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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Ironic that Larouche who championed the the Clintons and to a lesser extent Kerry condemns Obama for being pro-choice.

    There seems to be little rhyme or reason to his likes and dislikes

    Reagan = Good, Bush Sr. (and Jr) = Evil

    Clinton (and his wife) = Good. Gore = Evil

    Kerry = Good, Dukakis = Evil

    Do his followers know what he is talking about? I doubt it, their not understanding him is taken as a sign of his "briliance"

    Sure they do. Here is the basis of LaRouche's policies.

    "The distinction of man from beast, on which the sacredness

    of the life of the individual human foetus, or born person

    depends for its protection from the actions of its adversaries,

    lies in the society's devotion to the distinction of man from

    beast, which lies, uniquely, in not only the existence, but the

    promotion of what are those creative powers of the individual

    mind of the human individual mind which are the essential, and

    only distinction of man from beast among living human


    Now read this obscure quote and you can see the difference in thinking or viewpoint regarding the nature of man.

    LOL to demonstrate that Larouche’s minions understand his verbiage you cut and paste yet another of his passages, how exactly does that demonstrate comprehension on your part?

    ''My mother was much less intelligent than my father, but she perceived the dangers of Nazism the same as I did,'' Colby said. ''I recognized at the very beginning what was going to happen to Jewish people.''

    Colby was 15 when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, and he urged his parents to leave the country while there was still time. His father refused. The Nazis would need good doctors, he said. Paula wouldn't leave without her husband.

    emphasis added

    What would the Nazis need good doctors for, their "useless eater" policy?

    So now you’re attacking my grandfather a Holocaust victim? You’re truly vile and stupid as well because you seem genuinely stumped as to why a country at the brink of war would need doctors. As a Jew he expected to be treating civilians. 1938 was before the Nazis started the "Final Solution” and systematically murdering "useless eaters"

    Since you seem to think that family backgrounds are germane I found at least 5 mafiosi (4 from NYC) named Mauro, and it seems you have a son-in-law named Escobar, any relation?

    I cut and paste the supposed quote from your grandfather too, and you called that an "attack". Surely I must understand his sentiments in order to select that passage, correct?

    I saw "no" proof" from the cited article that your grandfather was a "holocaust" victim.

    Can you site proof of your accusation?

  2. Ironic that Larouche who championed the the Clintons and to a lesser extent Kerry condemns Obama for being pro-choice.

    There seems to be little rhyme or reason to his likes and dislikes

    Reagan = Good, Bush Sr. (and Jr) = Evil

    Clinton (and his wife) = Good. Gore = Evil

    Kerry = Good, Dukakis = Evil

    Do his followers know what he is talking about? I doubt it, their not understanding him is taken as a sign of his "briliance"

    Sure they do. Here is the basis of LaRouche's policies.

    "The distinction of man from beast, on which the sacredness

    of the life of the individual human foetus, or born person

    depends for its protection from the actions of its adversaries,

    lies in the society's devotion to the distinction of man from

    beast, which lies, uniquely, in not only the existence, but the

    promotion of what are those creative powers of the individual

    mind of the human individual mind which are the essential, and

    only distinction of man from beast among living human


    Now read this obscure quote and you can see the difference in thinking or viewpoint regarding the nature of man.

    ''My mother was much less intelligent than my father, but she perceived the dangers of Nazism the same as I did,'' Colby said. ''I recognized at the very beginning what was going to happen to Jewish people.''

    Colby was 15 when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, and he urged his parents to leave the country while there was still time. His father refused. The Nazis would need good doctors, he said. Paula wouldn't leave without her husband.

    emphasis added

    What would the Nazis need good doctors for, their "useless eater" policy?


  3. This is for Douglas Caddy who was so eloquent and succinct in his analysis of Lyndon LaRouche.

    {A Notre Dame event:}


    by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

    {May 18, 2009}


    {In these times, including the} {{New York Times}}, {the

    common failure of many highly publicized debates, is that none of

    the opposing parties, and few among the members of the audience,

    knew virtually anything worthwhile knowing about the purported

    subject of that May 17th occasion at Notre Dame University. It

    was clearly, a lack of knowledge of elementary morality which

    encouraged them to speak more freely, since they were

    unencumbered by that burden known as truth. What is actually

    important about President Barack Obama's appearance at Notre Dame

    University that day, was his certain, curious kind of innocence

    of what he had done. He showed no comprehension of the political

    issues of life-versus-death which he promised to compromise.}

    {Compromise was what he had set upon the table for that

    occasion, and, indeed, the compromise, his innocence, called, by

    wiser men, his ignorance, was incarnate in himself. His

    appearance at that occasion may be therefore compared,

    figuratively, to the failure of the man in the crowd who got the

    pin of the hand grenade which he was carrying stuck in the belt

    of his trousers, and, quite accidentally . . .}

    {But, then, he had walked on quickly, hearing the noise some

    seconds later; but, he never told his children, and never knew,

    himself, how many he had left to die when he had walked away,

    pausing to admire himself in his reflection in the pool he

    passed, on that weekend's day.}


    {Compare President Obama's statements of May 16, with Adolf

    Hitler's decree of September 1, 1939, seventy years earlier, on

    "lives not worthy to be lived."}

    Clearly, a novice U.S. President might be excused, if not

    forgiven, for a certain number of sins of ignorance, or, perhaps,

    you might be of the opinion that, in this case, it goes the other

    way around. However that might be, from one case to another, I am

    neither attacking, nor praising President Barack Obama in this

    present instance; I am merely pointing to an object, a less than

    worthless opinion, which he had happened to have dropped, and

    left behind in passing, on his way to, and from, that place.

    The fact is, clearly, President Obama's conduct suggests,

    that he, like the world's worst drug-pusher, George Soros, is

    apparently free of the burden of any knowledge of the {moral

    }implications of the abortion of a living human foetus. From his

    reported remarks at Notre Dame that day, he seems not to

    understand that the human foetus, is not "a thing;" it is not an

    animal; it is a human being, who, at virtually any stage of life,

    in, or out of womb, has a specific, creative {potential,} that of

    a quality which does not exist in any other living species. Those

    who are not accustomed to actually thinking creatively, might

    have difficulty with that concept. Obviously, Obama did.

    The problem with that Notre Dame debate is, that the

    argument of neither of those contending parties, as told,

    reported, by the {{New York Times}} or {{The Washington Post}},

    has any affinity at all for that quality of inborn creativity,

    which actually distinguishes the human individual from the

    beasts. Morever, neither of them, or anyone like them, has shown

    the slightest intellectual grasp of what actual human creativity

    is. The evidence supplied by the habitually hollow sophistry

    prescribed by the example of {{The New York Times'}} style book,

    will serve, on this occasion, as illustration of my point (not to

    speak of my personal experience with the product of the


    No elaborate inference is required to demonstrate that

    President Obama lacks an efficient quality of actual knowledge of

    the potentialities inherent in the human foetus (and also

    unadulterated voters). He talked, but, as we have often seen with

    him of late, in respect to matters of principle, there is no

    credible evidence that he had an actual conception of the

    implications of what he was talking about. Often, we find, that

    some Harvard lawyers these days are trained to think like that,

    especially Harvard lawyers who have been close to Larry Summers;

    in his speaking as a lawyer on that occasion, he enjoyed what

    some might consider the exculpatory advantage of innocence of any

    actual knowledge of that subject, theology, on which was

    speaking. He might seek to claim innocence on the grounds of

    stupidity. For the President, in this matter, the mere form of

    the implied debate was everything, and the content, for him, was


    Of such compositions by that President, as the {{Times}} and

    {{Post}} described that occasion's event at Notre Dame

    University, we must cry out, as Lord Byron might: what shall we

    say of such a poet and his press reviewers now?[1]



    In matters bearing on the policies of governments, let us

    not speak of religious denominations. Rather, let us look at the

    nature and history of the legacy of European governments since

    the time of the contemporaries of the Jesus of Nazareth who was

    born in the time of the reign of that Roman Emperor Augustus

    Caesar who had allied himself with the priests of Mithra cult.

    Jesus was murdered by crucifixion, under the specific authority

    conferred upon Pontius Pilate by the latter's virtual

    father-in-law, that monstrous habitué of the Isle of Capri,

    Tiberius. Such were the times of the similarly murdered Apostles

    Peter and Paul, and also the time of the most beloved Apostle


    The bearers of that Christian heritage, shared a certain

    wisdom with the wise person, considered a great scholar of the

    Hebrew faith from that same time, Philo of Alexandria, Philo's

    attack on Aristotle, in defense of the Creator's power of

    creativity, went to the core of what became the heritage of

    European civilization, still today. It was men and women of that

    legacy who gave birth to what has become the constitutional order

    of the United States traced to the Winthrops and Mathers of

    Seventeenth Century Massachusetts today.

    Put to one side those sundry contemporary interpretations of

    Christian doctrine which appeal more to the ignorance of the

    faithful than the wisdom of the Creator. Seek more solid ground

    for a judgment on a luminary figure such as our President. Look

    instead, at the verifiable legacy of the Christian faith and what

    it shares from its origins with the commitment of Philo of

    Alexandria. Our republic defined itself as Christian; therefore,

    look at the follies of the recent event at Notre Dame University

    in terms of what we know of the legacy which one might presume

    should be shared by those assembled, thus, at that university, or

    perhaps, a much better one, more like the Harvard of Increase

    Mather, today.

