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Jack White

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Posts posted by Jack White

  1. Hi Jack

    I am of the opinion that the windshield seen in the Altgens, and FBI photo are one in the same.

    I also think that my GIF above shows the cracks to be in a very similar position in both the FBI & the Altgen's photo's

    I know that goes againt what you and Jim think

    but that is the way is see it.

    Altgen's distance from the limo & camera settings.

    We probably should also take into account Altgen's camera settings, there seems to be some sort of zoom effect at play on the altgen's 6 image.

    there is a possibility that the spiral nebular shows an artifact situated behind the clear glass windscreen, and not on the windscreen


    Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I have to take into consideration the law governing photographic materials and the use of optics in cameras--lenses--and while my camera may have been set on a distance of 30 feet, there is a plus or minus, area in which the focus still is maintained. I figure that this is approximately 30 feet because that's what I have measured on my camera.

    Mr. LIEBELER - And you say Exhibit No. 203 was taken about 30 feet away?

    Mr. ALTGENS - But it might be 40 feet, but I couldn't say that that's exactly the distance because while it may be in focus at 40 feet, my camera has it in focus 30 feet. It's the same thing--if I focus at 15 feet, my focus might extend 20 feet and it might also be reduced to 10 feet, but my focusing was in that general area of 30 feet. I believe, if you will let me say something further here about this picture----

    Mr. LIEBELER - And you say Exhibit No. 203 was taken about 30 feet away?

    Mr. ALTGENS - But it might be 40 feet, but I couldn't say that that's exactly the distance

    From 40-feet away the spiral nebular effect would be all but invisible to the naked eye. ?


    If the limo is at (30-40ft ) how far away is all the the detail in the backround of that image, going right up to the Daltex building ( much of being in focus ) ?

    Maybe I missed it, but tell us again the provenance of the "FBI" photo of the cracked windshield.




    I asked Anthony Marsh the provenance of the FBI Whitehouse garage photo on his website.

    This was his reply


    It is known as CE 350. It was taken by FBI agent Robert Frazier about 2 AM that night when his team examined the limousine in the

    White House garage.

    Here is the Corbis version. I bought a copy negative and had an extreme blow-up made of the crack.



    Thanks! But we must remember FRAZIER LIES and the FBI LIES.


  2. Bill, Here are both photos and the story:

    I don't know how Mr. Armstrong got the photos, Jack White may know that story, but these were pictures taken by the Cuban government in the fall of 1963. This man visited the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City and called himself Lee Harvey Oswald. On a Friday afternoon on 9/27/63, Oswald arrived at the consulate, he handed them an application to obtain a Cuban visa right there on the spot for a Monday departure on 9/30/63, even though he had no Soviet visa.

    When Oswald was refused the visa, he acted out and caused an unforgettably boisterous scene. Despite American claims, none of the consulate employees who were present could positively identify Oswald as the person at the Cuban consulate that day. Cuban consul Eusebio Azcue was emphatic in testifying that Oswald was not the "dark blond" man angrily demanding an instant visa.

    post-6350-082029800 1303067107_thumb.jpg

    on page 646-47 of Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong:

    On April 1, 1978 Azcue was interviewed by the HSCA and said that he would never have identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man who visited the Cuban Consulate in Sept. 1963.

    On Thursday Aug. 3..., 1978 Azcue was interviewed on television by CBS evening news reporter Ed Rable. Azcue produced photographs (above) taken in the Cuban consulate, of the man who identified himself as Lee Harvey Oswald.

    One photo showed a man in a light colored sweater walking toward the lower left of the picture (right). The second photo was of a man walking toward the right (left). Neither of these photos looked anything like the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy.

    Duran would go on describe the Mexico City Oswald as having blond hair and blue eyes. In 1978 HSCA investigator Edwin Lopez located and interviewed two CIA assets who worked inside the Cuban Consulate during Oswald's visit. Both people said the person who visited the consulate was not the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy and both told Lopez that they reported this to the CIA station in Mexico City.

    Thanks for all your great work Bill,


    The two photos were released to the press by the HSCA with a caption which asked for the help of the public in

    identifying them. I somewhere (from Jim Marrs) have a copy made from the actual AP newswire images. Obviously

    neither man even resembles LHO.


  3. In my opinion the reason Monk does not want to tell more about his viewing of the

    other film is that as a youth (his father had important Washington connections) he

    had access to many individuals still living whose safety might be compromised if it

    becomes known that they know of THE OTHER FILM. This is speculation on my part.

