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Michael Schweitzer

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Everything posted by Michael Schweitzer

  1. Are you talking to yourself or is this a reply to someone or something you don't like? I accidentally erased the reference to the post to which I responded. And rudeness elucidates nothing.
  2. I did not quote, mis-quote, interpret or mis-interpret Fletcher Prouty. I referenced his captions opposite page 60 of his 2009 revised edition of "JFK." Period.
  3. My primary sources are evidence, not conspiracy theories. The evidence includes recently declassified government documents, released voluntarily, under congressional pressure or pursuant to Freedom of Information Act litigation (5 U.S.C. § 552). Among these documents are volumes of internal CIA memoranda from the era, and a 600-page Justice Department report on CIA-Nazi collaboration entitled "Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust," finally coerced into release by last year's Washington, D.C. federal lawsuit National Security Archive v. Dept. of Justice (Case No. 1:10-cv-00754). Another interesting and often overlooked document is the transcript of the Warren Commission hearings. I have also drawn evidence from the Internet in the form of statements by and images of participants, witnesses and events preserved on film, video and audio and tape, and photograph. A wealth of evidence is in the public domain, and I based my analysis and conclusions on this evidence.
  4. It is a videotape of Ruby responding to reporters in a corridor at the Dallas City Jail, posted on YouTube in multiple places.
  5. The Third Reich did not die with Hitler. Allen Dulles saved the remnants and made them the CIA.
  6. The Jack Ruby quote is available online many places. One is on YouTube at http://www.jfkassina...p?topic=4324.0. Perhaps more interesting is Ruby's "deathbed" interview 3 weeks before his death of sudden lung cancer in 1967. As mentioned in my post, Ruby described a total mental blank about his "shooting" of Oswald. His seeming "memory erasure" eerily tracks Sirhan's repeated description of a mental blank about shooting RFK. Remember, Dulles' FIRST directive as CIA director created MK-ULTRA, a massive brainwashing project utilizing dozens of Nazi scientists Dulles smuggled into secret U.S. bases in direct violation of Truman's "Operation Paperclip" that barred importing Nazi war criminals. Horrifically, among Dulles' personal imports, under the code name "Dr. Green," was literally the cruelest man on earth, Auschwitz' "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele. Mengele, according to recently declassified CIA internal memoranda, contributed to Dulles' project by disemboweling children in front of other children to desensitize them. BTW, "MK" stood for "mind control" as spelled in German ("kontrolle") and "ULTRA" was a top secret CIA classification so high it barred knowledge from the president.
  7. Hi, Greg. Thanks kindly for welcoming me. I agree completely that planning a cover-up is part of planning a covert operation. But I do not agree the CIA's record is one of failure. It is one of success – marred only by a few botched attempts to off Castro. Among the notable successes, of course, are the Iranian and Guatemalan "regime changes" of 1953 and 1954. But success includes intentional failure. The Gary Powers U-2 incident was a successful failure. As Fletcher Prouty points out in his 2009 revised edition of "JFK," Allen Dulles deliberately sent an under-fueled U-2 spy flight into Soviet airspace on May 1, 1960, so it would have to land in Russia, which sabotaged Ike's planned "peace summit" with Khrushchev 16 days later (captions opposite page 60). The Bay of Pigs fiasco was another planned failure. A recently de-classified CIA internal memorandum shows the Agency knew the invasion would fail unless the president sent in troops, a little snag Dulles never mentioned to JFK. Dulles launched the fiasco expecting the failure would compel Kennedy to salvage the mess with a land invasion, and was stunned when the president rejected the bait and trashed the ringleaders instead. Finally, Watergate was a successful failure. The Agency wanted to swap out Nixon with Ford, and knew staging the botched break-in would cause the paranoid Nixon to self-destruct. The CIA was so successful as a serial evil-doer, President Eisenhower came as close as he could to warning the public about it in his farewell address to the nation on January 17, 1961. Ike declared the "military-industrial complex" had become a threat to our very democracy. Insiders knew full well he was pointing the finger at the CIA.
