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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Amelia was the person responsible for bringing that nasty communist MLK into Selma Alabama during the 1950s.

    If anyone else said that I would assume they were being ironic but in your case I assume meant it. You really are a nutball and are demonstrating your gross ignorance once again.

    She had been involved in civil rights before King was born. If there is a living expert on racism it would be Amelia Robinson, and yet she swears by Lyndon LaRouche.

    The mother of the civil rights movement chose Lyndon LaRouche and his organization out of all other organizations that she could have worked with, and here you are telling her that she is supporting a racist. You still wear diapers?

    You are exaggerating her importance, Google her name and virtually all hits are to LaRouche sites. You calling her the “mother of the civil rights movement” once again demonstrates your ignorance. Try Googling the following “Frederick Douglas”, “W.E.B. DuBois”, “Ida Wells”, “George Washington Carver”, “Civil Rights Cases” 1883, Plessy v. Ferguson. The civil rights movement started before the Civil War. Not even the LaRouche shills claim she was that important. You still convinced she was, go to a good library find a good book about the history of the movement and find one that ID’s her as one of the key players There were lots of African American’s involved in the Civil Rights Movement that a handful of mid-low level ones got involved with your messiah proves nothing, a lot more presumably have heard of him but want nothing to do with him. In any case she only met him a decade after all but one of the quotes. Odd that you have yet to address the others, unless you can do so in a meaningful way you owe me $ 1000.

    But help yourself and call Theo Mitchell. He might even tip you off to the methods used against AA elected officials in an effort to get them to break with LaRouche -see Erik Fleming--

    You should find his email (or use the email from the Shiller Institute) and send him your "Zombie" article from 1974. Surely a lawyer and a black lawyer at that would spot the blatant racism. What do you have to lose. You can even post Theo's email response. Tell Theo that you're the great investigator from Brazil.

    As I said as a member of the cult I doubt he could be objective. You think his candidacy for governor in 1990 proves something? Riddle me this did he join up with LaRouche before or after he ran?

    But I dont know why you continuie to push this BS after you've been shown the facts.

    All you’ve “shown” is your spin regarding one of the 5 quotes.

    All you did was paste the same old slander from Dennis King (and you did not credit Dennis as your source),

    Let’s see I provided links to his site and wrote “- All the above adapted from:” You’re right I plagiarized him.

    And instead of continuing to list all these AA elected officials working with LaRouche, why dont you just tell me the magic number required to satisfy your doubts? Is it 20, 40 ?

    I imagine the number is exceedingly small, probably less than 1% of the total and limited to lower level officials, can you name any congressmen, mayors or statewide officials? People who held these posts decades before backing LaDouche don’t count especially if they were in there 70’s or 80’s.

    As I pointed out this is irrelevant. Garnering African American support 1983 – present in no way contracts the notion of him making racist comments in the early – mid 70’s. Two years before Robinson joined LaRouche’s legions an infamous racist managed to garner significant support from African-Americans.


    By Julia Cass Inquirer Staff Writer BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Things have changed here since the days the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) began marching for integration 25 years ago. And anyone doubting that change got an effective reminder yesterday. George Wallace, the man who vowed "segregation now, segregation forever" back in the 1960s, came to the 25th annual convention of the SCLC to say that he had

    Published on August 12, 1982, Page A03, Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)


    In 1982, black voters helped reelect [George] Wallace, giving him one-third of their votes in the first primary. He then increased this constituency to beat Lieutenant Governor George McMillan by one percentage point in the Democratic runoff. In the general election, Wallace carried 90 percent of the state's black electorate, linking it with rural white voters and members of the Alabama Education Association to form a coalition that defeated Republican Emory Folmar, mayor of Montgomery.


    In 1982, he [Wallace] ran for governor a fourth time. In a watershed moment, he admitted that he had been wrong about "race" all along. He was elected by a coalition represented by blacks, organized labor and forces seeking to advance public education. In that race, he carried all 10 of the state's counties with a majority black population, nine of them by a better than two-to-one margin.

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/polit...t98/wallace.htm .- 1998

    The chief mystery of the campaign, at least to those with memories that run back 20 years, is that many black Alabamians are voting for Wallace, and even working in his cause.


    It is spiritually disorienting to see a black driving a car with Alabama plates and a Wallace bumper sticker. It is surreal to walk into Wallace's state campaign headquarters, a neobellum low-rise former furniture store on the edge of Montgomery. There, amid the deep shag carpeting and the clickity-click of computer printers churning out voter lists, sits Mrs. Ollie Carter, a black Wallace worker. All day she phones around the state with a gentle, churchgoing courtesy, asking blacks for their support, reminding them to vote.

    http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,922988,00.html [Oct 1982 pgs 1 & 2]

    I'm exaggerating her importance? My god you're a dribbler.

    Shouldnt you be gone? You gonna welch on your wager, is that correct?

    And please dont torture me with these long meaningless messages you construct. It is painful to dig through all of your meaningless trash. I dont care that you can access a quote from 1982. The issue that LaRouche is racist has been answered.

    That you dont understand Amelia Robinson's importance to the civil rights movement is not my fault. The fault is yours. As I stated yesterday you are a "punk". That's your nature.

    But people who worked closely with MLK, and who risked their very lives, would not join up with a racist. And LaRouche is surrounded by former members of the MLK civil rights movement. I've already shown that.

    You lost your bet so now live up to your end of the bargain.

    PS- Hey dumb dumb, GW would have to address african americans in 1982, as they had won the right to vote in 1964, thanks to the likes of Amelia Robinson.

    Since you failed to address four of the five quotes you lost the debate and owe me $ 1000 not that I ever really expect you to pay up.

    As a sign of your inability to rationalize them you changed the subject to LaRouche’s support from African-Americans 1980 – present as if this some how disproves that the comments he made in the 70’s were racist. That is non-sense I doubt they were aware of these comments went they got involved with him and the case of George Wallace shows that people who have previously be far infamously and blatantly racist than LaRouche was can garner significant African-American support if they change their tune. The man who proclaimed "segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever" spoke to the SCLC and got 35% and 90% of the black vote for governor in the 1st round Democratic primary and general election respectively in 1982. So tell us has LaRouche ever addressed the SCLC or any important African-American organization other than the Nation of Islam (Farrakhan)? Has he ever gotten 35% of the black vote in any electoral contest?

    Not only is his support from blacks years after the quotes in question irrelevant it is weak because you have failed to show it rises or ever rose above a small number of mid-level people, can you point to more that two who joined one of LaRouche’s groups rather than just briefly supporting him?

    I predict you will continue to focus on his support from a handful of African Americans since the 1980's, which is irrelevant, rather than the issue at hand his comments in the 1970's and the one from this year.

    The bet didnt center around how many "quotes" I addressed. The bet was whether Lyndon LaRouche was a racist. You claimed you could provide evidence. All you provided was some warn out slanders from a paid poison pen named Dennis King. Every idiot on the internet "uses" Dennis King when they want to prove their intimate knowlege on LaRouche. It's nothing new. I provided you with names of former MLK associates who work with Lyndon LaRouche. Just as they worked with Martin Luther King.

    As far as George Wallace being rejected by 65% of the African American vote in Alabama?

    George Wallace changed his tune as a result of those African Americans like Amelia Robinson who fought to make changes in the south. If Wallace wanted to get elected in 1982 then he had to appeal to African Americans. He did not have to concern himself with the black vote during the early 1960's. So the very people who embrace Lyndon LaRouche were also the people who changed history (try googling that you nitwit) working with Dr. King.

    If you are so sure these former associates of MLK now working with LaRouche did so blindly then why dont you send Theo Mitchell and email and ask him? You wont do this because you're a coward.

    What you want to try and do now, is keep the debate centered around whether a 1970's article can be argued to be racist. It is almost as crazy as your argument that John Kennedy simply wanted to fund a ride to the moon and return.

    And what's the point of asking whether LL ever addressed the SCLC? You just go on and on with this nonsense. What has that got to do with whether or not LaRouche is a racist?

    I've posted this link before but I guess you missed it http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2004/3104mlk_talladega.html

    You have lost this debate. You stated that LaRouche is a racist and low and behold you come to find out that former associates of Martin Luther King are also associates of Lyndon LaRouche. You wont even contact any of these former MLK associates prefering instead to "speculate" what they "knew" or didnt know regarding Mr. LaRouche's racist outlook.

    Weak, real weak.

  2. Amelia was the person responsible for bringing that nasty communist MLK into Selma Alabama during the 1950s.

    If anyone else said that I would assume they were being ironic but in your case I assume meant it. You really are a nutball and are demonstrating your gross ignorance once again.

    She had been involved in civil rights before King was born. If there is a living expert on racism it would be Amelia Robinson, and yet she swears by Lyndon LaRouche.

