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Kenneth Drew

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  1. Gee, this many years, and neither of you have learned a damned thing. The old 'fool some of the people all the time' sure applies. It doesn't even help for you to actually see a picture of it. Well, he's paid for it now.
  2. By far the crudest, most vulger, amoral and insecurely self-promoting and self-obsessed President this country has ever seen or heard! * Gosh, you've forgotten LBJ already?
  3. The Vindmans will not prove to be loyal to the US.
  4. I think Trump should form a team (war room) to track activities of 'Deep State'. I feel they are working vigorously against him and that he should make the first strike, don't wait for them. I do make an early prediction that Trump will take about 350 electoral votes in next election
  5. Some things are written solely for the Humor involved. This has to be one of them
  6. Paul, in the article by Bertrand Russell from 1964, is this quote "One young lady standing just to the left of the presidential car as the shots were fired took photographs of the vehicle just before and during the shooting, and was thus able to get into her picture the entire front of the book depository building. Two F.B.I. agents immediately took the film which she took. Why has the F.B.I. refused to publish what could be the most reliable piece of evidence in the whole case?" (Bertrand Russell, 1964) Since the release of FBI documents this week, supposedly now, all or almost all FBI files have been released. Do you know if the photographs that Russell mentions been included in the release?
  7. Thanks for that response Paul. I have no problems with most of your conclusions and statements. As far as CIA that confessed to being involved, I'm surprised we have even two. Were I a CIA agent that was involved, I don't think I would ever admit it because it would be a severe betrayal of the brotherhood. But I think there is little doubt that GHWB was in Dallas in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination and he certainly was a CIA agent at the time. I'm actually not convinced that LHO was not on the CIA's payroll also. But there seems to be a lot of evidence that there were several there at the time. But, serious question, if the CIA and/or FBI weren't seriously involved, who was so instrumental in the cover up? Who had the Zapruder film modified? Who arranged for the surgery during the transportation of the body to Washington? Who arranged to not have normal SS coverage during the parade? Literally dozens of these simple questions if the CIA and FBI not involved. How did they get Oswald's palmprint on the rifle after he was dead if the FBI didn't do that? These are the type of questions that there are no answers for if this were a General Walker exercise. So, I don't personally expect any answers at all to be released by either the FBI or CIA that would incriminate themselves. I will check out that book, I may have already. About 4 years ago I started actually making a list of all the books I read but, unfortunately I didn't do that prior to then and so many books I've read that I can't recall too much about. Best regards, Kenneth Drew
  8. Paul, no I wouldn't try to be sarcastic with you, but, in general, There are many areas about the assassination that we are in agreement on. I realize you associate the JBS with it and that is not excluded in my list of possibilities. Pardon me if I misstated something you've said or believe, but I hadn't read anything on this site for about a year because it was just spinning wheels. I started reading again lately because of the expected release of documents, even though I don't expect (as I said) to learn anything from the CIA. Reading what you say just above, it seems as if you don't think so either, but because you don't think they were involved, which contradicts greatly with my beliefs that it was almost exclusively run by the CIA. I can think of no other reason for there to be so many CIA agents in Dallas that day with a heavy concentration in and around Dealey Plaza. I certainly expect that the 54 years they've had to purge all records that indicate their involvement has been well used. I've certainly, over the years, heard all the theories and while I'm positive it was murder by the CIA-FBI-LBJ coalition, I have no way to absolutely prove it any more than anyone can disprove it. Everyone that lays out a scenario usually has about 90% of the angles covered, but almost all fail to wrap up that last 5-10%. For example, most indications are there were likely 4 shots heard/recorded, but since there was very likely 6-8 shooters, why didn't the others shoot? Or did they and it just wasn't picked up in the background noise. So when I said we were in agreement, I meant the methods, not necessarily exactly who each and every player was. It sure gave a lot of people an opportunity to jump. I certainly respect your opinion and your work, though as I said, it's been a while since I've caught up.
  9. They did and while on that extended lunch, took time out to rub out JFK.
  10. I agree Paul. The CIA was basically in charge of the whole event. They control the documents. They've had 54 years to arrange the documents to show what they want them to show. I doubt they will ever release a document saying: " JFK----CIA releases documents to prove that they did it.". Even if they let a tidbit out, such as 'well GHWB really was on the ground in Dallas that day, but he doesn't remember what it was all about, claims he never worked for the CIA and, of course, we, the CIA certainly never knew he was on our payroll. None of our dozens of agents that were there on the ground that day remember seeing George". Naw, somehow, I don't think they're ever going to tell the truth.
  11. Question: True or False: everything they release is 100% accurate. They say it, you have to believe it? True or False: And that's why we don't have sanctuary cities or states, because they know the FBI will enforce all federal laws? Joke of the Day? And, if they share it, the FBI is required to believe it. And it is always 100% accurate. So now we know that the FBI got a report that LBJ was a member of KKK so it is required, by law, to be accurate. But, But, But, that can't be. It's in their files, it is required to be accurate.
  12. I'm sure that no one expected the government to release any incriminating evidence. If it is worth withholding for 54 years, then it is worth withholding for many more. I'm quite sure there are many documents that will never see the light of day. Most people that are interested already know who was involved and why they were involved. They know most of the details of how the conspiracy was hatched and carried out. Is there absolute proof? Depends on whether anyone wants there to be proof. I believe that most persons that believe Oswald was the assassin either actually knows little or nothing of the actual details, or believe stories they have read that sound plausible. The CIA and FBI did a good enough job of selling the lone nut story that it has been enough for those that want to believe it to be true. Those that really want to know the truth will never buy the 'lone nut' story.
  13. Which is exactly what most people expect. If the Assassins can keep it secret for 54 years, why would anyone think that somehow, magically, someone will be made to release all the secrets that have been kept for all that time. No file that names a shooter (real shooter) or assassin plotter will ever be released by the CIA or FBI or the US Congress.
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