  8. Albert E. Jenner : http://en.wikipedia....ner#Controversy http://en.wikipedia....iki/Henry_Crown and aarc-fbi504-02_0032_0013 http://www.maryferre...sPageId=1454518 Record Number: 124-10204-10064 on 04/10/65 Gus Alex and his paramour, Suzanne Fueger, discussed a forthcoming vacation and the fact that the reservations had been made with "VIP Service" by PAT HOY for 4/30/65 or 5/1/65. The location of this vacation was not known. It is noted that HOY is head of Material Service Corporation, the largest supplier..... and a division of General Dynamics. Hoy is extremely socially and politically prominent in the Chicago area.. Tom Clark: aarc-fbi590-10_0006_0011 :..."It would appear Tom Clark provided favorable treatment to the hoodlum element....." http://educationforu...ndpost&p=180071 Roemer, William F. (1995). Accardo: the genuine godfather - Page 104. D.I. Fine NY. http://www.maryferre...977&relPageId=8 http://www.maryferre...977&relPageId=9 JAMES DOHERTY (April 11, 1947). "PAROLE PROBERS TO ASK QUIZ OF TEXAS LAWYER". The Chicago Tribune. Earl Warren: Virginia Warren Daly dies at 80; popular socialite in New York and ... http://articles.lati...ia-warren-daly6 Mar 6, 2009 – Rarely quoted in the news media, Mrs. Daly enjoyed traveling the world with hotel magnate Conrad "Connie" Hilton, her daughter said. http://www.maryferre...89&relPageId=33 2/26/62 FBN at LA, Calif, made available information to the effect that at the current time, Paul Ziffren was paying the rent on the apartment occupied by Linda Collings, the girl friend of Sam Giancana, of Chicago. http://www.maryferre...89&relPageId=29 ...LA-T7 advised that as a result of his particular study, he came to the conclusion that three separate and well defined groups had been systematically investing millions of dollars into California real estate and that in each of the three groups concerned, there were men participating who were directly linked to organized crime, principally the remnants of the AL CAPONE organization. LA-T7 indicated that Ziffren appeared to be involved in each of the investment groups and appeared to be the directing force of each of these operations. The lawyers and judges, from the ones who worked for Gen. Dyn., Cravath, Time-Life, Henry Crown, to the ones, in a number of cases, the same ones, who served on/worked for the Defense Department, the Warren Commission, and who directed the purchase and the concealment of the Zapruder film, showed not the slightest concern for professional ethics or of avoiding the appearance of impropriety. They obstructed justice to the point that your theory is not even as good as mine. I can present a well supported circumstantial case. It doesn't even matter much if I believe in it, it is damning.
  9. Only one entity on earth was in the business of overthrowing governments on behalf of the military-industrial complex. Is America somehow immune from a "regime change" by that entity?
