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Paul Brancato

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Posts posted by Paul Brancato

  1. 1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

    Honorable Mention: Porter Goss, friend of the reconquista.

    "In his junior year at Yale, Goss was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. He spent much of the 1960s—roughly from 1960 until 1971—working for the Directorate of Operations, the clandestine services of the CIA. There he first worked in Latin America and the Caribbean and later in Europe. The full details are not known due to the classified nature of the CIA, but Goss says he has worked in Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Mexico.[citation needed]

    "Goss, who has said he has recruited and trained foreign agents, worked in Miami for much of the time. Goss was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, telling The Washington Post in 2002 that he had done some "small-boat handling" and had "some very interesting moments in the Florida Straits". [...]

    "He served in Congress for 16 years until his appointment by President George W. Bush to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in the House, Goss served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 1997 until 2005 and the vice-chairman of the House Rules Committee."


    Also a friend of Frank Sturgis.  Goss is still sharp at 86.

    A very good choice 

  2. 58 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    There seems to be a degree of controversy over when exactly Skorzeny agreed to cooperate with Mossad. Bergman insists it was not until July 1964 when Otto met with an Israeli conduit in Dublin.  Other versions suggest he was recruited as early as summer of 1963; still others argue an even earlier association.  I think there's little doubt that his concerns related to the possibility of his own extradition for war crimes were legitimate since Eichman's abduction, trial and execution. Suggesting he aligned philosophically with Jewish interests in the region is more than a stretch. 

    I'm wondering why the Argentinian shipments of yellowcake to Israel in 1963 hasn't captured more interest than it has since the document drop in 2018.  Argentina had its own political upheaval from the Navy revolt September 1962 - April 1963; Peron was still in exile in Madrid socializing with both Otto and Ilse. What might either have known about that yellowcake?

    Leslie - who is Bergman? Also I did not know about Argentine shipments to Israel.

  3. Christian - I appreciate what you are trying to reveal. I can’t say I always see what you see, but I don’t dismiss your work based on my own visual acuity. In fact, what you have concluded about shooters dressed as DP, or even DP officers in fact, is really the most logical assumption. It is the perfect cover, and is nothing new. I once posted, after a deep dive into timings and testimony, that officer Tippet could have himself been at the scene. It is not at all contradicted by his movements as we know them. Thanks to Joseph McBride we also know that he was a crack shot. And of course we know he was shortly thereafter killed. I’ve always thought that suspicious in itself, and think it’s highly likely that he was killed because, whether or not he was a shooter, he knew too much. 

  4. 3 hours ago, David McLean said:

    Having - finally, belatedly - read Jeff Morley’s CIA and Zionism, it seems clear that US foreign policy is and has been since JFK  hostage to whoever is on power in Israel. Even NATO’s nuclear capability is under firm US control. Not so, apparently, with Israel’s nuclear arms, as Netanyahu seemed to signal in his latest Halocaust address.

    And as the world is discovering to its horror, the claims of Zionism seem to have grown beyond comprehension, unconditional surrender of any and all defenders of Palestinian rights, dignity, and very existence. 







    This may be because of secrets held by Israel regarding Angleton’s. According to a friend who is working through the latest unredacted files concerning Angleton’s closed door Senate testimony, Angleton was closely tied with Saudi Arabia, and generally with British interests which were largely pro Arab because of Oil. His close connections with Israeli Intelligence seems to be in the service of Anti-Soviet operations, and Nazi functionaries were Angleton’s go to interrogators. If both Mossad and CIA used an agent such as Otto Skorzeny, which appears true, then they had mutual checks on each other, since neither would want that kind of relationship public. 
    In regards to the 1967 war and ensuing takeover of the West Bank and Golan Heights, you never hear Zionist supporters in the US mention this, and if they do of course they frame it as a necessary preemptive attack on Egypt and Syria. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Ah.  Okay.  Well, since it has been shared publicly otherwise, I suppose I can share it here.  I wrote Jeff Morley the following; never heard back.  

    You'll want to read what he calls the "Hardaway Declaration" -- I think he's removed it from his website (?), wherein certain notations indicate essentially that John McMahon is evidently the authorizing authority to clear (or not, as the case may be) documents for release to the HSCA in the late '70s.  

    So, did Jeff Morley, upon receiving this email from me, say to someone -- John Newman for instance -- something to the effect that "we have a problem ... someone's catching on to the John McMahon issue?"  Did John Neman then step into the fray, into an area which he evidently did not intend to go before, or thought perhaps he could get around (the centrality of the mole issue to the JFKA), to close the gap, get out in front? 

    I don't know.  He won't answer, either of them, via email (Morley) or on Twitter (Morley and Newman).  Interesting possibilities however seemingly triflingly "inside" -- if I may be so bold -- it may be ... 


    From: Matt Cloud <[REDACTED]>
    Date: Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 4:17 PM
    Subject: Nosenko/Yurchenko
    To: <morleyj@[REDACTED]>


    Dear Jeff Morley:
    Regarding your question from the Deep State blog, https://jfkfacts.org/was-yuri-nosenko-a-kgb-mole/:
                              was Nosenko a mole? And, if so, who was he protecting?  
    In answering those questions, I wonder whether you have considered a not-so-remarked upon thread running through the Nosenko and Yurchenko defections.  
    The attached go toward this.  One of which is the Joannides exhibits which I realize of course you secured for release.  The other is a Washington Times article from 1985 on the Yurchenko defection having reopened the "search for CIA mole."  The connection may not be obvious -- and I apologize for being cryptic here! -- but if you would like to discuss further I have quite a bit more on the subject to say (and write).  I'm in Bethesda; please feel free to give me a call at [REDACTED].  
    I attach, too, a recent Letter-to-the Editor of The Post by me by way of credential (which did run), however unrelated it may seem to be. 
    Thank you,
    Matt Cloud

    What was the McMahon issue? 
    I’ve tried to contact Newman more than once, unsuccessfully. Turf wars, closed shops. 
    The article you linked by Morley indicates he wasn’t about to climb on the Tennent Bagley train. Newman certainly has, and he clearly sees Golitsyn as the real defector and Nosenko as the fake one. It’s like Angleton’s ghost with Bagley as the medium. It is interesting, as you point out, that Newman went on this tangent, and my inclination is to view him as the pied piper. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

    I wonder what caused Newman to take up the most sensitive issue in national security history in 2019 and pin it on Solie ....  

