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John Simkin

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Posts posted by John Simkin

  1. An email I received this morning:

    I have seen that huge events are currently unfolding re LBJ and Time -life magazine which are included on Douglas Hornes blog, but i wonder if you have time at all to eludicate what i have been told from the US re the Parrott affair in that i was told George W Parrott was GHW Bushs Republican rival for a Senate seat in the primaries and it was for this purpose he sent from Houston "a telephonic message" seeking to incriminate his political rival in the JFK assassination.

  2. The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination

    National Geographic

    Mon Nov 23

    For over 45 years, news footage and radio reports of Kennedy's assassination and the days following have quietly languished in Dallas - first kept under wraps by the news stations who owned them, then in the vault of a museum dedicated to preserving the memory of the day Kennedy was cut down. Now, for the first time, this remarkable record will be assembled in an unprecedented two-hour documentary. The film will detail the events of those four days in a way not seen in more than four decades, letting the images unfold in real time. That's what sets this film apart - a "you are there" approach. The film features this footage in its original form - for the first time since it was broadcast in 1963.


  3. Thanks to John Geraghty for the heads up on this one.


    Tim Miller – FlatSigned Press publisher Tim Miller, also a presidential historian, says he's filing a federal lawsuit to force the release of secret JFK related documents.


    (PRNewsChannel) / November 16, 2009 / Washington, D.C. / With the anniversary of the JFK assassination on Sunday, a presidential historian and publisher of presidential memoirs announced this morning that he will file a lawsuit against the federal government calling for the release of remaining secret documents relating to the death of former President John F. Kennedy.

    Tim Miller, publisher of Nashville, Tenn.-based FlatSigned Press, says because this is the first anniversary since the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, whom he believes has quietly blocked the release of the file, he believes this is the year to push for the release of the documents.

    “The Kennedy family wants to keep this information buried,” says Miller. “I believe there is information that is damaging to President Kennedy and they want it kept secret, but the American people deserve answers.”

    Miller called for the release of the secret files during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

    Besides his own natural curiosity as a student of history, Miller said he is looking for vindication.

    Ford Family Threatens to Sue

    Miller is the publisher of President Ford’s final memoir. In that memoir, Ford, who served on the Warren Commission which investigated the JFK assassination, reveals the CIA destroyed documents associated with the assassination.

    A team of Ford family lawyers have threatened to sue Miller and FlatSigned Press claiming in interviews that the company fabricated the statements to sell books.

    “Mr. Ford read the book and even months after it was published asked for more copies to give to his friends and associates,” says Miller. “Mr. Ford knew what he wrote and had no regrets. These files that I hope will be released will tell the American public the full story of the JFK assassination and I believe will back-up President Ford’s statements despite his family’s claim that he never said it.”

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas. The assassination is still the subject of widespread debate and has produced numerous conspiracy theories.

    Tim Miller is available for interviews. Please use the media contacts below.

    About Tim Miller

    As publisher of FlatSigned Press, Inc., Miller has been interviewed by television, radio and newspaper media outlets on the historical accounts and contemporary values of rare autographed books and has appeared on many local and national news shows as a presidential historian, analyst and commentator on presidents, politics, and entertainment.

    He is a contributor to "The Sanders Price Guide to Autographs," the definitive price guide for autograph collectors, and many other trade and consumer autograph publications. He is a Lyndon Baines Johnson Scholar, has served as White House Press Correspondent, and worked directly for the U.S. Congress. He held certified press credentials for the White House, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate and was named one of George W. Bush's 1,000 Points of Light by the Commercial Board of Appeals.

    About FlatSigned Press, Inc.

    Founded in 1998, FlatSigned Press, Inc. (www.FlatSigned.com) is a publishing company specializing in hand-signed, leather bound, limited edition books from famous and historic individuals. FlatSigned has worked with many of the world's most famous authors and other notables including political figures to reach exclusive agreements, which have allowed Miller's company FlatSigned Press, Inc. to publish their books into "Treasures for a Lifetime", leather-bound, limited and signed editions including Stephen King, Hillary Clinton, Gerald Ford, Buzz Aldrin, and Harold Moore just to name a few.