  10. WHO ASSASSINATED PRESIDENT KENNEDY? THE TRUTH: The CIA assassinated President John F. Kennedy, in what is nowadays called a "regime change." Former CIA director Allen Dulles ordered the assassination, and assigned the two most qualified department heads to plan and direct it: Deputy Director for Plans (assassinations) Richard M. Helms and Deputy Director for Counterintelligence (covert military operations) James J. Angleton. Dulles, a criminal mastermind, had lost his title when Kennedy fired him two years earlier for launching covert military operations to force him into wars. But Dulles retained control of the secret inner circle he installed, and it included his chosen specialists. The JFK assassination was a Helms-Angleton operation, code-named "The Big Event," according to the deathbed confession of one of Dulles' personal assistants in 1961, E. Howard Hunt. Vice President Lyndon Johnson, a ruthless political manipulator with a mania to be president and a wildly manic-depressive serial killer with a personal assassin (Malcolm Wallace), participated in the conspiracy but his active role came later: to control the cover-up after the assassination made him president. Johnson had positioned himself as Kennedy's successor in 1960 by blackmailing Kennedy into nominating him for the vice presidency with evidence of Kennedy's womanizing furnished by Johnson's close friend and neighbor, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, so he may well have intended to kill Kennedy himself. But greater powers intervened and preempted whatever LBJ may have had in mind. Johnson may also have helped secure the financing from his Texas oil backers H.L. Hunt, John Mecom and especially Clint Murchison (pronounced "Murkison") – enraged at Kennedy for proposing to eliminate a massive tax break for oilmen – although Dulles had stronger ties to oilmen than Johnson, having long protected their interests as an attorney then as CIA director. The killing itself was carried out by the United States Secret Service (previously thwarted when attempts in Chicago and Tampa went awry) and long-time CIA Mafia contract shooters. The operation ambushed the president in a Dallas motorcade by maneuvering his open limousine into a killing zone where four of thirteen bullets fired struck him from front and rear. Johnson then squelched the real threat to the cover-up – independent investigations, particularly by Texas authorities with legal jurisdiction and congressional committees with constitutional jurisdiction – by creating a seven-man committee of inquiry with seemingly unimpeachable credentials: the Warren Commission. The members included Dulles, who took control and was in fact the only active member of the group. The Commission's Report mimicked the falsified FBI report Hoover provided it and pinned the blame a "lone nut" assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald had worked for the FBI as a contract agent and was deceptively embraced as an asset, but loathed, by the CIA, which chose him as the patsy in Dallas. Oswald himself was shot dead two days after Kennedy in an event staged for live television by the CIA so all Americans could see for themselves "case closed." JUST THE FACTS: As an attorney with 30 years' experience researching law and evaluating evidence, I reject speculation. I report my findings and, when necessary (as in a case like this), my deductions with the highest probability of necessarily following from my findings. For 2½ years now, starting in 2009, I have devoted more than 4,000 hours to researching the assassination of President Kennedy. I have read all of what I deem the most credible and scholarly books and articles on the subject; studied the most significant available "primary source" materials (statements and images from the time, preserved in various media); reviewed thousands of documents, including volumes of recently declassified CIA internal memoranda, the transcripts of the Warren Commission hearings, much of the 40-volume Senate "Church Committee" report on the CIA (completed in 1976 after two years of investigation) that unmasked astonishingly un-American activities, and a long-withheld 600-page Justice Department report on CIA-Nazi collaboration entitled "Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust," finally coerced into release in 2010 by a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (National Security Archive v. Dept. of Justice); and went back decades in time, tracing the life histories of the key individuals. Then I organized this collection of disparate fragments in a fairly unique way – not as pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, which is two-dimensional, but as connected dots, in a shape that more resembles a three-dimensional isotope, revealing linkages not otherwise visible by altering the angle of view. From this research and organizational method, I wrote this essay (which, for sake of brevity, does not include footnotes, but every factual statement is sourced). Anyone can do the same, because all of the information is in the public domain – but, as President Kennedy