    Then, ask and answer the question: What is the meaning of

    the immortality of the soul of the mortal human individual? What,

    therefore, are we killing when a child in the womb is killed by

    whim? Or, similarly, later? What is the difference of the death

    of the child, in the womb or later, and the death of the animal?

    You will not find the answer to that in Silicon Valley!

    Therefore, instead of the tiresome labor of disputing

    scripture with sententious theological idiots, simply ask and

    answer the question, what is the creativity of the human

    individual which separates the death of the child from the death

    of a beast, or, on the contrary, of a soldier in war, or of the

    person who is murdered, in point of fact, by that withholding of

    the medical care which might have preserved that human life which

    President Obama's proposed policies now propose? Instead of

    splitting hairs over the words of scripture, answer that clear


    Do you know what human creativity means? I have seen no

    evidence that President Obama has even a glimmer of such precious

    knowledge; thus, what could he possibly know of the human soul,

    or, therefore, the killing of a living child in the womb? "What

    is Hecuba?" Certainly, his currently proposed health-care

    policies, which are explicitly echoes of the exact-same policy of

    genocide which Adolf Hitler dictated as the German law dated from

    September 1, 1939, have no agreement with what civilized

    societies call law.

    The issue is not the death of the innocent itself; you

    errant creatures shall not be let off so easily! The Satanic

    quality of what President Obama's Behavioral psychologists

    present as their Hitler-echoing "health-care policy," lies not in

    the killing itself, but in the nature of the intention which the

    uttered doctrine of Peter Orszag and that faithless "Big Wheel,"

    Ezekiel Emanuel typifies. There is an essential difference in

    moral principle, in death inflicted in combat, or by negligence,

    or if ordinary murder, and the willful extinguishing of the soul

    of the innocent person, either for reason of malice, or so-called

    economic convenience. There is a wide and deep moral gulf between

    the argument for the cause of death imposed by intent or by

    willful negligence, which President Obama defended at Notre Dame,

    and the death, even the murder of persons, for other causes.

    Nor, is there an ordinary sort of punishment for such an


    The essential nature of the crimes which Orszag and others

    have presented to President Obama as their wicked intention,

    must, of course, be confessed to be the fruit of their intention;

    but, the nature of the offense does not in the death itself, but

    in the evil of the Hitler-like intention which Orszag and his

    dupes and other accomplices represent as their intended design of

    the relevant form of proposed law. The evil lies in the

    legislator who permits such laws to be enacted. The essential

    evil lies in its true origin, in the intention of the

    perpetrator, not the act by the individual person, but the fault

    of the consensual law of that society.

    The fault lies, essentially with those churches and the

    policies of the society which generates the general opinion which

    the individual act merely expresses. The root of the problem, and

    also the remedy, lies not in the individual member of society,

    but, rather the fault, to the extent it exists, lies on the

    shoulders of the leading molders of public opinions and law. It

    lies, for example, on those who promote that impoverishment of

    the people, as the current economic policies uttered by President

    Barack Obama prevent certain of the typical classes of remedies

    which might be available. Therein, similarly, in the economic and

    related dynamics of the general policy, including the general

    morality of the state, is wherein the remedy lies, a remedy

    beyond the means of control by the mere individual person as


    It is the society, not the mere individual, who must be

    considered accountable.

    For the sake of his own soul, that poor fellow, that poor

    heathen, President Obama must, especially, think about that.

    {{"How Green Was His Valley?"}}

    There are, chiefly, two aspects of the current policy of the

    Obama government which tend to demand that the President promote

    the increased misery of the generality of our nation and its

    citizens. First, he allows the great theft by what is called

    "Wall Street" and also its likeness around the world. To pay for

    this immorality of current policies of the most powerful

    governments generally, including Obama's own, the poor are

    intended to pay by Obama's adoption of policies which will

    increase their pain and misery and shorten their lives. Second,

    he supports a lying and bestial cult-belief, expressed as "cap

    and trade," which drives the economies which tolerate such a

    swindle into greatly increased economic ruin; this ruinous policy

    will kill our citizens, and those of other nations, in vast

    numbers. To support that fraudulent policy, the President is, so

    far, disposed to drive the greatest portion of our own and other

    populations into vastly increased suffering and death-rates.

    Neither the U.S. Government, nor its officials, can consider

    themselves the faithful moral servants of the general welfare of

    our people, a general welfare which is mandatory under our

    fundamental law, if they promote, or even tolerate either those

    policies or their effects. The promotion, or even the toleration

    of such policies, is inherently immoral, and, under our

    Constitution, impeachable. Speaker Nancy Pelosi's complicity in

    the effort to bury the relevant idea of a "Pecora Commission" in

    the same political graveyard as the ill-fated hoax of "The Warren

    Commission," or "9-11," is typical of the principle involved.

    The underlying systemic problem in the making of law which

    thus confronts us here, is that, whereas, the Constitutional law

    of the United States, as in both the Declaration of Independence

    and Federal Constitution, was derived from the specific

    principles of dynamics introduced to modern society by Gottfried

    Leibniz, whereas much of the flawed law practiced by our

    government and its lawmakers and courts since is based on the

    entirely contrary, scientifically incompetent doctrine and method

    typified by the teaching of the science-incompetent Rene

    Descartes, and such depraved followers of that Descartes as Adam

    Smith ({{The Theory of Moral Sentiments}}--1759) and the British

    Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham ({{An Introduction to the

    Principles of Morals and Legislation}}--1781/1789).

    Like Descartes' pseudo-scientific method, the British

    empiricist dogma, to the present day, as also that of the typical

    Wall Street ideologue, is premised on the depraved notion of the

    human individual as being merely an object engaged in statistical

    forms of kinematic interaction with other bumpable objects in

    otherwise empty space. It is a cardinal principle of the

    empiricist method derived from such precedents as the Ockhamite

    dogma of Paolo Sarpi and Rene Descartes, that there is no actual,

    knowable morality in society, other than bumps and grinds of the

    kinematic encounters among the mere particles of empty space (and

    also virtually empty heads) of Paolo Sarpi's system of government

    and Venetian finance. That Sarpian heritage is the doctrine of

    the empire of the British East India Company, and of British

    empiricism doctrine and notions of law against which our republic

    fought, since the February 1763 Peace of Paris, for independence

    from the evil which that British imperial system represented as

    depravity then, and its imperial murder and thievery of today.

    The morality of any decent republic, and, therefore, its

    law, recognizes that the connection between the individual and

    the society is dynamic, not kinematic. It is the function of the

    state dedicated to those principles on which our republic was

    founded, in bloody opposition to British empiricist degradation,

    that the state is responsible for creating those preconditions of

    law through aid of which the moral objectives of the true

    republic are reached in effect. It is the way in which we compose

    the actualized constitution of our republic, which must create

    those conditions which are necessary, but beyond the control of

    the individual citizen, or even a large portion of that


    It is, therefore, within the bounds of the necessary,

    constitutional commitment to the fostering of the scientific and

    related progress of the condition of present and future

    generations, and their individuals, that the practical

    realization of the necessary moral conditions of life of the

    individual and the larger body of society is attained and


    The distinction of man from beast, on which the sacredness

    of the life of the individual human foetus, or born person

    depends for its protection from the actions of its adversaries,

    lies in the society's devotion to the distinction of man from

    beast, which lies, uniquely, in not only the existence, but the

    promotion of what are those creative powers of the individual

    mind of the human individual mind which are the essential, and

    only distinction of man from beast among living human


    Of such matters, President Barack Obama either knows nothing

    of his most essential moral responsibilities, or has chosen to

    ignore those responsibilities, for one reason or another.

    Therefore, in numerous ways in his recent behavior in

    office, especially since his pilgrimage to worship objects in

    Buckingham Palace, he has acted with indifference to the

    violations of morality, and therefore constitutional principles

    of our law, which are, in particular, specific to the creation

    and progress of the existence of our republic. There lies the

    essential practical issue; there lies the issue of proper law and

    its practice,

    {{In Defense of Creativity}}

    When we speak of the human mind, we are referring to the

    "fire" which the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' {{Prometheus Bound}}

    had banned. "Fire," such as the presently indispensable reliance

    on the use of the power of high energy-flux-density. That means

    power on the level of the standard set by the nuclear-fission

    power, on which the continued existence of the present level of

    population of our planet now depends. No "alternative," low

    energy-flux-density alternatives exist, or ever will exist. The

    right of every society to its own use of the benefits of

    nuclear-fission, and also higher qualities when they become

    available, is as essential as the availability of a quality of

    health-care which President Obama's administration is presently,

    and passionately, determined to destroy.

    The alternative to a pro-nuclear-power policy, would become

    genocide on the scale of billions of human deaths. The use of

    nuclear power, in and of itself, is not a moral issue, but the

    denial of its use is comparable to the genocide, and related

    effects, caused by the policies of Adolf Hitler, the willful

    cause of the needless death of billions of the people of this

    planet, soon. So, if President Obama's health-care policies could

    cause even billions of avoidable early deaths, what of it. His

    policies of "sun and wind" would tend to have the same effect.