    Media Contacts:

    Glenn Selig

    PR Firm: The Publicity Agency


    (813) 708-1220 x7777

    Justin Herndon

    PR Firm: The Publicity Agency


    (813) 708-1220 x7778

    Source: flatsigned.com

    http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...aded&start= - entry107093

    I would like permission to join your JFK Forum. I am the publisher of the late President Gerald R. Ford's final book and I have pertinent information for those using your forum. I am happy to let you know that I do not believe Oswald acted alone and I believe this same feeling was shared by many on the Warren Commission including the late President Ford. It is time for the CIA and all involved to get to the truth...once and for all so that our country can again be Free!

    Warmest Regards,

    Tim Miller, Board Chairman

    www.FLATSIGNED.com &

    FlatSigned Press, Inc.

    3415 West End Avenue #1101

    Nashville, TN 37203

    This guy made contact with me a couple of years ago. I don't think he has much in the way of new evidence. However, he is very good at getting attention from Google Alerts.

  4. Penny Phelps, the daughter of an unemployed labourer, was born in Tottenham on 24th April 1909. One of ten children, she left school at the age of thirteen. She worked in factories, in service and in dressmaking. In 1927 she began training as a nurse at the Eastern Fever Hospital in Homerton. She completed her training as a State Registered Nurse at Charing Cross Hospital.

    In January 1937 she became a nurse working for the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. After the offensive at Jarama, Phelps became Medical Officer to the Garibaldi Brigade. Phelps later served with the XVth Brigade. While stationed at Quintanar she fell in love with Roberto Vincenzi, a young Italian member of the International Brigades. They made plans to marry after the war but they were separated when Vincenzi was sent to another part of the front-line.

    At Brunete six people in her medical unit were killed. Phelps was herself seriously wounded in the spring of 1938 and was forced to return home. During her convalescence she met Dr Michael Feiwel and they began a relationship. Phelps wrote to Vincenzi: "I felt that living in Spain and living in England were two completely isolated experiences. During this period, Roberto, I had not forgotten you - far from it - but what I felt about the whole of my life in Spain I felt also about our relationship. I loved you in Spain - you stood for everything out there - you were part of it - you were a real fighter for the rights of mankind. I still do love you, Roberto, but in a different way... But in England, while I was ill, Spain seemed so remote - almost another world. And now there is something I want to tell you Roberto. While I was feeling like this, there was someone who helped me to get well again." Phelps then went onto tell Vincenzi that she had married Dr. Feiwel.

    Roberto Vincenzi received the letter in a refugee camp in France. He replied: "I thought that the wounds to your body caused by the fascist plane had taken your life... Penny, you have married - you have done the right thing! I do not reproach you for it at all... In my situation, how would I have been able to keep my promise? I find myself here surrounded by barbed wire, with no prospect of freeing myself, without knowing when we will leave here, and in the certainty that the bourgeoisie of whatever country we go to will make it difficult for us to find work, and besides, they will impose restrictions on our movements, seeing them as suspect. We are subject to imprisonment, persecution, unemployment, etc., because we will continue with our fight, even when we must conduct it secretly, the only thing that matters to us is to arrive at the moment when all humanity is liberated from capitalist oppression... In your letter you tell me not to feel bitterness towards your husband. What blame has he? How could I nuture mistrust for a man who would give you the happiness that I am unable to give you. He has given you his name, the pride of bearing it and bringing it honour. Be a worthy companion for him."

    Penny Phelps kept in touch with Roberto Vincenzi until the German Army invaded France in the summer of 1940. Like many soldiers of the International Brigades living in refugee camps in France, Vincenzi was probably executed during the occupation.


  5. Members might be interested in this press release:

    Two new television specials explore a possible link between organized crime and the assassination of U.S. President John Kennedy, the Discovery Channel said.

