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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. There are certain things I understand why the museum did. For instance, the Zapruder film. Quite frankly, it's gruesome. I know hardened war veterans that wince when they see it. I don't want the President's head blowing up every six seconds on a loop. He's dead, we all know it, we all know he was shot in the head - and when I was there, the museum sold "Image of an Assassination" on DVD & VHS for those who were still morbidly curious.

    And, since it is a MUSEUM, facts ARE important - and thus, I understand why books with pet theories aren't sold. People expect things that have been historian-approved when they buy something from an institution such as a museum. Hell, I refuse to buy a history book unless I've checked reviews of it bringing up whether it's accurate or not. The JFK case is flooded with misinformation, from people who think there REALLY WAS a man named Willie O'Keefe to people who think the "X" is right-on-target on Elm Street. We don't need anymore silly people thinking they know everything after reading one book they BELIEVE is accurate because they bought it at a trusted source. It's just drama and a waste of everybody's time.

    Yes, the caption on the window should be changed, but really - what else is the Museum doing wrong here?

    Thank you very much -- I'll file your concern for how I understand Dallas history, someplace!

    "...I understand why books with pet theories aren't sold..." What's that Single Bullet Theory called, again?

    Blood and guts on display, that's a problem in TEXAS? Surely you jest, Nic.

  2. The guard dog barked:

    "dgh01: good gosh man, did this thought ever occur to you: WHY DON'T YOU ASK HIM? Don't want to get too eserteric on you.... or does the thought make you nervous I mean after all, he's a real live Physicist ON-THE-RECORD."

    Yea he's on the record showing just how stupid a Physicist can be. This guy you champion can't figure out how a camera works. It's the height of sillyness to see him try and fool the masses into thinking he can just manipulate a few images taken from different camera positions and make them appear to be taken from the same len axis. What a moron!

    Of course if it was possible it would make millions of professional photographers who do high end pano's very happy because we go to great lengths and considerable expence to rotate our cameras on on the nodal point of the lens lest we create images where the frames don't match where they overlap.

    The funny thing is that no amount of computer manipulation can fix frames that have been rotated outside of the nodal point, a simple fact of the process. But Costella is trying to hoodwink the willing CT"s with his BS. What a guy. And you buy it too. Just how stupid are you David?

    You need a new champion David, this one makes you look very foolish...oh sorry, you have always looked very foolish.

    and the pussycat meowed:

    Millions of professional photog's? Pano's (for the lurkers; pano=panorama photograph) there may be millions who know what the term means, I doubt many know how to shoot one....! But, with software of the day....

    Buy, just what do I have to buy? Stay on point champ - I guess you didn't ask him either.....

    That the same nodal point Ray Fielding describes in his excellent book on Special Effects Cinematography, Craig? You read that book, too?

  3. 'Len Colby' wrote

    1- Do you really think you're on the same level as Feilding and Zavada? Don't fool yourself, If any one half as authoritative as them supported your position it would have a little but of credibility. Since you don't even claim to have any FILM post production experience you just don't cut it.

    dgh01: LOL ... from this url http://assassinationscience.com/johncostel...ax/thegang.html


    Roland Zavada seems to be an “affiliate member” of The Gang: [...] but since pulling out of the Duluth Conference—admitting he was completely out of his depth—he has not been as eager to contribute to the cause. Indeed, Zavada’s contribution to the website under discussion is a curious PDF document, responding not to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax itself, but rather to an unnamed member of The Gang, in relation to quotes from David Lifton’s chapter that were sent to Zavada with the request that he comment on them. It would be difficult to know how he could dissociate himself any farther from The Gang without embarrassing them further over the loss of what was, less then twelve months ago, supposed to be their “star witness” at the Duluth Symposium. Zavada appears to be a decent man, who let The Gang’s compliments go to his head somewhat, only to realise that he had been dumped into the middle of a quagmire; and I really do not wish to pursue a man who was clearly lured into this mess in what should have been the relaxing twilight of his career.


    and cut what? A glorified cheerleader telling me "I can't cut it", in the business I've been in for 35+ years? For 3 years you dufuses have ALL sound the same, you can't mount a argument and you can't find a optical film printing expert to tell me I'm wrong... what are we to think, Len ole buddy? Oh-me-o-my -- It doesn't take much for lurkers to conclude, 'you're grasping at straws pal'. Next, you'll be telling me, cinema-technical achivement awards [The Oscars] for optical film printing equipment [circa. 1955-65] never happened! SMPE/SMPTE it's all right there Len.... B)

    2 - David you’re like a quadruple amputee on this issue not only don’t you have a leg to stand on you don’t have any hands to grasp at straws. You promised to make your “formal claim soon” on January 19* (74 days ago). 33 days later on Feb. 21 Zavada said he would “…take the time to put together a dissertation… Further this project will not be done “tomorrow” – it will take some time.

    dgh01: ah Len, pssst, I didn't write the original Zavada report. "Quad amputee?", considering we're at war--- ugh, no class champ, NONE at all...

    Personally I would expect something that a person said ‘would not be done “tomorrow” ’ and ‘would take some time’ to take at least twice as long as something promised soon. So let’s do it like this. First we’ll wait for you to present your “formal claim”, well count how many days it took you double that and that many days after Feb. 21 (2006) you can semi-legitimately ask Zavada where his ‘dissertation’ is. Even if you submit your “formal claim” tomorrow that gives Rollie till July 19. Until then just shut up about it instead of continuing to make an ass of yourself.

    dgh01: nice dance, I ain't buying, pal.... LOL!