said he wanted to do to the CIA, splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. I do not pretend, to paraphrase that famous triple-redundancy they say in court, to have found the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But I am confident I have drawn together sufficient evidence to offer this essay for your consideration. For me, the surprise that emerges is not the assassination. The surprise would be if there wasn't one. Turning to specific questions: WHY WAS PRESIDENT KENNEDY ASSASSINATED? Mainly because Kennedy was about to end the Cold War, an extraordinarily profitable enterprise for the military-industrial complex. (There were additional reasons, but this was the main one.) The Cuban Missile Crisis of October, 1962, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, transformed both Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Kennedy became an outspoken peace advocate and called for nuclear disarmament. Khrushchev responded by secretly entering into in peace negotiations. Kennedy had become our first and last anti-Establishment president. He threatened to gut the profits of American's most towering industrial and financial interests. Both leaders had to go, and Dulles knew better than anyone outside the Kremlin that killing Kennedy would topple Khrushchev as well, because replacing Kennedy with hardliner Johnson would compel the Soviets to counter-move by installing their own hardliner, Leonid Brezhnev, which they did eleven months after the assassination. The Cold War, about to end in Kennedy's second term, continued for another profitable quarter of a century. And one must admit Dulles was clever. He overthrew the two most powerful governments on earth by killing just one man. EFFECT ON THE WAR IN VIETNAM: Johnson's first major act as President was to issue National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 273 on November 26, 1963. It reversed Kennedy's NSAM 263, issued on October 11, 1963, that ordered all American military personnel withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of 1965. Just four days after the assassination, the first concrete policy reversal emerged to enrich war profiteers. Interestingly, McGeorge Bundy, the highest-ranking CIA infiltrator in the Kennedy Administration (the national security adviser), drafted NSAM 273 for Johnson the day BEFORE the assassination. KENNEDY PREDICTED THE CIA WOULD LEAD A COUP: Fifty days before the assassination, famed New York Times columnist Arthur Krock published an article quoting a "very high American official" as stating: "If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government it will come from the CIA." Krock later revealed the "official" was President Kennedy, who spoke the words to him one day earlier. Kennedy often turned to his friend Krock to publish statements too politically explosive for him to speak as President. HOW DID DULLES GAIN SUCH POWER? President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed him as the first civilian CIA Director in March, 1953, shortly after taking office, on the advice of Ike's friend and confidant Prescott Bush. Bush, during WWII, had been Hitler's American banker until the FBI seized his bank, and both his son and grandson became U.S. presidents. Dulles, a mysterious man with a documented Nazi past, in effect infiltrated the CIA as its first Nazi director. President Harry S Truman had created the CIA as the intelligence arm of the Executive Branch by signing the National Security Act of 1947. The Act created the CIA in a simple 6-word sentence: "There is a Central Intelligence Agency." And it gave the CIA precisely one power: to "collect intelligence . . . outside the United States." Dulles, on his own authority and in direct violation of the law, gave the CIA a second power: to conduct covert military operations, a function that entitled it to full use of legitimate armed forces resources off the books under a section of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 – if he lied about his purpose. He invoked the 1949 Act so often, his covert operations consumed more than 80% of the Agency's budget. Although the 1949 Act shielded the CIA from almost any accountability, Dulles protected himself further by re-structuring the Agency horizontally from vertically, so no compartment would know what any other was doing. And he used his new creation not to serve his country, but as the enforcement arm of the military-industrial complex. Dulles' CIA enriched the most powerful private interests in America: industrialists, bankers, big oil, agribusiness, the Rockefellers, and even himself. Dulles had learned to profit from an intelligence post during World War II, when he ran a European office of the OSS (wartime predecessor of the CIA) while acting as intermediary for Hitler's bankers. His covert operations included two "regime changes" that turned democracies into dictatorships. In Iran in 1953, he overthrew the Mossadegh government (Operation TP-AJAX) after it nationalized the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) that controlled Iran's oil industry. After