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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Paul - your theory that the coverup involved different forces from the perpetrators, and your proof of that theory, doesn't prove your point. Sure, the totality of the coverup, its extreme broadness, indicates many forces were involved at that stage. But that does not preclude some of the perpetrators were also integral parts of the coverup. Dulles, with his wide connections and his position on the Warren Commission, his firing by JFK after the BOP, suggests he was in on it. He is a most logical choice, once you accept the notion that the conspiracy to kill JFK might have originated from the top of the national security state.
  2. I still wonder what Mr. Simkin means when he says there may be a parallel between the Hiss case and the Oswald case. John, I too appreciate your open mind, and its true that doctrinaire thinking is to be avoided. But are you inferring that you think the Warren Commission got it right, or that further release of FBI files or KGB files might convince you of that in the future?
  3. An interesting post, but I don't think it has any bearing on the JFK case.
  4. Steven - where are you going with this? In simple terms, are you saying that the CFR is a backer of Communist regimes? If so, for what purpose?
  5. I agree with Larry on this one. The plotters eliminated what to them was by far the worse threat - JFK. They used the assassination squad set up for third world operations including Cuba. That does not mean however that they killed our president because he stood in the way of their anti-Castro operations, or that Castro's long term survival disproves this theory. Larry - would you go so far as to say that Operation 40 was the group from which the assassins were drawn?
  6. Ernie - many people have talked, and many have died before they could, under suspicious circumstances, and they mostly lead in the same direction. I no longer think its such a mystery who did it and why. In my opinion the holding back of documents by our government speaks loudly. Of course there is something devastating in the unreleased documents, and though there will be some more released, they won't be the ones we seek. It's not that the perpetrators are still alive, though one or two may still be. Its that the families are still powerful, and they would be exposed. That is only my opinion of course, but it is why I am not really interested in details like the ground crew. We know from what body of terrorists they came, and once we accept that we can move up the chain rather easily.
  7. Notwithstanding my suggestion that we all join Greg Burnam's site, I would also be willing to contribute to keeping the forum open.
  8. Mr. Simkin's website is so much more than a JFK site, which makes its closing very unfortunate.
  9. I think that for JFK and RFK it makes more sense to join Greg Burnam's site - AssassinationOfJFK.net
  10. The best stuff is later, a least regarding the Bush family ties to the CIA.
  11. Greg - that's a good idea. I don't understand why McBride, who suggested in his book that Tippit might have been on the grassy knoll, hasn't answered the several posts I have made regarding this question. Maybe he doesn't read my posts, too busy, or not spending much time on the forum. Is he active on your website?
  12. David - I'm sure you are aware that Rafael Quintero knew who was responsible for the killing of JFK. After going back and forth for decades on who the guilty men were, and after watching the film Dark Legacy, I view Quintero's later comment as the truth. Operation 40 is at the center of the conspiracy.
  13. David - I think you are right. Summers has drawn the wrong conclusions, and does not understand the change in JFK's view on the Cold War that led to his death.
  14. Greg - I think its a brilliant analysis. I wonder whether the authors have thought of an explanation for Tippit's frantic actions prior to his death. McBride points out in his excellent research on Tippit that he was a marksman. The Glaco gas station, where Tippit was reliably identified at about 12:40 pm, was less than 2 miles from Dealey Plaza, and the witness who claimed Tippit answered a call to his retail business 10 minutes prior to the assassination only came forward years later, and his story is not corroborated by police records. We are supposed to believe that Tippit was searching for JFK's assassin as a result of a radio call from police dispatch to be on the lookout for a man whose physical description fit Oswald's, but what it really fits is the false physical description of Oswald planted by Angleton in his compartmentalized CIA file dangled by him to see where that false description might later appear. No way Tippit had an accurate description of Oswald at 12:40 pm. But his actions would appear to show a desperate man. Surely one possible explanation is that he was on the grassy knoll at 12:30 in police uniform. I think the authors are right to mention Jack Crichton and Operation 40, along with George Bush, whose family was the direct beneficiary of the destruction of the Kennedy clan. Hoover's infamous George Bush memo, uncovered by McBride, seems to be the real smoking gun. Can anyone here point to another instance where Hoover named a CIA agent in a memo? Does anyone here believe that the 'George Bush of the CIA' was not our future president? So why did Hoover write this memo, and what does it tell us? First, that George Bush was indeed working for the CIA in 1963, and probably much earlier, and it tells us that Hoover knew that. In my opinion it also implies that Hoover knew who the plotters were, and that he wanted the plotters to know that he knew, and that he had the goods and was therefore untouchable.