    And with all your braying for Zavada to submit a new thesis on why the Zapruder film can’t be a fake you haven’t even dealt with his last one from 2 ½ years ago in which he stated at the conclusion of a 6 page paper,

    “There is no detectable evidence of manipulation or image alteration on the Zapruder in-cameraoriginal" and all supporting evidence precludes any forgery thereto.” The film that exists at NARA was received from Time/Life, has all the characteristics of an original film per my report. !The film medium, manufacturing markings, processing identification, camera gate image characteristics, dye structure, full scale tonal range, support type, perforations and their quality, keeping shrinkage and fluting characteristics, feel, surface profile of the dye surface. !It has NO evidence of optical effects or matte work including granularity, edge effects or fringing, contrast buildup etc.

    dgh01: now, do you want to explain to me, and all these lurkers out here just what the hell you quoted and why its germaine? You're a ole film "hobbyist" give it a shot!

    and WTF did you mean by “formal claim”? I’ve never heard that phrase used outside a legal context.

    dgh:01 WTF? I'm on the record Len ole buddy -- you, amongst others are posting nonsense under the guise of: " gee, I have no experience, BUT......", BS where I come from, you're a horrible cleanup batter Len....

    3 - The way you keep bleating out SMPE/SMPTE periodicals" one could not be faulted for wondering if you suffer from Turret’s syndrome or maybe a better comparison would be to Pavlov and his dogs each time you see someone question the possibility of Z- film alteration you reflexively bark out “SMPE/SMPTE”. I like what Joe Durnavich said a few months ago I'm not a drinking man, but I think you could make one of those drinking games for Healy. You know, take one drink every time he mentions "optical printer", take two drinks every time he mentions the SMPTE, and so on.”

    dgh01: Joe Durnavich, that the guy that tried to pull the Pov-Ray trick? Trying to prove the Elm Street sign was something or other - pure foolishness, especially when he found out I wrote more than a few Povray .inc/.ini files way back when it was called DKBTrace circa. 1989 -- Costella cleaned his and all the other 'GANG members clock, see:


    who does Durnavich and Wimp work for again -- all ghosts these guys! Including you! -- You comfortable with that?

    You're infor one-hell-of-a hangover champ... Damn, you must be getting nervous about those SMPE/SMPTE monthly's. Actually, the first time I talked to Roland was when he came to Lake Tahoe for a SMPTE meeting. Did I tell you I've attended their yearly convention in LA for years now

    --Oh, come on.... your sounding like a left out wannabe agent

    So when are you ever going to get around to actually citing a specific issue? Or better yet quote a passage from an article (or even Fielding’s book) to support your little theory.

    dgh01: You blind or just playing at being dumb -- hell, Len get out Fielding's book, there's over 200 cites regarding SMPE/SMPTE optical film printing. SMPE/SMPTE issues including year, month and page number. -- have Miller get his his bouncing ball going for you. You want everyone to do your work for ya? Geez!

    4 – Back to the original topic of this thread, just what is Costella’s mysterious new job? Or is that information on "a need to know basis" (LOL) it isn't like John Nash’s "job" with the federal government is it? He dropped the disclaimer, did he get canned?

    dgh01: good gosh man, did this thought ever occur to you: WHY DON'T YOU ASK HIM? Don't want to get too eserteric on you.... or does the thought make you nervous I mean after all, he's a real live Physicist ON-THE-RECORD.



  4. Well Len, why don't you write a book on the subject, perhaps he'll give you a call. Till then, get along with the Zavada-Fielding/Healy discussion regarding the Zapruder film ....

    So, how is Roland Zavada/Ray Fielding doing? You're the self appointed representative/presenter for the Zavada side of the equation, whats the latest? Why the delay? Thought this was a slam-dunk? Been what, 5-6 weeks now? Too damn many editors; "wide purchase...", can be a problem at times!

    Having optical film printing problem/issues? I know a few specific SMPE/SMPTE periodicals that might help!

    Just trying to move this along....

    Still jerking around on the forums - hey David! You sound like the fool who wants someone to address the effects of gasoline on a motor that runs soley on a battery. Another example would be wanting to discuss why someone should take a certain route on a trip to save time while knowing that doing so would mean coming to a bridge that has been washed out, thus the effort was a waste of time. Who in their right mind would wish to argue optical printing effects with you when you cannot address the next step which is the tell-tale signs of alteration when trying to do it on the type of film Zapruder used. Are we to assume that you are the only person who cannot see the problem with what you are trying to purpose? I would be curious to know if you could find another person experienced in optical printing who knew about the problems with Kodachrome II film and still then would waste so much time following a path that cannot go anywhere.


    actually, I'd be happy if the non-alteration camp could put forth any, ANY optical film printing expert, been three years and counting.... :)

    rofl.... so you want to play the big leagues, mano? -- till you demonstrate to me and others sufficient knowledge of film compositing and reversal films of 1963-64 vintage, you'll maintain a "constant nusiance status", a title you richly deserve....

    Telltale 'film' signs -- listen, you're busom buddies with Groden, get'em over here, we'll talk film -- Have Bob explain to me and the rest of the world what Roland Zavada and Ray fielding will put forth.... roflmfao!

    Better yet, have him post a few 35mm frames from one of "Moe Weitzman's" 8mm bump to 35mm -- then we'll talk. Oh, have him bring a KODAK Wratten manual....Thanks for making my weekend...

    Just curious David, exactly when is YOUR camp planning on putting up an optical printing expert? We know its not YOU! Hell you cant even do a decent computer composite. Poser.