    Wind or killer pills, the fact remains, that the policies

    presently pushed foremost by the Obama administration up to this

    point, are policies respecting health care which are just as

    mass-murderous in the near term today as Adolf Hitler's were

    between September 1939 and May 1945.

    Which brings us back to the event at Notre Dame.



    [1]. Should such debaters bring to our mind what

    Shakespeare's Doll Tearsheet, who was honest in her certain way,

    said of Ancient Pistol?

    "You a captain! you slave for what? For tearing a poor

    whore's ruff in a bawdy house? `He's a captain!' hang him, rogue.

    He lives on mouldy stewed prunes and dried cakes. `A captain!'

    God's light, these rogues will make the word as odious as the

    word `occupy,' which was a wondrous good word before it fell into

    bad company; therefore, captains had need look to it."

    End of Footnotes

  4. You once again focus on irrelevant issues why not address LaRouche's lies about attendence at his speach.

    You don't like Horowitz? Great I don't like him either but far more of his critics (mostly students it seems) showed up at one of his speches at UW that supporters or detractors of your guru bothered to appear at Larouche's speech at CCSU. For reasons yet to be made clear Larouche sites lied about attendence at the event.

    Attendence at the event is germaine because it seems to indicate a complete disinterest, outside his small cult, to what he has to say.

    You show up to debate only after Evan deletes my response. Are you the Education Forum's sacred cow? Or maybe Evan doesnt believe in calling a bottle of milk a bottle of milk?

    And how do you know how many people registered and attended the LaRouche presentation? How do you "know" how many people were there? The video you're using to "prove" your contrived issue was filmed and provided by the LaRouche organization.

    To be honest I dont care if they said 150-175 people were in attendance and there was less. What could they possibly accomplish by adding 50-80 people to the audience? This is the kind of poop you love to swim in. Habits from your GG Allin days?

    And I answered your question on popularity ( Madonna is popular) when I pointed out that millions of adult Americans prefer cartoon watching to anything political, to anything that might require them to leave their fantasy life behind.

    I simply go with who is telling the truth. The size of the audience, popularity etc. has absolutely no meaning to me. I couldnt care any less. Idiot President George Bush pulled in much larger audiences than LaRouche, so what's the point. You see where that got the nation.

    Are we done with this debate? Now you know, I don't care if there were 50 people in attendance or 150 people. Furthermore I don't see the number in attendance as a reflection of any flaw on LaRouche's part. LaRouche is one of the greatest strategic thinkers alive today. His enemies know this even if you don't know it. <Offensive comment deleted>



  5. Campus Watch


    Since the end of 2002, there has been a Nazi-Gestapo operation on campuses across America, which has been run by neo-conservatives like Lynne Cheney, Dave Horowitz, Stanley Kurtz, Martin Kramer, David French, and others. They say they want to ensure that there are no "political idealists" turning campuses into a place for attacking the "War on Terror," and thereby destroying our security. The first major attempt to create legislation to ensure this was launched in early 2003, when Title VI of the 1965 Higher Education Act, which provides funding for area study centers and programs at universities in the United States, came up for renewal.

  6. The major television networks have almost never allowed an intelligent discussion about the JFK assassination, let alone a debate. In the past, when the subject was broached, either a totally ineffective "critic" (think David Scheim or John Davis) argued the conspiracy side, or when a true critic was selected, it was usually Cyril Wecht or Mark Lane. Now I admire Wecht quite a bit, but if you've ever seen him on television, you know that he tends to talk fast, use too many scientific or medical terms and become emotional quickly. Because of this, he tended to come off as a bit ineffective. As for Lane, he also shows his emotions easily, becomes frustrated at the obvious bias of the host(s) and spends much of his precious air time protesting that.

    Speaking of Lane, Penn Jones ran a bit in The Continuing Inquiry years ago, where it was claimed that he participated in a series of "staged" debates with David Lifton's friend Wesley Liebeler. wherein each time, they would both react identically at the same moment in an obviously scripted manner. Lane is one of my early heroes, so I'd like not to believe this, but who knows? It really wouldn't surprise me.

    One thing is certain; you will never see a truly knowledgable, Vincent Salandria-type of critic allowed to debate Posner or Bugliosi on any televistion network. But then again, I don't even think they ask anyone to "debate" these clowns anymore. They just trot out a lame, bought and sold talking head like Keith Olbermann/Sean Hannity, etc., to ask softball questions of the most recent LN celebrity.


    Mark Lane and his work on the JFK assassination has always been tainted by his close involvement with the likes of Bertrand Russell, Hugh Trevor Roper and "The British Who Killed Kennedy Committee". I look at that title almost like a "play on words" , an "inside joke" by Bertrand Russell.

    It was Bertrand Russell's "Pugwash Conferences" that kept the policy of MADD(nuclear stand off or cold war) in place between the US and Soviets until the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989-1991 period.

    And despite Russell's professed passion in solving the JFK assassination he was no fan of President Kennedy and his policies.

    If you wish to get a taste of Russell's true feelings toward JFK you should contact the JFK Library in Boston and request a copy of Betrand Russell's "cables" to President Kennedy during the Cuban Missiles Crisis.

    Lane and Bertrand Russell also mis lead Jim Garrison in my opinion. Garrison had nabbed one of the high level directors of Permindex in Clay Shaw. Russell, Schoenman and Lane helped shift Garrison towards the CIA in order to protect Permindex and the British.

    If you want to read a very interesting book about JFK's break with the British, then you should read a book published in 1993 "Report to JFK". This is the real life account of the battle between Kennedy and the British around the Skybolt missile program that occured at the height of the cold war. British PM Macmillan in his memoirs recounted how JFK had to be "arm twisted" into giving the British the Polaris Missiles.


    And you if stopped and thought about it, many of the so called "conspiracy" programs, books, etc. are made in Great Britian for consumption here in the USA. Mark Lanes book Rush to Judgement is an example of this. Lane got plenty of media coverage, speaking engagement etc. for RTJ while Harold Weisberg for example could not get a single publisher to publish his book.

    And for further ponderance keep in mind that Joe Kennedy Sr. married off his daughter to the nasty "Cecil" family who claimed to be the real power behind the British Monarchy for centuries.

  7. Len in my view your comments about education level (not that I accept them at face value-- would have to look more closely) do not surprise me. Look at American Universites today. Chris Hedges recent article about them was dead on. They are technochratic monastaries. Most of the 9/11 dismissal is aimed at raising class anxiety at any middle class organism . It works. They are scared of beign called a conspiracy theorist, and this tendency is if anything more pronounced among Chomsky-Goodman-Cockburn left liberals.

    The medieval monastaries could never produce a group as politically irrelevent as todays American Universities. You need to come back from Brazil to believe just how completely air brained and worse than Russia apolitical the university educated are here these days. Anyone from another country could never believe it.

    Here's a organization "Campus Watch". They seem to be a self anointed "watch dog", always on the look out for any "thought crimes" on campus. The Middle East seems to be their specialty


    From Who's Who at Campus Watch

    Teri Blumenfeld - Research Manager, DanielPipes.org

    Ms. Blumenfeld moderates the forums for DanielPipes.org and assists with research for Dr. Pipes. Ms. Blumenfeld was a founder of Meditran, an Arab-Israeli center in Jerusalem. She holds a BS from San Francisco State University and conducts research for terrorism trials. Contact: comments@danielpipes.org

    I wonder if Teri Blumenfeld is any relation to the late Isadore Blumenfeld?


    You just never know these days.

  8. http://glennbeckbooks.qarf.com/uncategoriz...the-white-house

    Glenn Beck interviewed the authors on his show on Thursday, May 14, for about 10 minutes. He tried to impress the two very boring and dour "economists", who put coffee to sleep, that he admired their book, but disputed how the white house was using it to "promote the economy" with false optimism.

    If this does not make sense, you do not have the right animal spirits. This is a term that Obama actually used in a recent press conference, the "animal spirits". Akerlof is especially brain dead in his appearance.

    Their book contends that a depression actually depresses the animal spirits that are necessary for economic recovery, and that government must intervene to restore the "animal spirits" and promote economic recovery. This is actually a very Cartesian approach to liken human to animal psychology, which is the core of behaviorism.

    In fact, the manic Wall street traders are depressed right now, since the world is ignoring them. The New Yorker has a longer article which is another one of these " connect the dots" to understand the financial collapse. AT the end of the article, the hedge fund trader that the author followed for a few years concluded that "capitalism without bankruptcy is like christianity without hell".

    Then he remarked, " if long term bonds go up, we are finished

  9. I disagree with your characterization. I think it's very educational for the members. Examining how people think and not what they think (opinions)is a great method for understanding truth and furthermore how the human mind locates truth.

    Culture plays a great role in this process. If someone has adopted "Nazi" tendencies, if that is their outlook towards humanity, then this will definitely play a role in the way they think. The opinions they express and their method of thinking.

    <offensive remarks removed>

    Evan, you have to be kidding. Why do you continue to "black out" the truth?