    The mother of the civil rights movement chose Lyndon LaRouche and his organization out of all other organizations that she could have worked with, and here you are telling her that she is supporting a racist. You still wear diapers?

    You are exaggerating her importance, Google her name and virtually all hits are to LaRouche sites. You calling her the “mother of the civil rights movement” once again demonstrates your ignorance. Try Googling the following “Frederick Douglas”, “W.E.B. DuBois”, “Ida Wells”, “George Washington Carver”, “Civil Rights Cases” 1883, Plessy v. Ferguson. The civil rights movement started before the Civil War. Not even the LaRouche shills claim she was that important. You still convinced she was, go to a good library find a good book about the history of the movement and find one that ID’s her as one of the key players There were lots of African American’s involved in the Civil Rights Movement that a handful of mid-low level ones got involved with your messiah proves nothing, a lot more presumably have heard of him but want nothing to do with him. In any case she only met him a decade after all but one of the quotes. Odd that you have yet to address the others, unless you can do so in a meaningful way you owe me $ 1000.

    But help yourself and call Theo Mitchell. He might even tip you off to the methods used against AA elected officials in an effort to get them to break with LaRouche -see Erik Fleming--

    You should find his email (or use the email from the Shiller Institute) and send him your "Zombie" article from 1974. Surely a lawyer and a black lawyer at that would spot the blatant racism. What do you have to lose. You can even post Theo's email response. Tell Theo that you're the great investigator from Brazil.

    As I said as a member of the cult I doubt he could be objective. You think his candidacy for governor in 1990 proves something? Riddle me this did he join up with LaRouche before or after he ran?

    But I dont know why you continuie to push this BS after you've been shown the facts.

    All you’ve “shown” is your spin regarding one of the 5 quotes.

    All you did was paste the same old slander from Dennis King (and you did not credit Dennis as your source),

    Let’s see I provided links to his site and wrote “- All the above adapted from:” You’re right I plagiarized him.

    And instead of continuing to list all these AA elected officials working with LaRouche, why dont you just tell me the magic number required to satisfy your doubts? Is it 20, 40 ?

    I imagine the number is exceedingly small, probably less than 1% of the total and limited to lower level officials, can you name any congressmen, mayors or statewide officials? People who held these posts decades before backing LaDouche don’t count especially if they were in there 70’s or 80’s.

    As I pointed out this is irrelevant. Garnering African American support 1983 – present in no way contracts the notion of him making racist comments in the early – mid 70’s. Two years before Robinson joined LaRouche’s legions an infamous racist managed to garner significant support from African-Americans.


    By Julia Cass Inquirer Staff Writer BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Things have changed here since the days the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) began marching for integration 25 years ago. And anyone doubting that change got an effective reminder yesterday. George Wallace, the man who vowed "segregation now, segregation forever" back in the 1960s, came to the 25th annual convention of the SCLC to say that he had

    Published on August 12, 1982, Page A03, Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)


    In 1982, black voters helped reelect [George] Wallace, giving him one-third of their votes in the first primary. He then increased this constituency to beat Lieutenant Governor George McMillan by one percentage point in the Democratic runoff. In the general election, Wallace carried 90 percent of the state's black electorate, linking it with rural white voters and members of the Alabama Education Association to form a coalition that defeated Republican Emory Folmar, mayor of Montgomery.


    In 1982, he [Wallace] ran for governor a fourth time. In a watershed moment, he admitted that he had been wrong about "race" all along. He was elected by a coalition represented by blacks, organized labor and forces seeking to advance public education. In that race, he carried all 10 of the state's counties with a majority black population, nine of them by a better than two-to-one margin.

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/polit...t98/wallace.htm .- 1998

    The chief mystery of the campaign, at least to those with memories that run back 20 years, is that many black Alabamians are voting for Wallace, and even working in his cause.


    It is spiritually disorienting to see a black driving a car with Alabama plates and a Wallace bumper sticker. It is surreal to walk into Wallace's state campaign headquarters, a neobellum low-rise former furniture store on the edge of Montgomery. There, amid the deep shag carpeting and the clickity-click of computer printers churning out voter lists, sits Mrs. Ollie Carter, a black Wallace worker. All day she phones around the state with a gentle, churchgoing courtesy, asking blacks for their support, reminding them to vote.

    http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,922988,00.html [Oct 1982 pgs 1 & 2]

    I'm exaggerating her importance? My god you're a dribbler.

    Shouldnt you be gone? You gonna welch on your wager, is that correct?

    And please dont torture me with these long meaningless messages you construct. It is painful to dig through all of your meaningless trash. I dont care that you can access a quote from 1982. The issue that LaRouche is racist has been answered.

    That you dont understand Amelia Robinson's importance to the civil rights movement is not my fault. The fault is yours. As I stated yesterday you are a "punk". That's your nature.

    But people who worked closely with MLK, and who risked their very lives, would not join up with a racist. And LaRouche is surrounded by former members of the MLK civil rights movement. I've already shown that.

    You lost your bet so now live up to your end of the bargain.

    PS- Hey dumb dumb, GW would have to address african americans in 1982, as they had won the right to vote in 1964, thanks to the likes of Amelia Robinson.

  3. John Hoefle gave testimony to Henry Gonzales House Banking Committee back in September 1993. Hoefle was invited to speak before the committee by none other than JFK Democrat, Chairman Henry Gonzales.




    {On Sept. 8, 1993, EIR bank columnist John Hoefle delivered the

    following testimony to the House Banking Committee hearing on the

    effects of the financial services chapter of NAFTA on the U.S.

    banking system. The exchange between Chairman Gonzalez and Mr.

    Hoefle follows.}

    Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am honored to have

    been invited here today to speak today on the impact of NAFTA on

    the U.S. banking system.

    NAFTA is fundamentally a financial agreement, and to

    understand it, one must understand the systemic crisis facing the

    banking system today.

    Since 1978, the financial community has repeatedly insisted

    upon the deregulation of banks and other financial institutions,

    while demanding austerity and cutbacks everywhere else.

    Every time we have done this, it has led to disaster, as the

    destruction of the airlines, the S&Ls and the American workforce


    In response to these disasters, the bankers demand further

    deregulation and deeper cuts.

    Now, with NAFTA, the bankers are demanding that the United

    States deregulate its international political and financial

    relations the same way we've deregulated internally. The purpose

    of NAFTA is to open up Mexico and eventually all of Latin America

    for unbridled speculation and looting, of the sort that has

    already devastated the American economy and bankrupted our

    banking system.

    When are we ever going to learn that the answer lies not in

    more deregulation, but rather in the abandonment of the policy of

    deregulation, and the return to rational rules and regulation?

    Take Citicorp, for example. Here's a bank that jumped with

    both feet into every harebrained quick-buck scheme they could

    find. Citicorp made a killing in the 1980s, growing almost as

    much in ten years as it had in the previous 168. This growth

    came, not from real economic activity, but from the growth of a

    huge speculative bubble, in real estate, junk bonds, derivatives

    and other paper transactions which looked good until the bills

    came due.

    Citicorp's great deals of the 1980s have become the

    spectacular financial disasters of the 1990s. The list, which

    includes blowouts such as Olympia & York and Citicorp's

    humiliation in London after the Big Bang, keeps on growing as the

    real economy dies. Citicorp has demonstrated an astonishing knack

    for losing money. It's the ambulance-chaser of banks: Every time

    you find a disaster, Citicorp is there.

    Citicorp made a killing all right -- it killed itself.

    If Citicorp were headquartered in San Antonio, Mr. Chairman,

    it would have already been closed and its officers publicly

    humiliated and thrown in jail.

    But Citicorp is not headquartered in San Antonio. It's in

    New York, where a far different set of rules apply.

    So instead, the government -- or rather, the Federal

    Reserve, which acts like it's the government but is really owned

    by the banks -- launched the biggest bailout in U.S history.

    Three years ago, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York took

    the bankrupt Citicorp over, putting it into de facto

    receivership. Naturally, this was a secret action, since were the

    banks' depositors to know just how damaged their bank was, they

    would have run for the hills.

    Citicorp lied about its financial condition, and published

    phony financial reports. When Rep. John Dingell revealed that

    Citicorp was technically insolvent, Citicorp angrily denied it.

    And so did the banking regulators, who are supposed to serve the

    public, but who clearly serve the banks instead.

    When the Texas S&Ls hid their losses, and the Federal Home

    Loan Bank Board looked the other way, the Justice Dept. created a

    task force to investigate, and poor Danny Wall's career was

    ruined. But now, with Citicorp and the other big banks doing the

    lying, the attack dogs of the Justice Dept. and the press are

    silent. Executives of the Texas S&Ls were denounced as the

    symbols of greed and excess, but nobody says a word about

    Citicorp and John Reed.

