIA, splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. I do not pretend, to paraphrase that famous triple-redundancy they say in court, to have found the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I offer my findings for your consideration." Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641 Thanks Michael. Not everything said here needs to be cited or we'd all go bonkers... but something like your presentation, ideally, should be. I don't agree with it all. Where I think you're on the right track is in the motive/s you've assigned. Stansfield seemed genuinely clueless about much of the history of the areas of research you're looking at. As to one of the areas, Helms, of course, had ordered all MK-ULTRA documents destroyed. So in fairness to Stansfield, he had little to work with on the topic. In reading his testimony about it, I thought he was being sincere, and he did make disclosures that had never been made before. BTW, I met Sen. Church, when he was the guest speaker at a Los Angeles charity fund-raising dinner, while the hearings were going on. We spoke for a few minutes and his dedication to getting at the truth was genuine. But stalwart Americans like Bush and Kissinger blockaded him every way possible. It seems to me no small achievement that his committee was able to assemble a 40-volume report in the face of such adversity. Mike
  6. No, you are quite mistaken. Dulles' own basic training was primarily as a lawyer. Even as DCI Dulles did not give orders, he took them. Dulles' experience was primarily as a Nazi operative and financier. And you are worse than mistaken. You ought to be lobotomized. I really do not understand, Mr. Schweitzer. Your post opening this thread seemed intelligent and well-thought out. While I don't necessarily agree 100% with everything that you wrote, it was good reading. I don't always agree 100% with Mr. Burnham, or Mr. Kelly or anyone else. And I think that is probably true for everyone on this forum: everyone probably disagrees with everyone about one thing or another. I happen to agree with you about Allen Dulles in that I have a hard time believing that he was out of the loop. I just do not think that one could be DCI for as long as he was and not maintain serious contacts. On the other hand, I do also tend to agree with Mr. Burnham that the military played a major part, if not the major part, in the overall operation. You resort to name-calling. I find it all so demeaning and childish. To suggest that Mr. Burnham should be lobotomized: what purpose does it serve? It just makes you look foolish, in my opinion. Do you know Mr. Kelly and all the work he does to try to get to the facts and the truth of this whole nasty business? To suggest he is a "mockingbird" also makes you look foolish in my opinion. For sure, you are not the only person here who resorts to name-calling when their opinion is challenged. We have all seen the large number of threads that have degenerated. But you are new here; maybe I am foolishly hopeful that some of the new members could work to raise the standard of discourse. We have a lot of intelligent and dedicated people here, and this forum contains an enormous wealth of information. Unfortunately too many times the valuable information is lost in the name-calling noise. Can't we all do better than that? I have apologized to Greg Burnham. I was taken aback by some very mean name-calling against me when I first posted my essay and over-reacted. Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  7. No, you are quite mistaken. Dulles' own basic training was primarily as a lawyer. Even as DCI Dulles did not give orders, he took them. From whom did Dulles take orders? Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  8. Can you provide a citation for this? Len, I already asked for one, my man! My problem isn't so much the claims made (though some are clearly in error), it is that Michael stated "As an attorney, I state facts, not speculation. I devoted more than 4,000 hours to research, reviewing mountainous written and pictorial evidence (including newly-declassified CIA and White House memoranda) and studying the life histories of key individuals. Then I assembled the array of disparate fragments into a coherent whole. Anyone can do the same, because the information is all in the public domain..." However, the sources, as far as I can tell, are pretty much limited to Prouty, E Howard Hunt and few internet sites similar in style and content to this one: http://www.bibliotec.../reptiles07.htm I could be wrong. Greg & Len, I believe the term was described in the Church Committee testimony of Adm. Stansfield Turner, but I would have to search for it. BTW, you may find of particular interest in the 40-volume "Church Report" (completed in 1976 after 2 years of investigating the CIA) Volume 5, entitled "The Investigation of the Assassination of President J.F.K.: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." The Committee found a multiplicity of failures by the intelligence agencies that investigated the assassination. Since the passage of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act in 1992, over 50,000 pages of Church Committee records have been declassified and made available to the public concerning these investigate failures and related topics. Regarding my sources, I was remiss in not citing them (except in a few references in my essay). Other Forum members have pointed out this shortcoming, and appropriately so. I apologize for the omission, and have re-written both the second paragraph of my essay (which refers to my research) and my biography. Here is the revised text of my paragraph about my sources, and I welcome your feedback: "JUST THE FACTS: As an attorney with 30 years’ experience specializing in legal research and evaluating evidence, I state findings, not speculation. I have devoted more than 4,000 hours to researching the assassination of President Kennedy. I have read what I consider the most scholarly books on the subject; studied the 'primary source' materials (statements and images from the time preserved in various media); reviewed many thousands of documents, including volumes of recently declassified CIA internal memoranda, the transcripts of the