    Even YOU can't save BM.... keep swing'in champ, maybe Groden will drop by and give you a hand -- changing the subject to computer graphics seems like the last breath -- LOL!

    btw, my camp is ME! What's the matter with you?

  5. Well Len, why don't you write a book on the subject, perhaps he'll give you a call. Till then, get along with the Zavada-Fielding/Healy discussion regarding the Zapruder film ....

    So, how is Roland Zavada/Ray Fielding doing? You're the self appointed representative/presenter for the Zavada side of the equation, whats the latest? Why the delay? Thought this was a slam-dunk? Been what, 5-6 weeks now? Too damn many editors; "wide purchase...", can be a problem at times!

    Having optical film printing problem/issues? I know a few specific SMPE/SMPTE periodicals that might help!

    Just trying to move this along....

    Still jerking around on the forums - hey David! You sound like the fool who wants someone to address the effects of gasoline on a motor that runs soley on a battery. Another example would be wanting to discuss why someone should take a certain route on a trip to save time while knowing that doing so would mean coming to a bridge that has been washed out, thus the effort was a waste of time. Who in their right mind would wish to argue optical printing effects with you when you cannot address the next step which is the tell-tale signs of alteration when trying to do it on the type of film Zapruder used. Are we to assume that you are the only person who cannot see the problem with what you are trying to purpose? I would be curious to know if you could find another person experienced in optical printing who knew about the problems with Kodachrome II film and still then would waste so much time following a path that cannot go anywhere.


    actually, I'd be happy if the non-alteration camp could put forth any, ANY optical film printing expert, been three years and counting.... :)

    rofl.... so you want to play the big leagues, mano? -- till you demonstrate to me and others sufficient knowledge of film compositing and reversal films of 1963-64 vintage, you'll maintain a "constant nusiance status", a title you richly deserve....

    Telltale 'film' signs -- listen, you're busom buddies with Groden, get'em over here, we'll talk film -- Have Bob explain to me and the rest of the world what Roland Zavada and Ray fielding will put forth.... roflmfao!

    Better yet, have him post a few 35mm frames from one of "Moe Weitzman's" 8mm bump to 35mm -- then we'll talk. Oh, have him bring a KODAK Wratten manual....Thanks for making my weekend...

  6. A month ago (March 1 to be exact) on another forum Fetzer promised to reveal Costella's new job "in a few weeks" but so far he hasn't said anything.

    Below is the text of a post I made in that forum

    So Jim, Has Costella "settled in" enough for you to reveal what his new job is yet? It doesn't involve the manufacture of liscence plates does it? LOL You said you would tell us in a few weeks, that was a month ago. Apperently he had already started the job a few weeks before how long does he need to settle in? I noticed the disclaimer disapeared, he didn't get canned did he? Len

    --- In jfk-research@yahoogroups.com, jfetzer@... wrote: > The guy has a new job and is "settling in". Why don't you give him the chance to do that before you spew your vicious venom in his direction?...Once he has settled in (a few weeks hence), he will let everyone know his position with the Australian government.

    Well Len, why don't you write a book on the subject, perhaps he'll give you a call. Till then, get along with the Zavada-Fielding/Healy discussion regarding the Zapruder film ....

    So, how is Roland Zavada/Ray Fielding doing? You're the self appointed representative/presenter for the Zavada side of the equation, whats the latest? Why the delay? Thought this was a slam-dunk? Been what, 5-6 weeks now? Too damn many editors; "wide purchase...", can be a problem at times!

    Having optical film printing problem/issues? I know a few specific SMPE/SMPTE periodicals that might help!

    Just trying to move this along....

  7. Hello Herb White,

    Been a longtime since the old JFKResearch days, how have you been -- nice seeing you here?

    There's a few old timers still around, Larry Handcock posts here on occasion, btw...

    Why is it everytime I think of you I think of Rick Barry when he was with the Warriors, way back when? He wasn't one of the friendliest guy's to interview, post-game... :lol: unless of course he scored 40 points or more....

    David Healy

    I'm 58 years old, a native Georgian and am the Senior Corporate Account Executive at Georgia Public Broadcasting. We are the fourth largest PBS network in the US.

    I was raised as a Catholic and JFK was one of my heros. I will never forget the scattered cheers in the hallways of the public high school I attended when his being shot was announced on the PA.

    I attended the University of Georgia on a basketball scholarship and had the misfortune to try to guard "Pistol Pete" Maravich for three years, once helping to hold him to 57 points in Athens. Later played with the Atlanta Hawks, in Mexico and Europe. Living out of the country several times helped open my eyes to other cultures and political systems and the realization that the US didn't have all, or even many of the answers to the world's problems.

    I've been reading and studying the JFK assassination for thirty years and believe that one day most of the truth will emerge, if it hasn't already. Larry Hancock's book Someone Would Have Talked is in my opinion the closest anyone has come to outlining the basics of what took place.

  8. I don't think there were any bribes involved, John. It was pure power politics. Valenti, Moyers, Johnson, Ford, Specter, etc, have a lot of friends in government and the media. A lawsuit could have been damaging regarding the History Channel's fact-checking, etc. Of course, The History Channel took the smart way out. They aired a contoversial program and weren't prepared to back it up. Therefore, they disowned the product and aired a retraction. That's what media corporations do. Freedom of Speech isn't as important to them as keeping the FCC off their back.

    What would the FCC have to say regarding the airing of that series? Broadcast Media corporations SELL advertising space and/or time.