    We are on the verge of the biggest financial blowout in

    centuries, bigger than the Great Depression, bigger than the

    South Sea bubble, bigger than the Tulip bubble. The derivatives

    bubble, in which Citicorp, Morgan and the other big New York

    banks are unsalvageably overexposed, is about to pop. The

    currency warfare operations of the Fed, George Soros and Citicorp

    have generated billions of dollars in profits, but have destroyed

    the financial system in the process. The fleas have killed the

    dog, and thus they have killed themselves.

    What is required, as EIR founder Lyndon LaRouche has

    repeatedly stated, is a restructuring of the U.S. banking system,

    including the nationalization of the Federal Reserve, taking it

    out of the hands of the bankers and putting it back in the hands

    of the Congress as mandated by the Constitution. It is the

    welfare of the people which is paramount, not the maintenance of

    the speculative financial system. It's high time we put the

    speculators out of business, instead of surrendering to them even

    further by passing NAFTA.

    That's the issue. We'd better deal with it, and fast, while

    we still have a chance.

    Thank you again, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee,

    for this opportunity to testify.


    GONZALEZ: "Here I wanted to render thanks and tribute to Mr.

    Hoefle. For several--well I'd say a couple of years--I've been

    very much respectful and admiring of his ability to gather

    statistics that I intuitively felt but had no way of obtaining

    until I read them in your articles that you so very well did...."

    GONZALEZ: "When Mr. Hoefle finally got the statistics on the

    off-balance-sheet activities of these banks--20 principal banks

    in the United States--which I couldn't get. Now off-balance-sheet

    activities are those for which they don't have to have reserves.

    So when Mr. Hoefle brought the statistics, and I guess--I think

    you said you had obtained them from Goldman Sachs or somebody


    HOEFLE: "Salomon Brothers."

    GONZALEZ: "Salomon Brothers. Well now here's an expert--they

    were skilled in gypping the U.S. Treasury out of $2 billion, and

    getting off with a slap on the wrist. I can understand why they'd

    be a good source of that. But how can we rest comfortably,

    knowing that when the banks report--and especially the large

    ones -- so-called profits, almost half or more [of] that is

    actually from the very, very speculative gambling known as the

    derivatives market? Which is not as complicated as people would

    like you to think. It's just a mega-Las Vegas. And I think you're

    right when you say that one of the dangers that likely will face

    us is, if NAFTA goes through uninspected as it has thus far, is

    that we'll be promoting in Mexico the second largest or

    mega-gambling joint as far as banking (unclear) are concerned.

    And that's my fear."

  4. The Obamas Knew Weatherman Terrorists Ayers and Dohrn Since the



    In an interview on Fox TV, Murtagh established that Michelle

    and Barack Obama knew Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers beginning in

    1988-89, when Michelle Obama and Bernadine Dohrn (Ayers' wife and

    a former Weather Undergound bomber herself) worked together at

    the law firm of Sidley and Austin.

    This is pure rubbish and is indicative of the type of “research” that LaDouche does.

    Dorhn worked primarily at the firm’s NY office till sometime in 1988*, the future Ms. Obama worked at its Chicago HQ upon her graduation from Harvard Law (thus presumably only in June or later). So they overlapped, if at all, for a few months probally at offices hundreds of miles apart of a very large law firm. Even IF they were in Chicago simultaneously the HQ has hundreds of attorneys, and presumablly did back then as well. The odds of them having met are small,the odds of them being friendly even smaller. Who besides this Republican trying to taint Ayers said the WU and Dorhn in particular was responsible for the bombing?

    * http://www.law.northwestern.edu/faculty/cl...n/dohrnBeCV.pdf

    As far as I know no one was killed or injured or meant to be in any of the bombings Ayers or Dorhn participated in. The New York Times reported, "William Ayers was a fugitive, too, for nine of those years, but the Federal charges against him, Miss Dohrn and other members of the revolutionary organization were dropped in 1979, when it was ruled that the Government's case was based on illegal wiretaps." [New York Times, 12/5/80]



    Local charges were reduced due into plea bargains. I’m appalled but not surprised that some members of the forum, including a lawyer, feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of evidence. What crimes were they charged with? What was the statue of limitations for them? What LEGAL evidence was there against them? Why isn’t it possible they were simply misguided rather that government agents?

    Isnt it John Murdagh making the charges? That's what I read. You're blind walking around with a cane.

    And you're appalled that members of the forum feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of charges? You better give Dennis King a call to complain. It's all just "rubbish"? Isnt that a popular NYC expression?

  5. I read the article you submitted and it is clear that the target of the article is "Lincoln Hospital" in NYC and their MK Ultra operation.

    No that was only one of five examples of racism I highlighted, the pages I linked to contained many more but I only included the most blatant cases. Interesting that you refuse to address the other four, presumably that’s because you have yet to conjure up a rebuttal.

    LaRouche makes it clear that anyone harmed by these brainwashed killers have no one to blame but themselves. Quote: "Because you did nothing to get Lincoln Hospital's brainwashing center closed down". This is racist?

    Pathetic attempted strawman, that’s not the racist part, this is "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing."

    You said the "pamphlet was distributed in black neighborhoods in NYC" implying that it was only or primarily distributed in such areas. This is almost certainly false the first sentence is "You could b [sic] white. You could be black. You could be Hispanic"


    Mitchell established the law firm Theo W. Mitchell and Associates in Greenville to specialize in civil rights, human rights and criminal law. However, the state Supreme Court issued a public reprimand in 2005 to Mitchell because of the use of the word Associates in the law firm's name because there were no other practicing attorneys in his law firm that were licensed in South Carolina. Mitchell also serves on the Board of Directors of the LaRouche Movement's Schiller Institute.[1]

    I fail to see the point in citing Michell’s bio I acknowledged that “2 or 3 [of the people on your list] joined his organization”.

    Why dont you contact Theo and ask him if LaRouche is a racist, makes racist comments, and further ask him how many black elected officials work with Mr. LaRouche?

    You are making a big deal about Mitchell and you are both members of the same cult why don’t you contact him? Since he only seems to have come under your guru’s spell well after the period in question your questions are irrelevant. You might want to ask him about those quotes but I imagine as a cultist he won’t be able to make an objective evaluation.

    Theo Mitchell is a brainwashed dupe? The man was the Democratic candidate for Governor, in the state of South Carolina no less, with it's rich history of racism and lynchings. Talk about slander,you should have 1/100th the courage Theo has. But here you are, some anarchist snot nosed punk from NYC, who goes around smoking dope, banging your head on anything you can find, and you call Theo Mitchell a cult member? You're blind walking around without a cane.

    No wonder you grew up such a XXXXng sophist, you were programmed that way. You prefer to swim in the swamp, arguing which turd possesses the most pungent aroma. This is your contribution to the forum.

    Now you've called LaRouche a racist, and you've bet your membership on the outcome. But all you can find as an "allie"" or "expert" is some 65 year old dope fiend named Dennis King. It's like back to the days of GG Allin, wind the "slob" up and watch him do your bidding. But Kings slanders are long dead, just like that idiot slob you made money from, GG Allin.

    In short you're afraid to send Theo Mitchell an email and ask him a direct question "why do you work for and support a racist like Lyndon LaRouhce"? You're simply too frightened to ask him a direct question. After all the man provides his emai address inviting you to contact him. So whats wrong, "GG got your tongue"?

    The more you lie the more lies you require. Now you're caught calling an African American elected official who risked his life and family for his commitment to civil rights and justice, a cult member. It just wont fly.

    You lose. Now take your banishment like a man :lol:

    Edited:use of the word xxxx

  6. I read the article you submitted and it is clear that the target of the article is "Lincoln Hospital" in NYC and their MK Ultra operation.

    No that was only one of five examples of racism I highlighted, the pages I linked to contained many more but I only included the most blatant cases. Interesting that you refuse to address the other four, presumably that’s because you have yet to conjure up a rebuttal.

    LaRouche makes it clear that anyone harmed by these brainwashed killers have no one to blame but themselves. Quote: "Because you did nothing to get Lincoln Hospital's brainwashing center closed down". This is racist?

    Pathetic attempted strawman, that’s not the racist part, this is "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing."

    You said the "pamphlet was distributed in black neighborhoods in NYC" implying that it was only or primarily distributed in such areas. This is almost certainly false the first sentence is "You could b [sic] white. You could be black. You could be Hispanic"


    Mitchell established the law firm Theo W. Mitchell and Associates in Greenville to specialize in civil rights, human rights and criminal law. However, the state Supreme Court issued a public reprimand in 2005 to Mitchell because of the use of the word Associates in the law firm's name because there were no other practicing attorneys in his law firm that were licensed in South Carolina. Mitchell also serves on the Board of Directors of the LaRouche Movement's Schiller Institute.[1]

    I fail to see the point in citing Michell’s bio I acknowledged that “2 or 3 [of the people on your list] joined his organization”.

