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Terry Mauro

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Everything posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Yes. From the Nazi defender, the lying dimwitted Mr. Educator. Have you been able to find any trace of the British euthanasia program? I know it's difficult to find any evidence of it's existence
  2. [Actually guys were never my thing despite being propositioned a few times. Nor however am I a homophobe like your fuhrer I have a few gay friends. Nope it was always girls for me, most of my girlfriends were in their 20’s and as far as I know the youngest ones I had sex with here were over 16. See they have a law here that if you take away the virginity of a girl under that age you can be forced to marry her and the guy has to prove she wasn’t a virgin at thew time if she says she was. The only girl I “devirginized” was 19. Though I’m middle aged now I was in my late 20’s at the time. As I told you before you should stick to parroting your guru, when you express yourself you come across as an idiot When I express myself I come across as an idiot. Oh really?
  3. Terry, for some time your posts have sounded like the ravings of someone who is severely disturbed. I have tried to engage in debate about your ignorance of the NHS but you seem unable to discuss these issues in a logical way. For example, your portrayal of NICE as some sort of euthanasia-type of organization is laughable. I have been called-on to delete these ravings but I have refused as I am against censorship and I assume that most readers of this forum are intelligent enough to understand what you say is nonsense. In fact, I think your ravings help to explain the craziness of the far-right in America. However, your attacks on Len’s father are despicable. Even if what you say is true, are you claiming that sons and daughters should be held responsible for the actions of their fathers and mothers? What is more, what has it to do with this debate on Winston Churchill? If is just another smear attack that has been favoured by the far-right in the USA ever since the emergence of Joseph McCarthy after the war. John, In no way have you "tried" to debate the British euthanasia program. You went as far as to call one of my post an "obvious hoax". When I showed you that the report came from the BBC you left and never returned to the debate. You do however continue to use your "far right" characterization to explain away anything and everything. In fact that's the title of the thread you started isnt that right? Where do you get this idea that's this is an attack on the NHS by the "far right"? It's an attack on euthanasia that despite your "unfounded" claim is being exposed and debated in Britain, as you well know. The only thing you seem able to parrot is the line about Lyndon LaRouche being some kind of right wing fanatic. As far as Colby you sure seem to have some thin skin where he is concerned. Or maybe the thin skin belongs to the other members? Recall when Colby filled out his bio, you took the time to ask him if he was related to William Colby, isnt that right? Why would you care? That nasty old CIA. You guys are funny. You cry about smear attacks and then turn around and do the same thing yourself.
  4. John, Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's. During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan. Real artist that Lenny Colby. Here is a link to GG Allin on stage. http://gamesnet.vo.llnwd.net/o1/gamestar/o...192537_main.jpg Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin GG: That's my job. Evan: Yea, that's his job. GG: Get Merle over here to say something. Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice. DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi. Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll. GG: Shortest pecker too, but... (laughing) Evan: Next to yours. GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes. Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours. GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks. DJ: How big is Mr. Allin? GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine. (laughing) Evan: Merle Senior. GG: I'm Daddy Allin! Evan: Over here we have William Webber. GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny! Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off. GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award. Evan: The Golden Len Colby award. GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour. Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear. GG: I'm jelous. Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess. DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape? GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September. Evan: What's the label? GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question. (Someone says something off mic.) GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands. (Someone says something off mic again.) GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you! Evan: Oh, brother. GG: Chicken's a fagot! Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact. Jesus Terry, This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric. This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment? I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography. Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth. Ah, the 'Truth', As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic. Typical baby boomer looking for an "A" grade from his professor. Flowery bull s-it is still bulls-it. Ms. Mauro, I must say, I find you to be a quite vile individual. Taken to innuendo, slander, and degradation. You patently refuse to act with any semblence of manners. I guess I expected some sort of etiquette or a modicum of reasonableness. I see you havent any. Peter, Just think of me as a "musical genre". That should help, right?