    I bet 50% of History Channel fare is *opinion*, based on historical event

  9. "Oh Bill... why all the snipping?

    Nothing funny here, guy. Robert mentioned? roflmfao! My rebuttal: Moe DID IT his testimony is part of the official record. Did Robert mention his experience doing it? Nothing to discuss, especially if your're talking about what somebody mentioned.... rofl!

    Stick around, better yet; get Groden in here he can speak for himself...

    Jerking you around? Incapable? -- For someone that has no experience in this field, your getting rather bold there, champ -- hope your not being setup...

    Bottom line for what Bill? I doubt you'd know a good blowup if it hit you between the eyes...

    Envy is not a friend, Bill....."

    David, allow me to share something I do know about ... people who dance around and never present any data like you do, do so because they have nothing to offer of any substance. They take up a position, but cannot explain why they have taken it. So supposed you tell us where Moe said that you could alter 8MM Kodachrome film II film and have it go undetected under close scrutiny ... ?



    I do believe your getting a little dense. The ONLYreason I'm still here is Roland Zavada and Ray Fielding, you're not even on the radar screen, Bill ... so wait, dance around or something -- just like I'm doing...

  10. Hear it from me, Bill

    Groden talks about nothing, if he had anything to say, he'd be here. A smart one, there are many questions he's left unanswered. therefore, he's a ghost. Why are you covering for him?

    David, Robert mentioned the processes concerning transfering Kodachrome II film from 8MM to 35MM and back again. To date you have not offered anything in rebuttal, nor have you produced anyone who has disagreed with Robert.

    Let me quote from his book:

    Chapter 1 page 17-18

    quote on

    Special-effects procedures are as infinitely varied in their application as the kinds of production problem which can arise, for each effects assignment is a NEWone (emphasis mine), and is different in its pecilarities from every other one done before. It is the variety of problems and solutions which renders the field so interesting; it is the same variety which also makes the work of the special-effects conematographer so complicated. There are few rules, if any, and mistakes are common. The tools of the art range from simple, inexpensive devices which can be held in the hand, to extrememly costly machines weighing a ton or more.

    The length of time spent on a effects shot can range from a few minutes to several weeks. In the end, only familiarity with the tools and techniques of the field will provide the right solution for a particular problem (emphasis mine) and only a certain amount of experience will provide consistently professional results.

    quote off

    Ray's words, not MINE, Bill.

    Once again you are talking about the altering of film, but not addressing the problems with doing it to the type of film Zapruder used to a point of it not being detectable. What is funny is that you are always pushing to have the Zfilm looked at on one hand and trying to say that such a film can be altered beyond detection - so why bother either way if you really feel that way? The bottom line is that you are doing nothing more than jerking around over something you are incapable of addressing.


    Oh Bill... why all the snipping?

    Nothing funny here, guy. Robert mentioned? roflmfao! My rebuttal: Moe DID IT his testimony is part of the official record. Did Robert mention his experience doing it? Nothing to discuss, especially if your're talking about what somebody mentioned.... rofl!

    Stick around, better yet; get Groden in here he can speak for himself...

    Jerking you around? Incapable? -- For someone that has no experience in this field, your getting rather bold there, champ -- hope your not being setup...

    Bottom line for what Bill? I doubt you'd know a good blowup if it hit you between the eyes...

    Envy is not a friend, Bill.....

  11. Len Colby wrote while hiding these days, evidently the other side is nervous about being seen scanning a thread, LOL


    I doubt your videographer friend could ask any questions the inventor of Kodachrome II couldn't answer.

    dgh: you're really grasping a straws, eh?

    Your are the one purporting to be an expert on film post production yet you refuse to answer any questions about your experience. My experience unlike yours IS irrelevant because I don’t claim any expertise. I consider myself an “advanced amateur” photographer but I have done a few paid job over the years. Long ago I did darkroom work at a “semi-pro” lab in Boston and at a fashion catalogue in NYC. I do have some videography experience but that like yours is irrelevant.

    dgh01: semi-pro lab? hmm... just share with us the printers you used "years ago" Len, make us all happy, provide a little comic relief. What is a semi-pro lab, that include the one in closets

    (1) the only evidence Healy has ever cited to support the notion that such fakery was possible was Feilding's book and unspecified copies of the SMPTE journal; now Feilding has said, like Zavada and Oliver Stone, that such sophisticated compositing was not possible at the time and if attempted would be easily detectable.

    dgh01: all I need is Fielding, could careless what Stone has to say regarding the issue, but you might provide a cite for same right here, I'll call 'em and we'll talk about it.... as for the SMPTE journals -- look in the back of the Ray's book Len, there's over two hundred of them, all topic related


    So are you every going to offer any evidence that compositing as sophisticated as your buddies think was done to the Z-film possible? Saying “Read Feilding’s book” doesn’t really cut it now that Fielding himself says you’re wrong.

    dgh01: Ray post already? You giving me a heads up? LOL


    Jack suggested that you’d be able to ask questions he couldn’t answer.

    dgh01: ah, Jack is not writing this Len ole boy.

    No you stumped me, who said it? Why should I care?

    dgh01: damn Len, you were on the same email, oop's maybe I got that email by accident, came from a pillar of the non-alteration camp, if not THE pillar!