the coup, AIOC became British Petroleum and partnered with U.S. corporations for equal control of Iranian oil. Then in Guatemala in 1954, he overthrew the Arbenz government (Operation PBSUCCESS) after it initiated a land-reform program that re-distributed the country's arable land to landless peasants. The U.S. government (most vocally Vice President Richard Nixon) justified the coup by branding Arbenz a Soviet puppet, notwithstanding his U.N. voting record was nearly identical to that of the U.S. The coup's real purpose was to recapture the 80% of Guatemala's arable land owned by United Fruit Company (later United Brands). Dulles had been a lawyer for United Fruit and held a personal stake in the outcome (with his Secretary-of-State brother John Foster Dulles) because he remained a major stockholder. In his Guatemala invasion, Dulles killed 150,000 people. THE DULLES TOUCH: Dulles, as CIA chief, specialized in 4 things: assassinating people, overthrowing governments, infiltrating and manipulating the news media (Operation Mockingbird), and conducting sadistic mind-control experiments on unknowing subjects (Project MK-ULTRA). Dulles created MK-ULTRA in his first order as CIA director, on April 13,1953, and gave it 6% of the total CIA budget without any oversight. "MK" stood for "mind control" (as spelled in German, "kontrolle") and "ULTRA" was a top secret CIA designation so high it withheld information from the president. Dulles himself called the process what it actually was: "brainwashing" (as he did in the subject line of a cover memo to J. Edgar Hoover dated April 25, 1956). To staff his project, Dulles smuggled dozens of Nazi chemical and physical torture specialists into secret CIA bases in the U.S. to continue the work they had done for Hitler – a direct violation of President Truman's ban against using Nazi war criminals when he approved "Operation Paperclip" in September, 1946 to import German scientists. Horrifically, among Dulles' imports, under the code name "Dr. Green," was literally the cruelest man on earth, Auschwitz' "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele. Among many contributions to the project, according to a recently declassified CIA internal memorandum, Mengele disemboweled children in front of other children to desensitize them. In 1973, then-CIA Director Richard Helms, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, ordered all MK-ULTRA records destroyed. But he forgot the Agency kept accounting as well as project files, and in 1977, under a Freedom of Information Act request, 16,000 pages of overlooked MK-ULTRA financial records surfaced. Dulles also planted infiltrators throughout the federal government, including every branch of the military, every investigative and other significant agency, and the White House. And he nurtured close ties with Mafia leaders, so he could (and did) engage their contract killers to do the Agency's dirty work, to maintain its "plausible deniability" (a term he coined). Indeed, another recently declassified CIA internal memo reveals Dulles personally approved a murder contract with Johnny Roselli, second-in-command of the Chicago Mob under Sam Giancana. For a CIA like that, killing Kennedy would be a day at the office. WHO TOLD THE TRUTH? Ironically, the only players who told the truth were the two supposed "killers": Oswald and Jack Ruby, the man who "shot" him in the stomach during his basement-garage transfer from Dallas city to county jail! In city jail corridors, Oswald told reporters, "I didn't shoot anybody" and "I'm just a patsy." And in a corridor two years later, Ruby told reporters, "About Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president, there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy." Asked "Would you explain again?" he replied, "Well, the answer is the man in office now." THE RUBY-OSWALD CASE-CLOSER: Ruby must have fired a blank! Oswald, who had asked to wear a dark sweater before the transfer so he would look better on television, groaned twice and dropped to the ground in an Oscar-worthy performance. The CIA then double-crossed him in the ambulance and shot him for real. The necessity: The coup required 2 assassinations: JFK and Oswald. Letting Oswald live would have kept questions alive for years – during the prolonged process of trial and appeal – which would not only have delayed legitimizing the Johnson presidency, but given the public time to think about what happened and a jury a chance to acquit. That door had to be shut at once – and it was, within 48 hours. Planners selected Ruby so the second killing, like the first, could be pinned on a "lone nut" gunman. But the scenario required a single shot to play out plausibly. Ruby had to lunge at Oswald through a throng of police, reporters and photographers – a multiplicity of variables to hinder him. A fatal shot could only be guaranteed if someone else fired it. Absent this precaution, there may well have been a second "magic bullet" to explain: how a single shot by Ruby caused two wounds to Oswald. The evidence that Ruby did not shoot Oswald: photographer Bob Jackson, who took