    "Did the Mob Kill JFK?" and "JFK: The Ruby Connection" are to air back-to-back Sunday on Discovery.

    "New information and never before heard details of a startling confession raise new questions on just who was behind the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby," the network said in a news release.

    A federal commission headed by Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren concluded Oswald, acting alone, killed Kennedy in Dallas Nov. 22, 1963.

  6. The latest from COPA:


    The Dallas regional meeting of the Coalition on Political Assassinations is just around the corner, from Friday, November 20 to Sunday, November 22. Here is the final version of our flyer, our speaker schedule and our speaker biographies. It promises to be a great weekend of speakers and events. C-SPAN has shown some interest in covering it, so I am following up on that. We should be able to livecast some of our featured speakers at our website during the weekend, so peek in for those events at www.politicalassassinations.com if you are not going to attend.

    In addition to our keynote speakers, Jim Douglass and Walt Brown, we will have award-winning film documentarian Randy Benson with his latest cuts from The Searchers, a film on the JFK researchers. Our resource room will feature the latest books, including those by our speakers, and DVDs on all the assassinations, thanks to JFK Last Hurrah Books. We will be showing a series of assassination documentary films on both Friday and Saturday night after 10:00 pm. We have a lunch for the early birds on Friday at 12:00 noon at the Hotel Lawrence restaurant, and a dinner that night at the Rodeo Bar & Grill, just off the main lobby at the Adolphus at 5:30 pm, before our keynote speaker at 7:00 pm.

    Our location is right off Dealey Plaza, down the street from the Texas School Book Depository, now the Sixth Floor Museum. There is a Dealey Plaza webcam that runs all the time at http://www.earthcam.com/jfk/, so you should be able to see the crowd during our Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 pm CST on Sunday, November 22. Remember that all our schedule times are Central Standard as well if you are watching us livecast this weekend. DVD recordings of all the events will be available soon afterwards this year, we have a three-camera shoot going on currently, for a donation of $50 or more to COPA. After the conference, we will carpool to Baylor University's Poague Library in Waco, TX to see the Penn Jones, Jr. collection and other JFK assassination materials archived there, courtesy of Ben Rogers, the director.

    On Monday, November 23 at 6:30 pm CST I will be speaking at the Dallas Peace Center on the topic "There Must Be Some Way Out of Here: The Rise of the Military-Industrial Complex, the Permanent War Economy and the Future of Humanity". Those still in Dallas are welcome to attend on a donation basis. We will also be recording and perhaps livecasting that talk at www.judgeforyourself.com, my website.

    Next February 21st, COPA will co-sponsor a panel on the assassination of Malcolm X at the Dr. Betty Shabazz and Malcolm X Memorial and Educational Center in Harlem, at the site of his murder. This will mark the 45th anniversary of his death. This will be our third year of presenting such panels and the best information on this case. We are also working hard to get the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Records Act introduced and passed this year. It is moving toward that, and once there is a bill number I will get it out to all of you to get your members to co-sponsor it, to press for hearings, along with a review of the JFK Records Act it is based on, and for passage.

    Thanks for all your support and interest. Hope to see you in Dallas this weekend.

    John Judge, for COPA


    John Judge

    Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA) PO Box 772 Washington, DC 20044 copa@starpower.net

    Check out our new website:


    Annual meeting in Dallas in November

    Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

    National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major assassinations.

    We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

  7. James Wagenvoord: author/editor/publishing consultant. Born in Lansing Michigan, graduated from Duke University, worked in editorial management for Time Inc: (Life Magazine-- Editorial Business Manager, Asst to the Executive Editor, Chief of Time/LIFE Editorial Services); Field Publishing Corporation: Editorial Director; Reader’s Digest: Executive Editor trade publishing. Author of 43 published trade books including City Lives; Hangin’Out; The Doubleday Wine Companion; Miami Ink; Bikes and Riders, The Swim Book, Personal Style, and The Violent World of Touch Football. Currently working on Aging Up, the second volume of an unpublished memoir. Lives in Yardley, Pennsylvania with his wife and teen-age daughter.