    That’s a good tactic, I make a point your friend doesn’t have a good comeback for and you change the subject! What donations (sic) have Fetzer, Costella, White and the lot of you made other than mudding the water with spurious claims? I never claimed to have made any such contributions, if I made one it was helping debunk the nonsense you guys call research.

    dgh01: You did? How? Working in a semi-pro lab -- come on man, you can do better than THAT

    Jack – Let us know when you’ll be replying to that backlog of unanswered messages, what happened did you “chicken out”?

    dgh01: maybe Jack has put you omn the shelf, labelled your nonsense irrelevant, perhaps?

    dgh: Remember, I'm the one that CAN't prove alteration

    Obligation as in "burden of proof" your are the closest thing the "alterationists" have to a film post production expert. You claim 2nd (or 3rd) generation copies coupies have been made and pass as originals. It's up to you to show that (among other things) is was feaseable with the filmstock used.

    dgh01: me, mmwahh? hell, I have Ray Fielding -- wake up !

    Not only can't you prove alteration, you have failed to offer any evidence that it was possible.

    dgh01: roflmao, you're here, Miller's here, Thompson here, Mack is here, Zavada is here Fielding is here, I'd say there more than a HINT of possibility -- back to that semi-pro lab you're so proud of -- you an Bob Groden may have something in common...

  12. Why is that when Groden talks about something - he can offer an explaination based on data and when you (David) respond to what has been said - you only use words like "noise" ... now who is it that doesn't know jack-xxxx about the photographical Kodachrome II issues when attempting to alter images! Why not just save the say-nothing responses with cult 'words and phrases' and try and get some information from a photographical expert of your choice that can possibly offer something of value to the conversation ... it will at least make it appear that you are serious even if you are not.



    Hear it from me, Bill

    Groden talks about nothing, if he had anything to say, he'd be here. A smart one, there are many questions he's left unanswered. therefore, he's a ghost. Why are you covering for him?

    "jack xxxx"? You getting sensative, Bill?

    Those 'say nothing phrases' are loaded with info. Load yourself up with Groden's film data, fine by me. As for me, no interest? I suspect Dean Fielding knows. A clue perhaps?

    Let me quote from his book:

    Chapter 1 page 17-18

    quote on

    Special-effects procedures are as infinitely varied in their application as the kinds of production problem which can arise, for each effects assignment is a NEWone (emphasis mine), and is different in its pecilarities from every other one done before. It is the variety of problems and solutions which renders the field so interesting; it is the same variety which also makes the work of the special-effects conematographer so complicated. There are few rules, if any, and mistakes are common. The tools of the art range from simple, inexpensive devices which can be held in the hand, to extrememly costly machines weighing a ton or more.

    The length of time spent on a effects shot can range from a few minutes to several weeks. In the end, only familiarity with the tools and techniques of the field will provide the right solution for a particular problem (emphasis mine) and only a certain amount of experience will provide consistently professional results.

    quote off

    Ray's words, not MINE, Bill.

    Raymond Fielding, The TECHNIQUE OF SPECIAL EFFECTS CINEMATOGRAPHY 1965-1968 and later. Library of Congress Catalog Card #64-8116

    Think Groden will call Moe? When it comes to value in conversation Bill, why depend on a ghost, eh?


  13. _______________________

    Len colby wrote:

    I e-mailed Zavada and he told me he is still working on it. He promised to complete it but wouldn't commit himself to a date. He has other fish to fry. Since Healy promised us some sort of 'Earth shattering' "formal claim", that would stump the non-alterationists, "soon", over 2 months ago he and White don't have much right to complain about Zavada.

    dgh: "earth shattering" now Len, are you running around putting words in my mouth, AGAIN? Your side of a debate getting that nervous?

    So David, when exactly can we expect to see your "formal claim"? Maybe you chickened out!!!

    dgh: ROFLMAO! I'm not complaining, I'd do the same thing - I can wait weeks! However, I promise to complete it, I've other fish to fry, too AND what's the rush? I've been provided new reading material, another book about the Z-film [hint], not that I need it.

    Oh, I'm also writing it, you know, a David against Goliath thingy -- my sense of drama. You guy's gott'a give someone thats been in the production biz many years, a bit of creative license. Yes?


  14. "regarding the above, in a word Bill, bullxxxx! Len hasn't a clue, no more than you. While your pondering that, what the hell are Groden's film qualifications? Moe teach him everything he knows? The ARMY? Did he go to college?

    As for you, I doubt you've ever been inside a film lab -- so tell me, what would be detectable? I'm sure lurkers are curious! Or, you gonna let Roland Zavada and Ray Fielding do the heavy lifting?

    OBLIGATION? Obligation to WHO? You? ROFLMAO! "

    I have been inside several labs ... the last one in Seatle not a year ago on another film matter.

    I have posted the issues that Groden raised and to date you have not offered any rebuttal that would dispute the things Robert said. To date you have not offered any rebuttal stating that you have found another photo expert who disagreed with the points Robert raised. To date you have done nothing but offer the same childish say nothing responses that you are well known for making.

    "Remember, I'm the one that CAN't prove alteration""

    You are not only the one who cannot prove alteration, but you have stated that you have not seen any signs of alteration as well!


    Let me give you a clue regarding RZavada's, therfore RGroden's 8mm film "issues". In short, they're irrelevant. All Groden has to do is ask Moe. White noise, those arguments. You'll figure it out, your a smart guy --


  15. this is a preliminary finding to show my thinking on this

    for a sense of scale, the yellowbordered inset is a 19" monitor desktop screencap. So, the map base at 100 % covers a virtual area the size comparable to a wall.