Warren Commission hearings, much of the 40-volume Senate 'Church Committee' report on the CIA (completed in 1976 after two years of investigation) that unmasked astonishingly un-American activities, and a long-withheld 600-page Justice Department report on CIA-Nazi collaboration entitled 'Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust,' finally coerced into release in 2010 by a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Dept. of Justice; and went back decades in time, studying the life histories of the key individuals. Then I integrated the array of disparate fragments into a coherent presentation (which, for sake of brevity, does not include footnotes, but every fact is sourced). Anyone can do the same, because all of the information is in the public domain – but, as President Kennedy said he wanted to do to the CIA, splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. I do not pretend, to paraphrase that famous triple-redundancy they say in court, to have found the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I offer my findings for your consideration." Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  9. This is what I see while reading your post That you just watched the movie JFK for the first time recently Just about everything in your post comes across as being said word for word in the movie JFK Not from your "extensive research" Dean, thank you for pointing out that the second paragraph of my essay (in which I mention my 4,000 hours of research) is, in effect, so threadbare it creates the impression I drew my thoughts from a viewing of Oliver Stone's film. I have re-written the paragraph to cite some of my key sources. Here is the revised text, and I would appreciate your feedback: "JUST THE FACTS: As an attorney with 30 years' experience specializing in legal research and evaluating evidence, I state findings, not speculation. I have devoted more than 4,000 hours to researching the assassination of President Kennedy. I have read what I consider the most scholarly books on the subject; studied the 'primary source' materials (statements and images from the time preserved in various media); reviewed many thousands of documents, including volumes of recently declassified CIA internal memoranda, the transcripts of the Warren Commission hearings, much of the 40-volume Senate 'Church Committee' report on the CIA (completed in 1976 after two years of investigation) that unmasked astonishingly un-American activities, and a long-withheld 600-page Justice Department report on CIA-Nazi collaboration entitled 'Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust,' finally coerced into release in 2010 by a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Dept. of Justice; and went back decades in time, studying the life histories of the key individuals. Then I integrated the array of disparate fragments into a coherent presentation (which, for sake of brevity, does not include footnotes, but every fact is sourced). Anyone can do the same, because all of the information is in the public domain – but, as President Kennedy said he wanted to do to the CIA, splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. I do not pretend, to paraphrase that famous triple-redundancy they say in court, to have found the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I offer my findings for your consideration." Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  10. Greg, --Tommy Greg, Thank you very much for sharing the article. Very illuminating. And Col. Prouty was perceptive in anticipating Colby's fate. Ford fired Colby about 3 months after the article was published. If I may return to an earlier question, what is your understanding of what Col. Prouty meant when he referred to the "Gold Key Club"? Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  11. Greg, --Tommy Greg, Thank you very much for sharing the article. Very illuminating. And Col. Prouty was perceptive in anticipating Colby's fate. Ford fired Colby about 3 months after the article was published. If I may return to an earlier question, what is your understanding of what Col. Prouty meant when he referred to the "Gold Key Club"? Mike Biography: http://educationforu...dpost&p=235641
  12. Greg, please accept my apology for losing my cool. I know and respect your many contributions to assassination research. My mention of Col. Prouty was limited to referencing the captions of three photographs in a more recent edition of his book "JFK" than you appear to have, as supporting my proposition the CIA has sabotaged peace attempts. I do not consider that to be an interpretation, but a citation, and at no other point do I even mention, much less interpret, the work of your late friend. Did Col. Prouty ever tell you anything about the U-2 incident that is inconsistent with the captions opposite page 60 of the 2009 edition of his book? Apology accepted, Michael. Thank you. In my copy of the book the photos and attendant captions you reference are located between pages 156 and 157 in the glossy photos section. I agree with you that the CIA did indeed attempt and many times succeed in derailing the peace process, including, but not limited to Eisenhower's "Crusade For Peace" among others. Fletch emphasized his conviction that Gary Powers' U-2 flight was sabotaged by the intentional dilution of his fuel supply (it lacked sufficient hydrogen). In my view, your having made statements that assert "the CIA did it" and that "Dulles was the loop" in the context of Prouty's work is misleading, albeit unintentional. Additionally, you also mentioned the Gold Key Club in your opening paragraph. That is a Prouty euphemism. So, you did "interpret" Prouty in more areas than you admit. I intended no attribution to Col. Prouty whatsoever in any statement except my reference to the captions we discussed. And I was unaware "Gold Key Club" is a Prouty euphemism. Authors have used it without attribution – so much so, they give the impression is was a group's actual self-designation. Now you have raised my curiosity. When Col. Prouty used the term, was he referring to a particular group of people? Did they stand uniquely apart as an actual sort of club? Did they refer to themselves by their own insider term?
