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Roger DeLaria

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Everything posted by Roger DeLaria

  1. I've never heard of it before, but I found this link referencing the program. https://www.paleycenter.org/collection/item/?q=Law+&p=1&item=T77:0432
  2. I'm not sure if that's his father or not, but damn, that sure looks a lot like Shelley. Or his twin.
  3. I can see that, Jim, could be. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1446315/Fritz-Kraemer.html http://www.henryakissinger.com/eulogies/100803.html http://nixontapes.org/kraemer.html
  4. As far as I know Lansdale didn't wear glasses, but he certainly could have donned them for disguising or distracting. Wouldn't be unheard of.
  5. I poked around at scripts I found online, but couldn't really find a reference to who said that particular line. It seemed to be more secondary, the main focal point being the general environment where the talk got started. ? http://proutypedia.com/wiki/Col._L._Fletcher_Prouty
  6. I suppose it could represent Rostow, I'm not sure. It could explain the accent. In this bio of Rostow, it says his mother was the daughter of russian/jewish immigrants, and his father emigrated from Russia. He also went to Yale, and spent time at Oxford and Columbia. He joined the OSS in 1942. I can see the circle he traveled in. He wouldn't be out of place in that group scene you mentioned. http://www.anb.org/articles/14/14-01158.html?from=../07/07-00152.html&from_nm=Kennedy%2C%20John%20Fitzgerald http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/oct/08/us-economist-walt-rostow-development http://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Research-Aids/Ready-Reference/Biographies-and-Profiles/Walt-W-Rostow.aspx
  7. I've always thought this scene was very illuminating, where many people really stopped, took notice, and began to seriously think about the assassination. "Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who had the power to cover it up?"
  8. Cuba: How is Fidel Castro viewed in the eyes of Cubans? https://www.quora.com/Cuba/How-is-Fidel-Castro-viewed-in-the-eyes-of-Cubans There are some very interesting topics to the right of the article that are worth exploring.
  9. War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; Europe Goes Nuclear; Interview with Jean Daniel, 1986 http://openvault.wgbh.org/catalog/V_AD5E116E1049423592E4B2E6FCAB92C5
  10. When Castro Heard the News by Jean Daniel The New Republic 7 December 1963 http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/WCHN.pdf
  11. This scene would most certainly have been unimaginable to the CIA, Military, and Govt. hawks back in JFK's day. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/how-obama-set-a-trap-for-raul-castro-221059
  12. Thanks for that info, Jim. I was a bit wary when I didn't find many informative reviews. I'm sure I'll get way more out of The Devil's Chessboard and The Brothers
  13. Has anyone here read The Georgetown Set - Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington by Gregg Herken? I'm sure some the dark forces against Kennedy came out of this group.
  14. I recently watched this movie and found it very interesting. There seemed to be some similarities to the JFK Assassination and recent events.
  15. Nice video Brian. ...we checked up on it at the time. In November 1963? Why did you do that? Did someone accuse the CIA? Uh,......uh........ His reaction says a lot.
  16. I have the Talbot and Newman books, but haven't gotten to them yet, I'm reading something else at the moment. They're on the list.
  17. Wasn't Lemay supposed to be the general watching the autopsy, smoking a big, fat cigar? Sounds like him. My father was career man in the Air Force during this time, and told me a story about meeting Lemay once. Sounded like a great guy(sarcasm).
  18. I'm amazed that Kennedy lasted as long as he did swimming in a pool of sharks like that.
  19. I have those files and links I got from Robert awhile back. I'll dig in there. I found the forum link: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19886
  20. Doug- Thanks for the heads-up on the book. Is Billy Sol Estes: a Texas Legend the one you would recommend? I'll have to do some hunting, it doesn't appear to be readily available. Malcolm Wallace's and Peoples' "accidents" seem to echo shades of Lee Bowers' one car accident out in the middle of nowhere.
  21. Yeah, I remember Wallace's death being sketchy, but don't recall the circumstances. What were the details surrounding Mac Wallace's demise? or should that be another thread?
  22. Doug- Thanks for the link and info, I'll check those out. Would you recommend the book: Billy Sol: King of Texas Wheeler Dealers by Pam Estes? I was looking at getting a copy.
  23. I was listening to NPR yesterday and they had several stories from various persons relating to the MLK Assassination. Many of the persons spoke about the assassination being a conspiracy, and went into quite a bit of detail. The FBI had been mentioned quite a bit. I was surprised that NPR gave significant airtime to talk about the assassination being a conspiracy. They even played a bit where King's wife said she knew James Earl Ray was innocent and didn't shoot King.
  24. http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/estes.htm Some info dealing with Billy Sol Estes and his release from prison.
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