    Why dont you contact Theo and ask him if LaRouche is a racist, makes racist comments, and further ask him how many black elected officials work with Mr. LaRouche?

    You are making a big deal about Mitchell and you are both members of the same cult why don’t you contact him? Since he only seems to have come under your guru’s spell well after the period in question your questions are irrelevant. You might want to ask him about those quotes but I imagine as a cultist he won’t be able to make an objective evaluation.

    I am not making a big deal about Theo Mitchell, I simply dont have the time and inclination to list all the AA official that collaborate with Lyndon LaRouche. The fact that Amelia Robinson works with him ought to speak for itself. The reason Amelia has remained loyal is due to her great courage. After all, she faced down Bull Connors "dogs and firehose" and was beaten to a pulp as she crossed the Pettis bridge. On the other hand some folks dont have that kind of fortitude to stay true to a principle in the way Amelia Robinson has shown. Amelia was the person responsible for bringing that nasty communist MLK into Selma Alabama during the 1950s. She had been involved in civil rights before King was born. If there is a living expert on racism it would be Amelia Robinson, and yet she swears by Lyndon LaRouche.

    The mother of the civil rights movement chose Lyndon LaRouche and his organization out of all other organizations that she could have worked with, and here you are telling her that she is supporting a racist. You still wear diapers?

    But help yourself and call Theo Mitchell. He might even tip you off to the methods used against AA elected officials in an effort to get them to break with LaRouche -see Erik Fleming--

    You should find his email (or use the email from the Shiller Institute) and send him your "Zombie" article from 1974. Surely a lawyer and a black lawyer at that would spot the blatant racism. What do you have to lose. You can even post Theo's email response. :lol: Tell Theo that you're the great investigator from Brazil.

    But I dont know why you continuie to push this BS after you've been shown the facts. All you did was paste the same old slander from Dennis King (and you did not credit Dennis as your source), who has made a 30 year living penning LaRouche slanders. So how smart are you, really? It's like wearing someone else's dirty underwear. You know, the typical GG Allin stage outfit.

    And instead of continuing to list all these AA elected officials working with LaRouche, why dont you just tell me the magic number required to satisfy your doubts? Is it 20, 40 ?

    You lose.

  7. I read the article you submitted and it is clear that the target of the article is "Lincoln Hospital" in NYC and their MK Ultra operation. LaRouche makes it clear that anyone harmed by these brainwashed killers have no one to blame but themselves. Quote: "Because you did nothing to get Lincoln Hospital's brainwashing center closed down". This is racist? You're a fool. Why do you continue with this nonsense?


    Mitchell established the law firm Theo W. Mitchell and Associates in Greenville to specialize in civil rights, human rights and criminal law. However, the state Supreme Court issued a public reprimand in 2005 to Mitchell because of the use of the word Associates in the law firm's name because there were no other practicing attorneys in his law firm that were licensed in South Carolina. Mitchell also serves on the Board of Directors of the LaRouche Movement's Schiller Institute.[1]

    From NY Times- In South Carolina, State Senators Ernest Passailaigue and Theo Mitchell are vying to take on Mr. Campbell, who is the second Republican Governor in the state in this century. Mr. Mitchell is hoping to become the state's first black governor.

    1990 -- State Senator Theo Mitchell is nominated by the Democrats to run for governor. Though he loses to incumbent Carroll Campbell, he is the first African-American ever nominated by the Democrats for governor

    Theo Mitchell biography


    Why dont you contact Theo and ask him if LaRouche is a racist, makes racist comments, and further ask him how many black elected officials work with Mr. LaRouche? There is a link at the bottom of the biographical information that allows you to contact him. This would clear up any questions you might have.


    If you dont like that method, you can call him direct and ask him any question you like.

    Name : Mitchell Theo W & Associates

    Address : 9 Bradshaw Street

    Zip/Postcode : 29601

    Phone : (864)235-6361

    Calling LaRouche a racist is as stupid and misguided as calling him an Anti Semite.

    You lose.

    (Edited to remove the word "xxxx" from the post . K Beckett)

  8. Oh, am I being insulted here? I wonder why. Is it because I'm British and therefore responsible for the international slave trade, the international narcotics trade, the assassination of all sorts of people, etc, etc?

    No, just a fool.


    I really must object.

    The only fool here is one who subscribes to the official LaRouche line, which credits the British for more than they are capable of doing and tells people what to think.

    I object to you calling Mike Tribe a fool and branding Ayers an "agent."

    While the FBI did infiltrate the Klan, and ran Bob Hardy as an agent provocateur with the Camden anti-war activists, they failed to learn who broke into the Media, Pa. FBI office and stole the COINTELPRO docs, which tells me they didn't have anybody on the inside there.

    I don't believe Ayers was an "agent" of the same forces that killed JFK. It was the assassinations of the Sixties and the Vietnam War that made people like Ayers take to violence against the government.

    The thing about Ayers, as I point out in starting this thread, was that he wasn't a lawyer, a soldier, a cop or a mailman, but he was a teacher and educator and remained one.

    Teachers and educators may be wrong on occassion, but they're not fools.


    Okay Bill, you decided to invoke the old Flip Wilson catch phrase "The devil made me do it". That's essentially your defense of terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. You just cant get anything right. The assassinations of the 1960's and the Vietnam war created fear and mass pyschosis within the boomer generation that made them ripe for the kind of brainwashing that you see in the "drug, sex, rock" counter culture. And they've yet to return.

    How do you explain Ayers decade long reign as a terrorist only to be rewarded with the "juicy" position he occupy's today? Or his wife who has a job with a presitigous law firm? These two were involved in bombings, robbery, you name it. And how did they manage to stay hidden all those years? The same way another hippie guru Ira Einhorn managed to escape the law. You might remember that Edgar Bronfman's wife supplied Einhorn with the money he needed to stay on the lamb. Nothing like having friends in "high" places.

    As far as Mike Tribe, it was Mike who called me a banana, and simply because I dare call the Governor of California a "nazi", which is exactly what he is.

    You guys have a real problem with the truth. You've replaced it with popular opinion.

    If you see Ayers as an educator then no wonder you're still chasing answers to the JFK murder. Just take a real look at the last 45 years. The secret to his murder isnt all that secret. Look at the changes these past 45 years, they're dreadful.

  9. Oh, am I being insulted here? I wonder why. Is it because I'm British and therefore responsible for the international slave trade, the international narcotics trade, the assassination of all sorts of people, etc, etc?

    No, just a fool.

  10. So Terry do you have any evidence for you claims from sources not tied to Larouche?

    Were you thinking of reputable sources like the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, CBS, CNN, ABC, or maybe a Harvard professor, or maybe someone like Mike Tribe? :tomatoes

  11. All you did was show me that you cant even come up with a decent slander piece. And this transparent garbage took how many days for you to produce?

    I had already posted those quotes to another thread BEFORE you challenged me to produce examples of LaRouche’s racist comments. The delay was due to your refusal to accept my terms, you I suspected you would welsh and I wanted to make it harder for you to do so.

    The 1974 article you posted has nothing to do with race. It's a story of a local MK Ultra factory that was producing killer zombies.

    It had “nothing to do with race”?!? LOL it went on about African-Americans being programmed as killers. Whatever rationalization you apply to it the pamphlet used the stereotype of blacks as dangerous predators.

    This pamphlet was distributed in black neighborhoods in NYC.

    Are you saying that a) it was distributed only or primarily in predominantly black neighborhoods or B) that it was distributed in various neighborhoods including black ones? If the former, do you have any evidence to support this claim? If the latter explain its relevance.

    The other two come straight from the Dennis King/LaRouche watch factory, right down to the yellow "highlight" of text.

    Are you claiming they are forgeries? If so are you acknowledging their contents are racist?

    You cant even do your own work.

    How many copies of 35 year-old LaRouche literature do think still exist? Who besides his supporters or detractors would have them? How would someone living in Brazil gain access to ones not available on the Net?

    Anyone who follows this forum knows, whether they agree with it or not, that I can ‘do my own work’ in fact some of my detractors have claimed I must have a research staff. However, I have never seen any evidence you can think for yourself, let alone “do your own work”.

    As far as David's comments, outside of you who cares? This nit wit cant tie his shoes. He made some stupid remark to Christopher Hall in another thread. They should mind meld his brain with Lamson's and maybe the two of them together might have access to a single brain that half functions?. But otherwise the guy is useless.