  13. Greg, please accept my apology for losing my cool. I know and respect your many contributions to assassination research. My mention of Col. Prouty was limited to referencing the captions of three photographs in a more recent edition of his book "JFK" than you appear to have, as supporting my proposition the CIA has sabotaged peace attempts. I do not consider that to be an interpretation, but a citation, and at no other point do I even mention, much less interpret, the work of your late friend. Did Col. Prouty ever tell you anything about the U-2 incident that is inconsistent with the captions opposite page 60 of the 2009 edition of his book?
  14. Are you talking to yourself or is this a reply to someone or something you don't like? I accidentally erased the reference to the post to which I responded. And rudeness elucidates nothing. That's great but I still have no clue who your post was aimed at. I'm wondering though - your claim that "rudeness elucidates nothing" is quite illuminating considering you previously wrote to some unknown member that they were "disassociated from reality." Funny... I am new to this Forum. I responded to a post but erased the link. And yes, I think your reaction is rude. Do you think I should be "lobotomised"? If you deny the Nazi history of Allen Dulles, I would consider you a candidate. If you deny the Holocaust, I would rush you to emergency surgery.
  15. No, you are quite mistaken. Dulles' own basic training was primarily as a lawyer. Even as DCI Dulles did not give orders, he took them. Dulles' experience was primarily as a Nazi operative and financier. And you are worse than mistaken. You ought to be lobotomized. "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." Michael, Have you read either of the biographies of Allen Dulles? And Greg is certainly an educated student of the Cold War history and not mistaken as to Dulles' limits as a lawyer and DCI. His brother, as Sec State, was more powerful and publicly influential. Do you know that his primary experience with Nazis was in Switzerland during WWII when he participated in the Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler, which was a coup as well as an assassination? Sure he also permitted PAPERCLIP, which brought in the Nazi scientists to USA to begin NASA, and rehabilitated Gehlen and utilized his Operation WRINGER against the commies, but its certainly a great stretch to say that his primary experience was as a Nazi operative and financer. BK JFKcountercoup He sounds like a mockingbird to me. Have you read either of the biographies of Allen Dulles? Do you know where he was at the time of the assassination? Thanks, BK Have you read "The Secret War Against the Jews" by John Loftus and Mark Aarons? It is a good introduction to reality.
  16. No, you are quite mistaken. Dulles' own basic training was primarily as a lawyer. Even as DCI Dulles did not give orders, he took them. Dulles' experience was primarily as a Nazi operative and financier. And you are worse than mistaken. You ought to be lobotomized. "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." Michael, Have you read either of the biographies of Allen Dulles? And Greg is certainly an educated student of the Cold War history and not mistaken as to Dulles' limits as a lawyer and DCI. His brother, as Sec State, was more powerful and publicly influential. Do you know that his primary experience with Nazis was in Switzerland during WWII when he participated in the Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler, which was a coup as well as an assassination? Sure he also permitted PAPERCLIP, which brought in the Nazi scientists to USA to begin NASA, and rehabilitated Gehlen and utilized his Operation WRINGER against the commies, but its certainly a great stretch to say that his primary experience was as a Nazi operative and financer. BK JFKcountercoup He sounds like a mockingbird to me.
  17. Are you talking to yourself or is this a reply to someone or something you don't like? I accidentally erased the reference to the post to which I responded. And rudeness elucidates nothing. That's great but I still have no clue who your post was aimed at. I'm wondering though - your claim that "rudeness elucidates nothing" is quite illuminating considering you previously wrote to some unknown member that they were "disassociated from reality." Funny... I am new to this Forum. I responded to a post but erased the link. And yes, I think your reaction is rude.
