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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. Greg Parker wrote sandy larsen wrote: I wonder if Greg accepts that Oswald was a CIA agent and fake defector. (There is a ton of evidence pointing to this conclusion, and one smoking gun that I can think of.) Oswald's cover story was that of being a poor southern young man. I would think that he'd try to take on the accent, vocabulary, and mannerisms of his cover character. BTW, New Orleans is not the only place poor people use or have used the "ax" pronunciation of "ask." I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area and I heard a lot of people use that pronunciation. 1. No, Oswald was never a CIA agent. You need a deeper understanding of terminology. 2. The "fake defector" angle is not so cut and dry. Lots of complexity regarding his stay. 3. Excuse re accent exactly as predicted. 4. And New Orleans is not the only place your "Harvey" allegedly ever lived - but no sign of a North Dakotan accent. That part of the story not important? David Josephs wrote: The southern boy who came to NY had a southern accent... The boy who returned from NY in 1954 no longer had the accent and never redeveloped it during the remaining years of his life in the south. Those who know a thing or two say English was this man's 2nd language... FWIW. So it must have been Lee photographed at the Bronx Zoo looking perfectly comfortable in those jeans and cut down shirt. So it must have been Lee under arrest using the accent of the place in which he was born and partially raised. Sandy Larsen wrote: I quit following the links to Greg's site some time ago because I rarly found anything of substance or importance. (To his credit, he did have a few good points regarding the ship that sailed to Taiwan.) But this was the only thing posted today so I decided to check the link out. Someone ("lurker") posted this on Greg's site: Most gracious of you Sandy! So you must believe then that Louis Weinstock who was named as Lee's father or uncle in the Tippit call bear an uncanny resemblances to our boy. Sorry. But I don't see it myself. Maybe if DJ used his magical powers with photoshop it might help. You must also believe the H & L Brains Trust regarding Ely's bio of Oswald. The fact is that Ely's bio stopped at the point where Oswald joined the Marines and later, a memo was produced stating that the evidence showed that bio needs some tweaking somehow should apply to EVERYTHING Ely did. I mean, why do Jim and David try and fool people into believing that this memo asking for PRE USMC changes can also apply to an interview Ely did with a fellow Marine of Oswald's? https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1587-back-to-the-future-with-the-ely-memo Maybe you also believe the [expletive deleted] about the number of teeth in the exhumed body also "proving" it was not Lee? Did you read this https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1572-it-has-finally-come-down-to-counting-teeth Be specific. Which on this list of debunkings do you disagree with and why? (Please leave aside the Beauregard/PS44 crap for the sake of sanity) https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1588-harvey-lee-links-to-alternative-explanations
  2. Bernie, Here's a good start: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/harvey-lee-who-was-involved-in-plot.html
  3. Greg Parker notes a couple more problems with the H&L theory: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1594-another-axe-falls-on-the-h-l-cult
  4. I'll put it this way, I'd be very surprised if Jim D. believed the entire H&L theory. Perhaps he will weight in.
  5. Yes, and that is why he doesn't say too much about the H&L theory publically, but I have no doubt that he doesn't believe it. Very few CTs do which was my original point.
  6. Well the first one is easy-he only gained a few months on early release and the Marine Corps was glad to get rid of him because he was trouble. On the second, I agree he should have been prosecuted, but the fact he wasn't doesn't make him a spy.
  7. I find that to be a convenient excuse. If I really felt I had solved the JFK case, wild horses couldn't stop me from bringing the information to those in power who could really do something about it.
  8. But if you look at the links you provided, they are citing Armstrong's research to make their own points rather than professing a belief in the theory as a whole. As for DiEugenio himself the following quote sums up his opinion of the book: "I don't agree with everything in the book. And I wish John had let me look at it first." (Jim DiEugenio, "re Harvey and Lee", Deep Politics Forum, 03/03/14 Page 1). I have found many in the CT community who disagree with Armstrong and I can provide more examples if you wish.
  9. Once again, I can only suggest that you take your theory to someone in authority such as an investigative journalist. But the problem is you don't have a theory regarding the mastoid operation. You think it was faked because of the "preponderance of evidence" supporting the H&L theory. But when you show that evidence to the investigative journalist and they compare it to the Norton Report and the other scientific and common sense evidence, you and I know what will happen. That is why H&L can only exist within the universe of the EF and like places that will tolerate it. Not sure why they still do though at this late date. H&L had a brief heyday in the late nineties but most abandoned it after they saw the book.