    Perhaps some day the situation will change.


    No matter if somehow the SS could be embarrassed - or perhaps worse - by this other film, it's indeed extremely odd that only a selected few have actually viewed the film. Beside, that is, those who certainly must have watched it when an un-named TV-station aired it?

    It all just doesn't add up, in my opinion.

    No...not just a select few. All except Cranor were in group settings. At the time, most thought they were seeing the Zapruder film,

    which most had not seen previously. Only much later, when COPIES OF THE EXTANT FILM BECAME NUMEROUS did they realize

    that it does not show things they vividly remember, such as the limo turning the corner and stopping during the shots.

    I would guess that hundreds saw it...but long before the extant film became widely seen. Only in retrospect did some of them

    remember that the two films did not match.


  4. What exactly is the origin of the Creation myth here - that Ferrie kept lab mice and bragged of cancer experiments? If it's Garrison's book, I'd like to check it out again and read the original reference.

    Where was Garrison's office in the Mary Sherman murder investigation?

    As I recall, maybe wrongly, Mary Sherman's death was never ruled a murder...maybe even an accident.

    Does anyone know? I think it is Haslam who has turned her death into a murder.


    How else do you explain a burned and mutilated body lying on a perfectly normal bed?

    The mattress was on fire in a smoke-filled room when firefighters arrived and dragged it and pitched it to the parking lot. There were old-fashioned bed springs scattered on the floor. There was a pile of extremely charred clothing on the victim's abdomen, apparently used as kindling to start the fire. The body was not mutilated in the narrow sense, although she was certainly brutally attacked: 8 stab wounds, including defensive wounds to the arms and fingers and a fatal stab wound to the heart. The wound to the labia appears to be more from an errant stab motion rather than a deliberate attempt at mutilation. Her death was officially classified as a homicide from the beginning. There were a lot of detectives following a lot of leads.

    So where does Haslam get that she was killed by an "accelerator" and her body moved, etc. etc? This would seem to rival

    some of Baker's fantasies.


    Haslam breathlessly notes that the victim's right arm was largely burned away, bone and all, and that some of the clothing piled on the abdomen was badly burned, while some was not burned. Noting a criminologist's statement that some of the clothing would have to reach 500 degrees before igniting, the author surmises that, because some of the clothing was unburned, the temperature never reached 500 degrees. He asks a cremator: What temperature would bone have to reach to be largely burned away? The cremator indicates a temperature of 1600-2000 degrees. Haslam surmises that the crime (2000d) does not match the crime scene (500d). He then states as facts that the damage to the body did not occur at the crime scene, and that she was burned earlier, somewhere else, and moved to the scene. What could have caused such burns? A linear particle accelerator, he theorizes.

    In my view, this is filled with holes. The degree figures given are professional estimates. The temperature at fire scenes can vary widely, even within feet or inches. There is also the longevity factor, the smoldering factor. Considering this and other factors, I don't think one can leap to the conclusion that the injuries were not inflicted at the crime scene. And the leap to the linear particle accelerator is preposterous, based on NO evidence at all.

    Haslam evidently does not know of the documented cases of SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION. Google it.


    Do you think that's what happened to Dr. Sherman? Had that been the case, would there have been anything left?

    I did not say I thought that happened. I was simply countering a statement made. Look up SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION.

    There are many documented cases. In many of them, various extremities are left untouched while the rest has burned away.

    It is similar to a burning candle, with the body like a candle's wax.

    If there were indeed documented stab wounds, I think that would rule out SHC. But I am no expert.

    I do doubt the particle accelerator theory, which bizarrely requires transporting a badly burned body and faking an attack.


  5. Hi Jack

    I am of the opinion that the windshield seen in the Altgens, and FBI photo are one in the same.

    I also think that my GIF above shows the cracks to be in a very similar position in both the FBI & the Altgen's photo's

    I know that goes againt what you and Jim think

    but that is the way is see it.

    Altgen's distance from the limo & camera settings.

    We probably should also take into account Altgen's camera settings, there seems to be some sort of zoom effect at play on the altgen's 6 image.

    there is a possibility that the spiral nebular shows an artifact situated behind the clear glass windscreen, and not on the windscreen


    Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I have to take into consideration the law governing photographic materials and the use of optics in cameras--lenses--and while my camera may have been set on a distance of 30 feet, there is a plus or minus, area in which the focus still is maintained. I figure that this is approximately 30 feet because that's what I have measured on my camera.