    Welcome to the Forum. I am sure a lot of researchers will be interested in your account of working at Life Magazine in 1963/4.


  8. Spooks is described by the BBC as a “tense drama series about the different challenges faced by the British Security Service as they work against the clock to safeguard the nation.” It began life as a rather transparent attempt to rehabilitate the “spooks” after their role in compiling a pack of lies to justify the Iraq War...

    Spooks is an excellent program which maintains the tension and excitement all through. It does deal with the real life issues in the secret service. You might want to take its representation of the real life “Spooks” with a pinch of salt though!

    Is it possible for Spooks to be "an excellent program" when it attempts to justify torture? Apparently the program is encouraging a lot of young people to want to serve in MI5/MI6. I have just obtained a copy of Christopher Andrew's recently published official history of MI5. He also attempts to justify MI5 dirty tricks, including the overthrow of the first Labour Government in 1924. It also claims that the attempt to overthrow Harold Wilson was an "unofficial operation" carried out by "rogue agents".

    A good friend of mine assures me that Tony Blair originally joined the Labour Party and CND as a MI5 spy.

  9. "The conspirators then murder Mary Jo (drugged and then drowned). The car is driven at speed towards Dyke Road Bridge to provide the tyre markings that will implicate Kennedy in her death. Mary Jo is then placed in the passenger seat and the car which is then pushed off the Dyke Road Bridge."

    How do these ideas jibe (or not) with the official finding that MJK survived for some time underwater, in an air pocket created in the rear seat footwell?

    It would seem that Mary Jo was still alive when she was placed in the car. What we do know is that the driver would not have been able to get out of the car once it went under the water.

  10. Besides being in on Operation Tilt, and co-author with Blakey on trying to pin the blame for the assassination on the mob, Billings was also down in New Orleans poking around Garrison's investigation, and must have an interesting story list.

    For some reason I think Billings would take exception to being called a CIA Agent in the same breath as Joannidies.

    I told Blakey about Billings background. He also took exception to my claims about working for the CIA. He tells me that Billings is still alive but is unwilling to talk about these matters.

  11. I have some vague memory - from some publication - that a bad love affair was the cause, either rivalry for a man or a lesbian attachment.

    Somehow I doubt John would post this if the motive wasn't related to politics.

    Any more clues John?

    You are very close to the answer. As you say, the subject would only interest me if it was connected to a political conspiracy.

    In August 1936 the Australian Spanish Relief Committee decided to send a medical aid unit caring for Republican wounded during the Spanish Civil War. These organizations were under the control of the Communist Party of Australia (the same was true of all countries that sent aid to the Republicans in Spain. However, it was not always possible to get enough party members to volunteer.

    The Australian Spanish Relief Committee sent four nurses from Australia: Agnes Hodgson, Mary Lowson, May Macfarlane and Una Wilson. Whereas three of the women were party members, Hodgson was just an "anti-fascist". Every unit had a Communist Party appointed political commissioner. Lowson held this post. It was her job to assess the political reliability of the other nurses. They were following instructions from Moscow. Remember, this was a time that Trotsky's followers were being purged from the party. The same thing was happening in all communist parties throughout the world.

    In October 1936 the four nurses travelled from Sydney to Barcelona. Una Wilson told reporters shortly before sailing: "If we get captured or shot that's that. It's only a few years off your life and its better than spending all your days in a private hospital. Danger is the spice of life, that and the feeling that we'll be doing something with real meaning."

    On the trip Mary Lowson quickly identified Hodgson as politically unreliable. Judith Keene has argued: "Although Agnes Hodgson had little time for Mussolini and fascism, she had been seduced by Italian culture, the warmth of Italian people, and the joys of an Italian lifestyle while living in Italy. Mary, on the other hand, was a dedicated communist committed to the long haul to the proletarian revolution."