  10. It's all well and good to think that the exhumation was faked, but you have to prove it. I can say that the moon landings were faked, but that doesn't make it a fact. In this case, you have scientific evidence on one side. On the other side you have mistaken witnesses, misread documents and errors in documents. We know those things exist in everyday life. But the faking of scientific evidence of this type would involve a mass conspiracy never before seen. Which of the following is more likely? A massive conspiracy faked scientific evidence. Or the eyewitnesses who thought they saw Oswald somewhere and the documents that seem to show him somewhere he couldn't be are a result of mistakes and misinterpretations? The latter is far, far more likely.
  11. http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/03/james-wilcott.html http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/05/the-maurice-bishop-story.html https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1389-hargrove-s-20-alternative-facts-for-those-who-prefer-their-conspiracies-devoid-of-any-reality
  12. Greg Parker has provided an index to his H&L rebuttals: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1588-harvey-lee-links-to-alternative-explanations
  13. New film by Stan Dane called "Barking Mad" (scroll down): https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1582-harvey-and-lee-cult-the-interview
  14. http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-truth-about-oswalds-birth.html http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/03/dr-milton-kurian.html
  15. Because the evidence against the H&L theory is scientific evidence. It is the exhumation and the handwriting and photo evidence from the HSCA. The evidence for H&L is misread records and your interpretation of them and mistaken witnesses.
  16. Well, I think the H&L gang needs to get together and decide what there explanation is. We have scientific evidence provided by the top experts in the country in 1981. You need to refute that evidence not just offer "what if" type scenarios in order to be credible.
  17. Sandy, OK, we have you on record-the mastoid operation was performed on the body after it was dead. Perhaps you can explain to us who did this and when? And why the exhumation doctors didn't know the difference between a natural operation and one performed with a dremel tool? Or are you saying the exhumation doctors used the dremel tool themselves as part of the plot? Keep in mind everybody, this is the same Sandy Larsen who is only interested in the "truth" and has no agenda.
  18. You said and I quote "dead body." My original reply was to show that it was not possible to give a "dead body" a mastoid operation. And bones do not decompose in 18 years-remnants of the clothing were still present. Go back and read the quote from Dimaio. Because it was smooth and rounded it had healed over time and could not have been faked. You don't think they know how to tell the difference between a mastoid operation that heals over time and a faked defect? Face facts-you are back to three theories: 1. "Harvey" was given a mastoid operation which the all knowing planners somehow knew would be necessary someday. 2. Everyone who attended the exhumation was in on it. 3. The exhumation disproves the H&L theory, which is the correct choice for all reasonable people. The H&L brain trust should get together and decide which explanation they are going with.
  19. Sandy Said: But I can believe they'd give the dead body a crude one. The quote was offered as a response to your suggestion above that a crude mastoid operation could have been performed on the body. It couldn't have-they can tell those things. And the skull and bones had not deteriorated at all in 18 years, just the soft tissues. So, you are left with the theory that they somehow knew they would have to give an unnecessary operation to one boy.
  20. Here's a little advice David. Anyone can say anything-that doesn't make it a fact. But I'm glad to see you guys do pay attention to the ROKC forum after all.
  21. All Jenner meant was that some of the things Ely came up with would have to be changed or left out of the WR because, in his opinion, they were incorrect. After all, nobody is perfect. Much ado about nothing.
  22. There were many rumors, but what happened is the vault simply cracked at some point in time allowing water to get in and damage the corpse. One of the things that made groody initially suspicious was the cracked vault, but my research showed that it was a fairly common occurrence often caused by heavy digging equipment. There was nothing wrong with the head and it was attached to the body. This is all covered here: http://jfkassassination.net/parnell/xindex.htm http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/paul-groody.html
  23. As we examined the skull, the small hole in the left mastoid process leapt out. Its man-made edges were rounded and smooth, healed but not natural. It was an old lesion that couldn’t be faked. Our dead man and Lee Harvey Oswald had both undergone a mastoidectomy in the distant past. DiMaio, Dr. Vincent; Franscell, Ron. Morgue: A Life in Death (p. 118). St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
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