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W. Tracy Parnell

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Everything posted by W. Tracy Parnell

  1. A couple quick points. Now I know why Jim was so adamant in criticizing my Wilcott article since Norwood's piece starts off with it. Bad timing for them for sure. Most of these points have already been addressed. Can all of them be to the satisfaction of Armstrong/Hargrove/Norwood? No, as I have said many times and that allows them to do what they do. Professional investigators, attorneys etc. understand this. In fact, if there were not discrepancies in a case this large with this many documents, especially considering LHO's mother lived in over 50 different places, I would consider THAT to be proof of something funny. Finally, it is amazing that a "professor" is pushing this type of nonsense, but I hear he is friendly with Fetzer so it figures. I will work up a brief rebuttal on some of these, but in the meantime: Wilcott: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/03/james-wilcott.html The Truth About H&L: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-truth-about-harvey-lee.html EDIT: Parker has rebutted a few of these: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1397-armstrong-asks
  2. You are correct. I contacted the National Archives some time ago and they said the same thing. The question becomes, is this fact by itself proof of 2 Oswalds when so much other evidence indicates otherwise?
  3. As I've said many times, I can't explain every discrepancy in the record and despite what they tell you, neither can Armstrong/Hargrove. However, we know from the complete body of evidence that there was only one Oswald. Therefore, the code 3835, which is the basis for the whole thing is wrong or being misinterpreted. This is how the H&L theory is able to exist. They find a discrepancy and despite all of the evidence to the contrary they run with it as proof of 2 Oswalds. And they have people who want this to be true and are able to suspend disbelief and accept it. If you guys believe you have proof of 2 Oswalds and it solves the JFK case, take it to Morley. He operates in the real world and has published many articles on the case. If you can convince him of your theory and get him to do an article, you may have something. Good luck. But until that happens, you are going nowhere.
  4. I am working on a chronology but don’t have this period detailed as well as it should be yet. However, Greg Parker offers a little more detail on this period which seems to jibe with what I have so far. This is from his book Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War Vol. 2. September 14, 1958: LHO is on the USS Skagit bound for the South China Sea. September 19: Arrives at Taiwan. September 24: Arrives in Hong Kong. October 5: LHO is sent to Atsugi following the guard duty incident from Epstein’s book. October 6: LHO is hospitalized (for VD). October 13: LHO is released. November 2: LHO departs Yokosuka for San Francisco arriving November 15. So, the HSCA was wrong that LHO was not in Taiwan. And no 2 Oswalds required.
  5. Pic said he did not recognize that photo. He had every opportunity to tell the WC of a plot involving 2 Oswalds. He did not. I assume you are referring to Mr. and Mrs. Evans. They knew Marguerite and said so. From my blog: One of the most egregious misrepresentations of evidence by Armstrong concerns the testimony of Myrtle Evans. Armstrong says that Evans knew the “real” Marguerite and not the impostor. To make his case Armstrong states on page 118 of his book: Following the assassination Myrtle and Julian Evans saw this woman on television. When deposed on April 7, 1964 by Warren Commission Attorney Albert Jenner, Myrtle Evans said, "When I saw her on TV, after all that had happened," Myrtle Evans told the Warren Commission, "she looked so old and haggard, and I said that couldn't be Margie." … But Armstrong left out what she said next: but of course it was ... Bottom line-the Evans' recognized Marguerite and said so. Read all about it here, including a list of those who could have come forward to say the Marguerite they saw on TV was not the Marguerite they knew. http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-two-marguerites-part-2.html
  6. Wilcott remembered the names of the CIA Tokyo employees all right. He just could not name one person who would confirm his allegations or who he originally learned them from. He wasn't even sure if his best friend at the station, George Breen, would confirm them and apparently he didn't. As the SF Chronicle reported, Wilcott heard the allegations at drinking sessions. He was a naïve person who apparently believed everything he heard at these late-night drunken sessions: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/A Disk/Agent Oswald Office Files/Agent Oswald 4-78/Item 01.pdf
  7. My point still stands. It would only take one person to notice the two men or their two mothers at any point in time over the years from 1947 up to the present day and come foreword and report it to an investigative journalist. Even setting aside the scientific evidence that refutes the theory, It is simply not believable that the CIA or any entity could pull off such a deception with no one the wiser or that they could kill all these people or pay them all off.