    Firstly without the map I took the photos and a limo outline and lined them up using various markers. Correlating this to the map shows a sufficient accuracy to zoom in and attempt to locate the highest point of the head. Then using a slightly oversize (for error) top view of a head (red ellipse) I centered this on above point, and rotated to where it is possible. A further zoom to where head scaled up from the various camera positions to check for features ends up with roughly this orientation/location.

    It must be kept in mind that this is an overhead view of a vehicle on a slope with photos taken from different elevations.

    Nice work, John... I'm following


  16. "dgh: come on you silly guy, what do you know of photography,"

    I think the better question would be - What do you know about photogrqaphy, David? You spent all that time questioning the Zapruder film by saying that it was possible to alter a film by way of using an optical printer, but never gave any consideration to the process needed to be completed to attempt such an alteration on Kodachrome II film and why it would be detectable under close scrutiny. Forget trying to push your lack of forethought off on Len for it was YOU who had an obligation to know what processes one would need to follow for such an undertaqking so to know if your suspicions had legs or not. Groden made some really valid points pertaining to this matter, so unless you (or a photographical expert) can rebut the things Robert pointed out that would leave the tell-tale signs of alteration when using Kodachrome II film .... you are doing nothing more than .


    regarding the above, in a word Bill, bullxxxx! Len hasn't a clue, no more than you. While your pondering that, what the hell are Groden's film qualifications? Moe teach him everything he knows? The ARMY? Did he go to college?

    As for you, I doubt you've ever been inside a film lab -- so tell me, what would be detectable? I'm sure lurkers are curious! Or, you gonna let Roland Zavada and Ray Fielding do the heavy lifting?

    OBLIGATION? Obligation to WHO? You? ROFLMAO!

    Remember, I'm the one that CAN't prove alteration

  17. 'Len Colby' penned:


    He promised that a few weeks ago and didn't say when he would complete it. Healy on the other hand promised a "formal claim" "soon" over two months ago. I doubt your videographer friend could ask

    any questions the inventor of Kodachrome II couldn't answer.

    dgh: come on you silly guy, what do you know of photography, much let alone videoography or film optical effects?

    1) the only evidence Healy has ever cited to support the notion that such fakery was possible was Feilding's book and unspecified copies of the SMPTE journal; now Feilding has said, like Zavada and Oliver Stone, that such sophisticated compositing was not possible at the time and if attempted would be easily detectable.

    dgh:yep, you finally got something right -- and I sitting right here waiting... hey Ray, this guy speaking for you, ALREADY ... maybe you have a advance copy of Zavada dissertation?

    2) None of you guys have yet to reply to Zavada's critique of TGZFH (see link in "the Rifle" thread)

    dgh: roflmfao!

    3) You guys aren't even able to answer questions I ask, I can't imagine Healy could stump Zavada.

    dgh: whose trying to stump Roland? Anybody stumps Rollie, it'll be Rollie -- I have it on good authority whatever he does will be given "wide purchase...", you do remember who said that don't you?

    You are hardly one to criticiize someone else for chickening out there are at least 20 threads in which people have questioned your theories and asked you questions that you refuse to reply to.

    dgh:And your donation to JFK assassination research is what, precisely? Don't hurt yourself, now -- think REAL hard...hmm ----that's what I thought --


  18. Odd???? Have you read ANY JFK related evidence? Geez, Len.

    You are aware, LIFE (amongst other publications) touched up "backyard photos", aren't you?

    Are you really trying to equate Life and other magazines touching up the backyard photos for publication with theories that they were doctored or don’t show the same carbine found at the TSBD? What does one have to do with the other? If the photos were faked this would had to have been done before the assassination, Life retouched them after.

    Oh, As the designated contact person for RZavada/RFielding, how are they making out? Plenty of proof readers?

    Zavada said he would produce a "disertation" a few weeks ago but didn't give a deadline for when he would complete it. You on the other had promised some ground breakinng revelation "soon" over 2 months ago.

    I'll be making my formal claim, soon -- we'll see what kind of offense you can mount -- not that I suspect you can mount anything -- oh, your gonna need Roland Zavada -- I'll venture say you lone neuters MAY find a optical film printing expert within 30 day's, right.... ?



    We're still waiting. What's the problem still getting ir proof read. LOL what a joke!

    You and the other alterationists have yet to adequately respond to his last paper* on the subject anyway. Since you have his email and are anxious to hear what he has to say why don't you ask him when his paper will be ready?



    Why Len, Here I thought all along you wanted to be part of this? Put yourself right in the middle, yes? tap---tap---tap...

    tap--tap--tap.... How many proof readers you need over there? surely Ray Fielding will bury me -- this isn't Film 101 guy! tap...tap...tap...

  19. Jack,

    I saw an old post of yours in which you claim the rifle in the "backyard photos" is not the same as the one found in the TSBD, something about sling swivels.

    Can you post a closes up of the section of one of the backyard photos and a photo of the TSBD weapon showing the part of the weapon in question.


    I also find this odd in light of you previous claims that the photos were faked. Do you believe the CIA or whoever faked photos with one weapon then planted another?


    Odd???? Have you read ANY JFK related evidence? Geez, Len.

    You are aware, LIFE (amongst other publications) touched up "backyard photos", aren't you?

    Oh, As the designated contact person for RZavada/RFielding, how are they making out? Plenty of proof readers?


  20. As they claim in antiques & bloodlines, "provenance" is critical!

    The first postmark date on a package received from Mr. West is dated September 1991 and would have been for the actual copy of the WC Survey Plat (actually, I received two copies)

    Thereafter Mr. West, in telephone conversations, indicated possession of the other survey plats as well as the survey notes.