    Now you won't allow anyone to know that Len Colby is part of the Hofjuden Oppenheimer family? To characterize my comments as "offensive" is ridiculous.

  10. You have perfect timing.

    Do you have any idea why a portion of my earlier response was deleted?

    What was my offense? I simply offered up my insight as to how you came to be a dedicated sophist. I suggested that it was long standing family tradition. In fact I think I can prove it beyond a doubt.

    Maybe John can respond to the question?

  11. That's certainly the understanding I came away with. Of course I've witnessed these tactics many many times before. It is always the same, attack LaRouche in an effort to contain him and his ideas.

    Why do you think the Professor made special mention of the anti LaRouche pamphlets being distributed on campus?

    The rest of your characterization is meaningless to me. Why identify this professor as a "groupie"? What is the significance of characterizing him this way? How does it effect the truthfulness of LaRouche's comments about 911? The Professor said many things that fly in the face of your false argument.

    Deleted (offensive comment)

  12. I would suggest you watch the first five minutes, introducing LaRouche. The moderator describes the negative attacks leading up to LaRouche's appearance. This included the distribution of material which was against the stated wishes of the lecture series creator and moderator.

    The moderator describes the material distributed about LaRouche as either "problematic factually at best, or clearly inaccurate".

    And if you watch you'll see professors/instructors are present for the presentation.




    May 9 - In a conversation with EIR, Benito Livigni, a former

    collaborator of Enrico Mattei and an expert on the history of

    Mattei and ENI, pointed to the fact that Enrico Mattei, Italy's

    anti-colonialist leader in the 1950s and '60s, was negotiating an

    anti-British strategic partnership with the Kennedy

    Administration. Of particular significance is a report, Livigni

    said, written by U.S. Undersecretary of State George Ball to

    President Kennedy in summer 1962, after he met Mattei in Rome.

    The document, a copy of which is in Livigni's hands, says that in

    case of a U.S.-British fight, Mattei and Italian State President

    Gronchi (a friend of Mattei's) would be in the pro-U.S.A. camp,

    whereas other leaders in Europe would align with Britain. Ball

    characterizes as "Europist" the pro-British faction and as

    "Atlanticist" the pro-U.S. faction.

    This paper, together with the British Foreign Office

    documents targetting Mattei as a threat to the British colonial

    system, put the assassination of Mattei and even of JFK in the

    strategic perspective of a British operation to eliminate what

    the British saw as an existential threat to their Empire.

    Livigni was the first researcher to dig out British Foreign

    Office papers on Mattei, and published them in a book in 1995, in

    which he identified Lyndon LaRouche as the executor of Mattei's

    pro-development fight. Livigni's latest book, entitled {The

    Predators of Oil and Finance}, contains large sections on

    LaRouche and EIR articles. Bookstore orders for the book, the

    publisher reports, have already exhausted stocks. Livigni is

    currently working on a new project, on JFK and Mattei's "parallel

    lives." [ccc]

  14. I believe that assassination by BIOP is commonplace. Death by "natural causes.

    Remember...the CIA ADMITTED to trying to kill Castro with BIOP germs and toxins.


    I remember reading a small news report of missing virals of virus from Ft. Detrick back in the mid-70s, and then was surprised to see the whole Legionaires Disease epidemic unfold at the Bellview Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia in the summer of 1976 - Bicentennial Summer.



    "I remember reading a small news report of missing virals of virus from Ft. Detrick back in the mid-70s, and then was surprised to see the whole Legionaires Disease epidemic unfold at the Bellview Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia in the summer of 1976 - Bicentennial Summer."

    I was going to bring that up, as well. I saw nothing coincidental about that, either.

    Shortly after the 9/11 debacle, KCET put a panel of medical experts together from Stanford, UCLA, USC, and Cedars-Sinai for a NOVA special to address the aspects of bio warfare and how the city of L.A. would be equipped to respond to it. The representative from UCLA seemed the most concerned, especially as to the lack of, or shortage in number of, loading dock spaces, which are converted to decontamination stations in worst case scenario disaster drills.

    He also happen to mention "age specific" biologicals that could be used to target people over the age of 55. Legionnaires Disease immediately came to mind at the time. So, if these major medical centers were already anticipating bio-weaponry on that scale, and with age-specific designations, you can bet your behind that these have already been concocted and available for use, if not abuse, should they fall into the wrong hands, or gain access into black market channels of distribution.

  15. http://www.boston.com/news/science/article...thogen_mystery/

    WASHINGTON - The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, Md., is under investigation by the Army's Criminal Investigation Command for the possible disappearance of some of its stock of deadly pathogens, an Army spokesman said.

    The Frederick News-Post reported yesterday that since at least February, agents have been trying to discover what happened to pathogens that may have gone missing from 1987 to 2008. The investigation coincides with the suspension of most research at the Army lab in February as authorities attempt to find errors in an inventory of their biological materials.

    Christopher Grey, public affairs chief for the Criminal Investigation Command, confirmed yesterday that the command is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the institute. "We have an ongoing investigation at Fort Detrick," Grey said, but he declined to say when the investigation began or when it is likely to be completed.

    The investigation seems to center on missing samples of Venezuelan equine encephalitis, a mosquito-borne virus that usually causes a mild flulike illness but can also cause brain inflammation and death. It has potential for use as a biological weapon, but is far less lethal than some other agents the lab works with, such as anthrax bacteria and Ebola virus.

    The News-Post cited two support staff members who said they had been questioned by investigators from Fort Meade, Md., about missing samples of the virus. Alan Schmaljohn, a longtime scientist at the lab who now works for the University of Maryland, said he had also been questioned two or three months ago as someone who once had access to the virus.

    "They caught me on my cellphone on the road and I stopped and talked to them for quite a long time," Schmaljohn said.

    Schmaljohn said it wasn't clear from the questions exactly what the investigators sought, though he believed they wanted to know what happened to three missing vials carrying small quantities of the virus.

    "The number of vials is utterly meaningless," Schmaljohn said. "Three vials missing is no indication of any evildoing. . . . It's almost equivalent to saying you're missing 3 cents out of the national budget. . . . From the scientists' point of view it is inconsequential, but from the regulator's point of view it is an indication of sloppiness, and they are finally going to take rugged action."

    A problem in accounting for Venezuelan equine encephalitis was what triggered the earlier suspension of most research at the lab. A spot check in January found 20 samples of the virus in a box of vials instead of the 16 that had been listed in the institute's database, Caree Vander Linden, the spokeswoman for the institute, said in February.

    The lab has been under heavy pressure to tighten security since anthrax attacks in 2001 that killed five people and sickened 17 others. FBI investigators think the anthrax strain used in the attacks originated at the Army lab, and its prime suspect, Bruce E. Ivins, researched anthrax there. Ivins committed suicide last year.

    Wonderful. One wonders how many other deadly pathogens are 'missing'. Even AIDS is sometimes suspect as having come from here by accident or on purpose. If one looks at how stockpiles of weapons are moved from military inventories to secret ops and such, why not biologicals. The idea of rogues taking the Anthrax or this new material is, IMO, less likely then a small secretly-approved operation to move it into the 'black world' for who-knows-what. There are pathogens that could kill all in a city or region or the planet in short order, in case you want to loose sleep. Ebola spread over a wide area [to name just one pathogen] would render the area a death zone that few, if any, would survive.........most would live just a week or so of horrible deathpangs. Brave New World. Reminds me of the missing nukes too. We have a rogue state posing as the State, face it. The Anthrax was part II of the 9/11 attacks and was NOT done by one disgruntled employee. He was the patsy and killed in his role.

    Let's see, this rinky dink newspaper from Frederick, Maryland reports that there's a secret military investigation into the loss of vials of biological warfare viruses on one day, and the next day there's a major virus outbreak in Mexico City that requires the government to declare martial law.

    Could there be a connection?



    My email to Peter this morning:

    Hey Peter,

    Could this be an indication of bio-op ethnic cleansing aimed at Mexico's drug cartels? Fort Detrick, MD working overtime, these days?


    Swine flu empties Mexico City's churches, streets


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    Mexico swine flu has 'pandemic potential' Play Video AP – Mexico swine flu has 'pandemic potential'

    * Swine Flu Slideshow:Swine Flu

    * Fear Over Potential Flu Pandemic Play Video Video:Fear Over Potential Flu Pandemic ABC News

    * 8 NYC Prep School Students Likely Have Swine Flu Play Video Video:8 NYC Prep School Students Likely Have Swine Flu CBS 2 New York

    A police officer, wearing a surgical mask, guards the entrance to the AP – A police officer, wearing a surgical mask, guards the entrance to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico …

    By DAVID KOOP, Associated Press Writer David Koop, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 20 mins ago

    MEXICO CITY – Churches stood empty Sunday in heavily Roman Catholic Mexico City after services were canceled, and health workers screened airports and bus stations for people sickened by a new strain of swine flu that experts fear could become a global epidemic.

    President Felipe Calderon has assumed new powers to isolate people infected with the deadly swine flu strain that Mexico's health minister says has killed up to 81 people and likely sickened 1,324 since April 13.