the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of the "shooting," said there was "not a speck of blood anywhere" on the body or at the crime scene; the two "stretcher photos" of Oswald being carried to the ambulance show not only no blood on his sweater, but no damage to a single fiber; and a shot by Ruby would have passed straight through him, but the trajectory of the bullet that killed him was upward. And Ruby, recounting the "incident" (his words) in an interview three weeks before he died, said: "I can't recall what had happened from the time I came to the bottom of the ramp until the police officers had me on the ground." His mind was blank about everything he said and did during his encounter with Oswald, as if programmed by MK-ULTRA to auto-erase. To those who doubt the proposition the Ruby-Oswald "shooting" was staged, consider this: in a plot that required two assassinations, what is the probability the first occurred by conspiracy and the second by chance? IF ANY DOUBT REMAINS #1: The Warren Commission itself concluded Oswald could have fired only three shots. But their own evidence proved at least five. The Commission claimed a first shot missed and injured bystander James Tague with a flying curb fragment; a second (the "magic bullet") entered the rear of Kennedy's neck, exited his throat, entered Connally's back, shattered a rib, exited Connally's chest, shattered his right wrist, then penetrated his left thigh (causing a total of seven wounds); and a third hit Kennedy in the head. But Roy Kellerman, the Secret Service agent in the front passenger seat, testified he heard Kennedy cry out, "My God, I'm hit!" (Warren Hearing Transcripts, Vol. II, p. 73.) Kennedy could only have said this BEFORE the throat-shot, because it took out his vocal chords. Necessarily a separate, previous bullet struck him – and not in the rear neck as the Warren Commission falsely claimed, but in the back six inches below the shoulders, as a Parkland Hospital photograph shows. Moreover, all of the 40-or-so eye-witnesses (civilian and governmental) to the head-shot swore they heard two shots, half-a-second apart – necessarily raising the bullet count to five. Incidentally, the last shot was an exploding projectile fired from the front that blew the president's brains so far beyond the trunk of the car they splattered people behind it, and the famous Zapruder film shows First Lady Jacqueline stretch her arm to the far end of the trunk to retrieve a piece. (Curiously, the news media has consistently and falsely reported she climbed onto the trunk, as if she were a coward trying to escape. The Zapruder film clearly shows she never left the back seat, but planted her knees atop it, grabbed the brain tissue, and immediately sat down again.) There is only one impossibility in the murder of President Kennedy: a lone assassin. IF ANY DOUBT REMAINS #2: Six of the ten members of Kennedy's Cabinet were sent out of the country before the assassination, on a flight to Japan that only one of them had to make, Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Flying with them, for no reason, was Kennedy's press secretary, Pierre Salinger – an expert on motorcade security. Only two important Cabinet members were in Washington, D.C. when Lyndon Johnson became the President of the United States: Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and the Attorney General, Kennedy's brother Robert. Everyone else with authority to run a Department of the federal government was stranded over the Pacific Ocean in a presidential aircraft – with the code book to communicate with the White House missing! They learned about the assassination from an old-fashioned telex – and with no code book, only Johnson could run their Departments. Meanwhile, McNamara, attending a budget meeting at the Pentagon, was never told by anyone there that Kennedy died. He only learned about it 90 minutes later, when he received a personal phone call from Robert Kennedy. Someone cleared a path for Johnson to run almost the entire federal government himself, without any impediment, for the first 24 hours after the assassination. And also absent from the country during the assassination was the Joint Chief of Staff's intermediary with the CIA, Col. Fletcher Prouty. Someone sent Prouty on a pointless mission to the South Pole! IF ANY DOUBT REMAINS #3: Only the CIA had the capability to carry out the assassination the way it happened. Its leaders included brilliant coup planners Helms and Angleton (Johnson later appointed Helms CIA director). It had infiltrators in the Secret Service, up to the second-in-command of the White House Detail, Floyd M. Boring (under Chief Gerald A. Behn), who designed a motorcade route that forced the presidential limo to crawl at 11 miles-per-hour through a 120-degree turn (virtually a U-turn) into a plaza open to gunfire from all directions – impermissibly placed first in line – to enter a freeway it had no need to use; abandoned all presidential security in Dallas, where local agent-in-charge Emory P. Roberts even ordered JFK's bodyguards off the back bumper of his limo; and