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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Actually Paul, the historical links Mr. Scott provides and spent his adult life researching in great detail are real. He is most certainly not a crazy conspiracist. If anyone reading this agrees with Trejo's assessment of Scott I'd welcome your contribution here.
  2. Banister was ex-FBI, and was associated with at least 5 wandering bishops. Sounds like they were at least part of his operations. I think Banister was still working for the FBI. Of course his files are missing.
  3. In other words, nothing is revealed about Dean, Galbadon, or the JBS in Walker's papers
  4. Few readers here would disagree with you that there were more than three shots, and some or all came from the grassy knoll. That is how it happened. Who did it and why?
  5. Larry - if you go back to the first post of this thread on page one Levenda's three part blog called the Bishop and the Boys is quoted in its entirety. Levenda worked for Bishop Propheta as a teenager in the Bronx, and claims he was told by Propheta of his association with J Edgar Hoover. I have read Levenda's Sinister Forces, in which he goes into the wandering bishops more completely. I can't locate it now (thank kindle) but I think I recall that Levenda personally saw letters between Hoover and Propheta, and claims that Hoover personally gave Propheta some kind of award. In any case, read the first post. Carl Stanley, a wandering bishop in the same Old American Catholic Church and I think the Bishop that consecrated David Ferrie, died about two weeks after Ferrie. According to Levenda, at least 5 wandering bishops worked for Guy Banister. Jack Marin gave an interview to the FBI around Nov 25 1963 in which he talks about Ferrie and claims that Ferrie knew Oswald, and that he, Martin, had seen a picture of Ferrie with Oswald in Ferrie's house. This was years before the pictures actually surfaced. In addition, Carl Stanley came forward to the FBI right after the assassination of JFK claiming that Ferrie and Martin were involved. Levenda's supposition that these 'diploma mills' were intelligence operations is interesting and believable.
  6. In brief, what is your opinion on the assassination? What have you learned from studying the basics at Dealey Plaza? For me, the fatal head shot shown in Zapruder was enough for me to move beyond Dealey plaza. I think it was enough for many early investigators. But I am sincerely interested in what intense study of the event itself reveals.
  7. Key questions in the previous post are the questions about what is revealed in Walker's papers about JBS, Dean, Galbadon.
  8. Trejo - get over it. Your attacks on the esteemed Peter Dale Scott make you look stupid. You have reiterated this pont enough. Give it a rest already.
  9. A fellow board member sent me a pm asking if I thought the Ukrainian nationalists were fascists? I think that part of my post was simplistic and not really correct. According to news stories Ukrainian fascist parties are alive and well, but not in control of the government that is fighting Russia in eastern Ukraine. They are a noisy and aggressive minority. Reports of Ukranian soldiers wearing swastikas on their helmets exist, and the ultra right Swoboda party has changed their emblem to a swastika. It's not difficult to find news stories about the ultra right protests in Ukraine. They are shameless in their attempts to resurrect their good name and that of their WW2 leader Bandera. But they are not in control, and so far the Ukranian parliament has not acceded to their demands. An election is scheduled for Oct. 26, and I hope the fascists don't make gains.
  10. John - this is a very thought provoking post so thank you. When I read the explanation for the WC decision to leave Nosenko out of the report, and that their decision was not appreciated by Hoover, I feel like I am reading incomplete history. What it amounts to is by not mentioning Nosenko they avoid the implications of his defection. Much later we find out through Soviet archives that he was a real defector, as was Golitsyn. But at the time Golitsyn claims that Nosenko is a KGB plant. That makes no sense to me. And it is also hard to understand how Angleton got it wrong with both Nosenko and Philby. The explanation I have read is that getting it wrong with Philby explains his later paranoia. I don't know how else to say this - it feels wrong, like we are still not seeing the deepest layer. Angleton is credited with being the smartest, cleverest guy in the room, yet we are led to believe that not only did he get bamboozled by Philby despite the fact that Philby was suspected by the Brits years before his redefection, he then got it wrong with Nosenko and later with many loyal CIA employees as his paranoia grew. Could there not be a simpler explanation? This is the same guy who took possession the contents of Win Scott's private safe, not to mention Mary Pinchot's diary. If I was looking at these set of facts without knowing anything of Angleton's WW2 background I would say he was a Soviet mole. It seems such an obvious conclusion on the surface, yet Angleton had serious fascist credentials. What was he really up to? What were his loyalties? Does his cozy relationship with Mossad shed any light? Who were the winners of the Cold War? Military industrial establishments on both sides. Who were the losers? People living in war zones like Vietnam and Afghanistan. On some level the Cold War, intentionally or not, was the biggest divide and conquer strategy in the history of the world. The Kennedys I think figured this out, and they were eliminated. So did Kruschchev, and he was ousted. Then the Cold War comes to an end with Gorbachev and Reagan. But where are we now? Both sides upgrading their nuclear arsenals, and military industrial establishments in firm control on both sides, with Putin, the ultimate intelligence insider in firm control of Russia. The Ukraine a battleground between the remnants of WW2 fascists and the Russians. No end in sight for military spending. Is there a way to view this confusion in which we can Imagine Angleton and Philby both working for the same reactionary forces? Can we even say anymore that Russia is Communist? Were they ever Communist? Were western industrialists really afraid of Soviet or Chinese Communism as a force that threatened Capitalism? Or was Communism just a convenient enemy? Somehow I think the answer lies in the aftermath of WW2, when both sides drafted most of Germany's finest scientists and Nazis, and war became the endless reality it is now. And I postulate that Angleton and Philby worked on behalf of this reality, which was and is not a battle of mutually exclusive economic models, but a deal with the devil.