    To this I requested copies and informed him that I would gladly pay for the cost of any/all expenses necessary to provide me with copies of the available information.

    Attached is a copy of a bill which I found while "digging" around looking for other information.

    Hey Tom,

    I think your giving us (me anyway) a good education as to the kind of information Time-Life had in the early day's of the WC investigation.

    Did Time-Life pay the costs [or portion of] for survey work completed?

    In your estimation, why did they (LIFE), participate in/commission DP survey work in the first place? They have the in-camera original Z-film and a dupe, whats the advantage? Was there disagreement between the parties (Life, SS, FBI) as to what the plat info told them?


  21. Top Post

    see you on the threads, stay tuned....

    "Mysteries upon mysteries, will they EVER cease? So do I feel better? Hell, I should be asking you that question. Learn MY mistakes...? what the hell does THAT mean?"

    "learn my mistakes" .... your sentence structure needs work. There is no need to study your mistakes for they can be generalized by saying that you don't put enough forethought into your position. Like I said before, while it was possible to alter a film in 1963, the process for doing so would leave tell-tale signs, thus your initial time spent considering the possibility was a wast of time due to not gathering all the needed data beforehand.

    "Your personals hold no interest for me, Bill -- your background in media production and post production does however. I see nothing, nada, nil to support any level of expertise regarding same. So my question is: why should anyone give credence to what you post re same? Course everyone is entitled to opinion! There's short supply re: generation, provenance and source information concerning JFK related Dallas/DPlaza imagery including: .gif, .bmp, and .jpeg animations on the internet. Won't you agree?"

    There was a reason why I gave you my personals ... it was to make a point .... a point that you failed to see it seems. I can also tell you that I withheld some things about my experience. I did so because the points you attempted to make concerning media and post production didn't mean squat when it didn't address the tell-tale signs that are not present in the films and photos you offer into question. It's like someone trying to argue that he is a chef, thus someone who doesn't cook at his level should not be heard .... but when the chef has mistaken lard for butter - it doesn't matter how well he thinks he can cook - his dish is crap before he ever got started. The same thing happened when you made a big deal out of telling people how it was "possible" to alter a film in 1963, but failed to discover that the alteration would be quite noticeable even to a laymen when put under scrutiny. You attempted to make a case and didn't give any thought to the type of film Zapruder used and how altering any images on it would show up because of the processes it would be subjected to. A similar thing happened when Jack and a PHd (Fetzer) thought they knew all about where Moorman stood, but failed to learn the standing height of a DPD motorcycle and apply that to their standing height for Mary's camera and how it related to her "McBride photo" and then her #5 Polaroid. So what I am saying, David ... is that all your media production knowledge doesn't mean squat if you do not know the photographical record and understand the photographical processes that would take place and expose alteration on an 8MM strip of Kodachrome II film.

    "Owning 2 or 30 sets of the WCR is irrelevant when it comes to understanding photo manipulation, AND we both know how LNutter's feel about eye witness testimony..."

    If you do not know the photographical record - you cannot know what to look for that may lead to an assassination image being incorrect. Also, had you of known about the processes that would take place when altering a 8MM Kodachrom II film, then you would h

    ave seen that without those signs being present on the existing images, then no post alterations had taken place.


  22. David - I do not know what happened to my bio for it was posted when I put my picture on the forum ... in fact, I recall emailing it to John Simkin when he requested it. It is certainly a mysetery ... maybe you can figure out all the probables as to what happened to it - you think!

    I can however give you a brief run down ....

    I am 48 years of age, brown eyes, red hair, and I am 6'1" tall. My favorite color is red. I enjoy fishing, camping, hiking, dining out, reading, and watching comedies. I play the guitar and enjoy looking at pretty girls.

    Is that what you wanted to hear ... do you feel better now, David? Do you want to know more?

    I was born in Peoria Illinois in 1957. My sign in "Leo". When I lost my mother at the age of 20 years old - I found out that I was adopted. I went to work at Rohn Tower Company in 1978 and was elected to a union position by my fellow employees. I then attended the JFK UAW center in Chicago with three other elected Union officials. In 1980 I went to work for Caterpillar Tractor company until they started laying people off in 1980. I worked some small jobs until the late 1980's when I went to work for Inventory Technology. I was in training for a company position when I was diagnosed with cancer. I continued working everyday during my 6 months of chemo until I suffered a chemotherapy extravasation to my dominant hand, which ultimately disabled me. In 1993, I relapsed and underwent a bone marrow transplant with only a 30% chance of survival given to me at that time. As you can see - I am still alive and maybe you can compute out the probability as to my life expentancy in much the same way you attempted to do with the authenticity of the Zapruder film ... hopefully you will learn all the facts beforehand so not to make the same mistake you did over the possible alteration of the Zfilm.

    Do you feel that you know enough about me now, David? Have you learned anything that would tell you how I am able to debunk those alteration claims and show the short comings of your idea that the Zfilm could have been altered in such a way that no one could detect it under close scrutiny?

    I have spent over a quarter of a century studying the JFK assassination case. I own two sets of the 26 volumes and my special interest involves the photographical record and how it is supported by the actual assassination witnesses. I have spent considerable time talking to witnesses, various experts, and other researchers in an effort to gain as much knowledge as possible to help in my formulation of what transpired on 11/22/63. I have spent countless hours cross referencing the various assassination images in order to get a detailed image of the time line in which they were taken. I have built countless transparency clips stabilizing the Zapruder film, along with the Muchmore and Nix films, in order to watch the most intricate movements of the occupants within the limo in order to better understand their actions and reactions. I have also done the same with witnesses standing along the parade route.