    Mr. LIEBELER - And you say Exhibit No. 203 was taken about 30 feet away?

    Mr. ALTGENS - But it might be 40 feet, but I couldn't say that that's exactly the distance because while it may be in focus at 40 feet, my camera has it in focus 30 feet. It's the same thing--if I focus at 15 feet, my focus might extend 20 feet and it might also be reduced to 10 feet, but my focusing was in that general area of 30 feet. I believe, if you will let me say something further here about this picture----

    Mr. LIEBELER - And you say Exhibit No. 203 was taken about 30 feet away?

    Mr. ALTGENS - But it might be 40 feet, but I couldn't say that that's exactly the distance

    From 40-feet away the spiral nebular effect would be all but invisible to the naked eye. ?


    If the limo is at (30-40ft ) how far away is all the the detail in the backround of that image, going right up to the Daltex building ( much of being in focus ) ?

    Maybe I missed it, but tell us again the provenance of the "FBI" photo of the cracked windshield.



  6. In my opinion the reason Monk does not want to tell more about his viewing of the

    other film is that as a youth (his father had important Washington connections) he

    had access to many individuals still living whose safety might be compromised if it

    becomes known that they know of THE OTHER FILM. This is speculation on my part.

    Perhaps some day the situation will change.


  7. Small stabilized GIF (stabilized using the rear view mirror

    Looking at the two images layered on top of each other,and given the large difference in perspective of the two photographers , both in angle and distance.

    Using the rear view mirror as a stabilization point, it is not out of the question that the two separate cracks seen in this GIF are infact in the same position on the windshield.


    Excellent GIF, but they do not depict the same image. I do not know what that means.


  8. Jesse obviously isn't as much of an "expert" as most of us think we are on this subject, but he knows a lot more than the average American does about the assassination of JFK. More importantly, he is willing to publicly state the only thing that ultimately matters at this point; that there WAS a conspiracy and the U.S. government has been covering up the truth about it since that day in Dallas.

    Like Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura is a charismatic and controversial figure. Both of them have a public forum, and Ventura is a bonafide national figure. No other JFK assassination researcher has access to the stage Jones has on a daily basis. None have a television show like Ventura, or offers to appear on mainstream t.v. shows like Piers Morgan Live or The View. I think they are both great assets to the cause of truth, because they can command an audience no other Warren Commission could ever hope to.

    Yes, I'd prefer that Jesse didn't come with the pro wrestling/sensationalist baggage, and that Jones would be a bit less entertainer than researcher, but they are both drawing young people to the subject of the Kennedy assassination and conspiracies in general. Along with other voices on the internet, they are opening minds and creating skepticism towards the establishment and official media sources. I think that's a great thing.

    Another very reasonable post.


  9. The short, "older" tramp found by police in boxcars behind the Grassy Knoll and the parking lot, is said to be E. Howard Hunt. Others believe it was Chauncey Holt.

    Out of the 2, I think Chauncey Holt is the little tramp, as he was 5'4 and E. Howard Hunt was 5'9. The tramp wore a hat that could serve to hide his ears. Howard Hunt's ear tops stuck out from his head in a comical way. But at that time he wasn't that old. This photo in Dealey Plaza, right after the assassination could well be E. Howard Hunt. He couldn't be 2 people at once, but I think he was this man and not the little tramp.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-043738100 1302749355_thumb.jpg

    post-5645-095991900 1302749751_thumb.jpg

    There is NO WAY that Holt is one of the tramps.


  10. What exactly is the origin of the Creation myth here - that Ferrie kept lab mice and bragged of cancer experiments? If it's Garrison's book, I'd like to check it out again and read the original reference.

    Where was Garrison's office in the Mary Sherman murder investigation?

    As I recall, maybe wrongly, Mary Sherman's death was never ruled a murder...maybe even an accident.

    Does anyone know? I think it is Haslam who has turned her death into a murder.


    How else do you explain a burned and mutilated body lying on a perfectly normal bed?