  11. Robert - what have you learned about the perpetrators from studying the films?
  12. Inexplicable lack of film, press car shoved uncharacteristically several cars behind the presidential limousine, coverup ensuing immediately after the event. Why would we spend our time analyzing the little film we have? Vince Salandria was right when he said that we almost can't help but examine minutia because the alternative is so painful.
  13. When Phillips wrote that fiction or whatever it was he certainly had possession of more facts than he had two weeks after the assassination. So is it your contention that he deliberately left Walker out of the story, or that he didn't know at that late date that Walker was involved with Banister?
  14. You simply have not fully grasped the situation with Hitler, or the nazis after the war. Rather than waiting for files that will never be released, wait for Talbot's book on the Dulles brothers. I don't think by the way, that any of us have said that it was the international bankers that ran the assassination. To imagine that Dulles just marched in lockstep on the WC is ridiculous on its face.
  15. Not true Paul - you suggested that Robert got his info on the Rothchilds from 'some antiSemitic journal'. It is apparently you that cannot talk about the Rothchilds as bankers rather than as Jews. Another straw man argument is - I never blamed the 'rich' for killing JFK.
  16. I don't think there is a hard line between the perpetrators and the coverup as you do. But I also don't suspect the FBI in the crime itself, just the coverup. It's the CIA I am not so sure of.
  17. It's not Conein. It took me 10 seconds to find that out. Just google (or Bing) Lucien Conein photo and the real story comes up.
  18. Well Paul - I agree with you about the FBI subversion of a real investigation, but have almost no hope that 2017 will change anything.
  19. Robert - Trejo tried to cast your argument about power and money and banksters into anti Semitic rants and then point out that Jews no longer run the banking system. I think this is called a straw man argument. Your point is well taken. Banksters do control the world's economies and have since the Rothschilds. I have no idea what that family or any of the others are worth, but it isn't really the point. Trejo read the articles posted by Mr.Caddy and reiterated what he has told me numerous times - that it is empty fantasy that the super rich are in control. He would like to frame the theory that was articulated in the first article posted by Caddy as if it wre similar to the rantings of the ignorant fools calked the JBS, completely ignoring the insider bonafides of the author. Too bad. No use arguing with him about this. The last time I tried to do that he accused me of being biased against rich people. We know the truth, which is plain to see. We don't have Democracy here. We are not in control. The author is right. Our elected officials are totally beholden to monied interests. And I agree with you that the Kennedys tried to change that and were killed for their efforts.
  20. In what way does this implicate Walker? Does Phillips mention hm too?
  21. Trejo has stated that he views Walker as an American hero who went bad. This is the context in which to view his statement that Walker was complicated. Btw in Trejo's view Alan Dulles and his brother and J Edgar Hoover were also American heroes whose participation in the coverup after the assassination was for the good of the country. Paul, if I have misstated your nuanced position please correct me. Trejo - in my opinion Mr. Knight is correct when he points out the logical flaw in your basic argument. That is not to say that you haven't done more research on Walker than say Jerry Rose. It does say that you have no direct proof of many of your claims yet persist in asking others to disprove what you cannot prove. As you say, it is only a theory. Lastly, in regards to Harry Dean, his feelings about Ernie Lazar are not material to whether he can present something to us here or in his book that proves his claim. He cannot, and the FBI has not come up with anything either. I for one doubt that the problem is how Ernie asks the FBI, or what he asks for. Ernie might disagree when I say that he might not be getting the whole story. But that isn't really the point.
  22. Larry - according to Levenda Bishop Propheta was asking the FBI for clearance on new requests for ordination by the late ''60's. Do you not find it beyond strange that there were so many 'Bishops' involved with Banister and Oswald? What of Levenda's claim that Propheta, and by extension Carl Stanley, who died the same day as Ferrie, were FBI assets?
  23. Thank you Larry. Levenda came to the conclusion, in part from his personal recollections of a branch of the old Catholic Church (can't recall the exact title) near the Bronx Zoo where he worked for a time, that this church and perhaps other connected diploma mills were in fact intelligence operations. On the surface your recollections are right, but there may be deeper levels to what appears on the surface to be useless activity. I have been confused over the years as to the real story behind Albert Bowen or Osborne, who travelled with Oswald to MC. Mae Brussell had her spectacular version of this story. The WC apparently spent some time on this. I wonder if Ernie is reading this, whether he has spent any time researching FBI files on the wandering bishops. I know from personal experience that none of my friends have ever encountered a wandering bishop. Has anyone here? I doubt it. Yet there are several who intersect with Oswald, something that concerned Garrison. Its not just Beckham and Crisman, its also Bowen and Ferrie and Jack Martin. And of course there is the wandering bishop/hypnotist in the RFK Sirhan story. Larry - do you think RFK was killed by Sirhan Sirhan, or do you accept Noguchi's autopsy findings, indicating a shot at point blank range from behind? Paul T. - without referring to Walker, what is your take on this subject? You mention Crisman, Beckham, Ferrie, and Martin in your list of subjects, as well as Banister, who seemed to be running some kind of operation with all of these fellows? Is it just coincidental that they all were wandering bishops? Have you read Levenda's books? What of Crisman's shared background with Banister in the earliest ufo stories from 1947-48? Seriously, none of us need you to repeat your thesis, but I for one am curious on your take on this aspect of these suspects. Ernie - do you have any research on the wandering bishops? Did you ever look into the ties between Propheta and Hoover?
  24. Ok, if no one thinks this line of inquiry is important I would like to know why. Levenda's books are eye opening.
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