  5. John, Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's. During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan. Real artist that Lenny Colby. Here is a link to GG Allin on stage. http://gamesnet.vo.llnwd.net/o1/gamestar/o...192537_main.jpg Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin GG: That's my job. Evan: Yea, that's his job. GG: Get Merle over here to say something. Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice. DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi. Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll. GG: Shortest pecker too, but... (laughing) Evan: Next to yours. GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes. Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours. GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks. DJ: How big is Mr. Allin? GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine. (laughing) Evan: Merle Senior. GG: I'm Daddy Allin! Evan: Over here we have William Webber. GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny! Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off. GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award. Evan: The Golden Len Colby award. GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour. Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear. GG: I'm jelous. Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess. DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape? GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September. Evan: What's the label? GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question. (Someone says something off mic.) GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands. (Someone says something off mic again.) GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you! Evan: Oh, brother. GG: Chicken's a fagot! Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact. Jesus Terry, This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric. This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment? I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography. Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth. Ah, the 'Truth', As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic. Typical baby boomer looking for an "A" grade from his professor. Flowery bull s-it is still bulls-it.
  6. Over the coming week, under massive White House pressure, the Congress is going to make every filthy deal they can to pass Obama's Nazi health plan. Under the mass strike conditions in the United States, there is {no possibility} of passing the Tiergarten-4 modelled euthanasia through Congress in the open. So, the White House plan, according to informed Washington accounts, is to pass ``passable'' separate bills in the House and the Senate, and then in conference committee, {behind closed doors}, put in all the most hated austerity measures including massive cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, the comparative effectiveness elimination of health facilities, and the British NICE/Hitler T-4 inspired Independent Medical Advisory Commission. Under the conference committee procedures used in recent years, it is entirely possible to compose a completely new bill, regardless of what was -- or wasn't -- passed in the open House and Senate debates!
  7. Listen nut case - we'll have the 'Reverend Moon' (Larouche) himself - it's open house. It's a genuine shame that you have taken up with such a disturbingly right wing cult but so long as you are communicating with sane people you have at least half a chance - (now that's what I call a commitment to education). From now on I insist that you refer to me as 'Mr Educator.' How many ways can you think of to back out? Let's have a real debate on this issue, featuring Tony Chaitkin and his work on "euthanasia" and the "Royal Family". Lets do it just the way you have done it in the past with various authors of relatively meaningless and flawed conspiracy books. In the meantime allow me to post a link to Tony Chaitkins interview. http://www.larouchepac.com/lpactv Insofar as Euthanasia is a topic of debate within the topic of Health Reform, exactly how does the issue resemble or otherwise embrace nazi policies of eugenics or euthanasia? As far as I can tell, the proponents, not nessecarily joined at the hip with the NHS, argue to legalize doctor assisted suicide, rather than criminalizing the actual act of assisted suicide for someone who, for example, may be terminally ill and in agonizing pain. If this topic has been connected with public health care in the US it is an oblique and nearly impertinent connection. Is the connection due to waiting lists for complex procedures or transplants which have troubled the British health programs? If so, I would say that there will be no public health system without logisitical problems, especially at the outset. I personally have not decided whether the NHS as had been proposed should have been adopted in the US, however, the un-insured within the US most definitely need some kind of health care protection. The most important point is that there are millions of US children with inadequate healthcare, today. This is not what this country is about. To propogandize/depict Obama as Hitler to further what can only be a political squabble over socializing health care is without question gutter politics. A proper approach wouold be to state the issue in clear language and the argument (or dialectic) in equally clear language. If the counter point has any merit, it