    The women arrived in Barcelona on 1st December 1936. Mary Lowson immediately informed Kenneth Sinclair-Loutit and Hugh O'Donnell, administrators for British Medical Aid, that Agnes Hodgson was a fascist who she considered was spying on behalf of the Nationalists. She was immediately called in for questioning by the Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (PSUC). O'Donnell, the political commissioner of the British medical unit, was keen to take action against Hodgson. However, Sinclair-Loutit, who was a socialist student doctor, had refused to join the Communist Party of Great Britain, before leaving London. He overruled O'Donnell and did what he could to protect Hodgson from communist justice.

    May Macfarlane and Una Wilson also complained to Lowson about how their colleague was being treated. They claimed they would return to Australia if anything happened to Hodgson. Writing later to the Australian Spanish Relief Committee about Lowson's behaviour, she admitted that she feared that she "would be bumped off" for speaking-up for Hodgson.

    These actions saved Hodgson's life. Whereas Mary Lowson, May Macfarlane and Una Wilson travelled to the International Brigade hospital near Albacete, Hodgson was left behind in Barcelona with Sinclair-Loutit. He eventually arranged for her to work with him at the British hospital set-up at Grañén.

    Agnes Hodgson survived the Spanish Civil War and died in Australia in 1984. Her diaries were published in 1988 that revealed how close she came to being eliminated in December 1936. This has been supported by research carried out by Judith Keene (The Last Mile to Huesca: An Australian Nurse in the Spanish Civil War). Other memoirs published over the last 70 years has exposed the way the communist political commissioners arranged the deaths of those they considered to be anti-Stalinists. The most famous example of this is George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia". His experiences in Spain turned him against communism and this resulted in him writing "Animal Farm" and "1984". The main sufferers from these purges were the Americans fighting in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. See for example, Cecil D. Eby's "Comrades and Commissars".

    You can read about these Australian nurses here:





  12. It's not really that I question the "truth" of the story, but as a former RR Donnelley employee who worked in the Calumet Plant in Chicago I do have a couple of questions regarding the timings referred to in the story.

    On the afternoon of November 22nd, 1963, there were almost 300,000 copies of the November 29th, 1963 Life magazine issue already printed, bound and mailed when Kennedy was shot.

    After the assassination, Life issued a kill order for all original copies of the November 29th issue, although there are a number of copies that I know of that employees happened to keep and I believe there are a few other copies of the issue floating around out there as well.

    The new version of the November 29th issue was worked on by RRD Prepress until roughly 3:30AM on the 24th when it went on Press. The presses then went down again after Oswald was shot, and after the Ruby -> Oswald material was inserted went back on Press Sunday evening.

    So, not questioning the authenticity of what's being said, but I do know a number of people that worked on this issue and so I had a couple of questions regarding the timing.

    1. The story being referred to is regarded as "almost Print Ready" even though the November 29th issue was already in production.

    2. There were 300,000 copies not only printed, but also bound and mailed when the kill order came. The fact that product was already binding and being mailed would typically preclude adding an additional form to the magazine if they intended to have a late press run specifically for this story.

    3. If the story was being held due to Don Reynolds' testimony or some other late-breaking information, which is just speculation, wouldn't it have made more sense to hold the story until the Dec. 6th issue? It doesn't seem like the type of story that you would break into Production at expense to insert.

    So I guess my question becomes whether there is a possibility that the story was actually going to go into the Dec. 6th issue and not the November 29th issue...

    It is true that in the original email James did refer to the November 29th issue. However, this was corrected in a later email. "The main flaw in my note to you is that I gave you the wrong date for the issue that would have carried the LBJ-Baker piece. It was the issue, in the process of being closed which I believe would have been dated 12/9 . He (Will Emaus) is right - There are collector copies around of the 12/2 issue that have the the original cover and toc of the edition that carried the first JFK death material."