  15. Robert - what became of the woman who contacted Mr. Simkin by email? Did anyone here communicate with her?
  16. Robert - are you feeling that all this is falling on deaf ears? A few of us are apparently still listening. Simkin appears to have lost interest.for me the mystery is over. I don't need any smoking guns. We already got several, but they seem to fade with time into the background. A few examples - Veciana finally naming Phillips as Bishop. The George Bush Hoover memo uncovered by board member McBride. Everyone is aware that nothing any of us post is hidden from the NSA.
  17. Very important. Can't believe I missed the Rolling a stone article, but I am aware that RFK jr has been speaking out. Its just that no one is listening, even this community. What a shame.
  18. Doug - what do you think lies behind this appeals court ruling allowing the CIA to keep its critique of the inspector general's report on the Bay Of Pigs? Do you think it relates to your other post this morning about GHWB? Have you read that report? The article says its been declassified since 1988. Where could I find a copy?
  19. Not surprised that Ruby's belongings were unguarded. Anyone know whether they had been gone through prior to this Sunday Dec 1, 1963 visit?
  20. A breath of fresh air, in a way, on this thread. Ernie - I hope you read SWHT. I'm going to reread it.
  21. I think you make a good point Steven, one that could be extended to many other organizations including those in the present, such as the so-called Tea Party. When it comes to the devious machinations of the corporate elites we only see the tip of the iceberg. The JBS was an umbrella organization created by and operating for corporate elites. Within their membership were all manner of nazis and racists, who flocked to the JBS because of its political legitimacy, just like the Tea Party, funded in large part by the Koch Brothers, attracts similar unsavory individuals. What could be the purpose of these deceptions? Perhaps its the Strategy of Tension, used by our governmental spy organizations to make the world safe for American corporations to do business, and to guarantee the flight of capital from destabilized economies to western bankers. It serves to keep the American public divided amongst themselves. The elites who stand behind these operations are not true believers in the artificial constructs called variously the Cold War, or the War on Terror. They believe in money and power, and are in the business of creating enemies and then exploiting the resulting confusions. When the JBS leadership called most of US leadership communists, they didn't, in my opinion, really believe that to be the case. But it was a useful ideology for hidden reasons.
  22. Ernie - what publicity was Harry seeking in 1963 or before? Even though I see your point about Trejo and Harry not doing what they could to get pertinent FBI files to prove or disprove Harry's assertions, I don't see how you can draw the larger conclusion that the FBI has no secret files. Your extreme diligence is to be commended, but I don't see how it proves there are no secret files. As for Congress passing a FOIA law forbidding the FBI from destroying documents for 50 years, good luck with that. Congress may have the power theoretically to reign in the intelligence agencies, but they have rarely done so for quite obvious reasons. Congressional hearings into possible excesses of US intelligence agencies are a joke, 9/11 being a recent example. Members of Congress know full well how important historically those files are, they just don't care to confront the FBI or CIA etc. it all comes down to who one thinks is really in charge. It isn't Congress. Recent whistleblowers like Snowden and Assange, who have proven beyond doubt that secrecy is the modus operandi of our foreign policy, are treated as traitors. Ernie - you are a true expert on the FBI, and have spent a lifetime doing the due diligence that few have the patience for. Your conclusions about Harry Dean may be correct. I for one am not writing on this thread to prove you wrong on that count. But I think the larger conclusions you draw are not provable, even if well reasoned from your vantage point, because you cannot prove something doesn't exist just because you can't find it. I can see how you, having spent a lifetime doing this work, might believe otherwise. But even I, no expert at all, can see that your logic in this regard is fallacious.
  23. Thanks Ernie. How extensive was the FBI infiltration of the JBS? Were they considered a subversive organization?
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