should stand on its own merits. I vote for the Socratic not the propogandist method. What a few relatives of the British Monarchy circa 1939 has to add to these issues is a waste of a reader's time. For someone to have watched the video (and I can only assume that you watched because you linked my post) and then write what you just wrote is totally bizzare. Nobody including the NHS is propping up an argument for "assisted suicide". What they're proposing and carrying out in Britain is "involuntary suicide"! There is nothing in the Tony Chaitkin interview that even suggests that the fight is against "assisted suicide" for terminally ill patients. Furthermore Royal Family courtier Simon Stevens, who is at the lead of this "euthanasia program in Britain is spending his waking hours working on cutting "medicaid" and "medicare". He is the key person advising President Obama on this Hitler euthanasia policy. There is no plan to "socialize" healthcare. The plan is to cut, cut, cut government healthcare programs and allow a private board to ration healthcare, just as the Nazi's did with their T4 program. You vote for the Socratic method? That may sound nice but from what I can tell you're clueless. Let's get this straight. There is no plan to provide healthcare for those currently without. The Obama plan(which is the British plan) is to ration healthcare and eliminate those people who are elderly, frail, and sick. Those lives deemed unworthy to be lived. No Terry, I am merely reading the descriptions both from the proponents and the media, as well as the LaRouche word spinners to describe what seems to be the debate you refer to. The video you referenced does not bear resemblence to any of the actual facts of the debate and if you'd notice I used the past tense when describing the US proposals, since I do realize it has been defeated. As far as accusations of Britsh involuntary euthanasia, first there are some rather bizarre allegations, and second I see no evidence that these accusations had merit with respect to the US NHS proposed bill. My dear it seems that in actuality you are clueless, as you have not provided any tangible facts supporting the mudslinging effort that appears to be the modus operandi of the Larouche machine. That is the basis for my plea for a socratic approach to your information and debate. Please present some actual facts so that I (and others) may weigh the pros and cons of the facts in entertaining a decision making process. Thanks in advance Pete McKenna I still don't understand why people have such a struggle telling the truth. You write that you have seen "no evidence" that these accusations of euthanasia have any merit. Well despite your whining there is nothing but evidence, including the patients killed by this deep sedation Liverpool Care Pathway. Dr. Clive Seale of the prestigious Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, issued a study where he claimed this process was responsible for 1 out of every 6 deaths in England. This is a very public debate in Great Britain. And here's some additional "invisible" information for you to pass over. Yup, there is nothing that you've seen that would lead you to believe this is anything but the powerful LaRouche machine spinning tales. http://www.gaeldom.com/bulletin/2009/September20/index.htm Good job Peter, you can count yourself among the brain dead.
  8. John, Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's. During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan. Real artist that Lenny Colby. Here is a link to GG Allin on stage. http://gamesnet.vo.llnwd.net/o1/gamestar/o...192537_main.jpg Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin GG: That's my job. Evan: Yea, that's his job. GG: Get Merle over here to say something. Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice. DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi. Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll. GG: Shortest pecker too, but... (laughing) Evan: Next to yours. GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes. Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours. GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks. DJ: How big is Mr. Allin? GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine. (laughing) Evan: Merle Senior. GG: I'm Daddy Allin! Evan: Over here we have William Webber. GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny! Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off. GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award. Evan: The Golden Len Colby award. GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour. Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear. GG: I'm jelous. Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess. DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape? GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September. Evan: What's the label? GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question. (Someone says something off mic.) GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands. (Someone says something off mic again.) GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you! Evan: Oh, brother. GG: Chicken's a fagot! Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact. Jesus Terry, This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric. This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment? I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography. Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.