    The mattress was on fire in a smoke-filled room when firefighters arrived and dragged it and pitched it to the parking lot. There were old-fashioned bed springs scattered on the floor. There was a pile of extremely charred clothing on the victim's abdomen, apparently used as kindling to start the fire. The body was not mutilated in the narrow sense, although she was certainly brutally attacked: 8 stab wounds, including defensive wounds to the arms and fingers and a fatal stab wound to the heart. The wound to the labia appears to be more from an errant stab motion rather than a deliberate attempt at mutilation. Her death was officially classified as a homicide from the beginning. There were a lot of detectives following a lot of leads.

    So where does Haslam get that she was killed by an "accelerator" and her body moved, etc. etc? This would seem to rival

    some of Baker's fantasies.


    Haslam breathlessly notes that the victim's right arm was largely burned away, bone and all, and that some of the clothing piled on the abdomen was badly burned, while some was not burned. Noting a criminologist's statement that some of the clothing would have to reach 500 degrees before igniting, the author surmises that, because some of the clothing was unburned, the temperature never reached 500 degrees. He asks a cremator: What temperature would bone have to reach to be largely burned away? The cremator indicates a temperature of 1600-2000 degrees. Haslam surmises that the crime (2000d) does not match the crime scene (500d). He then states as facts that the damage to the body did not occur at the crime scene, and that she was burned earlier, somewhere else, and moved to the scene. What could have caused such burns? A linear particle accelerator, he theorizes.

    In my view, this is filled with holes. The degree figures given are professional estimates. The temperature at fire scenes can vary widely, even within feet or inches. There is also the longevity factor, the smoldering factor. Considering this and other factors, I don't think one can leap to the conclusion that the injuries were not inflicted at the crime scene. And the leap to the linear particle accelerator is preposterous, based on NO evidence at all.

    Haslam evidently does not know of the documented cases of SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION. Google it.


  11. Jesse Ventura seems to be the only public figure who understands what is going on...and has the courage to say so.

    Letter to the Ruling Class from Jesse Ventura

    You control our world. You’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you. You’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout your unending greed. We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to your decadence. You’ve stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. You’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. You’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain’t got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and you will witness our revolution!



  12. A really sick woman. But a very smart one. She should have been a novelist.

    But she wasn't smart enough to figure out a way to get her story out without all the side-issues of libel and ridicule.

    People with this medical syndrome actually believe their fantasies are true. She likely could pass a polygraph test

    proving her veracity.


  13. What is up with Scully?

    TCU NEVER HAD A HEAD FOOTBALL COACH NAMED NOAH EVERETT. Where does he get all this false information?

    Hall of Fame Coach Francis A. Schmidt was followed at TCU by Hall of Fame Coach Leo R. "Dutch" Meyer, who

    coached the 1936 National Champion Frogs. There was NO coach Noah Everett in between Schmidt and Meyer!

    Scully would do better to study I. B. Hale's sons, one of whom married a daughter of John Connally, but later "accidentally"

    shot her to death. And it is well known that both Hale and O'Brien became FBI agents, so what is the big deal, introducing

    fictitious coaches at misnamed schools playing in erroneous bowl games? Does this pass for scholarly research?


    Jack, you old nitpicker, you. Maybe Boise State I mean the CIA slipped that into the Wikipedia article as a "barium meal." Please stop picking on Tom. LOL


    It is not nitpicking to declare that REAL RESEARCHERS DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a source. Anyone can put ANYTHING in Wikipedia.


  14. You want to talk about being sucked in? I voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

    I haven't voted since. To hell with all of them.

    Atta boy Ron.

    That's the spirit.


    Almost as bad, I voted for Nixon. Ever since, I have voted independent. I voted for Nixon because

    he was NOT LBJ.

    I used to think some presidents were "good". I liked Ike and FDR. But after 40+ years of study,

    only JFK stands as "not too bad". All others were bad, crooks, or worse. LBJ was worst, followed

    by Nixon and both Bushes. Others were bad or simply mediocre.


  15. Jack, I would love to read an apology posted by you, but I expect I'll wait a long time for it to appear on these pages. You posted a description of IB Hale having a "brief pro career". Although it was true Hale was drafted by a professional team, I doubt you can prove Hale ever played a minute of pro football. Why not start a thread to debate how "brief" is brief?

    It is no wonder John Simkin has dropped out. He is correct, this community of researchers does feed on itself.

    If the responses to my finding and posting the address and tel. no. of Tucker-Manning Insurance Co. in Dallas and it's ownership background, posted by you and by Tom are typical of the research community, it is no wonder that information about Tucker-Manning had remained unknown for so long.