    I’ve had my difference with Craig and David over the years especially the latter but unlike you neither of them seems to mindlessly parrot the positions of someone else.



    LaRouche Launches Pennsylvania

    Media Blitz, as State Rep. H. James

    Endorses Him

    Under the headline, "Stop Taking Our Votes for Granted! Send a Message—Make Your Vote Count!" Pennsylvania State Rep. Harold James (D) released his formal endorsement of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. for President, who is running in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary being held on April 27. Representative James was elected to the Pennsylvania House in 1988 from the 186th Legislative District in Philadelphia, and is currently running for his ninth consecutive term. Former chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, he serves on the Executive Committee of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL), where he was appointed Special Assistant to the NBCSL President, and Region II Chairman, NBCSL (New York and Pennsylvania).

    Listed are just a few of the black political leaders that have worked with and supported LaRouche through the years.

    .Are these black elected officials mis guided? I think if you tried to pull this racist BS in their presence, that you'd get an earful. But when you finished educating them about LaRouche's racism you might want to show them a GG Allin video. Now there was racist pig!

    Mervyn Dymally California assembly

    Joe Neal State Senator Nevada (candidate for Governor of Nevada)

    Jack Hulan NYC (deceased)

    Theo Mitchell ( SC State Senator and candidate for Governor SC)

    JL Chestnut (civil rights lawyer Alabama)

    Harold James Pennsylvania

    Fred Willis (deceased)

    Amelia Robinson (Schiller Institute)-she brought MLK to Selma.

    LaRouche it seems started targeting prominent African-Americans for enrollment in his groups in the 1980’s to give him legitimacy. According to the Census Bureau there are over 40 million African-Americans in the US, if we identify the most influential 5% as “leaders”, that’s 2 million, if we include ones that have died in the last couple of decades it works out to even more. So it’s not exactly impressive that you could list 7, some of whose ties to Larouche were fleeting, few of whom anyone outside their home states ever heard of. But even if you could find more this wouldn’t contradict the notion he made racist comments in the 1970’s.

    You forgot a few, Louis Farrakhan, convicted incestuous child rapist James Bevel and Erik Fleming, candidate for Senate in Mississippi, who once endorsed LaRouche but later wrote:

    My mistake was fighting for a cause and not being careful of who was in the fight with me.

    Even my letter of endorsement was a form of protest to deal with the issue of inclusion within our party. I knew then, as I know now that he can never be elected President. That, however, was the worst mistake of all, but my anger clouded my instincts at the time.

    Now keep your word you faker.

    I’m waiting for you to keep yours.

    Steve -

    Terry's anti-British slant is simply her parroting LaRouche's nonsense which holds that the British, Dutch, Venetian and Zionist elites and their allies have been conspiring for centuries to subjugate the rest of humanity as part of a millenia-old battle between good and evil that stretches back to Plato (good) and Aristotle (evil).

    You produced nothing that could honestly be described as "racist". The first article "Zombie Killers" is the story of Lincoln Hospital in NYC running a "brainwashing center". The LaRouche organization exposed the operation and moved to have it shut down. The story is also referenced in the autobiography of Mike Billington written by Mike Billington titled "Reflections of the Political prisoner". It's not even a decent stretch to characterize this pamphlet as racist. It's stupid. The article did not stereotype AA as predators, it exposed a program that turned AA into Zombie killers.

    And what about Erik Flemings comments prove racism? He admits that he supported LaRouche for President! Erik was not the only black elected official to do support LaRouche. A large portion of support in the population for LaRouche comes from African Americans. Are "you" saying these black folks are too stupid to know they're supporting a racist?

    And now for the classic Len Colby sophistry. I just had to mention this.

    "LaRouche it seems started targeting prominent African-Americans for enrollment in his groups in the 1980’s to give him legitimacy. According to the Census Bureau there are over 40 million African-Americans in the US, if we identify the most influential 5% as “leaders”, that’s 2 million, if we include ones that have died in the last couple of decades it works out to even more. So it’s not exactly impressive that you could list 7, some of whose ties to Larouche were fleeting, few of whom anyone outside their home states ever heard of. But even if you could find more this wouldn’t contradict the notion he made racist comments in the 1970’s"

    You make an unfounded assertion so you can set up a meaningless math exercise . First of all there is no proof that LaRouche targeted prominent African Americans in his quest for legitimacy. How would LaRouche entice prominent African Americans to his support "C'mon, be harrassed and jailed, join Lyndon LaRouche". That statement is pure bunk. Besides LaRouche gained his notoriety after Nixon pulled the plug on the Bretton Woods system in 1971, just as LaRouche had forecast 10 years earlier. You just makes up this BS in order to segway to your next trick - a meaningless exercise measuring the total African American population to African American supporters and collaborators of Lyndon LaRouche. It's rediculous,crazy really.

    You attempt to marginalize the strong support of LaRouche in the black community by reducing it to a small percentage of the overall AA population.

    You introduce this math trick because you know it is not likely that a "racist" would enjoy such strong support among AA elected officials. But the fact remains that two well known AA elected officials came out and endorsed Lyndon LaRouche for President. This completely negates your fraudulent argument.

    But what is the point of "counting" the number of AA in the population? How does this stupidity prove your charge of racism? Lyndon LaRouche won delegates in Arkansas during the Y2000 Democratic primary, by taking 22% of the primary vote. Care to guess what percentage of LaRouche voters were African American?

    When I helped organize political support for Lyndon LaRouche's presidential campaign in Alabama back in Y2000. I stayed with African American supporters. Three families located in Mobile, Selma and Birmingham. I didnt set up the living arrangements that was done by the LaRouche campaign. These people were long time supporters.

    What else can I add?

    PS- what ADL operative is doing your research for you? :tomatoes:tomatoes


    Terry's anti-British slant is simply her parroting LaRouche's nonsense which holds that the British, Dutch, Venetian and Zionist elites and their allies have been conspiring for centuries to subjugate the rest of humanity as part of a millenia-old battle between good and evil that stretches back to Plato (good) and Aristotle (evil).

    How can a guy that cribbed his argument from perrenial LaRouche hater Dennis King call me a parrot?

  12. The Obamas Knew Weatherman Terrorists Ayers and Dohrn Since the


    Oct. 10 (LPAC)--John Murdagh, a Yonkers, N.Y., city councilman

    and current candidate for state senator, whose home was bombed in

    1970 by the Weather Underground, has come forward to challenge

    Barack Obama's claim that he only learned of Bill Ayers and

    Bernadine Dohrn's activity in the terrorist Weatherunderground

    sometime after a 1995 meeting at the Ayers' home in Chicago where

    Barack Obama's political career was launched.

    In February 1970, John Murtagh's father was a New York State

    Supreme Court justice presiding over the trial of the so-called

    "Panther 21," members of the Black Panther Party indicted in a

    plot to bomb New York landmarks and department stores. Early on

    the morning of Feb. 21, three gasoline-filled firebombs exploded

    at their home on the northern tip of Manhattan, two at the front

    door and the third tucked neatly under the gas tank of the family

    car. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in

    Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. A few

    weeks after the attack, the New York contingent of the Weathermen

    blew themselves up making more bombs in a Greenwich Village

    townhouse. In late November that year, a letter to the Associated

    Press signed by Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers's wife, promised more


    Murdagh put out a statement on behalf of McCain's campaign

    Wednesday stating "Barack Obama's friend tried to kill my


    "The Weather Underground launched an attack on our family

    home ... looking to kill us," Murtagh told FOX News. "I believe

    if the senator were to come clean and tell us the full story,

    we'd find out this relationship well predates the fundraiser held

    in the Ayers home. It goes back to the '80s."

    In an interview on Fox TV, Murtagh established that Michelle

    and Barack Obama knew Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers beginning in

    1988-89, when Michelle Obama and Bernadine Dohrn (Ayers' wife and

    a former Weather Undergound bomber herself) worked together at

    the law firm of Sidley and Austin.

    Murtagh: Bill Ayer's wife Bernadine Dohrn, also one of the

    original leaders of the Weather Underground, and the woman who

    took credit for the bombing at our home and other New York

    targets, Bernadine Dohrn was a attorney by training. She couldn't

    get admitted to bar because of her crimes. Bill Ayers family got

    her a job at a large Chicago law firm, Sydney and Austin in the

    1980s. She was contemporary at that law firm in the 80s with

    Michelle Obama. It was the firm where a year later--

    Doocy: Known each other around the water cooler.

    Murtagh: Sure and a year later it's where Michelle and

    Barack Obama met. So I believe if the Senator were to come clean

    and tell us the full story we'd find out this relationship well

    predates the fundraiser held in the Ayers' home and goes back to

    the 80s.