  9. Listen nut case - we'll have the 'Reverend Moon' (Larouche) himself - it's open house. It's a genuine shame that you have taken up with such a disturbingly right wing cult but so long as you are communicating with sane people you have at least half a chance - (now that's what I call a commitment to education). From now on I insist that you refer to me as 'Mr Educator.' How many ways can you think of to back out? Let's have a real debate on this issue, featuring Tony Chaitkin and his work on "euthanasia" and the "Royal Family". Lets do it just the way you have done it in the past with various authors of relatively meaningless and flawed conspiracy books. In the meantime allow me to post a link to Tony Chaitkins interview. http://www.larouchepac.com/lpactv Insofar as Euthanasia is a topic of debate within the topic of Health Reform, exactly how does the issue resemble or otherwise embrace nazi policies of eugenics or euthanasia? As far as I can tell, the proponents, not nessecarily joined at the hip with the NHS, argue to legalize doctor assisted suicide, rather than criminalizing the actual act of assisted suicide for someone who, for example, may be terminally ill and in agonizing pain. If this topic has been connected with public health care in the US it is an oblique and nearly impertinent connection. Is the connection due to waiting lists for complex procedures or transplants which have troubled the British health programs? If so, I would say that there will be no public health system without logisitical problems, especially at the outset. I personally have not decided whether the NHS as had been proposed should have been adopted in the US, however, the un-insured within the US most definitely need some kind of health care protection. The most important point is that there are millions of US children with inadequate healthcare, today. This is not what this country is about. To propogandize/depict Obama as Hitler to further what can only be a political squabble over socializing health care is without question gutter politics. A proper approach wouold be to state the issue in clear language and the argument (or dialectic) in equally clear language. If the counter point has any merit, it should stand on its own merits. I vote for the Socratic not the propogandist method. What a few relatives of the British Monarchy circa 1939 has to add to these issues is a waste of a reader's time. For someone to have watched the video (and I can only assume that you watched because you linked my post) and then write what you just wrote is totally bizzare. Nobody including the NHS is propping up an argument for "assisted suicide". What they're proposing and carrying out in Britain is "involuntary suicide"! There is nothing in the Tony Chaitkin interview that even suggests that the fight is against "assisted suicide" for terminally ill patients. Furthermore Royal Family courtier Simon Stevens, who is at the lead of this "euthanasia program in Britain is spending his waking hours working on cutting "medicaid" and "medicare". He is the key person advising President Obama on this Hitler euthanasia policy. There is no plan to "socialize" healthcare. The plan is to cut, cut, cut government healthcare programs and allow a private board to ration healthcare, just as the Nazi's did with their T4 program. You vote for the Socratic method? That may sound nice but from what I can tell you're clueless. Let's get this straight. There is no plan to provide healthcare for those currently without. The Obama plan(which is the British plan) is to ration healthcare and eliminate those people who are elderly, frail, and sick. Those lives deemed unworthy to be lived.
  10. I pasted the link to the story so it's available to read in it's entirety. Keep in mind this story broke as a result of a book "Royals and the Reich". And you might try reading with more care. The article did not state the Prince's family were simply pro-Nazi. For example take this account of the family history. Quote: Philip was born Prince of Greece and Denmark on Corfu in 1921, the youngest of five children and the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg. All four of his sisters married German princes and three - Sophie, Cecile and Margarita - became members of the Nazi party. Sophia's husband, Prince Christoph of Hesse, became chief of Goering's secret intelligence service and they were frequent guests at Nazi functions Yes an interesting footnote, perhaps knowing this will enable members to win points in party games. Since you had already posted that a few times on this forum including in the post immediately before mine there was no need to repeat it your omission was more glaring. Do you have any siblings? Do you think it would be fair to hold you to task for their spouses are? Are you related to any of the Mauros in the Mafia? If so is that at all relevant to who you are? You selectively quoted the article to make it appear that his siblings were simply sympathetic to the Nazi's. I thought that bit of sophistry should be cleared up, so those reading this thread would have the chance to know that Prince Phillips siblings were part of the Nazi party. Not simply sympathetic.
  11. John, Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's. During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan. Real artist that Lenny Colby. Here is a link to GG Allin on stage. http://gamesnet.vo.llnwd.net/o1/gamestar/o...192537_main.jpg Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin GG: That's my job. Evan: Yea, that's his job. GG: Get Merle over here to say something. Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice. DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi. Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll. GG: Shortest pecker too, but... (laughing) Evan: Next to yours. GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes. Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours. GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks. DJ: How big is Mr. Allin? GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine. (laughing) Evan: Merle Senior. GG: I'm Daddy Allin! Evan: Over here we have William Webber. GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny! Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off. GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award. Evan: The Golden Len Colby award. GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour. Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear. GG: I'm jelous. Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess. DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape? GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September. Evan: What's the label? GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question. (Someone says something off mic.) GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands. (Someone says something off mic again.) GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you! Evan: Oh, brother. GG: Chicken's a fagot! Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.