  18. I did not quote, mis-quote, interpret or mis-interpret Fletcher Prouty. I referenced his captions opposite page 60 of his 2009 revised edition of "JFK." Period. The photo on page 60 shows Fletch (left side) standing with Captains Ed Clark and Harry Rogers at the Tokyo International Airport in 1954 beneath the nose of a USAF "MATS" air plane. In my copy, I see no "captions" opposite page 60, but there is one below the photo. However, on page 61 Fletch goes into some detail as regards the role of the Saigon Military Mission in Vietnam and he explains the tremendous amount of MILITARY SUPPORT that the CIA enjoyed in those years and in that part of the world. Please understand, I am not attempting to exonerate CIA for its many violations. I am stating a simple fact: The CIA needs military support to pull off military operations, even the ambush of a chief executive. They tend to screw up operations in which they do not have such support and even get caught in the process. In Col. Prouty's revised 2009 edition of "JFK," there are 3 photographs opposite page 60: a U-2 spy plane, pilot Francis Gary Powers, and President Eisenhower. The caption under the first photograph states: "The C.I.A.'s U-2 spy plane. President Eisenhower's hopes for a 'Crusade for Peace' were dashed when the CIA – against Ike's specific order – sent a U-2 spy planes [sic] on a long-range overflight of the Soviet Union from Pakistan to Norway. On May 1, 1960, it made a forced landing near Sverdlovsk. Despite Soviet claims and news reports, the U-2 was not shot down. Allen Dulles himself testified to that fact before the Senate, and Eisenhower has written the true story in his memoirs. It suffered engine failure that may have been induced by a pre-planned shortage of auxiliary hydrogen fuel." The caption next to the second photograph states: "Captain Francis Gary Powers, pilot of the U-2, landed alive and well and in possession of a number of most remarkable identification items, survival kit materials, and other things spies are never allowed to carry. Did he know he had them in his parachute pack, or did someone who knew the U-2 had been prepared to fail put them there to create his 'CIA spy' identity?" The caption next to the third photograph states: "President Eisenhower had ordered all overflights to cease during the pre-summit conference period. The author, supporting a major CIA overflight program in Tibet, grounded all aircraft involved. Why was one U-2 ordered on its longest-ever overflight at that time?"
  19. I did not quote, mis-quote, interpret or mis-interpret Fletcher Prouty. I referenced his captions opposite page 60 of his 2009 revised edition of "JFK." Period. The photo on page 60 shows Fletch (left side) standing with Captains Ed Clark and Harry Rogers at the Tokyo International Airport in 1954 beneath the nose of a USAF "MATS" air plane. In my copy, I see no "captions" opposite page 60, but there is one below the photo. However, on page 61 Fletch goes into some detail as regards the role of the Saigon Military Mission in Vietnam and he explains the tremendous amount of MILITARY SUPPORT that the CIA enjoyed in those years and in that part of the world. Please understand, I am not attempting to exonerate CIA for its many violations. I am stating a simple fact: The CIA needs military support to pull off military operations, even the ambush of a chief executive. They tend to screw up operations in which they do not have such support and even get caught in the process. In Col. Prouty's revised 2009 edition of "JFK," there are 3 photographs opposite page 60: a U-2 spy plane, pilot Francis Gary Powers, and President Eisenhower. The caption under the first photograph states: "The C.I.A.'s U-2 spy plane. President Eisenhower's hopes for a 'Crusade for Peace' were dashed when the CIA – against Ike's specific order – sent a U-2 spy planes [sic] on a long-range overflight of the Soviet Union from Pakistan to Norway. On May 1, 1960, it made a forced landing near Sverdlovsk. Despite Soviet claims and news reports, the U-2 was not shot down. Allen Dulles himself testified to that fact before the Senate, and Eisenhower has written the true story in his memoirs. It suffered engine failure that may have been induced by a pre-planned shortage of auxiliary hydrogen fuel." The caption next to the second photograph states: "Captain Francis Gary Powers, pilot of the U-2, landed alive and well and in possession of a number of most remarkable identification items, survival kit materials, and other things spies are never allowed to carry. Did he know he had them in his parachute pack, or did someone who knew the U-2 had been prepared to fail put them there to create his 'CIA spy' identity?" The caption next to the third photograph states: "President Eisenhower had ordered all overflights to cease during the pre-summit conference period. The author, supporting a major CIA overflight program in Tibet, grounded all aircraft involved. Why was one U-2 ordered on its longest-ever overflight at that time?"