    As Lyndon LaRouche commented, Obama is a creation of the

    British, and they can still pull the plug on his candidacy. They

    can sink him overnight. They can determine the outcome of the

    election by sinking him or not sinking him overnight, even now.

    LaRouche himself identified the character of the Weathermen

    after they emerged in 1968 in a document entitled "The New Left,

    Local Control, and Fascism." The relevance of this question could

    not be clearer. The Weathermen, like ACORN today, was a

    British-controlled, anti-labor fascist organization in its

    essential character. Obama is a product of a fascist movement

  13. When I hooked up with Shane O'Sullivan in Pittsburgh, he said he was moving on to a new subject - I think he said Sixties Radicals and their kids.

    The week wasn't out when all of a sudden the man in the news is Bill Ayers, radical SDS Weatherman and former neighbor of a presidential candidate.


    I too was a radical in the Sixties, and Education Reform was the primary issue that got me involved, though the Vietnam War also had something to do with it.

    Like Ayers, Educational Reform of the stystem was an important part of the radical reformation of American politics in the Sixties and Seventies, and books like A.S. Neil's Summerhill, and The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Schools Without Walls had a lot to do with it.

    The idea that Bill Ayers has a negative impact on people, especially a presidential candidate, is pretty reactionary, as he eventually worked within and took over the system he had previously tried to violently overthrow.

    Since the Republicans decided to make Ayers an issue, I thought he deserved his own thread.


    Your post is a romantic and unreal characterization of Bill Ayers and the Weatherman terrorist. Ayers was the son of a wealthy businessman. His father was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, chairman of Northwestern University and of the Chicago Symphony. I've always considered him nothing more than an agent, a real jacobin terrorist.


    He(Ayers) also writes about the Weathermen's sexual experimentation as they tried to ''smash monogamy.'' The Weathermen were ''an army of lovers,'' he says, and describes having had different sexual partners, including his best male friend.

    In 1967 he met Ms. Dohrn in Ann Arbor, Mich. She had a law degree from the University of Chicago and was a magnetic speaker who often wore thigh-high boots and miniskirts. In 1969, after the Manson family murders in Beverly Hills, Ms. Dohrn told an S.D.S. audience: ''Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim's stomach.''

    You do know that after McGeorge Bundy got the Vietnam war started that he left government and took the position of President with the Ford Foundation. Bundy actually funded the SDS terrorists along with the Black Panther movement. You mention "The pedagogy of the Opressed". Is this the same BS that Franz Fanone(sp?) was pushing through Dar E Salam University? This pedagogy produced the likes Angela Davis and other black radical agent provocatuers deployed by Bundy's Ford Foundation to destroy the legacy and work of MLK's civil rights movement.

    Bundy orchestrated the perfect "gang-counter gang" scenario by first starting the Vietnam war and then turning right around and funding all this left wing anti war fervor. Out of this chaos came the destruction of the US as the leading industrial power on the planet.

    But Ayer's was an agent. Bought and paid for by the same forces that killed JFK, MLK and RFK.

  14. Where are the LaRouche slanders that you promised? Quit your blabbing and stick to the wager. You're trying to buy time because otherwise you would be gone by now. Why dont you till the fertile field of LaRouche slanders instead of trying to give me a history lesson? You hinted you were going back to the 1970's, for some vintage LaRouche racism. But so far nothing.

    The man is 86 years old and a racist, so it shouldnt be difficult for you to locate a few of his more choice comments.

    Bye, bye.

    The delay as I pointed out was due to me hoping you’d accept the wager but you so far have refused. Here are the quotes, but you were not paying attention I already posted them a few weeks ago on another thread.

    "Zombie Killers Out of Control" (June 1974).

    "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing."


    "The Politics of Male Impotence" (1973)

    "What is the sickness inside so many of our members whcih [sic] causes them to awfully admire the image of the Black Ghetto mother? Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Chetto [sic] mother?"

    Note his use of "anything" rather than "anyone."


    “The Case of Walter Lippmann” (1977)

    LaRouche says it was "absolutely" correct for the "American branch of European humanist culture" to grab all the land from the "miserable, relatively bestial culture of indigenous Americans." (Note that he lumps hundreds of tribes, language groups and ancient peoples into a single undifferentiated culture.) And the same thing goes for those miserable Mexicans after the War of 1848: "We do not regard all cultures and nations as equally deserving of sovereignty or survival."

    And we have something more recent: Saturday Dialogue with LaRouche, Pt. 1 (April 12, 2008)

    "…and she [Obama’s mother] wore through a number of successive husbands, and by them, had various children. And therefore, you'll find Obama's ancestry, if you chase his family tree, everybody's climbing and swinging from the branches there--from all over the world! All parts of the world! This guy is the universal man. Every monkey in every tree, from every part of the world, has participated in the sexual act of producing him."


    - All the above adapted from:


    LaRouche attacks Judaism as the religion of the "Roman merchant-usurer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal Enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not yet developed a Christian conscience" and Jewish culture as "merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim" (The Campaigner, December 1973).


    So please send me the $ 1000 at your soonest possible convenience. Once you've chosen which items to purchase and which shipping method you what me to use I'll bill you separately for postage. My PM box is full but you can send me an e-mail through the forum.

    Hmmm....it seems like I've seen these before, somewhere. :lol: I'll answer you when I get more time. Typical "format" slander. You really didnt do much work, allowing others to package your BS.

    racism poking its head out of the closet once again -- sigh. The American Civil WAR still raging in the minds of some. Same striking fear into the minds of common folk -- so, the racists are climbing and stoking the FEAR ladder once again. After all, the hearts and minds of those common American folk is at stake, eh?

    Let's wow them with Wall Street financial mumbo-jumbo.... what nonsense!

    Your bet doesn't look good, Terry.

    Mumbo jumbo? I've read your post three times and I'd have to say that's a good description. I rarely understand your babbling and this time is no different.

    Terry While I agree with you that it often seems that one needs a secret decoder ring to decipher David’s posts this one was rather clear. If you couldn’t understand it after reading it three times the problem lays with you not him. He thinks the statements were racist and frankly it’s hard to imagine anyone who isn’t racist themselves and/or blinded by devotion to your messiah could conclude otherwise.

    In case you’ve missed the obvious he and I have traded numerous insults over the years obviously he isn’t biased in my favor. You lost the bet Terry but I don’t imagine you will pay up, I expected you to welsh which is why I was trying to get you to agree to terms that would make it more difficult. If you don’t actually want to buy anything you can send me $ 700 and we’ll can it even.

    All you did was show me that you cant even come up with a decent slander piece. And this transparent garbage took how many days for you to produce? The 1974 article you posted has nothing to do with race. It's a story of a local MK Ultra factory that was producing killer zombies. This pamphlet was distributed in black neighborhoods in NYC. The other two come straight from the Dennis King/LaRouche watch factory, right down to the yellow "highlight" of text. You cant even do your own work.

    As far as David's comments, outside of you who cares? This nit wit cant tie his shoes. He made some stupid remark to Christopher Hall in another thread. They should mind meld his brain with Lamson's and maybe the two of them together might have access to a single brain that half functions?. But otherwise the guy is useless.



    LaRouche Launches Pennsylvania

    Media Blitz, as State Rep. H. James

    Endorses Him

    Under the headline, "Stop Taking Our Votes for Granted! Send a Message—Make Your Vote Count!" Pennsylvania State Rep. Harold James (D) released his formal endorsement of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. for President, who is running in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary being held on April 27. Representative James was elected to the Pennsylvania House in 1988 from the 186th Legislative District in Philadelphia, and is currently running for his ninth consecutive term. Former chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, he serves on the Executive Committee of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL), where he was appointed Special Assistant to the NBCSL President, and Region II Chairman, NBCSL (New York and Pennsylvania).

    Listed are just a few of the black political leaders that have worked with and supported LaRouche through the years.

    .Are these black elected officials mis guided? I think if you tried to pull this racist BS in their presence, that you'd get an earful. But when you finished educating them about LaRouche's racism you might want to show them a GG Allin video. Now there was racist pig!

    Mervyn Dymally California assembly

    Joe Neal State Senator Nevada (candidate for Governor of Nevada)

    Jack Hulan NYC (deceased)

    Theo Mitchell ( SC State Senator and candidate for Governor SC)

    JL Chestnut (civil rights lawyer Alabama)

    Harold James Pennsylvania

    Fred Willis (deceased)

    Amelia Robinson (Schiller Institute)-she brought MLK to Selma.

    Now keep your word you faker.

  15. ... but what I don't believe is that sex, drugs, and rock and roll (1) were only unleashed on America after the JFK assassination; (2) are the only reason we're in a state of decline; (3) were employed as a tactic by a single cohesive force of evil; or (4) are any more to blame than alcohol, divorce, country music cheatin' songs, and obesity for the sad state of America and its citizens.