    I got two small details, compared to the bigger picture in this matter, wrong....TCU instead of SCU, and this, which I misinterpreted in my

    haste to mean that the contest described took place in the Rose Bowl, instead of as a prelude. I was attempting to establish ties of those with

    a role in fabricating the Neely St association.


    ...Dutch Meyer/Abe Martin era

    1935 began the first year for TCU coach Noah Everett. That year TCU and SMU again met to decide not only the SWC title but the first trip to the Rose Bowl for a team from the SWC. Grantland Rice of the New York Sun called it the "Game of the Century" and reported the following:...

    Jack White is mistaken.... according to these sources, Davey O'Brien was FBI for many years.




    ....but he retired after the 1940 season to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation. After completing his training, he was assigned to the bureau’s field office in Springfield, MO. O’Brien was a firearms instructor at headquarters in Quantico, VA, and spent the last five years of his FBI career in Dallas. He retired in 1950 and went to work for Haroldson L. Hunt in land development and later entered the oil business working for Dresser-Atlas Industries of Dallas and eventually started his own business.

    By the way Jack, I strongly suspect the man in the upper right portion of the photo is IB Hale, because I recently posted photos of him on this forum from the time when he was a High School athletic director.

    I discovered this obit. Did you know before I posted this recently on another thread that Hale's wife was a Kingsbery?

    Fort Worth Star-Telegram : OBITUARIES

    $2.95 - Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Feb 2, 1997

    She was preceded in death by her parents Joe Kingsbery Jr and Belle Birge Kingsbery and by her sister Virginia Kingsbery Hale and by her beloved grandmother .

    The point, gentlemen, is not that I posted TCU as SCU, or that I posted the wrong venue establishing the acquaintance of Sammy Baugh with a man married to an owner of Tucker-Manning Insurance Co... The point is that the FBI withheld a sensitive report about Hale's twin sons doing a B&E of an apartment rented by Rosselli, just 18 months before the WC convened, and that the FBI and WC failed to mention IB Hale when they reported to the American people that Virginia Hale of Fortune Rd., Ft Worth, sent LHO to a successful job interview at Leslie Welding, and that, over the subsequent 29 years until his death, John Connally did not seem to notice that the mother of the young man who claimed he tried to slap away the shotgun that killed Connally's daughter at the moment that it discharged, was the same woman who sent LHO, the man the government "established" as the shooter of Connally, to a job interview at Leslie Welding.

    You're making me wonder why I am sharing anything on these threads. Is that your intent?

    What is up with Scully?

    TCU NEVER HAD A HEAD FOOTBALL COACH NAMED NOAH EVERETT. Where does he get all this false information?

    Hall of Fame Coach Francis A. Schmidt was followed at TCU by Hall of Fame Coach Leo R. "Dutch" Meyer, who

    coached the 1936 National Champion Frogs. There was NO coach Noah Everett in between Schmidt and Meyer!

    Scully would do better to study I. B. Hale's sons, one of whom married a daughter of John Connally, but later "accidentally"

    shot her to death. And it is well known that both Hale and O'Brien became FBI agents, so what is the big deal, introducing

    fictitious coaches at misnamed schools playing in erroneous bowl games? Does this pass for scholarly research?


  16. What exactly is the origin of the Creation myth here - that Ferrie kept lab mice and bragged of cancer experiments? If it's Garrison's book, I'd like to check it out again and read the original reference.

    Where was Garrison's office in the Mary Sherman murder investigation?

    As I recall, maybe wrongly, Mary Sherman's death was never ruled a murder...maybe even an accident.

    Does anyone know? I think it is Haslam who has turned her death into a murder.


    How else do you explain a burned and mutilated body lying on a perfectly normal bed?

    The mattress was on fire in a smoke-filled room when firefighters arrived and dragged it and pitched it to the parking lot. There were old-fashioned bed springs scattered on the floor. There was a pile of extremely charred clothing on the victim's abdomen, apparently used as kindling to start the fire. The body was not mutilated in the narrow sense, although she was certainly brutally attacked: 8 stab wounds, including defensive wounds to the arms and fingers and a fatal stab wound to the heart. The wound to the labia appears to be more from an errant stab motion rather than a deliberate attempt at mutilation. Her death was officially classified as a homicide from the beginning. There were a lot of detectives following a lot of leads.