later secretly shipped the limo to Ford Motors in Detroit, where Lee Iacocca rebuilt it to destroy all evidence of bullet hits, including constructing a new windshield with a scratch where a bullet hole – perfectly positioned to hit Kennedy in the head – had been. It had long-standing relationships with Mafia leaders and engaged some of their finest contract killers to shoot the president. It had the ability literally to turn participants' minds on and off thanks to Project MK-ULTRA. It had major influence over the U.S. media thanks to Operation Mockingbird, which easily enabled it to stage the Oswald-Ruby case-closer for live television (heavily promoted for public viewing by Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry). And it has repeatedly used the same modus operandi in assassinating not only John F. Kennedy, but Robert F. Kennedy and John Lennon: misdirecting blame onto a "lone nut gunman" acting under its own control (willingly or unwillingly). The entire sequence of events displays the distinctive and brilliant hallmarks of Allen Dulles, as identifiable as an artist's brushstrokes on a painting. AND A FINAL TWIST: Rep. Hale Boggs, the member of the Warren Commission most dissatisfied with its findings, died in a mysterious airplane crash in Alaska on Oct. 16,1972. He had blasted the FBI on the House floor the previous year – on April 5, 1971 – for using Gestapo tactics against opponents of federal policy. Boggs was taken to the airport for the first leg of the trip by a young Democrat who later, as president, appointed Boggs' wife, Lindy, as the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican after she served 18 years in Congress after her husband disappeared. The young Democrat: Bill Clinton. CAVEAT: THIS ESSAY ADDRESSES ONLY THE OPERATION, NOT ITS MASTERMIND This essay only addresses what may be characterized as the "second level" question: Who assassinated President Kennedy? This is a planning and operational question, and the evidence seems to support a clear conclusion: the CIA, at the highest level, on orders of Allen Dulles. Not included here is the "first level" question: Who above the operational level initiated the assassination? Who was the mastermind who tapped Dulles on the shoulder and said "Kill the President"? This over-arching question is more difficult to answer because no tangible evidence exists. But the answer can still be ascertained, at least to a high degree of confidence, by using a different methodology: deduction. Different authors and researchers have deduced different masterminds. I perceive three main schools of thought, which I will present first. Then I will state my own deduction. However, I will cabin it as a "preliminary deduction," because I base it on research that, although considerable, is still ongoing. • THE MAIN THEORIES IDENTIFYING THE "MASTERMIND" OF THE ASSASSINATION 1—LYNDON JOHNSON: Many people, including Jacqueline and Robert Kennedy, believed it was Lyndon Johnson, who coveted the presidency and blackmailed JFK into making him next in line. Author Phillip F. Nelson espouses this belief in his scholarly but regrettably prurience-tainted book, "LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination" (2011 revised edition). FOOTNOTE TO CAVEAT – OTHER LBJ PROJECTS: Covering up the JFK assassination was only one of Lyndon Johnson's dirty projects as president. He was also the only president who forced a Supreme Court Justice to resign: Kennedy appointee Arthur Goldberg. Goldberg had worked in U.S. intelligence during WWII and spied for President Franklin Roosevelt on wiretaps (installed by British agents in New York) of Allen Dulles that monitored his Nazi activities. The cover story for Justice Goldberg's resignation was that Johnson urged him to replace the late Adlai Stevenson as Ambassador to the United Nations. Disclosed by a media outlet in the 1970s but never repeated is the way Stevenson died. During a brief stop in London on July 14, 1965, he suddenly fell to the ground dead on the steps of the U.S. Embassy, shot in the neck by a CIA ice dart. LBJ had ordered the first combat troops into Vietnam just three months earlier, on March 8, 1965 – an escalation Stevenson (like JFK) opposed. So down at the same time went a key Johnson and a key Dulles irritant. 2—THE CIA: Others believe the CIA itself initiated the assassination at a very high level because Kennedy was determined to reform it, stripping it of all but its intelligence-gathering functions. As long-time researcher Mark Lane posits in his "Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK" (2011), "in an act that the CIA likely considered self-defense, the agency . . . assassinated President Kennedy before he could take action against it." Lane specifically fingers Richard Helms as the mastermind, and also explains how the CIA made Oswald a "patsy": Oswald's friend "CIA operative George De Mohrenschildt . . . found a job for Oswald at the book depository located directly on the route selected for the presidential motorcade." 