    Mexican soldiers and health workers patrolled the capital's subway system handing out surgical masks and looking for possible flu cases. People were advised to seek medical attention if they suffered from multiple symptoms — which include a fever of more than 100 degrees, body aches, coughing, a sore throat, respiratory congestion and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Hundreds of public events from concerts to sports matches to were called off to keep people from congregating and spreading the virus in crowds. Zoos were closed and visits to juvenile correction centers were suspended.

    About a dozen federal police in blue surgical masks stood in front of Mexico City's Metropolitan Cathedral, which was nearly empty after a measure canceling services to avoid large concentrations of people.

    Johana Chavez, 22, said she showed up for her confirmation only to find a sign advising that all Masses, baptisms and confirmations were canceled until further notice.

    "We are all Catholic so this is a big step, closing the cathedral," she said, cradling a squirming infant in her arms. "I guess I'll have to come back later."

    Markets and restaurants were nearly empty. And throngs of Mexicans — some with just a fever — rushed to hospitals.

    Mexico appears to have lost valuable days or weeks in detecting the new flu strain, a combination of pig, bird and human viruses that humans may have no natural immunity to. Health officials have found cases in 16 Mexican states. Two dozen new suspected cases were reported in the capital on Saturday alone.

    Eleven cases of swine flu were confirmed in California, Texas and Kansas, with more suspected in New York City.

    The first death was in southern Oaxaca state on April 13, but Mexico didn't send the first of 14 mucous samples to the CDC until April 18, around the same time it dispatched health teams to hospitals looking for patients with severe flu or pnuemonia-like symptoms.

    Those teams noticed something strange: The flu was killing people aged 20 to 40. Flu victims are usually either infants or the elderly. The Spanish flu pandemic, which killed at least 40 million people worldwide in 1918-19, also first struck otherwise healthy young adults.

    The World Health Organization on Saturday asked all countries to step up reporting and surveillance of the disease, as airports around the world were screening travelers from Mexico for flu symptoms.

    On Sunday, New Zealand reported that 10 students "likely" have swine flu after a school trip to Mexico, though Health Minister Tony Ryall said none of the students was seriously ill and there was no guarantee they had swine flu. Israel's Health Ministry said there is one suspected case in that country and France is investigating four possible cases.

    WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the outbreak of the never-before-seen virus has "pandemic potential." But she said it is still too early to tell if it would become a pandemic — an epidemic that spreads in humans around the world.

    WHO guidance calls for isolating the sick and blanketing everyone around them with anti-viral drugs such as Tamiflu. Too many patients have been identified in Mexico's teeming capital for such a solution now. But some pandemic flu experts say it's also too late to contain the disease to Mexico and the United States.

    "Anything that would be about containing it right now would purely be a political move," said Michael Osterholm at the University of Minnesota.

    Mexican authorities ordered schools closed in the capital and the states of Mexico and San Luis Potosi until May 6.

    A team from the Centers for Disease Control was in Mexico to help set up detection testing for the swine flu strain, something Mexico previously lacked.

    Health authorities noticed a threefold spike in flu cases in late March and early April, but thought it was a late rebound in the December-February flu season.

    Testing at domestic labs did not alert doctors to the new strain. Health Secretary Jose Cordova acknowledged Mexican labs lacked the profiling data needed to detect the previously unknown strain.

    Even though U.S. labs detected the swine flu in California and Texas before last weekend, Mexican authorities as recently as Wednesday were referring to it as a late-season flu.

    But mid-afternoon Thursday, Mexico City Health Secretary Dr. Armando Ahued said, officials got a call "from the United States and Canada, the most important laboratories in the field, telling us this was a new virus."

    Asked why there were so many deaths in Mexico, and none so far among the U.S. cases, Cordova noted that the U.S. cases involved children — who haven't been among the fatal cases in Mexico, either.

    "There are immune factors that are giving children some sort of defense, that is the only explanation we have," he said.

    Another factor may be that some Mexican patients may have delayed seeking medical help too long, Cordova said.

    Others are forced to work and leave their homes despite health concerns.

    Wearing two dirty, blue surgical masks she says she found and a heavy coat, Daniela Briseno swept garbage early Sunday morning from the streets in Mexico City.

    "This chill air must be doing me harm. I should be at home but I have a family to support," the 31-year-old said.

    Scientists have warned for years about the potential for a pandemic from viruses that mix genetic material from humans and animals.

    A "seed stock" genetically matched to the new swine flu virus has been created by the CDC, said Dr. Richard Besser, the agency's acting director. If the government decides vaccine production is necessary, manufacturers would need that stock to get started.


    Associated Press writers Mark Stevenson and Olga R. Rodriguez in Mexico City; Frank Jordans in Geneva; Mike Stobbe in Atlanta; Malcolm Ritter in New York; and Maria Cheng in London contributed to this report.

  16. Peter,

    French Intelligence did issue a 1967 report on the matter of repeated assassination attempts on the life of French President Charles De Gaulle.. In the report they identified "Permindex" as the organization responsible for the attempts on President Charles De Gaulle's life.

    Permindex was headed up by British (SOE) and Divsion Five(counter espionage division within the FBI) operative "Louis Mortimer Bloomfield."

  17. Don,

    One irony is that "operation Mockingbird" probably was not even necessary - the "journalist community" would have gladly carried out it's objectives with much less expensive CIA influence than was unleashed. No member of the press has the slightest interest in investigating and reporting on the circumstances of quotes of GHW Bush and Karl Rove displayed here, confidently and publicly endorsing the new biography of a man; http://samuelpryor.com/Home_Page.html who Winchell. Pearson, Marquis Childs, Asst. US Attorney General O. John Rogge, and perhaps a dozen authors of books, including presidential biographer Herb S. Parmet, all described as knowingly and deliberately introducing candidate Willkie to a traitor who was openly offering millions of dollars in funding from Goring and Ribbentrop for Wendell Willkie's campaign to unseat FDR. This man Pryor later flew Davis to meet with Willkie at Pryor's Jupiter Island home and introduced him to isolationist committee chairman Verne Marshall.

    Pryor befriended and chose to be buried next to Charles A. Lindbergh. This saga has the added dimension that the Nazi Abwehr agent that Pryor collaborated with and aided in the corruption of candidate Willkie, was the deliberatley hidden grandfather of Gray Davis....successfully kept hidden even as Davis's 2003 California gubernatorial opponent, Arnold Schwarzenneger, a man who in 1990 had voluntarily asked Simon Weisenthal to investigate the Nazi background of Schwarzenneger's own family, was the target of much negative news reporting related to his father and grandfather's Nazi service.

    Opinion, as Peter so clearly posted....is "incentivized", shaped by ideology, agenda, and anticipated reward. The proof is, as I keep coming back to, the fact that we as country, much more so than western Europe with the exception of the UK, are skewed so far to the right, but we still think we are "centrists". Militarized, "law and order", corporatism seems like "home" to most of us. Only six percent of the world population, but confining 25 percent of the world's prisoners....no problem.

    Rabidly right wing religious fanatics openly infesting the military and shaping a "biblical" foreign policy, no problem:

    The man who recently headed the pentagon policy board wrote this years before his appointment:

    "Israel should insist on Arab recognition of its claim to the biblical land of Israel, the 1996 report suggested..."

    No matter what the consequences of the dominance of our political and business culture by entrenched neo-fascism, there is no discussion as to whether a shift to the distant left side of center would be to our benefit, and the populist accomplishments of the French voters, influenced by their left leaning political ideology, is reflexively ridiculed, and never examined critically, even as 50 million in the US have no health insurance coverage and tuition costs for higher education become increasinlgy unaffordable.

    When it comes to rationally reacting to implausible official BS like the "magic bullet" and the WC declaration that both Oswald and Ruby were LNs, why would you expect most to react any differently than the do when they never even notice the fact that the French voter has achieved many benefits from the way he votes, vs. the American, who seems to have achieved next to none for himself and his family?


    "Opinion, as Peter so clearly posted....is "incentivized", shaped by ideology, agenda, and anticipated reward. The proof is, as I keep coming back to, the fact that we as country, much more so than western Europe with the exception of the UK, are skewed so far to the right, but we still think we are "centrists". Militarized, "law and order", corporatism seems like "home" to most of us. Only six percent of the world population, but confining 25 percent of the world's prisoners....no problem.

    Rabidly right wing religious fanatics openly infesting the military and shaping a "biblical" foreign policy, no problem:

    The man who recently headed the pentagon policy board wrote this years before his appointment:

    "Israel should insist on Arab recognition of its claim to the biblical land of Israel, the 1996 report suggested..."

    No matter what the consequences of the dominance of our political and business culture by entrenched neo-fascism, there is no discussion as to whether a shift to the distant left side of center would be to our benefit, and the populist accomplishments of the French voters, influenced by their left leaning political ideology, is reflexively ridiculed, and never examined critically, even as 50 million in the US have no health insurance coverage and tuition costs for higher education become increasingly unaffordable."

    On target, Tom.

    Nothing like keeping the unwashed masses dumbed down, glued to their plasma screens, as well as easily accessed and gps'd through their damned cell phones, and late model, gas-guzzling SUV's. You, sure hit the nail on the head with that one. Bravo!

