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Robert Prudhomme

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Posts posted by Robert Prudhomme

  1. It would be interesting to test fire a Carcano bullet into a cadaver's wrist, but after reducing the gunpowder charge to the point the bullet only had a muzzle velocity of around 1000 fps.

    Quite frankly, I don't believe a bullet that travelled through a human neck, without hitting bone, and then followed the outside edge of a rib for four inches, would have lost as much velocity as Von Pain's "researchers" would try to have us believe. After reading Connally's medical evidence, I also don't believe the bullet was tumbling when it struck Connally.

  2. Think of it, Dave. The Carcano bullets had a muzzle velocity of 2165 fps, according to SA Robert Frazier, who test fired C2766. At 88 yards, according to this ballistic calculator


    this bullet would have slowed to 1935 fps, a mere 235 fps faster than the velocity (1700 fps) at which you and your buddy Sturdivan claim a Carcano bullet will not deform when it strikes bone. Yet, at 1935 fps, a Carcano bullet not only deformed when it struck JFK's skull, it blew up like a grenade.

    See why anyone with any firearms knowledge at all believes you and Sturdivan are full of crap?

  3. Great. Another xxxx added to Prudhomme's never-ending list of liars.

    Quoting Fackler himself concerning his bullet test:

    "The bullet actually made a slightly greater hole than the one in Governor Connally's wrist. That's because the experiment bullet was actually going a little faster than the 900 feet [per second] that CE399 was travelling. The test bullet was non-deformed. It was not flattened in the least and had nowhere near the damage of CE399."

    [End Quote.]

    Fackler made those statements about his bullet test on August 10, 1992, during the American Bar Association's mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald.

    And how do we know the bullet was only going 900 fps when it hit Connally's wrist?

  4. If it lost its velocity, and its ability to deform itself, would it also not lose its ability to shatter the radius bone?

    Many Colt .45 semi-automatic pistol bullets have a muzzle velocity of around 1100 fps. Do you really mean to tell me that firing a .45 at point blank range into a human radius bone will not deform the bullet?


    Fackler was almost as big a xxxx as Lattimer.

  5. I was mistaken. Of the three men on the 5th floor, it was Harold Norman, and not Bonnie Ray Williams, who, under oath, denied that he had leaned out of the 5th floor window to look up at the 6th floor; thus contradicting not only the testimony of Malcolm Couch but also the falsified contents of an FBI report.

    From the Warren Commission testimony of Harold Norman:

    Mr. BALL. I have one question.
    On the 26th of November, an FBI agent named Kreutzer advises us in a report that he talked to you. Do you remember that?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. You remember?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes; I remember talking to him. I don't know his name.
    Mr. BALL. He reports that you told him that you heard a shot and that you stuck your head from the window and looked upward toward the roof but could see nothing because small particles of dirt were falling from above you. Did you tell him that?
    Mr. NORMAN. I don't recall telling him that.
    Mr. BALL. Did you ever put your head out the window?
    Mr. NORMAN. No, sir; I don't remember ever putting my head out the window.
    Mr. BALL. And he reports that you stated that two additional shots were fired after you pulled your head back in from the window. Do you remember telling him that?
    Mr. NORMAN. No, sir; I don't.
    Mr. BALL. I have no further questions."

  6. I'm not disputing that there was a sound like a shot from the Grassy Knoll. I'm not disputing that witnesses said they say smoke from the Grassy Knoll. I'm just disputing that the photos that are reputed to show smoke are actually showing smoke from the firing of a modern firearm.

    The 'known' fact is that there was smoke from the grassy knoll. It might have come from a smoke making machine, but it probably came from a rifle that made the amount of smoke that was made. If that was a 'new' rifle, or an 'old' rifle, for some reason it made the amount of smoke seen. Of course it might have just been pollen that it blew off of the trees, or dust. But probably smoke.

    The majority of what is seen as "smoke" from rifles shooting cartridges loaded with smokeless gunpowder is actually condensing water vapour, much the same as the "smoke" coming from automobile exhausts on a cool day. The amount of condensing water vapour seen depends on what the atmospheric conditions are at the time; mostly temperature and humidity. As it had been a cool wet morning in Dallas, just prior to JFK's arrival, it is not surprising at all to see this much "smoke" from a rifle.

  7. The HSCA conducted interviews with witnesses who were present at the autopsy in Bethesda. It was then announced these interviews would be kept from the public for 50 years. However, the HSCA did inform the public that these 26 Bethesda witnesses had all stated that what they witnessed of JFK's corpse agreed with the findings of the autopsy.

    The HSCA lost ALL credibility when the contents of these interviews were made public in the 1990's, and it was revealed the HSCA lied about the interviews, and that all 26 witnesses disagreed with the findings of the autopsy and placed the large wound at the back of JFK's head.

    This alone should have been enough to reopen the investigation into JFK's murder.

    Unfortunately, seeing as every person involved with writing the section of the report containing the lie about the 26 witnesses denied writing the lie, it can be dismissed as a typo, or a misunderstanding of sorts. That's one of the problems with "truth by committee." There's no accountability.

    Hellishly big typo, or misunderstanding of sorts.

  8. The HSCA conducted interviews with witnesses who were present at the autopsy in Bethesda. It was then announced these interviews would be kept from the public for 50 years. However, the HSCA did inform the public that these 26 Bethesda witnesses had all stated that what they witnessed of JFK's corpse agreed with the findings of the autopsy.

    The HSCA lost ALL credibility when the contents of these interviews were made public in the 1990's, and it was revealed the HSCA lied about the interviews, and that all 26 witnesses disagreed with the findings of the autopsy and placed the large wound at the back of JFK's head.

    This alone should have been enough to reopen the investigation into JFK's murder.

  9. .

    Perhaps Raymond should review Commission Exhibit No. 1820 again:

    "MARINA states that in reflection, now she believes this to be strange, because OSWALD had always been most frugal and did not allow her to spend hardly any money." -- Via CE1820; An FBI interview with Marina Oswald, in the Russian language, on January 15, 1964

    Hello Dave

    I see you have quoted CE 1820 as though it were the Gospel straight from the Bible.

    CE 1820 is an FBI interview supposedly conducted with Marina Oswald. However, since it is written in the third person, as are most FBI interviews, and not signed by the interviewee, what evidence do you have that this is an accurate account of what Marina Oswald stated?

    Further, without a signature, what evidence do you have that Marina was allowed to read the contents of CE 1820, and allowed to approve or disapprove its contents?

    And further, what evidence do you have that proves this interview actually took place, and that CE 1820 is not merely a work of fiction from the FBI?

    A year and a half goes by, and no answer to these questions.

    The Lone Nut community have NO answers.

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