  12. Not knowing who the guy is (which was all I was saying, before you got uptight, not the quality or accuracy of his work), as much or as little as the next person, without examining sources myself. That's the nature of conspiracies and history. I don't doubt William of Poitiers either, just that I take him, or anyone else, with a pinch or a bag of salt, depending, although an element of faith has to be accepted at some point. You tell us. I simply asked you to point out the flaws or falsehoods in his article. I notice you are unable to do that. And here is more on the subject. Apparently more people are aware of the claims made by your mystery poster from another forum. http://dutroux.blogspot.com/2009/08/anthony-blunt.html
  13. Listen nut case - we'll have the 'Reverend Moon' (Larouche) himself - it's open house. It's a genuine shame that you have taken up with such a disturbingly right wing cult but so long as you are communicating with sane people you have at least half a chance - (now that's what I call a commitment to education). From now on I insist that you refer to me as 'Mr Educator.' How many ways can you think of to back out? Let's have a real debate on this issue, featuring Tony Chaitkin and his work on "euthanasia" and the "Royal Family". Lets do it just the way you have done it in the past with various authors of relatively meaningless and flawed conspiracy books. In the meantime allow me to post a link to Tony Chaitkins interview. http://www.larouchepac.com/lpactv
  14. I don't know Scott Thompson's credentials, but his article sounds just as fanciful, despite what we know of the Royals and the nazis? What part(s) of his article can you expose as being false? Please tell us.
  15. So this is your way of admitting you want no part of Tony Chaitkin? I guess you're not interested in learning more about his investigation into the euthanasia policy being pushed the British Royal Family? You just folded your cards Mr. Educator.
  16. No, I never did verify the sources or the person (she) behind the posts -on a forum I used to administrate- and I'm always careful not to believe just any conspiracist material, no matter how fascinating or 'believable', without having a reasonable source confirmed. I posted this out of interest to see if anyone here could either support or trash the claims made? 'She' was an interesting member who posted infrequently but disappeared without posting again. This article may shed some light on the matter. By Scott Thompson, 1997. http://american_almanac.tripod.com/naziroot.htm
  17. Since we're eliminating all doubt about nut cases, I'll concede my thread could be seen as a rant; but if you can identify anything "Christian fundamentalist" in that thread, I'll bear your children. The mind of the author. PS- There is no need for you to pay up on your bet.
  18. I pasted the link to the story so it's available to read in it's entirety. Keep in mind this story broke as a result of a book "Royals and the Reich". And you might try reading with more care. The article did not state the Prince's family were simply pro-Nazi. For example take this account of the family history. Quote: Philip was born Prince of Greece and Denmark on Corfu in 1921, the youngest of five children and the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg. All four of his sisters married German princes and three - Sophie, Cecile and Margarita - became members of the Nazi party. Sophia's husband, Prince Christoph of Hesse, became chief of Goering's secret intelligence service and they were frequent guests at Nazi functions
  19. Sure Andy it's all a fraud, just look what the British Empire did to the populations of India, Africa. You're leaving out a huge part of world history when you make these unfounded remarks. You are simply ignorant of the truth.