    So where does Haslam get that she was killed by an "accelerator" and her body moved, etc. etc? This would seem to rival

    some of Baker's fantasies.


  17. Scully writes erroneously:

    Once upon a time, the founding director of the nations internal federal police intiated a recruitment drive. Newspapers at the time reported that the FBI had hired "scores" of former college football players as agent trainees. Two of the new hires were SCU All American college stars, Davey O'brien and IB Hale. O'Brien had succeeded SCU star Sammy Baugh at the QB postion, after Baught's team was narrowly defeated in the New Year's day 1936 game played in the Rose Bowl. One of the tri-captains on the winning, SMU football team that day was...

    TCU stars O'Brien and Hale had brief pro careers, and did work for a short time as FBI agents.

    Later Hale became director of security at General Dynamics in FW, and O'Brien became a FW oil man.

    Sammy Baugh became a pro for the Washington Redskins and still holds many NFL records. He was

    not involved with the FBI, and in fact was a star in some western movies, not the FBI. TCU did NOT

    play in the 1936 Rose Bowl, but the Sugar Bowl. In 2011 TCU did play in the Rose Bowl, but that is

    another story.


  18. What exactly is the origin of the Creation myth here - that Ferrie kept lab mice and bragged of cancer experiments? If it's Garrison's book, I'd like to check it out again and read the original reference.

    Where was Garrison's office in the Mary Sherman murder investigation?

    As I recall, maybe wrongly, Mary Sherman's death was never ruled a murder...maybe even an accident.

    Does anyone know? I think it is Haslam who has turned her death into a murder.


    How else do you explain a burned and mutilated body lying on a perfectly normal bed?

    One does not explain. One relies on the ruling of the medical examiner's death certificate.


  19. I do not understand the question.



    On second thought, I guess you mean people like you and me. Only 6 or 7 people claim to have

    seen the other film. After they realized it was NOT the Z film, they DID research to whatever extent

    possible to determine what it was they saw. However, it was years later, and the trails were cold.

    The important things are:

    1. None was aware of the stories of the others, and came forward independently.

    2. All said the film was superior in quality to the Z film.

    3. All said the film showed the limo turning the corner.

    4. All said the film showed the limo coming to a stop.

    5. All said the film was from the same OR ALMOST SAME viewpoint as Zapruder.

    That is everything we know. Where do we go from there?

    One other thing...William Reymond said he was told that the film he saw several

    times WAS THE H.L. HUNT COPY OF THE ZAPRUDER FILM. However, this is just

    hearsay, since the film he described matches "the other film."

    One might say all 6 persons were mistaken. The odds of that?

    As for the researcher that DellaRosa told a more complete version to, the answer

    lies with whatever the agreement was between Rich and that person.


    Fair enough, Jack.

    And the perplexing reality is that, as an answer to your question of where do we go from here, this has not been followed through. I could think of a whole range of different questions to ask:

    (1) Who is in possession of this film? And why?

    (2) What's the secrecy all about? The Z-film has been out in the open for years.

    (3) Which television station aired this film, and when?

    (4) If, as indicated by what I understand, Intelligent Agencys (US/Abroad?)are in the know about this, then why would we believe them in this instance? What would be the reason to think that this film is authentic?

    (5) How can it be verified that this film exists? As has been stated many times, exceptional claims demands exceptional evidence, sayso's are certainly not enough.

    To name a few.

    I can think of questions like that too. I cannot come up with answers, and do not even know where to begin.

    Also you seem to think that ONLY a SINGLE copy of this film existed. It is clear to me that each of the six persons

    saw a different COPY of the same film. Dan Marvin, for instance, said it was a CIA TRAINING FILM. Millicent Cranor

    said she saw it at the NYC headquarters of a major TV network. Rich DellaRosa said he saw it three different times

    at three different places, but a secrecy oath (NASA?) prevented him from disclosing circumstances. The researcher

    Rich disclosed more info to is a member of this forum. So is Greg Burnham, who is another who saw the film.

    Rich was in the air force, but was assigned to NASA missions. All viewings seem to have been connected with

    government or media operations. So how do you go about asking the government about the secret film they are suppressing?


  20. Mrs W Williams, 220 West Neely had resided at that address since March 1st,1963 and was unable to recognize a photo of Oswald or Ruby as she "had never seen either man".