  8. That's my point-it depends. They look enough alike that two photos are put together to make one ID. But circa 1953, one is 5'4" and husky and the other is 4'8" and looks like a concentration camp survivor. But somehow the plotters knew they would look alike when grown, enough so to make an ID. Either they look alike or they don't and that characteristic changes as the H&L theory needs it to change.
  9. Jim Hargrove said: Russian-speaking Lee HARVEY Oswald was placed briefly in several USMC training facilities but spent much of the time living in the Hotel Senator in New Orleans and later in Fort Worth. You are either in the military or you are not. It’s like being a little pregnant-not possible. But in September 1958, Harvey Oswald traveled from the mainland U.S. to the large Marine base at Atsugi, Japan, where Lee Oswald was also stationed. And nobody wondered why these two men, who looked almost exactly alike except when they didn’t, were in the same place using the same name and the same military ID. Hargrove tries to get around this by saying “Harvey” went in the brig (based predictably on a witness). But like so many other facets of this theory, it would only take one person to see both men to foil the plot. If I remember correctly, there were other times that the two men were at the same facility during their military service and the same problem could have occurred at any time. Before Hargrove makes too much of this, no I cannot answer every discrepancy in the record. Armstrong/Hargrove try to tell people that the H&L theory can do that if they only believe. I tell people the truth-there are discrepancies in life that can and do come up especially when your mother lives in 50 different places. None of these require 2 Oswalds to understand. I believe LHO was probably in Taiwan but the WC and HSCA couldn’t even agree on this point. But these problems allow the H&L people to do what they do.
  10. Greg Parker offer his thoughts on this here: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1393-how-many-sharks-can-one-man-jump
  11. No, but Willcot thought the CIA murdered widows and orphans and ponies and unicorns. OK, maybe not that bad, but almost!
  12. I found more details on how Wilcott found out about the "LHO project" and about his opinion of the agency: In September, 1978, Wilcott excoriated the CIA during an interview he gave to liberal journalist Warren Hinckle. Wilcott told Hinckle that the agency was "a perverse place of sexual blackmail, betraying friends, unleashing psychopaths, and hobnobbing with mobsters, of pseudonyms and cryptonyms, drunkards and ripoff artists, dirty money and dirty tricks and run-amok assassins, a place where error and folly were held sacred in the almighty name of secrecy." The true source of the "shop talk" that the HSCA had charitably described and which led to Wilcott learning of the LHO "project" also became clear in this interview. Wilcott claimed that the CIA made scotch available at 75 cents a bottle. "At those prices" Wilcott quipped, "you almost couldn't afford not to drink." Hinckle reported "It was during these after-hours drinking sessions that Wilcott became aware of the nature of many secret CIA operations normally hidden by cryptonyms." It is probably not surprising that Wilcott couldn't remember who told him about LHO.
  13. Keep in mind that the idea of "Harvey" being a Russian-speaking Hungarian is completely based on a phone call. The following description of the concept is taken from Hargrove's website: Following the assassination of President Kennedy, a Mrs. Jack Tippit, of Westport, Connecticut, telephoned the FBI and said that she had just received a phone call from an unknown foreign woman who asked if she was related to police officer J.D. Tippit who was killed in Dallas. The unknown woman said that she knew Oswald's father and uncle, who were from Hungary, said they used to live near 77th and 2nd Avenue in Yorkville, New York City, and spent all of their time on "Communist activities." The identity of the woman remains unknown, but her statements about Oswald's eastern European heritage and the neighborhood in which he lived seem more and more plausible as we study and learn about the life and background of a second "Lee Harvey Oswald," the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy in 1963.