    Just my opinions...NOT cribbed from Limbaugh OR LaRouche, or any other demagogue with a last name beginning with "L".

    Leaving aside that my name begins with an "L", I only wished to point out that there was, in fact, sex in America before the Beatles. Not much and not often, but it was practiced in certain esoteric circles for no less than nine years before JFK even, much less the Beatles.

    I suppose that I should point out that this is not thoroughly documented and thus remains something of a theory, but I believe that there are recorded instances of it taking place and, that being the case, feel that earlier conjectural instances of its practice should not be ruled out.

    Rock and roll probably didn't appear before the advent of electricity, but as for drugs, all I can say is that I've heard from respected students of history that the "Boston Tea Party" had nothing whatsoever to do with darjeeling or pekoe, and may have had something to do with a major cartel controlling the traffic at the time. Don't quote me on that, mind you, but there is evidence to support the proposition.

    You seem a bit uncomfortable. Like a nervous giggle.

  16. "Don't let nobody out of this room," he declared and told the other men to scoop up his items, which included a photo of Simpson with former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
    (LAS VEGAS) — O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room.

    The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.


    I believe the jury convicted OJ Simpson because of the acquittal 13 years ago. At least unconsciously. OJ wasn't a smart guy. He should have stayed out of the public eye after the acquittal. Cameras followed him wherever he was. Just the night before, waiting for the wedding to begin, OJ actually walked to the cameras. He finally got the nerve. He was dressed to kill. And just hours later, he was in handcuffs and charged with armed robbery and kidnapping.

    I believe he was innocent of those murders. Someone sent me a book called OJ Is Guilty, But Not of Murder by William Dear. He was covering up for his son, an epileptic with intermittant rage disorder. The son was a chef and pulled a knife on his employer in the past. He had rage with several girlfriends. As he was a chef, he carried his knives with him. He didn't leave them in the restaurant. Chefs do not do that.

    Between 10 pm and 11 pm, no one knew where he was. He had been spying on Nicole as he had developed feelings for her. That night he was expecting Nicole, OJ and party to come to the restaurant where he worked. He was going to make them a meal they wouldn't forget. But no one showed up and he was very embarrassed. The restaurant closed early.

    The theory is the son went to her house, had words with her and killed her and Ron Goldman. He contacted OJ. OJ happened on the scene. He covered up for his son because being OJ, so popular, he felt he would be acquitted and he was.

    Now he's facing life for a stupid argument among men. Ridiculous.

    Kathy C

    You believe OJ was covering up for his son? How, by hiring a multi million dollar defense team that won him acquital? That means the Bundy murder case is still an open case and therefore OJ's son could still be arrested and charged, just as 1994. How did OJ entice the LAPD to arrest him and then charge him for the murders? This is just another crazy theory.

    And do you know what intermittant rage disorder is? It's BS and lots of it.

    Hollywood is notorious for murders of the type seen at Bundy in 1994. The Manson case, the Cotton Club murders in 1983.

    Terry, that's right. That case is open. Do you see the police going after anyone else? And yes, it's true, he's an accessory after the fact for the 2 murders.

    Terry, have you just arrived from Bizarro Land, where everything is the opposite of Earth? You were the one who sent me the goddamned book about OJ not being the murderer!

    Something's wrong here. You believed in conspiracy in the death of Pres. Kennedy at one time. Now even OJ is guilty. What happened?

    Kathy C


    Yes, I'm in Bizarro Land from working 24/7.

    Write me at home: tmauro@pacbell.net

    I lost your phone number.


  17. I've always been highly sceptical of the various conspiracy theories surrounding the Kennedy assassinations. It just seemed to me that the "cock-up" theory of history whereby even the best organized conspiracies would go wrong and be revealed was so much more convincing. A discussion over lunch in Bratislava with John Simkin really made me think that maybe there was something behind the idea. Unfortunately, the obviously silly and uninformed rants by people like Ms Mauro, can do nothing but reinforce the sceptical point of view. She has claimed, over the past couple of days that:

    * the fact that Gov Schwartzenegger's campaigns had been supported by members of the Kennedy family proved that he was a nazi

    * the fact that he was originally Austrian proved that he was a nazi

    * the pre-WWII head of the German Central Bank was born in the United States when he was demonstrably born in Germany

    * the American Revolution was caused by a British commitment to free trade when any historian could confirm that the opposite was the case

    * the Beatles were part of a plot to bring the United States to its knees morally and physically

    Taken in the context of these totally ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims, then her belief in a British plot to assassinate Kennedy would seem to place this whole theory in the realms of the bizarre, if not in that of abnormal psychology. It certainly does little to persuade sceptics that the JFK "research community" has much validity...

    Exactly what conspiracy theories are you highly skeptical? The manner in which your summarize my statements smack of sophistry. One might conclude that you've taken to sleeping with Len Colby.

    You might also want to look into the murder of Abraham Lincoln for a "how to manual" for British assassins. There is nothing bizzare about the British killing American Presidents. Our history shows this to be a fairly common event. The problem lies with ignorant educators who do not understand history.

  18. Where are the LaRouche slanders that you promised? Quit your blabbing and stick to the wager. You're trying to buy time because otherwise you would be gone by now. Why dont you till the fertile field of LaRouche slanders instead of trying to give me a history lesson? You hinted you were going back to the 1970's, for some vintage LaRouche racism. But so far nothing.

    The man is 86 years old and a racist, so it shouldnt be difficult for you to locate a few of his more choice comments.

    Bye, bye.

    The delay as I pointed out was due to me hoping you’d accept the wager but you so far have refused. Here are the quotes, but you were not paying attention I already posted them a few weeks ago on another thread.

    "Zombie Killers Out of Control" (June 1974).

    "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing."


    "The Politics of Male Impotence" (1973)

    "What is the sickness inside so many of our members whcih [sic] causes them to awfully admire the image of the Black Ghetto mother? Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Chetto [sic] mother?"

    Note his use of "anything" rather than "anyone."


    “The Case of Walter Lippmann” (1977)

    LaRouche says it was "absolutely" correct for the "American branch of European humanist culture" to grab all the land from the "miserable, relatively bestial culture of indigenous Americans." (Note that he lumps hundreds of tribes, language groups and ancient peoples into a single undifferentiated culture.) And the same thing goes for those miserable Mexicans after the War of 1848: "We do not regard all cultures and nations as equally deserving of sovereignty or survival."

    And we have something more recent: Saturday Dialogue with LaRouche, Pt. 1 (April 12, 2008)

    "…and she [Obama’s mother] wore through a number of successive husbands, and by them, had various children. And therefore, you'll find Obama's ancestry, if you chase his family tree, everybody's climbing and swinging from the branches there--from all over the world! All parts of the world! This guy is the universal man. Every monkey in every tree, from every part of the world, has participated in the sexual act of producing him."


    - All the above adapted from:


    LaRouche attacks Judaism as the religion of the "Roman merchant-usurer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal Enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not yet developed a Christian conscience" and Jewish culture as "merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim" (The Campaigner, December 1973).


    So please send me the $ 1000 at your soonest possible convenience. Once you've chosen which items to purchase and which shipping method you what me to use I'll bill you separately for postage. My PM box is full but you can send me an e-mail through the forum.

    Hmmm....it seems like I've seen these before, somewhere. :tomatoes I'll answer you when I get more time. Typical "format" slander. You really didnt do much work, allowing others to package your BS.

    racism poking its head out of the closet once again -- sigh. The American Civil WAR still raging in the minds of some. Same striking fear into the minds of common folk -- so, the racists are climbing and stoking the FEAR ladder once again. After all, the hearts and minds of those common American folk is at stake, eh?

    Let's wow them with Wall Street financial mumbo-jumbo.... what nonsense!

    Your bet doesn't look good, Terry.

    Mumbo jumbo? I've read your post three times and I'd have to say that's a good description. I rarely understand your babbling and this time is no different.

  19. "I had no interest in debating the meaning of the word Mercantilism. My interest lies in examining the polar opposite systems of the British Empire versus the United States."

    Unfortunately, since you apparently understand NEITHER the basis of the British Empire system -- mercantilism -- NOR the basis of the United States system -- tariff protection -- your views would seem to have no validity whatsoever.

    You remain a banana, although I'be beginning to wonder whether I'm doing an injustice to bananas...

    At least were making progress. At least weve established that the British Empire and United States adopted two polar opposite and irreconcilable systems. Free Trade versus the American System.

    And I do understand the basis of the British Empire system. All you have to do is look back in history to see what they did to India, Africa, USA, and the rest of their colonial empire. Genocidal looting.