    And, if this is considered to be an "atta boy" reply, then so be it! I could care less.


    by Anton Chaitkin

    {Time} magazine misnamed as the "Consortium of Behavioral

    Scientists" what {Time} described as "a secret advisory group of

    29 of the nation's leading behaviorists," directing President

    Barack Obama's catastrophic policy, of pouring out trillions of

    dollars to prop up the London-centered offshore finance swindle.

    The group of economists is actually called the Behavioral

    Economics Roundtable, based at the Russell Sage Foundation in

    Washington D.C. The "behavioral economics" project has been

    tightly organized and run jointly since 1986 by the Alfred P.

    Sloan Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundaton.

    Through these and related institutions, the project's

    sponsors are the same clique of London-directed strategists who

    created the Hitler and Mussolini regimes, and ran the propaganda

    war against President Franklin Roosevelt.

    After World War II, these British empire strategists revived

    fascist economics and psychological manipulation methods to

    attack and reverse Roosevelt's legacy.

    The Empire's Irrational Subjects

    The Israeli kook psychologist Daniel Kahneman, called the

    founder of behavioral economics, was an apostle of brainwashing

    expert Kurt Lewin. Kahneman has described his own Israeli army

    experiments, based on the psychological warfare methods of

    Lewin's bosses in London's Tavistock Institute: the study of

    soldiers' vulnerable minds in "leaderless groups."

    Kahneman met Alfred P. Sloan Foundation vice

    president/psychologist Eric Wanner in 1982. Wanner, previously

    employed by Britain's Sussex University, home of the Tavistock

    Institute, took Kahneman under his wing. Wanner soon afterwards

    became chief executive of the Russell Sage Foundation, and, in

    1986, he instituted the Behavioral Economics Project, run jointly

    by the Sloan and Sage Foundations.

    Both foundations, as will be reported below, were central to

    London's post-World War II fascist revival.

    This began before the war was even won. In 1944, Montagu

    Norman had stepped down as governor of the Bank of England, after

    two decades directing the London and Wall Street promotion and

    funding of the Hitler dictatorship. Norman next created the World

    Federation for Mental Health, managed by leaders of the

    pro-Hitler Cliveden Set under the presidency of Tavistock

    Institute director John R. Rees. Heading this London initiative

    within the U.S.A. was Kurt Lewin, working for Tavistock with

    Rockefeller money arranged by Russell Sage Foundation operative

    Raymond Fosdick.

    Lewin set the tone for what is now called "behavioral

    economics"--instead of a republic's government serving rational

    citizens, an empire's oligarchy rules its subjects by playing on

    popular ignorance and irrationality. Lewin mused in his 1941

    book, {Time Perspective and Morale}:

    "One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a

    'strategy of terror' consists in exactly this tactic--keep the

    person hazy as to where he stands and what just he may expect.

    If, in addition, frequent vacillations between severe

    disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment, together

    with the spreading of contradictory news, make the cognitive

    structure of this situation utterly unclear, then the individual

    may cease to know when a particular plan would lead toward or

    away from his goal. Under these conditions, even those

    individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks

    will be paralyzed with severe inner conflicts in regard to what

    to do."

    Sloan, Sage and the Project

    The two foundations running the Behavioral Economics

    Roundtable have extended this project and put their Behavioral

    operatives into the National Bureau of Economic Research

    (NBER--an anti-labor think-tank funded entirely the right-wing

    Olin, Bradley, Scaife, and Smith Richardson Foundations), giving

    many Roundtable Sage-Sloan paid operatives an NBER label.

    Arrangments with NBER, have been supervised by Sloan

    Foundation Program Director Michael S. Teitelbaum, who epitomizes

    the unashamed Hitler legacy at Sloan. A former Oxford University

    faculty member, Teitelbaum was a key American instigator of the

    return of the Nazi race psuedo-science called eugenics. From his

    Sloan base since 1983, Teitelbaum spread eugenics and

    anti-immigrant filth into Congressional deliberations. He was

    presient of the American Eugenics Society from 1985 to 1990, and

    vice president of Sloan Foundation in the late 1990s, as

    "behavioral economics" was revved up.

    This effort bears rotten fruit in the person of a leading

    behavioral economist Alan Kreuger, whom President Obama has

    nominated to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Policy.

    Though not yet confirmed, Krueger has already been advising

    Treausury Secretary Tim Geithner during the catastophic bailouts.

    Kreuger has been a director of the Russell Sage Foundation,

    a Sloan Fellow, an NBER Olin Fellow, and Krueger is a longtime

    staff leader at the eugenics movement's Office of Population

    Research at Princeton University. American Eugenics Society

    founder Frederick Osborn created that office at Princeton in

    1936, the year after the eugenics movement triumphed with the

    passage of Hitler's Nuremberg race laws. (The office now

    advertises a workers' efficiency survey being conducted by

    Treasury-designee Krueger and his fellow Princeton faculty

    member, behavioral economics originator Daniel Kahneman.)

    In that nightmare of the 1930s, Alfred P. Sloan was among

    the small circle of leading pro-Hitler industrialists in the

    United States. Sloan had been made chief executive of General

    Motors in 1923 by GM's co-owners, the J.P. Morgan bank and the

    DuPont chemical enterprise. In 1934, Alfred P. Sloan and

    Morgan-DuPont financial executive John J. Raskob founded the

    American Liberty League, and at the same time, the Sloan

    Foundation. The Liberty League organized American pro-fascists to

    attack President Franklin Roosevelt, while carrying on propaganda

    favorable to Mussolini and Hitler.

    The Sloan Foundation's assets were based on shares of

    General Motors, whose Opel division produced a large proportion

    of Germany's exports for the Hitler regime throughout the 1930s.

    The Russell Sage Foundation, a British Empire agency planted

    within the United States (with money from Wall Street speculator

    Russell Sage's widow), was X-rayed in the 1976 reference work

    {Carter and the Party of International Terrorism}, published by

    the U.S. Labor Party:

    "Since its incorporation in New York State in 1907, the

    Russell Sage Foundation has served as the major Fabian

    Society-Fabian Research Bureau operation in North America.

    Russell Sage has been the pioneer institution in the building of

    a 1984 [Orwellian]-style police infrastructure in this country:

    in the nazification of the federal judicial system; and the

    development of computer technology as a technical up grading of

    centralized Wall Street black propaganda control over every facet

    of the mass media in the field of overt criminal and terrorist

    activity ... since its engineered takeover of the New York City

    rackets during the late 1910s [sage] has been maintaining an

    ongoing program of crime profiling....

    "Under the stated purpose of scientific social work, Russell

    Sage initiated a wide range of projects [aiming at] the creation

    of a centrally controlled, mass-social-control apparatus. Russell

    Sage conducted the earliest program in co-participation

    (Mackenzie King's profiles of the Rockefeller family Colorado

    mining companies) and working-class profiling [in] Pittsburgh and

    San Francisco....)

    "[in World War One] Russell Sage moved its offices to

    Washington DC, and took over the Department of War. The

    Foundation [with its London background]--in that government

    capacity--organized the entire logistical and support operations

    for the U.S. war effort [in the alliance with Britain]. Personnel

    placed in the State Department took control over all

    German-American assets for the duration of the war. Col. Ayer of

    Russell Sage was one of President Wilson's chief negotiators and

    advisers at Versailles; he later assumed charge of the postwar

    German reparations and through this, was instrumental in creating

    the Anglo-American networks epitomized by the activities of

    [Hitler intelligence executive] Adm. Canaris and

    [London-controlled Nazi regime-designer] Hjalmar Schacht.

    "Russell Sage [later concentrated on] funding of Raymond

    Fosdick [head of Rockefeller Foundation who coordinated with

    publicist Ivy Lee and Morgan partner Thomas Lamont in directing

    international finances and public relations for the Mussolini and

    Hitler regimes] and supervision of German military buildup during

    the Weimar period.

    "[Just as] the original Fabian Society used visiting fellow

    programs [to recruit] long-term agents of influence, the Russell

    Sage maintains a network of leading operatives in every major

    university in the United States.... Among the notable individuals

    [created as Russell Sage projects were]:

    "Charles Hamilton, sponsor of Stokely Carmichael's Black

    Power project; ... Daniel Bell, [author of {The Coming of

    Post-Industrial Society}]; Alvin Toffler, author of {Future

    Shock}; Kenneth Boulding, the zero-growth convergence theory

    planner; University of Chicago psychological warfare [strategist]

    Morris Janowitz; top brainwasher Edward Shils; Columbia

    University counterinsurgency warfare planner Amitai Etzioni; LEAA

    founder James Vorenburg; Institute for Policy Studies terrorist

    controller and labor counterinsurgency expert Paul Jacobs; and

    the leading European-based linguistic brainwasher and left

    countergang controller, Alvin Gouldner of {Theory and Society}."

    The Obama Vortex

    This London "black-ops" project, behavioral econonomics, has

    embedded its operatives all over the Obama Administration.

    Sage Foundation director Thaler is a linchpin of the scheme.

    Thaler originally managed the Sloan-Sage sponsorship of Daniel

    Kahneman to "define that field" of economics"

    Thaler runs a multi-billion dollar private asset fund

    (Fuller & Thaler) employing Kahneman as a director. Thaler's

    private fund took over from Russell Sage the financing of the

    Project inside NBER.