  20. The source is contained in the by line of the news story. You might try reading a little more carefully. It will save time for both of us. When you are pasting directly from other sources please make sure you provide the link. Quite why you want to paste directly from such other sources is another matter. On your other point - You are of course quite within your rights to be fixated with this Larouche nazi character but repeating again and again the lies of your beloved leader and his assorted and bizarre right wing lickspittles about the Liverpool Pathway palliative care programme does not make those lies true. You are indeed engaged in a 'far right conspiracy against the NHS'. The chances of you seeing or understanding this this side of 10 years of intense therapy are I will concede remote. Instead of your typical sophistry why don't you invite Education Forum member Tony Chaitkin to answer any questions you and other members might have? You've done this with Jim Hougan, Joan Mellon and others so why not have Tony here to answer questions? As far as your repeated reference to "Nazi" leanings, you might look a little closer to home to find your "Nazi's". As I showed you Prince Phillip was up to his arse with the Nazi party. Where do you think Hitler got his ideas of eugenics, and euthanasia? Terry, Prince Philip left Germany, I believe in 1934, at the behest of his German Headmaster Kurt Hahn, who was an anti-Nazi, to enter public school in Scotland. Philip left public school in 1939 to join the Royal Navy (if my research is correct; http://www.britainexpress.com/royals/philip.htm). How can you suggest that Hitler obtained his ideas of eugenics and euthanasia from Prince Philip, when Philip was still in prep school in 1939? As for being up to his arse in the Nazi party, it seems that was so for all of Britain in 1939, when war broke out. Where do you obtain your information associating Prince Philip with the Nazi party? I posted this the other day in this thread. Prince Philip has broken a 60-year public silence about his family's links with the Nazis. In a frank interview, he said they found Hitler's attempts to restore Germany's power and prestige 'attractive' and admitted they had 'inhibitions" about the Jews. Philip was born Prince of Greece and Denmark on Corfu in 1921, the youngest of five children and the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg. All four of his sisters married German princes and three - Sophie, Cecile and Margarita - became members of the Nazi party. Sophia's husband, Prince Christoph of Hesse, became chief of Goering's secret intelligence service and they were frequent guests at Nazi functions Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-37...l#ixzz0SLiemBLT I never meant to suggest the Nazi's got their eugenics, euthanasia program Prince Phillip. I was pointing out that Hitler was a puppet who got these ideas from the British oligarchy. The same faction in Britain that helped install Adolph Hitler in power in Germany.
  21. Start calling. Okay lets try again. Why don't you invite EF member Tony Chaitkin to debate the issue? Let's see if you have the courage
  22. Please feel free to invite any other fan boys or fan girls of your Fuhrer to engage in discussions here. We do support free expression. You however so far have 'shown me' nothing. Mental regurgitation is no more edifying or enlightening than physical regurgitation. Call your bluff and you fold. It's as simple as that.
  23. The source is contained in the by line of the news story. You might try reading a little more carefully. It will save time for both of us. When you are pasting directly from other sources please make sure you provide the link. Quite why you want to paste directly from such other sources is another matter. On your other point - You are of course quite within your rights to be fixated with this Larouche nazi character but repeating again and again the lies of your beloved leader and his assorted and bizarre right wing lickspittles about the Liverpool Pathway palliative care programme does not make those lies true. You are indeed engaged in a 'far right conspiracy against the NHS'. The chances of you seeing or understanding this this side of 10 years of intense therapy are I will concede remote. Instead of your typical sophistry why don't you invite Education Forum member Tony Chaitkin to answer any questions you and other members might have? You've done this with Jim Hougan, Joan Mellon and others so why not have Tony here to answer questions? As far as your repeated reference to "Nazi" leanings, you might look a little closer to home to find your "Nazi's". As I showed you Prince Phillip was up to his arse with the Nazi party. Where do you think Hitler got his ideas of eugenics, and euthanasia?
  24. Clay Shaw was a director of Permindex. This was the organization headed by British SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. This was also the organization identified by French Intelligence in 1967 as being responsible for the assassination attempts against Charles DeGaulle in the early 1960's. Permindex was also linked to the murder of Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei. Garrison was right on target identifying Clay Shaw as being part of the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. The problem with his investigation came with interlopers like Lord Bertrand Russell (who despised President Kennedy) who got inside his investigation, as well as the dirty tricks carried out by former Kennedy Justice Department operative Walter Sheridan.
  25. The source is contained in the by line of the news story. You might try reading a little more carefully. It will save time for both of us.
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