3—HIGHER POWERS THAN THE CIA OR LBJ: Author/theologian James W. Douglass, in his highly regarded "JFK and the Unspeakable" (2008), blames neither the CIA nor LBJ, but powers higher than the government, yet he characterizes them only as "the Unspeakable." Douglass acknowledges possible CIA involvement, but posits at most "CIA Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms and Counter-intelligence head James Angleton knew [about the assassination] beforehand." • MY PROPOSITION: A SPECIFIC "HIGHER POWER" INITIATED THE ASSASSINATION I consider Lyndon Johnson an unlikely candidate for "mastermind." LBJ was a masterfully cut-throat operator. He certainly played an active part in the conspiracy by controlling the cover-up. But I do not find credible his having control over the power centers in the government whose willing involvement the plot required. Nor do I find credible the CIA deploying its vast resources to assassinate the President of the United States to serve Lyndon Johnson's personal ambitions. I also dismiss the thesis the conspiracy originated within the CIA. The CIA served the global geopolitical and profit interests of the most towering industrial and financial enterprises in the nation. Self-indulgence like killing an American president out of personal spite would have contradicted the very reason for its existence. Allen Dulles had molded the CIA to enforce the will of those private enterprises, who were his clients – and remained so after he was sacked. Their power exceeded Dulles' (just as Dulles' exceeded the president's), and Kennedy had initiated policies that imminently threatened their livelihoods. I believe Dulles gave the "green light" to his loyal top-echelon insiders to kill the president. But he was not the mastermind, either. I concur with Douglass that higher powers set the machinery in motion. Indeed, I consider Douglass' insight a major breakthrough in understanding the magnitude of the conspiracy. But where Douglass stops, I continue. His "unspeakable" powers are not amorphous or impenetrable. They are people who have names, and their names can be identified by deduction. Like puppeteers pulling strings, their positions can be determined by observing the movements that result when they pull the strings. Among the higher powers, I perceive three distinct candidates – each a highest-tier power in politics and finance with a Nazi past and an especially intimate relationship with Dulles: (1) Averell Harriman, who ordered the November 2, 1963 assassination of South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem behind Kennedy's back while Kennedy was vacationing in Hyannisport; (2) John J. McCloy, who controlled so many private and public institutions journalist Richard Rovere dubbed him "Chairman of the American Establishment"; and (3) David Rockefeller, Sr. – but at the urging of someone else. Rockefeller, patriarch of the multi-billion-dollar Rockefeller oil and banking dynasty, was the president of unsurpassable Chase Manhattan Bank. My personal choice is Rockefeller, for three reasons. ONE: Kennedy hit him directly in the pocketbook, not once but twice. Having already squeezed bankers and war profiteers with his peace initiatives, JFK struck the biggest bankers a second, harder blow on June 4, 1963, when he issued Executive Order 11110. The Order stripped the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of its monopoly power under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to create the nation's currency and loan it to the government at interest, and restored that constitutional power (Article I, Section 8, clause 5) to the Treasury Department. The Rockefellers, as key Fed shareholders, were burned worst of all. TWO: The Rockefeller-Dulles relationship was exceptionally close. Dulles' first OSS headquarters was in the Rockefeller Center, and he had Rockefeller regularly briefed on CIA activities. And THREE: Rockefeller had a private advisor whose word was taken so seriously, once given it was followed. Rockefeller's advisor was Harvard's star professor of geopolitical aggression Henry Kissinger – an unexcelled master of multi-level, strategy-oriented gamesmanship. (Kissinger was later President Nixon's national security advisor and a fantastically ruthless man with his own dark history of evil and corruption.) If Rockefeller made a request of his old friend Allen Dulles to kill the president, he would have acted not only on the advice but at the urging of Kissinger. Kissinger, more than any other player in the era of JFK's peace initiatives, would have fathomed the criticality of removing Kennedy at once. One can almost hear Kissinger's voice, in its grave Germanic accent, speaking the words, "Kennedy has to go." If this scenario is correct – and none seem more realistic – then David Rockefeller, Sr. was the man who tapped Dulles on the shoulder and set the machinery of the assassination in motion. But Rockefeller's action was initiated by the man behind the veil behind the curtain – the true mastermind of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy – Henry Kissinger. Biography: http://educationforu...st&p=235641
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