    A University of Chicago professor, Thaler closely consults

    his younger faculty colleagues Austan Goolsbee and Cass Sunstein,

    two Obama advisors who were initiated into Thaler's behavioral

    economics clique.

    Sunstein co-authored Thaler's book, {Nudge}, on how the

    regime can engineer people's choices without their knowledge.

    President Obama has chosen Sunstein as U.S. Regulatory

    czar--administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory

    Affairs. Sunstein's wife is Samantha Power, a longtime paid

    George Soros agent specializing in provoking wars in Africa, who

    now runs "multi-lateral affairs" (the London connection) in

    Obama's National Security Council.

    Goolsbee was notorious as the radical Free Trade chief

    economic adviser to Obama's Presidential campaign. Like current

    Obama chief economic adviser and fellow behavioral economist

    Larry Summers, Goolsbee worships the late University of Chicago

    economist Milton Friedman. Goolsbie eulogized Friedman ({New York

    Times}, Nov. 17, 2006) for "scientific economics."

    The London-Wall street sponsors of behavioral economics want

    to get away with crushing austerity as policy outcome in the

    present systemic collapse. From the Aug. 6, 1923 {Time{ magazine

    cover lionizing Benito Mussolini, throughout the 1930s, they

    claimed that {Il Duce} was brutal, but "he made the trains run on


    Goolsbee invoked that Mussolini legacy in the title of an

    article, "Where the Buses Run on Time" (Slate, March 16, 2006),

    to praise the behaviorist speed-up of bus drivers made possible

    by Milton Friedman's economic program under the Pinochet

    dictatorship in Chile. Goolsbee argued that Chicago should use

    the methods for reducing wages and speeding up bus drivers, that

    had been successful outcomes of the Chilean fascist regime.


    {The Russell Sage Foundation identifies the "Behavioral Economics

    Roundtable" members as:}

    1. Henry Aaron, Brookings Institution;

    2. George Akerlof, University of California, Berkeley;

    3. Linda Babcock, Carnegie Mellon University;

    4. Nicholas C. Barberis, Yale University;

    5. Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago;

    6. Roland J. M. Benabou, Princeton University.;

    7. Colin Camerer, California Institute of Technology;

    8. Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;

    9. Jon Elster, Columbia University;

    10. Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich;

    11. Robert H. Frank, Cornell University;

    12. Christine Jolls, Harvard University;

    13. Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University;

    14. David Laibson, Harvard University;

    15. George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University;

    16. Brigitte Madrian, University of Pennsylvania;

    17. Sendhil Mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute


    18. Edward D. O'Donoghue, Cornell University;

    19. Terrance Odean, University of California Berkeley;

    20. Drazen Prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology;

    21. Matthew Rabin, University of California Berkeley;

    22. Thomas Schelling, University of Maryland;

    23. Eldar Shafir, Princeton University;

    24. Robert Shiller, Yale University;

    25. Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago

    26. Richard Thaler, University of Chicago;

    27. Jean Tirole, University Sciences Soc. Toulouse;

    28. Richard Zechhauser, Harvard University;

    and (until his death), Amos Tversky, Stanford University.


    The knives are out for Larry Summers, former Harvard

    president, behaviorial economist, director of the National

    Economic Council for President Barack Obama. The {New York Times}

    (April 6, 2009, "A Rich Education for Summers (After Harvard)")

    speared him as a fanatical hedge-fund operator and


    His Harvard prote@aage@aa, the prominent behavioral

    economist and mass corruptionist Andrei Shleifer, is part of what

    the {Times} called the "small circle of financial professionals,

    particularly hedge fund managers," that Summers has "cultivated

    ... to serve as an informal brain trust. He consults with them on

    policy matters from his perch in the White House."

    In the early 1990s, Summers was chief economist for the

    World Bank, coordinating the privatization and looting of Russia

    with Vice Premier Anatoly Chubais. While Summers' man Shleifer

    and Harvard University were then being paid by the U.S.

    government to advise Chubais and the Russians on privatization,

    Shleifer's wife Nancy Zimmerman was running a hedge fund out of

    the back room of Harvard's USAID-funded privatization project

    office in Moscow.

    Put in charge of setting up a stock market, and engineering

    other post-Soviet projects, Shleifer engorged himself on the

    resultant stocks and bonds, while Russia slid into misery. The

    U.S. government sued Harvard, Shleifer, and Zimmerman under the

    False Claims Act. Harvard and Shleifer reached an agreement with

    the Justice Department in 2005: Harvard paid $26.5 million to

    settle; Shleifer paid $2 million in damages, on top of his wife's

    firm's $1.5 million in damages.

    As Summers defended the looting of Russia and Shleifer's

    role in it, Harvard paid most of Shleifer's damages and kept him

    on the faculty.

    The cited {Times} article names only Nancy Zimmerman, and

    not Shleifer himself, as being in that Summers circle of hedge

    fund managers.

    The same {Times} article makes a reference that points in

    the direction of the underlying behavioral economist takeover of

    the Obama Administration:

    "Among these [hedge fund] insiders are Kenneth D. Brody and

    Frank P. Brosens, the founding partners of another hedge fund,

    Taconic Capital Advisors, for whom Mr. Summers did consulting

    work from 2004 to 2006. Mr. Summers reached out to Mr. Brosens in

    December to discuss the Obama administration's economic

    priorities. This year, he campaigned to have him run the federal

    office overseeing the $700 billion bailout program. Mr. Brosens

    withdrew his name from consideration last month."

    The cited Kenneth D. Brody (Brosens' partner) is himself the

    Treasurer of the Russell Sage Foundation, the central channel

    through which the behavioral economics project has been foisted

    on the American government.

    {--Anton Chaitkin}

    Paolo Sarpi:


    While {Time} magazine's (April 13, 2009) expose of the

    "behavioral economists" surrounding President Barack Obama has

    put an important spotlight on a dangerous disease, infecting the

    economic decision-making at the Oval Office, the author of the

    expose only scratched the surface of the actual evil

    underlying this hedonistic madness.

    The bestial notion of man as an irrational creature, driven

    by overwhelming impulses to seek pleasure and avoid pain, which

    is at the heart of the so-called "behavioral economics" dogma,

    came directly from Venice, the wellspring of all modern financier

    oligarchism. The author of this schema, which ruthlessly rejects

    actual human creativity, was Paolo Sarpi (1552-1623).

    A Servite monk who rose to be the leading theological and

    juridical authority for the Venetian doge, Sarpi waged a war

    against the Catholic Church, and, despite his nominal status as a

    leading theologian, argued against the existence of God. In

    correspondence with Francis Bacon, mediated through the English

    ambassador to Venice, Henry Wooten, Sarpi argued that man can

    only know the world through his senses. Thus, Sarpi was the

    author of the radical, anti-cognitive empiricist doctrine, later

    codified by successive generations of English utilitarians, from

    John Locke, to Bernard de Mandeville, to Adam Smith, to Jeremy


    Sarpi took a leading role in the Venetian faction known as

    the Giovanni (Youth), who argued that Venice could not retain its

    financial and political power over Europe through its base in the

    Venetian lagoon. Sarpi and the Giovanni not only promoted the

    Protestant break with Rome, they redeployed Venetian power into

    northern Europe, through the successive takeover of the

    Netherlands and England, via the creation of Venetian-controlled

    trading companies, including the Venice, Turkey, Levant, and,

    eventually, the Dutch and British East India companies. It was

    this financier-oligarchy, that took over England, and, at the

    same time, promoted the radical empiricist dogma that has been

    the key to oligarchical power ever since.

    It is from Sarpi's descendents, particularly the radical

    hedonist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), that all of the essentials

    of "behavioral economics" derive. Indeed, a 2004 paper, published

    by the British Fabian Society's London School of Economics,

    titled "Utility Theory from Jeremy Bentham to Daniel Kahneman,"

    makes the case explicitly.

    Essentially plagiarizing Sarpi, Bentham, in his infamous {An

    Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation} (1780)

    wrote, "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two

    sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to

    point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we

    shall do.... Every effort we make to throw off our subjection,

    will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it. The principle of

    utility--the greatest happiness or greatest felicity

    principle--recognizes this subjection, and assumes it for the

    foundation.... Systems which attempt to question it deal ... in

    caprice instead of reason, in darkness instead of light."

    Bentham was not only the chief philosopher for the British

    East India Company, during the tenure of its Secret Committee

    chairman, Lord Shelburne. During Shelburne's brief tenures as

    Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister, Bentham founded modern

    British intelligence.

    Bentham first caught the attention of the Venetian-minded

    Shelburne for his diatribe against the American Declaration of

    Independence. In October 1776, Bentham wrote: "This, they 'hold

    to be' a 'truth self-evident.' At the same time, to secure these

    rights they are satisfied that government should be instituted.

    They see not ... that nothing that was ever called government

    ever was or ever could be exercised but at the expense of one or

    another of those rights, that ... some one or other of those

    pretended unalienable rights is alienated.... In these tenets

    they have outdone the extravagance of all former fanatics."