    I wonder if ... could it be ... a parallel investigation was occurring that was uncovering someone else ... Did I wrote Morley and let him know too much -- that John McMahon's identity was at risk -- and he told Newman there's a problem and Newman stepped in to fill the void?  Hold that thought ...




    This post especially. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Is that why Bob Baer has come out to pin post-Solie activities on Redmond.  The Case of the Fourth Man?


    (Neither Ames, Hannsen or Howard can explain the all the losses, esp. from 82-86.  I suggest everyone look up and read Mike Mattson "Counterintelligence cold case file" Intelligencer Journal Winter/Spring 2009.  There was someone above them all.)



    You are referring to an article he wrote called ‘the fourth mole’? How can we access it?


  8. On 4/16/2024 at 7:40 PM, Chuck Schwartz said:

    Did the folks arguing here twice ignore your posted link to an interesting article? 
    Sure, we can argue about this death or that death, about how to calculate probabilities. But the notion that people weren’t being killed as part of the ongoing conspiracy is just absolutely ludicrous, and I can’t believe that some of you would even approach that level. The main point, and I think Bill got to this quite well, is that a carefully curated list of deaths of journalists following the case early on, and as others have pointed out witnesses dying around the time of both the Garrison trial and the HSCA hearings, is the most convincing evidence of not just the conspiracy on the day of, but of the depth of the conspiracy going forward. Busting the single bullet theory was good, and few would argue that it has been shone to be fallacy at best, but it doesn’t show the venality of the perpetrators going forward in time. One can find excuses for the Warren Commission, not that I believe them btw, but suspicious deaths in such large numbers going forward in time for 15 years puts things in its proper context. And let’s include RFK, MLK, Malcom X here too, because the context is the continued overthrow of anything or anyone that stands in the way of the power elite.


  9. Wow Bill - some doozies here since your last post. It seems to me that Newman is on the wrong track. I may be mistaken, but having had many exchanges with Tommy Graves years ago before he left the forum, I think he sees a Soviet plot to kill JFK. it also seems to me that Newman is heading in the same direction. Your research on Golitsyn and Angleton and Tennent Bagley shows the trio to be paranoid at best, and certainly up to something nefarious. Can I use the word ‘liars’? 
    Might I ask - what is your impression of where Newman is going with all this? Blunt, Bagley, Solie? It feels like a resurrection of James Angleton. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    ChatGPT is trained on a stupid amount of text, most of it from the open internet. They probably just added more content that tipped the bias in favor of Oswald-did-it, like from news stories, etc.

    AI inherits the bias of its training data. If you trained an LLM on Bugliosi, Posner, Myers and the WR, you’d get very different responses than a model trained on pro-conspiracy literature. Heck humans work the same way. 

    The last time I gave it a try I asked whether Otto Skorzeny and Arnold Silver knew each other, and the response was that Otto killed Arnold during the war. 
    Your point is well taken 

  11. On 4/10/2024 at 5:06 AM, Simon Andrew said:

    In the early days of  chatgpt, if you typed in who killed JFK, you got a very balanced response highlighting a lot of the issues and evidence. 
    A matter of days later the response was changed to reflect the WC findings.

    I think that whatever model is used, someone will say it’s biased one way or another.



    How do you think that happened? 

  12. 14 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

    Must say: I understand some people might find the host's Youtube annoying or whatever, it seems to be a pro Trump themed place. I am sensitive to who it might offend. So please don't take offence - not my aim to promote Trump or even bash him. I am not intending to stir up any discussion about Trump/the election. I just posted it because RFK JR spoke on it.

    I transcribed as best I can what Robert Kennedy JR says

    Woody Harrelson discussing his father being an assassin for the CIA, a clip I posted 7 years ago. It took me quite some digging and I eventually found it (I think) on some obscure Youtube account or another site. It was one of a vast amount of old tv clips collection I'd trawled through. But I knew what I was looking for. Anyway, I have been trying to talk to Woody myself and see if he is open to discussing the subject of his father. below 

    Obviously you can see this is a very sensitive subject for Woody. But I think the likelihood of Woody coming forward with information is ever increasing. Be interesting to know if Woody has given RFK JR permission to speak about his father. I doubt he has.




    I’d like more of that 

  13. I can’t see much either, but Dallas police uniforms would make sense, certainly a favorite disguise for mafiosi. And there’s the police themselves, and officer Tippit,, whose death might be seen differently if he was a shooter. There were shots coming from at least one other direction, possibly more.

    Your point about shooters with foreign accents is well taken - plenty of home boy haters who could shoot. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    I bet that is true. I haven’t read Newman’s book in a minute but a lot of the summaries of the Haverstick book on June Cobb’s background reminded me of it. Newman did a serious deep dive on Cobb. The material is dense as hell but pretty darn interesting if I recall. Her life was like a James Bond movie. 

    My understanding is that Newman’s June Cobb file has disappeared. 

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