    The putative owner of the apartment claimed that the apartment had been padlocked straight after the Oswald's moved out, but that he felt someone with a key had been entering over the past two months (which would be Sept and Oct '63) . He was unable to think of any reason why anyone would do that. He also stated that he had thoroughly cleaned the apartment after the Oswald's moved (recall the report that stated that an America Bakery Co pay slip had been found in a search of the apartment and/or on Oswald after the assassination... )


    But the real capper is the information received from Mr and Mrs Marvin Friddle who were close neighbors of 214 West Neely St. The Friddles told the FBI that they didn't know Oswald AND that for a short time during April and May, a young couple and their TWO children had occupied the top apartment at 214 West Neely. They knew this because they "used to see him, his wife and CHILDREN around the house and on the upstairs balcony.


    It's a popular refrain lately, but something stinks here just as bad as at the Bledsoe residence...

    It's a bit of a weird one for me, Greg. The fact that it was claimed Oswald denied living there always appeared to me to be the DPD trying to expose Oswald's flailing attempts to distance himself from the backyard photos. Strictly a case of "look at this weirdo, we've got photos of him standing in the garden of this property with the murder weapon and he's denying ever lived there."

    There is the letter that Marina allegedly sent to Ruth Paine that was written on March 4, but not posted until March 8 that suggests that they did actually move there:


    Marina stated that they moved by pushing their belongings around the corner in a baby stroller but Mr. George B. Gray stated they were moved in by a woman driving a white station wagon. If this was Ruth Paine, then why would Marina have to send her directions in a letter?

    There is so much more that really doesn't make very much sense to me, some of which you have highlighted above.

    For instance; Oswald was allegedly asked to move from the Elsbeth apartment by the owner, Mr JUREK, because he was arguing with his wife and this information was initially furnished by the Elsbeth Building Supervisor Mr. Manny Tobias. The weird thing is the interview was conducted by the Postal Inspection Service (and we all know what, and who, that means):



    However, Oswald never requested his $5 deposit back that he was due on the Elsbeth property from the Tobiases and instead just moved out and into the Neely Street apartment around the corner. This would be the first time Oswald would walk away from money that belonged to him, the second occasion would be with Mrs. Bledsoe. Getting deposits back usually bring with them evidence of the exchange taking place, in the form of a receipt or a check, and so if something is fishy about the dates of occupation of these premises it makes sense to have Oswald just walking away from his own, much needed, money. Jurek, in his FBI statement (linked below) searched for the check deposit being refunded, and he says even though Oswald handed his key in, there was no evidence that the $5 was refunded:




    According to the JUREK statement (above) Oswald was also leaving behind his obligatory "I'm a communist, and a complete idiot" evidence that would act like a trail of breadcrumbs. JUREK when he entered the Elsbeth apartment after the Oswald's left, said that it had been "pretty well cleaned out" but he did find a card that had something like "Friends of Cuba" or "Fair Play for Cuba" on it.

    Similar to when the FBI went into the Neely Street apartment on 11/24/63 and found a match book and a piece of yellow lined tablet paper with writing in English and Russian written on it. Even though the owner said he'd completely cleaned the place out and then went on to rent to other people, after the assassination, MORE THAN SEVEN MONTHS LATER, there is this letter found in the linen closet. Wow!

    The Dallas Power and Light Company still had Oswald down as renting 604 Elsbeth because they were still billing him until the end of April (23/4/63) for his gas and electricity, although the actual bills are not in the CD's and this information is simply typed into an FBI report. So how accurate they are is anyone's guess but he was still being charged for $2.16 worth of Gas and Electric AFTER he had moved out, so there was someone in that apartment using power that was still on Oswald's DPLC account number for the Elsbeth property:



    Mrs. Marion JUREK, then went on in her statement with the FBI to state that she found Russian papers in the apartment two or three days after they moved out:



    The most disturbing aspect of this is the statement of M. W. George, the owner of Neely Street. In his statement he claims that Oswald didn't rent the property until April 1st and stayed there until May 31st. April 1st is the day that Oswald gave his employers at Jagger Chiles Stovall a new mailing address of PO Box 2915:


    In the link above, George states that he completely cleaned the property out once the Oswald's left, so it's strange that a Russian letter was found in the linen closet two days AFTER the assassination.

    He was then interviewed (below link) again and changed the dates of occupation and leaving from April 1st-May 31st to March 2nd-May 1st.


    There is something incredibly strange regarding Oswald's residence, across the board.

    Excellent...this is lots of good new research.

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