  20. Terry, which section of the British establishment do you believe was responsible for the assassination. Did they receive any local help/ encouragement. and who (organisation) pulled the trigger.

    Thanks, Steve.

    I would indentify Betrand Russell as being a leading figue of the faction responsible for the JFK murder. Permindex was the vehicle used to actually carry out the murder. Jim Garrison got that much right when he arrested Clay Shaw.

    With the marriage of Kathleen Kennedy to the Duke of Devonshire John Kennedy and the Kennedy family became intertwined with the notorious Cecil clan. John Kennedy was supposed to do the bidding of these British oligarchs. British Ambassador to the United States David Ormsby-Gore(later Lord Harlec) was also an in law to JFK. JFK had Ormsy's-Gore placed on the highly secret Ex-comm committee. This was the committee best known for it's work during the Cuban Missiles Crisis.

    You might also want to read a book regarding the little know Skybolt Missile crisis that JFK had with his British counterparts. The book was written in 1993 and chronicles of the sudden shift in the "Special Relationship" between JFK and the British. The Skybolt story is just one indication of Kennedy's break with British policy (and I am not refering to the British people). The diaries of PM Macmillan testify that JFK had to be armtwisted at the famous Nassau summit in spring 1963 before he would agree to turn over the Polaris missile program to the British.


  21. For some one venturing an opinion on the subject you should know what mercantilist means, this is not some obscure concept but rather something you were supposed to have learned a few times in junior high school and high school history.

    FWIW, I have never heard of the term either. I don't claim to have a strong grasp of history, either.

    Is it something related specifically to US history?


    I had no interest in debating the meaning of the word Mercantilism. My interest lies in examining the polar opposite systems of the British Empire versus the United States.

  22. Where are the LaRouche slanders that you promised? Quit your blabbing and stick to the wager. You're trying to buy time because otherwise you would be gone by now. Why dont you till the fertile field of LaRouche slanders instead of trying to give me a history lesson? You hinted you were going back to the 1970's, for some vintage LaRouche racism. But so far nothing.

    The man is 86 years old and a racist, so it shouldnt be difficult for you to locate a few of his more choice comments.

    Bye, bye.

    The delay as I pointed out was due to me hoping you’d accept the wager but you so far have refused. Here are the quotes, but you were not paying attention I already posted them a few weeks ago on another thread.

    "Zombie Killers Out of Control" (June 1974).

    "This summer you will be walking down the street with your family and a cruising car will pull up beside you. A group of young black men will jump out of the car and surround you. As they close in, you may notice that their eyes show no emotion, their pupils are pinpoints. Your throat will be slashed, your wife will be stabbed, your children's heads will be smashed against the pavement. The attackers will be grinning or laughing."


    "The Politics of Male Impotence" (1973)

    "What is the sickness inside so many of our members whcih [sic] causes them to awfully admire the image of the Black Ghetto mother? Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Chetto [sic] mother?"

    Note his use of "anything" rather than "anyone."


    “The Case of Walter Lippmann” (1977)

    LaRouche says it was "absolutely" correct for the "American branch of European humanist culture" to grab all the land from the "miserable, relatively bestial culture of indigenous Americans." (Note that he lumps hundreds of tribes, language groups and ancient peoples into a single undifferentiated culture.) And the same thing goes for those miserable Mexicans after the War of 1848: "We do not regard all cultures and nations as equally deserving of sovereignty or survival."

    And we have something more recent: Saturday Dialogue with LaRouche, Pt. 1 (April 12, 2008)

    "…and she [Obama’s mother] wore through a number of successive husbands, and by them, had various children. And therefore, you'll find Obama's ancestry, if you chase his family tree, everybody's climbing and swinging from the branches there--from all over the world! All parts of the world! This guy is the universal man. Every monkey in every tree, from every part of the world, has participated in the sexual act of producing him."


    - All the above adapted from:


    LaRouche attacks Judaism as the religion of the "Roman merchant-usurer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal Enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not yet developed a Christian conscience" and Jewish culture as "merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim" (The Campaigner, December 1973).


    So please send me the $ 1000 at your soonest possible convenience. Once you've chosen which items to purchase and which shipping method you what me to use I'll bill you separately for postage. My PM box is full but you can send me an e-mail through the forum.

    Hmmm....it seems like I've seen these before, somewhere. :tomatoes I'll answer you when I get more time. Typical "format" slander. You really didnt do much work, allowing others to package your BS.

  23. You're backing out on your wager. Just how tough is this? Did LaRouche refer to black and latino people as "n" or "spic"? How tough is this that you need to select an arbiter?

    No as far as I know your messiah was never so crude as to use racial epitaphs publicly, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he did do so with his Klan buddies. Any reasonable person however would identify his comments as racist. But you as a LaRouche cultist who stands to loose over $ 1000 will simply deny this, hence the need for a neutral 3rd party. And no I’m not “backing down” My position remains unchanged see post # 12.

    One depends on the other, if you want a chance to get me to quit the forum you have to do so on my terms. Now one would think if you were so sure that LaRouche never said anything that could be interpreted as racist you would jump at the chance to be rid of me but your reluctance shows deep down perhaps you’re not so sure

    The guy who promoted GG Allin has a "crude meter"? You're funnier than you think.

    Such a serious scholar you are. Now LaRouche has Klan connections.

    Why would you need a 3rd party to decipher a racist comment or outlook? I'll bet your "hidden booty" of slanders are not the run of the mill variety. We will probably require your help in order to see through to LaRouche's hidden meaning. :rolleyes:

    Why not just presentyour proof or be a man and hit the road?

  24. I made no mention of it (mercantilist). Either to embrace, compare or dispute (I had never heard the term before).

    For some one venturing an opinion on the subject you should know what mercantilist means, this is not some obscure concept but rather something you were supposed to have learned a few times in junior high school and high school history. You obviously have no idea what free trade means either

    Main Entry: free trade

    Function: noun

    Date: 1655

    : trade based on the unrestricted international exchange of goods with tariffs used only as a source of revenue


    free trade - Definition

    International business not restrained by government interference or regulation, such as duties.


    Geography Dictionary: free trade

    Trade between countries which takes place completely free of restrictions. Such trade allows specialization in member states of free trade areas, and lowers costs because, together with competition, the markets are increased. Within a free trade area there are no barriers, such as tariffs and quotas. However, there is not necessarily a common policy on trade with countries outside the free trade area. See efta, world trade organization.

    Political Dictionary: free trade

    The absence of barriers to international trade. Up to the nineteenth century, under the system of mercantilism, Europeans faced two main kinds of barriers to trade: first, there were duties, quotas, and prohibitions restricting the movement of goods from one customs area to another; second, controls on participation in particular trades imposed by corporations like the British or Dutch East India Companies.

    1813 the British East India Company was deprived of its monopoly over trade between Britain and India. Following a prolonged public campaign, the repeal of the Corn Laws 1846 opened the British market to cheap foreign grain. The exemplary force of these events was all the greater because they appeared to be applications of the cogent and appealing liberal economic theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo…


    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: free trade

    Policy in which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports. A free-trade policy does not necessarily imply that the government abandons all control and taxation of imports and exports, but rather that it refrains from actions specifically designed to hinder international trade, such as tariff barriers, currency restrictions, and import quotas. The theoretical case for free trade is based on Adam Smith's argument that the division of labour among countries leads to specialization, greater efficiency, and higher aggregate production. The way to foster such a division of labour, Smith believed, is to allow nations to make and sell whatever products can compete successfully in an international market.


    The various restrictions the British placed on commerce, trade and industry in the colonies were mercantilist violations of free trade. And you are right, just as every school child in America is taught, these restrictions were one of the major reasons for the revolution. The patriots however were fighting FOR free trade.

    Now you can make up your own definitions for what ever word or phrase you choose but when you disagree with people who use them correctly you (not they) are displaying your ignorance.

    ... the Brits launched an Opium War against this country starting after the murder of John Kennedy in the mid 1960's, with their launching of the sex, rock, drug counter culture. You've been a customer of theirs for years isnt that right?

    Yes you finally get something right, yes with pride! However my drug consumption has waned considerably since my youth. But isn't a bit a ironic that someone who has made posts referring to the men she's had and who is a fan of such drug gobbling rockers as Tom Petty and the Eagles would object?

    Where are the LaRouche slanders that you promised? Quit your blabbing and stick to the wager. You're trying to buy time because otherwise you would be gone by now. Why dont you till the fertile field of LaRouche slanders instead of trying to give me a history lesson? You hinted you were going back to the 1970's, for some vintage LaRouche racism. But so far nothing.

    The man is 86 years old and a racist, so it shouldnt be difficult for you to locate a few of his more choice comments.

    Bye, bye.

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