    All this will be made clear when James publishes the full version of these events in the near future.

  13. James has sent me a detailed account of the events at Life Magazine. This will be published on the web soon. An interesting character in these events is Dick Billings who was definitely working for the CIA in 1962 (Operation Tilt) and 1963. He later attempted to undermine Jim Garrison investigation and worked with G. Robert Blakey on The House Select Committee on Assassinations. George Joannides was not the only CIA agent brought in to misdirect the HSCA. Billings and Blakey were the co-authors of The Plot to Kill the President (1981).


  14. Life Mag should be discussed here and Doug's book should be discussed on his thread, but I'm sure that's not the way it will turn out.

    I agree. I am sure Doug will be willing to discuss his book next month on the Forum.

    I have read some of Doug's book and understand why he is very excited by the testimony of this witness. That is why I sent him this information because it does support his ultimate thesis.

    I have also been in email contact with someone (Will Emaus) who questions the truth of this story. I have invited him to join the forum in order to discuss these issues here:


  15. Here is a photograph of a group of women taken in October 1936. One of the women in the photograph tried to arrange for another one to be murdered. Any idea who and why? The date is a clue. So also is the fact that they were about to take a boat trip from Australia to a country in Europe.

    My guess is that some or all of them were current or former police women.

    No, they were nurses.

  16. Here is a photograph of a group of women taken in October 1936. One of the women in the photograph tried to arrange for another one to be murdered. Any idea who and why? The date is a clue. So also is the fact that they were about to take a boat trip from Australia to a country in Europe.

  17. In 1963 Johnson got drawn into political scandals involving Fred Korth, Billie Sol Estes and Bobby Baker. According to James Wagenvoord, the editorial business manager and assistant to Life Magazines Executive Editor, the magazine was working on an article that would have revealed Johnson's corrupt activities. "Beginning in later summer 1963 the magazine, based upon information fed from Bobby Kennedy and the Justice Department, had been developing a major newsbreak piece concerning Johnson and Bobby Baker. On publication Johnson would have been finished and off the 1964 ticket (reason the material was fed to us) and would probably have been facing prison time. At the time LIFE magazine was arguably the most important general news source in the US. The top management of Time Inc. was closely allied with the USA's various intelligence agencies and we were used after by the Kennedy Justice Department as a conduit to the public."

    The fact that it was Robert Kennedy who was giving this information to Life Magazine suggests that John F. Kennedy intended to drop Johnson as his vice-president. This is supported by Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy's secretary. In her book, Kennedy and Johnson (1968) she claimed that in November, 1963, Kennedy decided that because of the emerging Bobby Baker scandal he was going to drop Johnson as his running mate in the 1964 election. Kennedy told Lincoln that he was going to replace Johnson with Terry Sanford.

    Don B. Reynolds appeared before a secret session of the Senate Rules Committee on 22nd November, 1963. Reynolds told B. Everett Jordan and his committee that Johnson had demanded that he provided kickbacks in return for him agreeing to a life insurance policy arranged by him in 1957. This included a $585 Magnavox stereo. Reynolds also had to pay for $1,200 worth of advertising on KTBC, Johnson's television station in Austin. Reynolds had paperwork for this transaction including a delivery note that indicated the stereo had been sent to the home of Johnson. Reynolds also told of seeing a suitcase full of money which Baker described as a "$100,000 payoff to Johnson for his role in securing the Fort Worth TFX contract".

    As Johnson was now president Life Magazine decided not to use the story concerning his corrupt activities. James Wagenvoord later recalled: "The LBJ/Baker piece was in the final editing stages and was scheduled to break in the issue of the magazine due out the week of November 24th (the magazine would have made it to the newsstands on November 26th or 27th). It had been prepared in relative secrecy by a small special editorial team. On Kennedy's death research files and all numbered copies of the nearly print-ready draft were gathered up by my boss (he had been the top editor on the team) and shredded. The issue that was to expose LBJ instead featured the Zapruder film."

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