  14. No more notes, but there are other discussions about the interviews.
  15. This should kill the idea that the HSCA conducted no interviews regarding the Wilcott matter. These are notes from the interview of Fred Randall who was Tokyo Deputy Chief of Station: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=32694#relPageId=2&tab=page Randall didn't remember much about Wilcott and had not heard of the LHO allegations. But he WAS interviewed. Unless you think CT hero Dan Hardway, who conducted the interview along with Harold Leap is lying.
  16. Mr. Petrov was right about one thing. There's no shortage of theories in the case.
  17. I'm sure Hargrove will come up with something, but it is, of course, unexplainable. The whole "Harvey was Hungarian" concept comes from an anonymous phone call reported by Mrs. Jack Tippit.
  18. Well, you can certainly say that and altered evidence (without proof) is one of the common CT claims. But why not just continue to "suppress" the testimony or simply destroy it? We know from documents that Antonio Veciana apparently testified before the Church Committee but that is evidently missing. But there is no outcry about that because the odds are that the testimony would hurt rather than help his case since Fonzi made no (or little) mention of it in his HSCA writeup. The point is some things are missing but CTs do not assign sinister meaning to all of them-just some. To your other point, why no "deathbed confession" from Wilcott regarding any secret agreement? He was known for bucking the system and certainly would have done this at some point. And again, why do MFF and Newman not recognize the cryptonym?
  19. The HSCA used the language "shop talk" Wilcott did not. But he did refer to what he heard as "speculation" just not in reference to the reason why he did not report what he heard. The notes are from an unknown source and therefore worthless regarding the cryptonym. And Wilcott certainly did say he was unable to recall the cryptonym: ------------ Mr. Goldsmith. And what did he tell you the cryptonym was? Mr. Wilcott. I cannot remember. Mr. Cornwell. Do you remember anything about it? Mr. Wilcott. Not at this time. I can't remember what it was. Mr. Cornwell. All you can recall is that, when you heard it, that was not the first occasion on which you had seen it or heard it? Mr. Wilcott. That is correct, sir.
  20. I don’t consider my approach “character assassination.” Who Wilcott was has a bearing on what he says. My view is this. He goes in the Army and has some trouble there. He enters the CIA and soon has more trouble-he starts hanging around with left-wing types and gets arrested. Before JFK is even killed he is already disgruntled with the CIA by his own admission. When JFK is killed, he hears gossip at the station, but he never reports it or does anything about it nor does he go to the Warren Commission. Chris Dodd called him out on this at his testimony asking him as a JFK supporter if he really felt he had witnessed something sinister why not report it? Of course, the reason is he knew what he heard was just rumors. By 1968, his political views have progressed to the point where he starts talking about the JFK case to small publications. 10 years later in 1978, he has progressed to an extremist and co-founds Covert Action. By now his “memory” of the assassination has evolved (studies prove this happens with people) and he testifies before the HSCA although, of course, he has no proof. But he knows there is an audience for his allegations. So, it is not “character assassination” at all, but rather a reasonable explanation for Wilcott’s possible motives.
  21. Wilcott underwent a progression from disgruntled employee to activist to extremist starting in the early sixties. 1978 was the year he hit the big time co-founding Covert Action and making his trip to Cuba. But he was mad at the CIA even before JFK was killed. I would probably be mad at the CIA too if I had paid off LHO and he was a covert operative. But there is no evidence of that and Wilcott himself had none. His misinterpreted what he saw and heard because of his belief system. A lunatic to me is an irrational person and I believe his later actions fit that description.
  22. You left out a few parts like where Wilcott co-founded a magazine that outed CIA personal placing them in imminent danger. I never could understand that mindset-you hate the CIA because you think they are abusing human rights and assassinating people and so on. So what does he do? Outs CIA people and risks their lives. Makes sense. He also went to Cuba at Castro's invitation and testified before a "youth tribunal" embellishing his LHO story with details that he would not repeat under oath before the HSCA.
  23. Wilcott article updated: http://wtracyparnell.blogspot.com/2017/03/james-wilcott.html
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