    Have you learned anything new here, David? Do you feel better now? Any questions about the photographical record you'd care to discuss .... just let me know!

    Bill Miller

    JFK assassination researcher/investigator


    Mysteries upon mysteries, will they EVER cease? So do I feel better? Hell, I should be asking you that question. Learn MY mistakes...? what the hell does THAT mean?

    Your personals hold no interest for me, Bill -- your background in media production and post production does however. I see nothing, nada, nil to support any level of expertise regarding same. So my question is: why should anyone give credence to what you post re same? Course everyone is entitled to opinion! There's short supply re: generation, provenance and source information concerning JFK related Dallas/DPlaza imagery including: .gif, .bmp, and .jpeg animations on the internet. Won't you agree?

    Owning 2 or 30 sets of the WCR is irrelevant when it comes to understanding photo manipulation, AND we both know how LNutter's feel about eye witness testimony...

    Glad you've had some success beating back the health demon's -- I know, been there more than once myself!


  23. "Come on now, Bill. If you were a newbie to this debate I'd grant your point -- what you fail to understand is this: I deal with probables, and what if. As I stated, IFthe film was altered, then it did its job -- simple! Your not going to suggest the Warren Commission didn't base their conc;usion on the Z-film are you?"

    David, you never respond with anything of substance. To say "If someone altered a film, then it did the job" is a senseless statement. The only way anything can do its job is if it really happened. In other words there can be nothing that did its job if it never really happened. If you deal in probables, then you should know that without a shred of any proof of alteration, then it is not probable that anyone got away with doing anything, unbless of course you consider making you paranoid was an accomplishment.


    post something with substance Bill. Your sounding more and more like, Lamson!

    IF, as some conclude the Z-film is NOT the real deal, why and what makes them think that?

    That was my starting point ---before that could be answered, one has to determine if, in FACT, it was possible to alter the in-camera Z-film original, you know: equipment, manpower, technology, know-how and of course time - that all elusive, TIME! were those things available?

    Roland Zavada - Ray Fielding and I are addressing that question in position papers! Maybe mine will get "wide purchase" too! You haven't forgotten that detail, have you? All will hear, I suspect, soon.

    For your benefit, and others: I can't conclude the Z-film is altered. I can WITHOUT reservation state: the equipment, manpower, technology, know-how and of course time - that all elusive, TIME! was available in 1963-64 to alter the Z-film [for '?' reasons] prior to the WC formally screening the Z-film mid-to late February '64.

    If you say I'm wrong, simple, prove me wrong.

    Lurkers: don't expect much ofa response. There's not much the other side of this argument has regarding film compositing experience - despite Craig Lamson protestations.

    That sound like Lampoon's playground....?


  24. FWIW, I think Lee Forman's idea about another scan of the fenceline might be worth trying. There's nothing to lose and it might yield something.

    Thanks Mark.

    Again, we devolve into something ugly and unprofessional here instead of making progress. It's absurd.

    I wonder if enlargement techniques used in the traditional sense are any different from using scanners? But a scan of 'print' is already poor starting ground. Case in point is the attached. This was an original print. I was able to do much with it - and still believe there is a large resemblance between the man in Robin's enhancement [who appears to have quite a long rifle, IMO] and 'Pick-up Man.' And I still wonder if the man standing next to him might fill the bill for the young man seen by Mercer.

    But, I guess I'll be wondering for awhile longer.

    - lee

    To be quite blunt here Lee there is nothing that even remotely resembles "professional" here. What is going on is wacko land.

    This stuff is akin to the 7 year olds in the schoolyard seeing bunnies in the clouds....and just about as "professional"

    "Photo enhancement" of 4th ot 5th generation copies of poor originals then scanned on who knows what? Please. Or how about seeing men in the trees in a many generational image scanned FROM A BOOK that still includes the halftone screen.

    "Professional"? No ... delusional...yes.

    Professionalism? You'll have no problem posting, say a Moorman 5 study for your recently won convert will you, Lampoon ? -- why not post something with your expertise all over it? Oops, you have -- Nothing!

    For someone bent on calling this 'whacko land', you sure spend a lot of time in the "schoolyard", checking the pulse of the troops and looking under your pillow every morning? roflmao!

  25. " now who the hell cares whether he's 'technically' correct or not? Does one think alterationsist gave a damn if anybody found out about film alteration, after-the-fact? 40+ years AFTER the fact?

    IF any film/photo alteration job was performed, it DID, in fact, THE job; the WC did not argue the SBT as baseless - therefore, any argument against Z-film alteration is a waste of time .... end of story..."

    David, I really do not know what goes through your mind .... your reply had nothing to do with what I had said to Craig. I also have to tell you that your comment makes absolutely no sense. You first state that "If" alteration was performed .... only to then imply that the alteration job worked. In other words, if there was no alteration performed, then how could it have done the job?



    Come on now, Bill. If you were a newbie to this debate I'd grant your point -- what you fail to understand is this: I deal with probables, and what if. As I stated, IFthe film was altered, then it did its job -- simple! Your not going to suggest the Warren Commission didn't base their conc;usion on the Z-film are you? Did you hear any noise from the Warren Commission when the SBT was discussed? What other DP imagery did the Warren Commission discuss before their final report was rendered? What was their conclusion? eh? "LHO, the Lone *derranged, amongst other names* Gunman, did it!"

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