    Bentham's hatred of the American Revolution and the

    principles of republican government were totally consistent with

    his Sarpian belief that man is a beast, pure and simple. That

    Sarpi and Bentham are the intellectual architects of the perverse

    doctrine of hedonistic "behavioral economics" ought to wake up

    some patriotic stirrings among some in and around the Obama White

    House--before it is too late.

    {--Jeffrey Steinberg}


    April 8 (EIRNS)--The short version of Behaviorist Economics

    is that it can be considered as the carryover of the

    pseudo-science behind the Revolution in Military Affairs into the

    civilian sphere. On the other hand, it also clearly reflects the

    hedonistic calculus of Jeremy Benthem and Bernard Mandeville.

    Its origins can be traced to two Israeli behavioral

    psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tverski, both with

    experience in and employed by the Israeli Defense Forces, who

    began a long collaborative career by 1968.

    Born in Tel Aviv in 1934, Kahneman spent his youth in

    France, where his father was director of research for a chemical

    company "directed by the financial mainstay of the Fascist

    anti-Semitic movement in France in the 1930s," as Kahneman

    recalled in his autobiography ({A History of Psychology in

    Autobiography}). At the end of the war, the family embarked for


    Kahneman received his Bachelor's degree from Hebrew

    University in Jerusalem in 1954, majoring in psychology with a

    minor in mathematics. A favorite professor there introduced him

    to the work of Kurt Lewin, especially Lewin's "force field from

    the outside." He was so taken by Lewin's theories that he still

    teaches them today.

    After graduating, he served in the Israeli Army for four

    years, three of them in the psychology branch of the IDF. One of

    the projects he worked on was selection of individuals for

    officer training, using methods based on World War II British

    manuals. In a test involving a leaderless group, he experienced

    what he called the "first cognitive illusion I described," which

    he named "the illusion of validity."

    In his Nobel Prize-winning autobiography, he wrote, "puzzles

    with which I struggled at the time were the seed of the paper on

    the psychology of intuitive prediction which Amos Tversky and I

    published later." Kahneman is known as a leader in the field of

    hedonics, with a emphasis on the matter of the "framing" of

    decision-making (how a question is "framed" will affect the


    The two began publishing in the early 1970s, with the

    seminal work, "Judgement Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and

    Biases," published in {Science} magazine in 1974. At the end of

    that detailed work is a note, indicating that their research "was

    supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the

    Department of Defense [DARPA] and was monitored by the Office of

    Naval Research" under a contract to the Oregon Research

    Institute, with additional support "provided by the Research and

    Development Authority of the Hebrew University."

    Behavioral Economics Is Born

    Kahneman and Tversky spent time in Israel, the United

    States, and Britain, each spending time at Cambridge, and, in

    1978, both arrived at Stanford University, at the Center for

    Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences. It was here that

    they met University of Rochester-trained economist Richard

    Thaler, and the "science" of Behavioral Economics was born. The

    next year, 1979, saw the publication of the fundamental work of

    the new science, {Prospect Theory, Analysis of Decisions Under

    Risk,} by Kahnemann and Tverski. Subsequently, the two also

    published works along with Thaler, and others, notably, a British

    Columbia-based behavioralist Jack Knetsch.

    In 1982, the grouping was "institutionalized," one might

    say, by Eric Wanner, who was then the head of the Sloan

    Foundation, and who proposed funding an integration of behavioral

    psychology and economics. A year later, when Wanner became

    president of the Russell Sage Foundation, he brought the psychos

    along with him, and began to fund the project, which continues

    today. The first step was to send Thaler to the University of

    British Columbia, where Kahneman was teaching, to work with him

    for a year. At this time, Jack Knetsch, another economist who

    figures prominently in this field, would have been at UBC, as


    It was at Sage, that Kahneman and Tversky, along with

    Knetsch produced a work in which they tried to give their

    "Prospect Theory" a historical grounding, citing four works of

    theoretical "heritage," one of which is the work of John von

    Neumann and David Morgenstern. The result was "Fairness and the

    Assumptions of Economics," published in a special issue of {The

    Journal of Business}. Kahneman received half a Nobel Prize in

    2002, for "having integrated insights from psychological research

    into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and

    decision making under uncertainty." He is today at Princeton.

    Tversky died from cancer in 1996.

    In 1995, Thaler, who continues as a director at the Russell

    Sage Foundation, came to the University of Chicago. At Chicago,

    Thaler made a quick convert and lifetime associate of Cass

    Sunstein, a professor of law, who quickly picked up on the ideas

    and spread them to the legal profession, causing a minor

    revolution in teaching methods which continues today. Sunstein

    became a close associate of Barack Obama, who was also resident

    at UC at that time, and led Thaler to him at a 2004 Illinois

    Senate campaign event. Thaler's response at the time: "You know,

    he seems like the real deal."

    Thaler, in addition to being an economics professor at the

    University of Chicago, is still on the board of the Sage

    Foundation, which also houses the vaunted Consortium of 29, the

    Behaviorist Economics Roundtable, founded in 1992.

  19. William Hundley is a new name to me, but I know a few guys who used to work for Peloquin, who may be still alive.


    Hundley was John Mitchell's defense attorney during the Watergate drama.


    It has been reported over the years that INTERTEL played a major role in the coup against RMN.

    Here is a website featuring Jack Caulfield "Staff Assistant to the President 1969-1972"


    In that same genesis description, Dean tells Nixon that Haldeman had directed him to put together, in the Fall of '71, an intelligence plan for the upcoming '72 campaign and that since he had no experience in such matters, he tasked me, then a member of his staff, with the preparation of a final draft document. "Operation Sandwedge" was a twelve page analysis/proposal of what would be required for structuring an accurate, intelligence-assessment capability, of not only the Democratic party's opposition's tactics but also to ensure that the then powerful anti-war movement did not destroy Nixon's public campaign, as had been done to Hubert Humphrey in 1968. It also anticipated facing a Democratic campaign effort that would utilize the astute services of a leading private investigative entity called Intertel, then headed by former officials of Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department. Intertel represented, in my opinion, the potential for both formidable and sophisticated intelligence opposition tactics in that upcoming election campaign.


  20. This is interesting info, Bill.

    Thanks for posting it.

    Georgia Frontiere was quite the merry widow, getting married 2 months after her rich husband's mysterious death.

    And how about the NFL's security firm "INTERTEL" a wholly owned subsidary of Meyer Lansky's Resorts International. INTERTEL was run by former Kennedy Justice Department personnel "Robert Dolan Peloquin" and "Willam Hundley".

    The rest of the former Kennedy men from Justice went to work for Max Jacobs Sportsystem/ Emprise operation.


    What a deadly web we weave.

    Hey, thanks for reading it and getting something out of it.

    And Chris, as for Georgia Frontiere, I tried not to mention her, as she throws a whole curve ball into the whole scene, and reminds me of an Ian Flemisque Pussy Galore.

    And Terry, thanks for pointing out the INTERTEL connection to the NFL, as that's new to me, and especially interesting since Peloquin and Company served as security for Resorts International when they were the first to bring casino gambling to Atlantic City.

    William Hundley is a new name to me, but I know a few guys who used to work for Peloquin, who may be still alive.

    I started this file on Rosenbloom and the other NFL owners after Tim Gratz sent me an email saying that he thought it was curious that the current NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, was the son of former Sen. Charles Goodell, who was appointed to replace RFK.

    It is no coincidence that current commissioner Roger Goodell also worked for Lamar Hunt, who also comes into play in the JFK story.

    Coincidence or Conspiracy, you make the call Tim.


    INTERTEL'S other major client in the 1960's was Life Magazine. They were Life's security agency at the time Jim Garrison was trying to get access to the Z-film.

    As far as Peloquin goes he is still shilling for organized crime. He got himself named to the audit board for Louis DeNaples Mount Airy Lodge and Casino.

    "The new nominees are Bradford S. Smith, chairman of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission from 1994 to 1998; Robert D. Peloquin, a U.S. Justice Department official in the 1960s who co-founded International Intelligence, a private security firm; and Barbara A. Lang, a former casino auditor in New Jersey".


    Regarding the NFL. The new owner of the Miami Dolphins is the grandson to the late Max Fisher the notorious head of the Purple Gang out of Detroit.

  21. "This agreement cannot be accepted," LaRouche said. "If it were, it could very well lead to riots in the United States, the the breakup of the nation and to terrorism. Therefore, this must be rejected. The U.S. must not sign any treaty agreement with these elements. No patriot will allow this to be confirmed, no matter which side of the aisle he or she is on. To sign this would be to betray the United States."

    Note that the shooting deaths are occuring, with the Oakland exception, in small and rural areas, noted for their calm demeanor in good times. However, these areas were already hit hard in the last 20 years, with rural areas becoming raw material looting grounds. The current depression has ripped these small town areas into disintegrating shreds of rage.

    Oakland - four cops dead in one traffic incident

    Pennsylvania - 3 cops dead in domestic disturbance

    Binghamton, NY - 13 dead in immigration center

    NC - nursing home - multiple (8) shooting deaths

    Alabama - multiple (9) shooting deaths

    California - murder suicide of family (5)

    While the nation disintegrates, the Obama financial plan is collapsing in squabbles between Congressional oversight rules and free market strictures. Obama will self destruct his own ego as it collides with reality.


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