  20. No, you are quite mistaken. Dulles' own basic training was primarily as a lawyer. Even as DCI Dulles did not give orders, he took them. Dulles' experience was primarily as a Nazi operative and financier. And you are worse than mistaken. You ought to be lobotomized.
  21. Regarding the Jack Ruby "bizarre conspiracy" quote, the closest attribution I have found is to a 1967 interview with reporter Tom Johnson; I am still researching the issue. As to MK-ULTRA, most documents have been destroyed, but some that remain are posted online. More productive is a detailed description of MK-ULTRA, with supporting documentation and testimony, in the 1976 "Church Committee" report (officially the "Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No. 94-755"). I tried to attach a key Church Report page about MK-ULTRA (p. 390), but cannot. Here is the text, verbatim, I wanted to share from that page: "MKULTRA was approved by the DCI on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by ADDP Helms. Part of the rationale for the establishment of this special funding mechanism was its extreme sensitivity. The Inspector General's survey of MKULTRA in 1963 noted the following reasons for this sensitivity: a. Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical, therefore the reputation of professional participants in the MKULTRA program are on occasion in jeopardy. b. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. c. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA products places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy. d. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion, as well as stimulate offensive and defensive action in this field on the part of foreign intelligence services. Over the ten-year life of the program, many 'additional avenues to the control of human behavior' were designated as appropriate for investigation under the MKULTRA charter. These include 'radiation, electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials.' The research and development of materials to be used for altering human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on voluntary human subjects in various types of institutions; third, the application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings." You can also find online (and in print) the transcript of Sen. Ted Kennedy's passionate and detailed Senate presentation about the CIA's MKULTRA activities. Thank you Michael. But that doesn't answer the specific question about where your MK ULTRA = Above Top Secret Mind Kontrolle information came from. Here is a link to one of the 1965 stories about Ruby's "bizarre conspiracies" quote: The headline explains it all Ruby Fears Being Linked To a Conspircy I believe the term was described in the Church Committee testimony of Adm. Stansfield Turner, but I would have to search for it. Sen. Church led a 2-year investigation of the CIA, and it would take me a year to create a database of the testimony and evidence presented to the Committee, not to mention what is incorporated in its 40-volume report. As for the Report, you may find of particular interest Volume 5, entitled "The Investigation of the Assassination of President J.F.K.: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." The Committee found a multiplicity of failures by the intelligence agencies that investigated the assassination. Since the passage of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act in 1992, over 50,000 pages of Church Committee records have been declassified and made available to the public concerning these investigate failures and related topics.
  22. Regarding the Jack Ruby "bizarre conspiracy" quote, the closest attribution I have found is to a 1967 interview with reporter Tom Johnson; I am still researching the issue. As to MK-ULTRA, most documents have been destroyed, but some that remain are posted online. More productive is a detailed description of MK-ULTRA, with supporting documentation and testimony, in the 1976 "Church Committee" report (officially the "Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No. 94-755"). I tried to attach a key Church Report page about MK-ULTRA (p. 390), but cannot. Here is the text, verbatim, I wanted to share from that page: "MKULTRA was approved by the DCI on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by ADDP Helms. Part of the rationale for the establishment of this special funding mechanism was its extreme sensitivity. The Inspector General's survey of MKULTRA in 1963 noted the following reasons for this sensitivity: a. Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical, therefore the reputation of professional participants in the MKULTRA program are on occasion in jeopardy. b. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. c. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA products places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy. d. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion, as well as stimulate offensive and defensive action in this field on the part of foreign intelligence services. Over the ten-year life of the program, many 'additional avenues to the control of human behavior' were designated as appropriate for investigation under the MKULTRA charter. These include 'radiation, electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials.' The research and development of materials to be used for altering human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on voluntary human subjects in various types of institutions; third, the application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings." You can also find online (and in print) the transcript of Sen. Ted Kennedy's passionate and detailed Senate presentation about the CIA's MKULTRA activities.
  23. This is what I see while reading your post That you just watched the movie JFK for the first time recently Just about everything in your post comes across as being said word for word in the movie JFK Not from your "extensive research" Is your intellectual capacity limited to hurling insults? What conclusions to you draw from the evidence?
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